Are you saying that a 14 year old girl is capable of making a sound rational decision to bang an 18 year old but not capable to decide to bang a 32 year old?
Or are you saying that it is beyond reason to expect an 18 year old to understand it is against the law and wrong so don't do it yet it is not unreasonable for a 32 year old to know it is wrong?
I haven't read word for word...but has anyone mentioned the mental capacity of the individuals. Say, an 18 year old mentally retarded girl or 16 year old boy? Just curious what spin that would put on things.
Are you saying that a 14 year old girl is capable of making a sound rational decision to bang an 18 year old but not capable to decide to bang a 32 year old?
Or are you saying that it is beyond reason to expect an 18 year old to understand it is against the law and wrong so don't do it yet it is not unreasonable for a 32 year old to know it is wrong?
I haven't read word for word...but has anyone mentioned the mental capacity of the individuals. Say, an 18 year old mentally retarded girl or 16 year old boy? Just curious what spin that would put on things.
Make 18 the universal age of sex, alcohol, cigarettes, and military service.
14 year old girls don't think rationally at all, period. I know, I use to be one. That's where the parental responsibility comes into (or should!) play.
18 year old boys rarely see past their penis if there is a willing recipient with boobs in front of them, thus why there should be SOME constraints in place to protect actual children and not just foolish teenagers.
A 32 year old should absolutely positively KNOW without a doubt (unless there is some sort of VALID mental handicap but that's a whole other can of worms) that it is wrong.
Maybe that has something to do with it. :shrug: I know a lot of my beliefs differ from others just on the way I was raised. And there are a world of differences in just a few miles.
I truly believe that regardless of what age anybody on here first had sex, that any age before 18 was the wrong age. You don't have the ability and or maturity to make decision about something that can effect your life like that.
Kids already sneak around. However, we as a society condone their actions. I personally don't. I think if more were punished and consequences were seen, then perhaps that will help curtail their activities. Nothing works like parental involvement though, however, we are rapidly becoming a society that can't even discipline or involve ourselves with our own children.
This poll made my lasiked corneas rupture. I'm suing Pete.
Again, what are the laws regarding ages to marry?
You need to take a stand, a 14 year old either IS or ISN'T mature and capable of giving consent. If they are what difference does it make how old the bobo is they are honking? If they are not, they and the bobo should be held accountable.
You can marry at 16 with parental consent, but if you are pregnant and 16 you do not need parental consent.
... or have land, property and lots of money...just further proof that women could care less what we look like if we can tell a few jokes, dance a few steps, listen a little bit and have a famous left arm buried in the yard.
No I don't have to. My stand is that an 18 year old boy is no more capable of making a good choice than a 14 year old girl. Kids are foolish and do an array of things for the WRONG reasons that they aren't mature enough to see. My stand is that they are going to try and that it's the responsibility of the parents who are adults to curb the behavior before it begins. My stance is that parents are responsible for their underage children.
If pregnant or had already had a kid a fifteen year old girl can marry too.
So if they rob a bank they are not capable of making a good choice so they should not be considered criminals? What about selling heroin? How about entering a financial contract?
My stance is that parents are responsible for their underage children.
No I don't have to. My stand is that an 18 year old boy is no more capable of making a good choice than a 14 year old girl. Kids are foolish and do an array of things for the WRONG reasons that they aren't mature enough to see. My stand is that they are going to try and that it's the responsibility of the parents who are adults to curb the behavior before it begins. My stance is that parents are responsible for their underage children.
You need to take a stand, a 14 year old either IS or ISN'T mature and capable of giving consent. If they are what difference does it make how old the bobo is they are honking? If they are not, they and the bobo should be held accountable.
At 12 they can try you as an adult, so I guess at 12 you can give consent.