Biden Criminality


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The president has not been spotted with Hunter Biden since the Fourth of July at the White House. Before the apparent hiatus, the pair had been spending more time together than usual, traveling to Camp David twice within a few weeks, appearing at June’s state dinner for Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and attending the college graduation of Hunter’s daughter, Maisy Biden, in May.

Those close to the president have advised him to keep his son at a distance, NBC News reported June 28. Joe Biden allegedly told his aides he would reject any suggestions about pushing Hunter Biden away, telling advisers to keep their “hands off my family.”

Since the last time the Bidens were seen together, the House Oversight Committee has presented more evidence surrounding Hunter Biden’s foreign business dealings and alleged influence peddling. Hunter Biden’s legal troubles only intensified when a plea deal with the Department of Justice (DOJ) fell through in late July.



PREMO Member
🔥 Let’s check in on the developing Biden Bribery story, which continued slowly dripping this week. The Federalist ran a story yesterday headlined, “Comer Demands National Archives Fork Over Info On Biden’s Business Pseudonyms.

As early as 2021, reports based on Hunter laptop emails surfaced that Joe Biden had been using a variety of odd pseudonyms in his emails and maybe elsewhere. But, thanks to a coordinated media—deep state effort to discredit the laptop, combined with pandemic confusion, the story never went anywhere.

The story may have been lost, but it looks like it wasn’t forgotten.

On Thursday, House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer formally demanded the National Archives cough up any document or communication containing any of Joe Biden’s several aliases, including “Robert L. Peters, Robin Ware, and JRB Ware.”

The Ware Group was a notorious communist spy ring that infiltrated a bunch of American institutions during the 1930’s, such as labor unions, universities, research institutions, arts and literary circles, media organizations, political groups, and government agencies. I’m sure it’s just a coincidence.

Comer recently revealed one of Biden's other pseudonyms, Robert L. Peters, was used in an email referencing an official government call with Ukraine’s president — but Hunter Biden was copied, for some reason. Biden's pseudonomous email address is (or was)


It’s sufficiently weird that a government official, never mind the vice-president, would be using a variety of email aliases. At minimum, it evidences a conspiracy to thwart public records laws. But the above email also gave the lie to Joe’s repeated claims that he never mixed Hunter’s business with government business. Never ever. Not one single time.

We’ll see what the Archives delivers, if anything. That’s the same group that was persecuting Trump over classified presidential records, so you can imagine they won’t be falling over themselves to help.

Anyway, if Joe Biden wants us to call him Bob Peters, that’s fine with me. I’m easy that way.



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Hunter Biden’s Legal Team Used Joe Biden to Blackmail DOJ

In the fall of 2022, a notable shift occurred in Hunter Biden’s legal battle. News had leaked that federal agents believed they possessed sufficient evidence to charge Hunter with unlawfully acquiring a firearm while being a drug user. According to a report from Politico, on Halloween, Hunter’s lawyer Chris Clark, furious over the leak, used the threat of calling Joe Biden as a witness if U.S. Attorney David Weiss charged him with the gun crime.

“President Biden now unquestionably would be a fact witness for the defense in any criminal trial,” Clark wrote in a 32-page letter to the DOJ.

According to Politico, the letter and “more than 300 pages of previously unreported emails and documents exchanged between Hunter Biden’s legal team and prosecutors, sheds new light on the fraught negotiations that nearly produced a broad plea deal.”

Clark then laid out what could have been seen as a promise, a warning, or just some very zealous lawyering: He said Joe Biden would undoubtedly be a witness at trial because of leaks about the probe. He wrote that just a few weeks before sending his letter, there had been two back-to-back leaks related to Hunter Biden and the gun issue. First, someone told The Washington Post that investigators thought Biden deserved tax and gun charges. Then a few days later, The Daily Mail reported on a voicemail Joe Biden left for his son in the window of time when he allegedly owned the gun. Surely the back-to-back leaks were part of a coordinated campaign to push the Justice Department to charge his client with crimes. And, Clark said, the leaks prompted the president to address his son’s legal woes the next day on CNN.
“There can be no doubt that these leaks have inserted President Biden into this case,” he said.

In short, Biden’s legal team effectively pressured the DOJ to kill the gun charge by forcing a constitutional crisis by placing the president in direct opposition to his very own Justice Department. “This of all cases justifies neither the spectacle of a sitting President testifying at a criminal trial nor the potential for a resulting Constitutional crisis,” Clark wrote.

The threat worked. Weiss and his team offered Hunter Biden the pretrial diversion. This appears to be proof that the Department of Justice gave Hunter the sweetheart plea deal after the threat of getting Joe Biden involved. Did this situation impact Weiss’ choice? This revelation adds yet another layer to the question of why Attorney General Merrick Garland violated DOJ regulations to appoint Weiss as special counsel.


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Hunter Biden’s lawyers allegedly threatened to put President Joe Biden on the witness stand if the Department of Justice brought charges for an illegal firearm purchase, Politico reported.

In a letter to then-U.S. attorney David Weiss, Hunter’s lawyer, Chris Clark, argued that a leak indicating prosecutors had enough evidence to charge Hunter over a false statement related to buying a gun was “illegal” and any charges brought would be viewed as a partisan attack.

“President Biden now unquestionably would be a fact witness for the defense in any criminal trial,” Clark reportedly wrote. “This of all cases justifies neither the spectacle of a sitting President testifying at a criminal trial nor the potential for a resulting Constitutional crisis.”

“What about this idea that Hunter Biden’s lawyers floated maybe the threat or the idea that they would call the president of the United States to the stand? How do you think that went over with the president’s lawyers?” host Dana Perino asked.



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WaPo columnist changes his mind, calls for Joe Biden to be fully investigated over Hunter's business dealings

In his latest column, Olsen wrote that he originally "long dismissed" stories regarding Hunter Biden, but "recent revelations" changed his mind.

"There’s more than enough evidence to merit a thorough investigation of President Biden’s involvement in his son’s business dealings," Olsen argued.

Olsen shared that recent testimony from former Hunter Biden business associate Devon Archer as well as claims that Biden used different aliases while dealing with Ukrainian policy merits some suspicion. Though these allegations don’t prove that the president did anything illegal, he noted these claims suggest Biden "was aware of Hunter’s dealings and wanted to keep his son in the loop."


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According to Schweizer, the public is beginning to acknowledge the potential wrongdoing, as polls have shown.

“So I didn’t know it wasn’t just the China trip on Air Force 2,” FNC host Jesse Watters said. “I mean, we’ve found maybe eight trips now on Air Force 2. It’s not like Joe didn’t know he was taking his son on Air Force 2 to foreign countries. How are they going to explain this?”

“Yes, well, first of all, Jesse, let me applaud you and your team for doing this great bit of investigative work because other news outlets aren’t going to do it,” Schweizer replied. “And they are going to try to explain it away. They’re going to try to say that, you know, this is about a family. This is just about a family spending time together. But the problem is, it’s always been about business. The thing that Team Biden cannot answer Jesse is the Bidens has got tens of millions of dollars. What did these people paying the Bidens actually get in return? There’s nothing tangible. There is no product. There is no service. There is no advice. It’s clear what the product was, it was Joe Biden — and they’re not going to answer that question.”

“So yes, they are going to continue to stall, and until the mainstream media starts to really take this story seriously in the way that they should, in the way that they would with pretty much any other person on the Republican side of the aisle, they’re going to continue to deny it,” he continued. “The good news is the American public is moving against the Bidens. It is now close to 60% of the American people believe that Joe Biden aided his son in a criminal, commercial enterprise, according to a Harvard/Harris Poll, so the trend lines are definitely moving against the Bidens.”



Well-Known Member
According to Schweizer, the public is beginning to acknowledge the potential wrongdoing, as polls have shown.

“So I didn’t know it wasn’t just the China trip on Air Force 2,” FNC host Jesse Watters said. “I mean, we’ve found maybe eight trips now on Air Force 2. It’s not like Joe didn’t know he was taking his son on Air Force 2 to foreign countries. How are they going to explain this?”

