well just for chits and grins... here's my two cents, I was doing it at 14, 15, 16 and 17... never thought it was a crime, everyone was doing it, some folks were even getting pregnant that I ran with and dropped out of school. I never even really looked at it as a moral issue, then or now... 14 may be a little early but some 14 year olds are very, very mature 14 year olds. I don't see anything wrong with it if its "consensual" from an outsider point of view and I find it entirely legal and okay, but if it was my kid, I'd be very disappointed and not sure whether I'd punish or not, but I'd be sure to have the "safe sex" talk with the kid. :shrug: I think the oldest I dated when in highschool was a 21 year old that was in the Navy and I was 16 - I didn't see anything wrong with that either - that was a 5 year gap.
As for delineating this down to a specific age I really don't think you can set an age on it because all teenagers develop maturity at different speeds. Some kids grow up faster than other kids. And, its not like they are never going to have sex when they get older, they are just experiencing this at an earlier age - no one is at danger and there's no harm... just kids being kids and sex is prevalent on their minds when they fall in love or lust. :shrug: Its only natural to want to take things to the next level and you can't tell a kid what age is acceptable to fall in love, it just happens. :shrug: If you ask me its just a part of growing up, its not the end of the world. :shrug: Sex is sex, its not rape, stealing, etc... Also if you put too much emphasis as a parent and the government gets invovled too, then I think it may make the teenager want to defy it even more. :shrug:
JMTC.... Flame and karma bomb away