I believe that no one wanted to put Wilson in jail for 10 years but his insistence that he not be registered a sexual predator left them no choice.
Well, how unreasonable of him to not want to be registered as a sexual predator.
I believe that no one wanted to put Wilson in jail for 10 years but his insistence that he not be registered a sexual predator left them no choice.
Yes which is why the DA offered a plea deal numerous times. Even AFTER sentencing he was offered a plea deal which would have gotten him out of jail. How often do you hear of a plea deal AFTER being convicted and AFTER being sentenced? I believe that no one wanted to put Wilson in jail for 10 years but his insistence that he not be registered a sexual predator left them no choice.
Yes it was a mandatory 10 years. It was a miscarriage of justice for him to get 10 years. It was a cluster fluck of legislation that led to an unfortunate series of events.
Regardless I STILL believe that it is in the best interest of the state to have a law that clearly states the age of consent and if you violate that law you suffer the consequences.
Well, how unreasonable of him to not want to be registered as a sexual predator.
Well you just go then Ms. Mandella and sit in a nasty dank Reidsville prison playing the martyr card for 10 years when you could be out and free and use legal means to fight to get your name off the list.![]()
...some plea; be a registered sex offender AND you can't live at home BECAUSE we consider what you did a serious offense.
I think it is fine to have laws and then, as I used to understand it, a judge then says 'you get the full sanction or partial or I'm throwing this out.'
If the age of consent was 16 in this case, from what we are told, this is a perfect case for the judge to say;
"Bailiff, whack his pee pee." And send him on his way.
I don't understand a word you said.
...this kid is a freaking hero for standing up for what he believes in which is also the correct position?
...this kid is a freaking hero for standing up for what he believes in which is also the correct position?
For Vrai, "I do not think Wilson is a child molester"
No, just having a GF that is 15 is not a crime. If the law says the age of consent is 16 he better keep his junk in a cage until her b-day. Even if he didn't 10 years is too much.
$2,000 fine and a year of probation and 3 months of work release weekends?
Do you support him being convicted and sentenced to 10 years in jail for child molestation?
Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying you were wrong in what you said about people accepting the consequences of their actions. And I'm all for the idea that if you have children, you need to take care of them yourself and not pawn them off on someone else...If the person who gets pregnant makes the decision to simply pawn off the child and is able to do so, then fault lies in both the person making the decison and the person enabling the decision.
I live with my parents, I'm 27 years old, and I have a son who just turned 2. When I moved in with my parents they had two rules: #1, go back to school and get a degree and #2 you are still his primary caregiver, we want to enjoy our grandson and not be forced to parent him as we raised our two kids.
I'm still able to go out, simply because my parents choose not to and if for whatever reason my son wakes up before I come home they are there to make sure he finds his way back in to bed. I don't go out unless he's sleeping. I pay for his daycare, his food, his clothing. I make his meals and care for him, give him his baths, and am the main disciplinarian.
If the plan is to simply pawn off your children, you shouldn't be having children, and if you shouldn't be having children, you shouldn't be having sex where the possiblity exists that one may be conceived.
For the love of.............well me,For the 50th effing time. NO, 10 years was an inappropriate sentence.
A "mature" 14-yo isn't having sex "because everyone else is doing it." A mature 14-yo is the one who chooses not to have sex because he or she has enough forsight to see that having a baby or getting an STD will change their lives forever in ways they really aren't prepared to deal with.some 14 year olds are very, very mature 14 year olds.
A "mature" 14-yo isn't having sex "because everyone else is doing it." A mature 14-yo is the one who chooses not to have sex because he or she has enough forsight to see that having a baby or getting an STD will change their lives forever in ways they really aren't prepared to deal with.
What if she's in love :shrug: Do you think that a mature 14 year old can't really be in love because he/she's too young :shrug: Or do you think its infatuation at that age? 15? 16? 17? 18?
What if its making love and not sex would that change your opinion any :shrug:
Oh God...are we gonna get into "what is love?" I sure hope not because that's a whole lot more complicated than teenage sex. But tell me this, how many of those 14-yos you knew are still "in love" with each other now that they are 30-somethings... if they aren't now, they never really were.What if she's in love :shrug: Do you think that a mature 14 year old can't really be in love because he/she's too young :shrug: Or do you think its infatuation at that age? 15? 16? 17? 18?
What if its making love and not sex would that change your opinion any :shrug:
BTW, you can have "enough forsight" to use protection so you don't get an STD or a baby.![]()
No.... no... no, Dems... I do not think an 8th/9th grader is ever mature enough to be in "adult love". Thse new feelings of infatuation, of being wanted are all a part of the growing process. To automatically assume these budding feelings are "the real deal" at the tender age of 14/15 presumptuous to say the least.
Well, considering the fact that girls aren't done with puberty until at least 4 years from the onset and boys have at least 6 years from the onset... I'd say they aren't done growing and maturing enough until at least then. By then, they may actually be mature enough to avoid thinking sex defines a relationship.What age do you say it goes beyond infatuation to wanting to move onto the next step :shrug: And how long do you think they should stay in this step of handholding, kissing and petting before taking the next step:shrug:
When they can ask themselves, "what if I get (get her) pregnant?" and can answer that with, "I have a source of income to support a child. I have the ability to care for a child, even if this other person turns out to be a loser and bails on me and I am prepared to be connected to this person on some level through that child for the rest of my life."What age do you say it goes beyond infatuation to wanting to move onto the next step :shrug: And how long do you think they should stay in this step of handholding, kissing and petting before taking the next step:shrug: