Biden's America Last Program


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US deficit is projected to roughly double this year: watchdog

The Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget, an organization that pushes for lowering the deficit, is projecting the federal deficit will double this year to total about $2 trillion for the fiscal year that ends Sept. 30. Marc Goldwein, senior policy director at the organization, told The Hill that high interest rates, lower tax revenues and high inflation resulting in higher Social Security and Medicare costs have all contributed to the rising deficit.

“A big part of the story is just that there was sort of a one-time huge revenue surge in 2022 that’s done,” Goldwein said. “But the other stories are that we have structurally deficits really rising in 2023. And that’s a lot of that is because of interest costs.”

“These things add up,” he added. “It’s no one thing that’s causing us to go from $1 trillion to $2 trillion. It’s like six things.”

The Congressional Budget Office estimated last month that the federal budget deficit reached $1.6 trillion in the 10-month period ending in July.


PREMO Member
Hermanio Joseph, a 35-year-old illegal alien from Haiti, has been formally charged with aggravated vehicular homicide in the death of Aiden Clark, who was on his way to his first day of school when his school bus was hit and ultimately overturned.

According to police, Aiden Clark was killed after being ejected from the bus. Joseph’s bail was increased to $150,000 this week. Joseph arrived at the United States-Mexico border in August 2022 and was released into the U.S. interior after being given a Notice to Appear (NTA).

Early last week, residents attended a city council meeting to express their anger, disgust, sadness, and concerns to local elected officials. A number of residents expressed outrage over the arrival of thousands of Haitian illegal aliens like Joseph in their community even as Mayor Warren Copeland sought to repeatedly interrupt them.

“I watched them come in on buses … I don’t know how they got them here and I don’t know who is responsible,” one woman said. “Did we become a sanctuary city? The people want to know.”

Elected officials said multiple times that the city is not a sanctuary city for illegal aliens. Some residents said they want to see a referendum on their local ballot to clarify that Springfield is not a sanctuary city.

“There are people who are here who are not native Springfielders … the disenfranchisement of people who were born here, have lived here, have raised their kids, have lived here for 30+ years, and I’m one of them, and we’re feeling disrespected,” the woman said.



PREMO Member

‘Third-World Country Stuff’: Homeless People Left 500 Pounds Of Feces On Streets, WY Mayor Says

“It’s like nothing I’ve ever seen. It’s third-world-country stuff happening in Casper, Wyoming,” he said.

Knell said city staffers had to clean up roughly 500 pounds of human feces downtown where a sizable portion of the homeless population loiters while others stay in nearby parks or sleep in their cars.

“In desperate times people do desperate things, and unfortunately we’re the ones left having to deal with it,” Knell said.

In addition to defecating on the streets, homeless people also “destroyed” a vacant motel, according to the mayor. Knell says they have been squatting in the former Econo Lodge motel in Casper and caused millions of dollars in damages. Pictures published in news reports show trash littered across the floors of rooms and furniture scattered. The city has since condemned the property, and it has been boarded up by the bank that owns it to keep squatters out.

“They destroyed everything. It’s horrible,” Knell said. “It was unsafe.”



PREMO Member

White House Proposes Expansive New Rule for Americans Selling Firearms

The Biden administration has proposed a rule that would essentially classify any American who sells guns as a firearms dealer, thereby tightening gun control measures in the country.

At present, individuals can engage in selling firearms for profit without having to be a registered firearm dealer. The new rules would classify gun sales under business activities and require that individuals engaged in it get a license as well as undertake background checks.

“Specifically, the proposed rule, if finalized, would clarify that an individual would be presumed to be ‘engaged in the business’ of dealing in firearms—and therefore be required to become a licensed firearms dealer and run background checks—if they meet certain conditions,” said an Aug. 31 White House statement.

The rules would be applicable if the individual offers for sale any firearms, repetitively offers for sale firearms within 30 days after being purchased or if the firearms were new in their original packaging or if they sell multiple firearms of the same make and model.

