Thank you everyone for you kind words and prayers.
That was us when you heard the call go out. I tried several times to get him up and put him in the van, but he screamed and cried everytime I tried to move him. So I was left with know choice but to call 911. Rescue squad got there got his head stablized and strapped him to a backboard. When they went to roll him over on his side he did bad. Anyhow we get to the hospital, (they ran him as a priority #3, his vitials were pretty good despite the pain he was in, blood pressure was a little high, but that was due to the pain) get him straight, he is still on the back board with head stablized and out of know where is starts screaming and crying his head is hurting to get him of the board. Well they couldn't take him off there until we had the CT scan and that came back fine. Had the CT scan done and everything came back fine. Well shortly after that they sent us home and the poor thing still could not sit up or walk. I had to force him to sit up and walk. He did with a lot of screaming and crying. Not satisfied at all, so I will be taking things a step further. The doctor did nothing and I mean nothing. Took a !@#$%^& light and shined in his eyes, that was it. !@#$%^& A$$HOLE....He had know clue what was going on and diagnosed with head injury. Going to get him an appt. with a neurologist (sp.). If anyone can recommend a good one TIA!!
Got him home, fed him, give him the pain meds they sent us home with and put one of the Therma Care heating pads on him. Let him rest and then put him in the hot tub for a bit. That seemed to help some. He had a pretty good night, very draining for me and this morning he seemed to be sleeping comfy. My dad is with him right now so I could come to work.
He doesn't play football, he had played football the night before with brother and cousin, but was fine when they were done. They know better than to ruff house with him. Not for sure why they said neck and back pain. :shrug: It was head and neck pain.
He scared me soooo bad yesterday....I was going to take him to Childrens, but with all the pain he was in I was left with know choice but to take him to St. Mary's.
Again thank you to everyone!!