“Yes, well, first of all, Jesse, let me applaud you and your team for doing this great bit of investigative work because other news outlets aren’t going to do it,” Schweizer replied. “And they are going to try to explain it away. They’re going to try to say that, you know, this is about a family. This is just about a family spending time together. But the problem is, it’s always been about business. The thing that Team Biden cannot answer Jesse is the Bidens has got tens of millions of dollars. What did these people paying the Bidens actually get in return? There’s nothing tangible. There is no product. There is no service. There is no advice. It’s clear what the product was, it was Joe Biden — and they’re not going to answer that question.”

“So yes, they are going to continue to stall, and until the mainstream media starts to really take this story seriously in the way that they should, in the way that they would with pretty much any other person on the Republican side of the aisle, they’re going to continue to deny it,” he continued. “The good news is the American public is moving against the Bidens. It is now close to 60% of the American people believe that Joe Biden aided his son in a criminal, commercial enterprise, according to a Harvard/Harris Poll, so the trend lines are definitely moving against the Bidens.”

If the media starts talking up other potential candidates that's when we'll know its starting to unravel. As long as they ignore it people have to look for it.


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New memos undercut Biden-Ukraine narrative Democrats sold during 2019 impeachment scandal

But in a private, classified email shared with Just the News, one of the top U.S. officials in the Kyiv embassy told then-Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch at the end of the Obama administration that Hunter Biden had, in fact, impacted the U.S. anti-corruption agenda in Ukraine.

"The real issue to my mind was that someone in Washington needed to engage VP Biden quietly and say that his son Hunter's presence on the Burisma board undercut the anti-corruption message the VP and we were advancing in Ukraine b/c Ukrainians heard one message from us and then saw another set of behavior with the family association with a known corrupt figure whose company was known for not playing by the rules," embassy official George Kent wrote to Yovanovitch in the Nov. 22, 2016, email marked "confidential."

Joe Biden’s role in pressuring then-Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko in December 2015 to fire Shokin has been a searing controversy since April 2019, when the lead author on this story, as a columnist for The Hill, unearthed a 2018 videotape of the former vice president bragging about his role to a foreign policy think tank.

At the time Shokin was investigating Burisma for corruption, the company was paying Hunter Biden and Archer, $83,333 a month as board members.

“I said, ‘You’re not getting the billion.’ I’m going to be leaving here in, I think it was about six hours. I looked at them and said: ‘I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money,’” Biden recounted in the speech to the Council on Foreign Relations. “Well, son of a bitch, he got fired. And they put in place someone who was solid at the time.”

The disclosure prompted then-President Donald Trump to ask Ukraine’s new president, Volodymyr Zelensky, to investigate.


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What followed has bordered on the burlesque. Weiss cut a deal with Hunter’s legal team that was widely derided. After years of investigation, he and the DOJ agreed to a couple of tax misdemeanors, a papered-over gun charge, and no risk of jail time for the president's son. The deal disassembled in court after a few questions from the presiding judge about sweeping immunity language and other curious elements. When District Judge Maryellen Noreika asked the prosecutor if he had ever seen any agreement like this one, he replied “no.”

House Republicans had previously demanded that Weiss and his team answer questions about the investigation and the plea bargain. And an appearance before a House committee was planned when Garland suddenly preempted that by doing what many of us have demanded for years: He appointed a special counsel. To the amazement of many, though, he appointed the one prosecutor who should have been categorically excluded — David Weiss.

Section 600.3 of the DOJ’s code on special counsels requires an appointment from outside the Justice Department, for obvious reasons. While another prior special counsel, John Durham, also came from within the Justice Department, Durham was retiring from the department at the time of his appointment. Not only did Garland have to ignore his own regulations to appoint Weiss but he also had to ignore the main qualification: The appointed outside counsel should be someone with “a reputation for integrity and impartial decision-making.”

Weiss could well have a legitimate defense to Republican complaints that he ran a fixed investigation into Hunter or accusations that he made false statements to his own team. However, he clearly remains under suspicion by many people. That is reflected in an ABC News/Ipsos poll in which almost half of Americans lack trust that the DOJ will conduct the Hunter Biden investigation in a “fair and nonpartisan manner.”