The White House added that a formerly federally-licensed firearms dealer would also come under the categorization if they “sell firearms that were in the business inventory and not transferred to a personal collection at least a year before the sale.”

Based on the proposal, the definition of a “firearms dealer” is said to undergo changes.


Just sneakin' around....
So I sell my used car. I'm now a car dealer and subject to car dealership regulations.
I sell my used bedroom furniture. I'm now a furniture dealer.
Totally absurd. Can't single out just private guns without addressing everything else a person might have and sell.


Well-Known Member
So I sell my used car. I'm now a car dealer and subject to car dealership regulations.
I sell my used bedroom furniture. I'm now a furniture dealer.
Totally absurd. Can't single out just private guns without addressing everything else a person might have and sell.
Maybe there's something to this.

"Yes, I did list the 2006 Ford Taurus for $1600 OBO. You're interested? Well, are you a vet or a 1st responder? No, okay well then the price is actually $2100. You still want it? Great. There's a $499 destination fee, $300 market rate adjustment, and you do want the undercoating right? Tell you what, let's forget about all these numbers and you just tell me what kind of payment you are comfortable with. $300 a month? Sure, we can do that. $300 a month and in as few as 5 years this bad boy will be all yours."


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
So I sell my used car. I'm now a car dealer and subject to car dealership regulations.
I sell my used bedroom furniture. I'm now a furniture dealer.
Totally absurd. Can't single out just private guns without addressing everything else a person might have and sell.
Just one more camels nose under the tent.


PREMO Member

Biden Launches Nationwide Workforce Initiative — for Illegal Aliens

On Wednesday, Biden’s DHS announced “a first-of-its-kind national campaign” to make millions of border crossers and illegal aliens, who have been released into the U.S. interior, aware that they are eligible for work permits to take American jobs.

DHS officials wrote in a press release:

Hundreds of thousands of email and text notifications have been sent by the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) in English, Spanish, and Haitian Creole, with additional notifications in Ukrainian and Russian planned in the coming days. [Emphasis added]
These notifications are the start of a government-wide effort to integrate newly arrived noncitizens into the American workforce … USCIS will also begin distributing flyers to local NGOs, stakeholders, and migrants to explain the [Employment Authorization Document] process and provide them with a QR code for instant access to the application. [Emphasis added]

Specifically, DHS officials said they are mostly connecting with border crossers and illegal aliens from Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua, Venezuela, and Ukraine who have been released into the U.S. interior to “remind them of their eligibility to apply for a work permit.”


PREMO Member

Secretary Blinken's Latest Ukraine Visit Just Gave the Whole Game Away

Secretary of State Antony Blinken dropped by Ukraine this week, assuring top Ukrainian officials that America’s commitment to their struggle is ironclad. Another aid package was promised despite Maui residents needing more funds to rebuild their communities after the worst wildfire in American history in over a century tore through the island, killing over 100 people.

Yet, the latest package isn’t arms and ammunition. We’re subsidizing the rebuilding of their energy infrastructure, which Blinken outlined during his trip. As Katie noted, this is nation-building (via WSJ):



PREMO Member
🔥 Yesterday, Fox News ran a story headlined, “Biden nixed goal of getting kids back to school post-COVID to avoid conflict with teachers' union boss: book.

Back during the Trump-Biden campaign, presidential candidate Bob Peters repeatedly promised to re-open locked-down schools, but he broke that promise immediately after being selected President. According to a new hagiographic biography, ominously titled “The Last Politician,” Biden welshed on his re-opening promise to please the teachers’ unions.

Describing the devilish deal as “the price of peace," biographer Franklin Foer reported that American Federation of Teachers President Randi Weingarten vehemently opposed re-opening schools, and Biden folded to the pressure like a bargain-bin Wal-Mart tent. On Biden's first day in office, Jill Biden invited Weingarten and NEA President Becky Pringle to the White House.

Seven days later, Biden announced an Orwellian “revised” re-opening plan that didn’t reopen anything but kept schools closed. Foer’s book disclosed, “Jen Psaki explained that Biden had really meant that he wanted more than half of the pre-K-to-8 schools to attend at least one in-person session a week by the end of his first hundred days."

