Well-Known Member
I jumped a little bit too hard there, but...ok, as bustem has said, some animals have been shown to have self awareness, does that mean apes have souls?
a) in what way has it been shown they have "self awareness"? The communicating gorrilla?
b) My opinion is apes do not have souls. This is just my unsupported opinion, and I would be hard pressed to be convinced otherwise. Shown good evidence that they are "self aware", I might have to revisit that opinion.
It was stupid. But, I'm tired!!and you car comparision is stupid. a machine and a living thing are not the same.

However, machine/animal comparisons are not stupid, IMO. This is what has occupied great philosophers, scientists, and religious folk alike for centuries - what is life? You've heard the arguments before - prove a fire is not alive.... Prove a car is not alive. Prove I am alive in ways that I can't counter with "yeah, but..." and show a machine does the same things.
We KNOW there's a difference, but prove it.
THAT to me is self awareness. My dog can't tell the different between a vaccuum cleaner being alive and a raccoon. I can.