In addition to this controversial appointment, Garland again refused to expressly extend the special counsel’s mandate to include influence-peddling allegations involving President Biden.

Even some liberal pundits are mystified by these moves and why Garland would not simply appoint someone in compliance with the regulations who could guarantee a new and full investigation.

So Weiss is now investigating crimes that continue to dwindle in number due to the long delays in prosecution. It is like waiting for winter to go goose hunting in Canada, long after the geese have flown South. Everyone just gets dressed up and fires aimlessly into an empty sky.



PREMO Member
🔥 First up is a remarkable story from the UK Daily Mail yesterday, featuring the typical extended headline: “Fired Ukrainian prosecutor Shokin says Joe and Hunter Biden DID take BRIBES - and were behind his ousting: 'Isn't that corruption alone?' he says in preview of bombshell interview.”

I’ve been sneering contemptuously at U.S. Establishment Media for ages over the fact they seem to be totally unaware of former Ukranian Prosecutor-General Viktor Shokin, the guy Biden blackmailed Ukraine into firing, the guy who’d been investigating Burisma and the Bidens, the guy who’d just locked down all Burisma’s assets — while Hunter was on the board — when “Big Guy” Joe Biden got involved. Shokin is sort of at the center of everything, but U.S. Establishment Media couldn’t find the special prosecutor if he had bells on.

But finally someone has found Viktor, and apparently he’s talking a blue streak. The Daily Mail reported that tonight at 8pm Fox News will air “an explosive interview” with Shokin, in which the former prosecutor-general will claim that Joe and Hunter Biden were 'corrupt,’ that they accepted large cash bribes from Burisma, and were behind his firing.

Sounds about right. Quid pro quo, Joe. Drip, drip.

“I do not want to deal in unproven facts. But my firm personal conviction is that yes, this was the case. They were being bribed," Shokin explained in Fox’s preview clip. Shokin would know.

Back in 2018, two years after Shokin’s sudden and unexpected firing, Biden bragged that he told Ukraine he would personally withhold a billion dollars in U.S. aid if the Ukrainians failed to immediately fire Shokin. “I looked at them and said, 'I'm leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you're not getting the money,’” Biden boasted.

“Well, son of a b****. He got fired,” the former vice-president continued, chortling merrily.

Biden’s probably not laughing so hard now.

As I said, at that the time Joe blackmailed Ukraine, Hunter was collecting a sweet million dollars a year for doing nothing on Burisma’s hastily-created “board of directors.” Why Hunter Biden would even be qualified for a fake board seat on a Ukrainian energy company being investigated for corruption remains a perplexing mystery. To some people.

The Daily Mail article also described details about Devon Archer’s recent Congressional testimony, in which the former Hunter business partner described “business” meetings with shady foreign oligarchs, in which Joe Biden got on the phone, after which millions of dollars flowed into Hunter’s various sham companies.

The cries of “no evidence” are sounding more and more like distant echoes down liberal canyon. There is already more evidence to indict Joe Biden on a container-load of crimes than the entire collection of “evidence” from four cases against Trump. So.

We await the Fox interview — the first time Shokin has appeared in this long-running scandal — with great interest. Stay tuned.



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Dershowitz: If Joe Biden Is Innocent, Let Him Be the One Calling for a Special Counsel

“Let’s move to December 4, same year, 2015 — that is the day that Hunter Biden is in Dubai. He’s meeting with Burisma executives,” he continued. “OK, he doesn’t have any experience in oil, energy at all or Ukraine, but he’s being paid a fortune, as you know. And anyway, their big problem at the time was they needed D.C. help. Obviously, Hunter Biden has no clout in D.C., but his father, the vice president, does. So, that day, December 4, 2015, they get on the phone with Joe Biden.”