Biden “really meant.” There’s been a lot of that over the last couple years.

Fortunately for Floridians, Governor DeSantis rapidly re-opened Florida’s schools and defeated multiple lawsuits filed by the unions (and my goofy county) trying to stop him and keep kids out of school while teachers kept getting paid.

If there is any better justification than this atrocious story for abolishing the teachers’ unions, I don’t know what it could be. Comments welcome.



PREMO Member

Biden administration considering plan to force migrants to remains in Texas: report

The plan would force migrants to remain in Texas, or possibly other border states by tracking their location through GPS monitoring devices, such as ankle bracelets, the officials told the Times.

The migrants would undergo an asylum screening to determine whether they can remain in the U.S. Officials have discussed working with local groups to provide housing for the migrants.

Fox News Digital has reached out to the White House, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott's office and several immigration agencies.

A spokesperson for the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) told Fox News Digital that the Biden administration "is committed to expanding safe and orderly pathways for migrants to lawfully enter the United States, while imposing consequences to those who fail to use those pathways."

Since May, DHS has removed or returned over 200,000 people, the agency said.

"DHS continuously holds policy and operational discussions on how to leverage our authorities to ensure a fair, humane, and effective immigration process that efficiently removes those without a lawful basis to stay in the country," the DHS statement said.


PREMO Member

IRS Launches 'Sweeping, Historic' Tax Enforcement Crackdown Using AI

"There is a sea change taking place at the IRS in every aspect of our operations," IRS Commissioner Danny Werfel said in a Sept. 8 statement, which notes that the tax agency has completed a top-to-bottom review of its enforcement efforts and is girding to catch people "abusing the nation's tax laws," thanks in part to cutting-edge tech.

"The changes will be driven with the help of improved technology as well as Artificial Intelligence that will help IRS compliance teams better detect tax cheating, identify emerging compliance threats and improve case selection tools to avoid burdening taxpayers with needless 'no-change' audits," Mr. Werfel said.

The new enforcement thrust is said to focus on higher-earning Americans and big corporations, with the IRS pledging not to increase audit rates for people earning less than $400,000 per year.

This has been an oft-repeated promise in the face of Republican assertions that working-class taxpayers would be subjected to tougher enforcement thanks to the tens of billions of dollars in additional IRS funding.

As part of the new enforcement crackdown, the tax agency said that it would prioritize cases involving taxpayers earning over $1 million but with recognized tax debt of more than $250,000.


PREMO Member

Biden Knows He Is Using Illegal Immigrants To Hurt His Enemies

Of course, expanding third-world immigration had long been part of the Democrats’ plan. Decades before Tucker Carlson was excoriated for pointing it out, Ruy Teixeira and John Judis’s smash book, The Emerging Democratic Majority, listed the relative rise of immigrant America as one of the keys to the kingdom. Clinton strategist James Carville’s follow-up, 40 More Years—How Democrats Will Rule the Next Generation, took a sharp point and blunted it into a club. Carville’s thesis, that “Demographic change will keep swelling the Democratic ranks until Republicans have little choice but to surrender,” Teixeira lamented in 2020, “is a narrative I know well, for it is based on a bowdlerization of my own work.”

By the election of President Donald Trump, Teixeira had grown dismayed with how Democrats had treated his theory, betraying the white working-class voters he believed their coalition still required in the name of newcomers and illegals.

For the broader party, however, it’s too late for repentance (amply demonstrated on the primary debate stage in 2020). The left worked hard to establish unfettered immigration as a moral and political imperative — a necessary badge for the good progressive. Neither cartel-run border nor human slavery nor the deadly narcotics that come with it can dissuade from this. Amongst the Democratic faithful, the thoroughly British foundations of the United States have been swept away by a new creation myth, written by poet Emma Lazarus a full century after the official end of the American Revolution. For the liberal base, illegal immigration had become a moral-must –and any Democratic president hoping for re-election better toe the line.