“Five days later, Joe Biden is in Ukraine, and that’s when he leveraged $1 billion of our tax dollars going against U.S. policy because the U.S. policy was he was to deliver that money to get a prosecutor fired in hours,” he added. “He brags on tape later that son of a B he did it, and so, Ukraine gets the billion after they fire the guy, the guy, we just played he thinks it’s bribery, which got him fired, and Hunter continues to be enriched. Now, Professor, how would you describe that transaction? Because that sounds like a real bribery scandal to me.”

“I would describe it as sufficient to warrant the invocation of special counsel from outside the government,” Dershowitz replied. “And Joe Biden himself ought to be asking for a special counsel. There is enough smoke. There’s enough suspicion. I don’t want — if I were myself, anybody to suspect me of bribery. If he’s innocent, let him be the one calling for a special counsel. Let Garland then go outside, pick the former dean, the presidents of universities, somebody, former judge and justice of the Supreme Court, let them investigate the case, and then let them.”

“But, Professor, you know that’s never going to happen,” Hannity interrupted. “You know that that’s not going to happen because the evidence that we have now, that we’ve corroborated, is damning, isn’t it? That is a strong prosecutable case, isn’t it?”

“It is an investigable case, and it may rise to the level of a prosecutable case if everything alleged turns out to be true,” Dershowitz replied. “And that’s the basis for appointing a special counsel. Maybe people ought to go to court and demand that the court require the appointment of special counsel because it seems to fit within all the criteria for special counsel. And the failure to appoint a special counsel, now there is already a special counsel.”

“And to be clear, the special counsel should be investigating Joe Biden,” Hannity said. “This is not a Hunter Biden scandal. You agree with that?”

“I agree that it’s a Biden,” Dershowitz responded. “It’s a scandal that alleges serious matters against the president.”


PREMO Member
🔥 Fox News ran a story Sunday headlined, “Former top Ukraine prosecutor comes out swinging against Joe and Hunter Biden: Exclusive interview.”
On Saturday night, Fox became the first major news network to interview Ukraine’s former prosecutor general, Viktor Shokin, who was infamously and summarily fired after Joe Biden gave Ukraine six hours to get rid of him or Biden would cancel a billion-dollar aid package to Ukraine. At the time, Shokin was investigating Ukraine energy company Burisma, where Hunter Biden was getting paid a million dollars a year to do nothing.

Totally coincidentally, and completely unrelated to the Bidens, Shokin’s replacement immediately terminated the Burisma investigation and cancelled Shokin’s request to freeze the company’s president’s assets.
And Ukraine got the billion dollars, which had not been conditioned on firing anybody.

Among other things, Shokin told Fox that, based on his investigation, he 100% believes the Bidens received cash bribes. He pointed out that the investigation of Burisma began before he took office.

In a recent sworn interview, Hunter’s former business partner Devon Archer testified that, after Shokin began closing in on Burisma, “Hunter called DC” to get help. Combined with all the House Oversight Committee’s findings, you pretty much already have the whole case right there.

The White House dismissed the former investigator’s remarks, saying that Shokin — not Biden — was the corrupt one. Nanny-nanny boo boo! The Biden Administration spokeswoman didn’t explain exactly what Shokin allegedly did or who was allegedly paying him for what.

Shokin pushed back when Fox asked about media reports and claims about his alleged corruption, insisting there hasn't ever been a single example given. "I would appreciate if any of these highly respectable publications could come up with a single instance or a single example of my personal corruption or any offense whatsoever allegedly committed by me," Shokin told Fox News.



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Emails Show David Weiss Collaborated with DOJ to ‘Subvert’ House Probe into Hunter Biden Case

The Federalist reported:

Did the DOJ’s Office of Legislative Affairs respond to Sens. Chuck Grassley and Ron Johnson’s May 9, 2022, letter seeking information concerning the Hunter Biden investigation? Weiss posed that question to one of his lead assistant U.S. attorneys, Shannon Hanson.
“Not to my knowledge,” Hanson replied, followed soon after with a second email noting that Joe Gaeta, the then-deputy assistant attorney general in the Office of Legislative Affairs, was working on a response. And although Grassley and Johnson had addressed their May 9, 2022, inquiry solely to Weiss, DOJ’s Office of Legislative Affairs would intercede on his behalf, responding in a letter dated June 9, 2022, that the DOJ would not respond to the questions posed.
The following month, Grassley and Johnson dispatched another letter requesting information related to the Hunter Biden investigation, addressing this letter to Weiss, as well as Attorney General Merrick Garland and FBI Director Christopher Wray. Again, the Office of Legal Counsel intervened, telling Weiss’s office in an email reviewed by The Federalist that it would “take the lead on drafting a response” to Grassley and Johnson’s letter.