It began in the spring of 1980, when Cuban dictator Fidel Castro tested Democratic President Jimmy Carter’s dedication to “the huddled masses” by emptying his prisons and mental hospitals onto American shores. Overwhelmed but committed, Carter sent 10,000 of the new arrivals to a fort in Arkansas, where first-term Gov. Clinton faced a tough re-election in the fall. Frightened residents armed up, and soldiers were sent to keep order in the fort, but the summer saw a fiery prison riot that ended with a tense standoff between armed locals and the military on one side, and 1,000 angry Cubans on the other.

After the riot, Carter promised to relent, but reality stepped in and he ended up sending more Cubans to Arkansas anyway. The call was a near-disaster for the Clintons, whose Republican opponents aired constant ads of the fiery riot and Carter’s betrayal.

“Send them to a fort in some warm place out west you’re not going to win in November anyway,” Gov. Clinton had pleaded, to no avail.

“The White House message seemed to be: ‘Don’t complain, just handle the mess we gave you,’” former First Lady Hillary Clinton wrote in her memoir.

Today, the president knows 87 percent of those migrants heading to blue cities aren’t being bussed by Republican governors — they’re doing so of their own accord to seek employment. But he also knows that while his national media allies are happy to turn a blind eye, sanctuary city mayors can’t tolerate the real-life consequences of their party’s policies. In short, the president knows his immigration policies are hurting Americans.

The White House knows this, and they’re trying to hide it; to sanitize it; to keep it out of the view of their children. The White House knows this, and they’re using it to punish their opponents. So much for moral imperatives.


PREMO Member

If The Post-Covid ‘Recovery’ Was So Great, Why Can’t I Get Better Than Two-Star Service?

But politicians and economists who want to mark lockdowns as economically successful don’t talk about the downside we’ve experienced in the interim between lockdowns and the imminent recession: how miserable the consumer experience has been. This experience isn’t as acutely painful as the oppressive lockdowns and mandates themselves, but it should nevertheless remind us that the economy can’t be “switched off” without consequences.

The employment rate may have technically bounced back, but other parts of the economy’s complex machinery, like supply chains rattled by lockdowns in other countries and trucking shortages, haven’t operated smoothly since before lockdowns. Going by a plethora of anecdotal evidence, quality of service has declined across many sectors, probably in part due to the Great Resignation that saw millions drop out of the workforce and take their job competence with them. Not only that, but the high number of remote workers feel disengaged from the mission and purpose of their companies. Apathy adversely affects performance.

Think about the customer experiences you’ve had in the past week, month, year, three years. We are paying much more for most things and buying from organizations that are harder to work with. In many cases, products are of lower quality and smaller than they were before (mentions of shrinkflation have been steadily rising in Yelp reviews). We wait far longer for all of it — often just to find out our orders or service requests were canceled, were replaced with an inferior product from another brand, or somehow slipped through the cracks. 

Inconvenience is nothing new, but it seems to have been a particularly common affliction these last few years. We all have stories: suffering on the phone with the bank for an hour after getting put on hold by a remote worker who couldn’t care less whether your problem gets solved, only to have the call dropped at 4:59 p.m.; Holiday Inns having broken dryers, broken vending machines, broken Wi-Fi, and front desk “help” that is anything but; and automated offers to have you talk to a real person who might be able to help you solve a problem that are never fulfilled. Being a “platinum member” of this or that no longer seems to guarantee you anything in terms of service, much less perks.

Grocery stores still have fewer choices than before the Covid-19 panic. It wasn’t until just this summer I finally saw dark brown sugar at the store again, after not being able to find it for three years. At one point all the eggs were gone from the Walmart. I’ve lost track of the number of times I’ve gone to the store to get a very normal household item and come back empty-handed. I’ll bet you have, too.


Well-Known Member

If The Post-Covid ‘Recovery’ Was So Great, Why Can’t I Get Better Than Two-Star Service?

But politicians and economists who want to mark lockdowns as economically successful don’t talk about the downside we’ve experienced in the interim between lockdowns and the imminent recession: how miserable the consumer experience has been. This experience isn’t as acutely painful as the oppressive lockdowns and mandates themselves, but it should nevertheless remind us that the economy can’t be “switched off” without consequences.