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Opinion: Why Trump’s January 6 defense is even worse than it seems

We already have a good idea of how the prosecution intends to prove its case at trial. The indictment lists over 100 allegedly false claims and statements by Trump, with times, places and witnesses. And there is no doubt more where that came from. The tougher question is how Trump will respond to such an overwhelming case. Because criminal defendants are not required to produce any evidence at all, with the burden of proof on the prosecution, Trump could, in theory, simply stand mute and rely on his attorney to argue that the prosecution failed to prove that his statements were “knowingly” false.

Given that, Trump’s lawyers may well advise him to stay off the witness stand and avoid the risks of cross examination — but demure silence is hardly in his nature. Trump has already signaled that he intends to mount an aggressive defense, and he has seldom, if ever, passed up an opportunity to tell his story of persecution by the “deep state.”

Furthermore, Trump himself would be the logical witness to his own innocent beliefs. Testifying, however, would carry many risks for him. To start with, upon voluntarily taking the stand, Trump would waive the Fifth Amendment’s protection from responding to questions whose answers could be self-incriminating, thus exposing himself to cross examination on every aspect of the charged crimes. He could not refuse to answer questions, as he did over 400 times in a deposition taken in the New York attorney general’s civil suit concerning his business practices. (He has denied any wrongdoing in this case as well.)


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Law Group Sues National Archives Demanding Federal Agency Turn Over 5,400 Biden Pseudonym Emails

“All too often, public officials abuse their power by using it for their personal or political benefit,” Kimberly Hermann, general counsel for the legal foundation, said. “When they do, many seek to hide it. The only way to preserve governmental integrity is for NARA to release Biden’s nearly 5,400 emails to SLF and thus the public. The American public deserves to know what is in them.”

The group identified thousands of potentially responsive records from NARA after submitting a Freedom of Information Act request in June in its latest effort to investigate allegations that Biden communicated with Hunter regarding his foreign business dealings dating back to 2017.

SLF attorneys first asked the federal agency to release Biden’s emails in 2021. However, NARA officials reportedly failed to comply, claiming it did not have custody of his records before January 2017 and could only make the emails public in January 2022.

“Public transparency is the most vital check the citizens have for holding our political class accountable,” Braden Boucek, litigation director for SLF, said. “After over a year of trying to work with NARA, its continued unreasonable delays have forced SLF to file this lawsuit.”


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George Washington University law professor Jonathan Turley reacted to the "very troubling picture" of mounting Hunter Biden evidence on "America Reports." The latest evidence revealed that Hunter Biden's business partner, Devon Archer, met with Secretary of State John Kerry weeks before the Ukrainian prosecutor investigating Burisma was fired. Turley on Monday criticized Democrats for calling to stop the investigation as more evidence is revealed.

JONATHAN TURLEY: There is a lot [of details], but there's this disconnect. The more evidence we get, the louder the call is from the Democrats to stop any further investigation. Well, it really doesn't make much sense. I mean, we now have a very troubling picture that is composed of financial records with over $20 million that are being transferred through a myriad of accounts that seem overly complex. It seems like the only purpose of those accounts is to hide those transfers. You have what I think now is accepted as, sort of, open influence peddling by Hunter Biden. That narrative has shifted. Now, you have the media admitting that he was selling influence and access, but they insist that's an illusion. Well, how do we know that? I mean, you don't know if it's an illusion or not until we get to the bottom of this. And this meeting is just the latest such example. We need to know more about the meeting. But that information is not forthcoming. And that is why Merrick Garland and others are making the case for an impeachment inquiry. They're leaving Congress with very little choice.