The employment rate may have technically bounced back, but other parts of the economy’s complex machinery, like supply chains rattled by lockdowns in other countries and trucking shortages, haven’t operated smoothly since before lockdowns. Going by a plethora of anecdotal evidence, quality of service has declined across many sectors, probably in part due to the Great Resignation that saw millions drop out of the workforce and take their job competence with them. Not only that, but the high number of remote workers feel disengaged from the mission and purpose of their companies. Apathy adversely affects performance.

Think about the customer experiences you’ve had in the past week, month, year, three years. We are paying much more for most things and buying from organizations that are harder to work with. In many cases, products are of lower quality and smaller than they were before (mentions of shrinkflation have been steadily rising in Yelp reviews). We wait far longer for all of it — often just to find out our orders or service requests were canceled, were replaced with an inferior product from another brand, or somehow slipped through the cracks. 

Inconvenience is nothing new, but it seems to have been a particularly common affliction these last few years. We all have stories: suffering on the phone with the bank for an hour after getting put on hold by a remote worker who couldn’t care less whether your problem gets solved, only to have the call dropped at 4:59 p.m.; Holiday Inns having broken dryers, broken vending machines, broken Wi-Fi, and front desk “help” that is anything but; and automated offers to have you talk to a real person who might be able to help you solve a problem that are never fulfilled. Being a “platinum member” of this or that no longer seems to guarantee you anything in terms of service, much less perks.

Grocery stores still have fewer choices than before the Covid-19 panic. It wasn’t until just this summer I finally saw dark brown sugar at the store again, after not being able to find it for three years. At one point all the eggs were gone from the Walmart. I’ve lost track of the number of times I’ve gone to the store to get a very normal household item and come back empty-handed. I’ll bet you have, too.

Might get a little better with college students needing to pay on school loans again. Need some money to start paying back.


PREMO Member

Putin says Trump charges are ‘politically’ motivated

Speaking at the Eastern Economic Forum hosted in Vladivostok, Russia, Putin said the indictment charges Trump faces are a form of political revenge. Even with the indictment charges, Trump remains the frontrunner Republican candidate for the 2024 presidential elections, and claims he could solve the Ukrainian conflict quickly, according to The Associated Press.

As the frontrunner Republican candidate for the 2024 presidential election, Trump faces 91 charges at the federal and state levels. The charges range from conspiring to overturn the 2020 election results to the improper storage of classified information at Mar-a-Lago, his Florida estate, according to The Wall Street Journal.

The former president has been critical of the Biden administration’s response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Trump has claimed he would be able resolve the Ukraine conflict in one day by negotiating with Russia and Ukraine.


PREMO Member

Now, That's An Interesting Detail in the Ongoing Auto Workers Union Negotiations

The Wall Street Journal added that the UAW hopes to use these talks to reclaim the ground they were forced to concede during the financial crisis, specifically job security provisions and retirement benefits, which were forced to take a backseat. There have been strikes before, and it’s cost billions.

The publication cited the 2019 GM strike, where nearly 50,000 workers walked off for 40 days, costing the company $3.6 billion. The UAW is also not negotiating with just one company in these rounds but all three. We could be in for an unprecedented work stoppage during a period when the big automakers are planning to unveil several new electric vehicle models.

The Journal added that a 10-day strike could result in $5 billion in lost economic activity, with the union having a $825 million strike fund that could hold over their members for at least two months. Workers want a 40 percent wage increase over four years, among other things, money the automakers want to use to ramp up EV production. Thus far, both sides aren’t budging (via WSJ):

The car companies say they need the money to fund their switch to electric vehicles; the union says its workers deserve more cash because of high inflation, their work during the pandemic and concessions made in past negotiations to help the automakers survive darker times.
Weeks of intense talks and combative public volleys have yet to produce a deal for any of the automakers. Union leaders say members are prepared to hit picket lines at any company that hasn’t reached a tentative labor agreement after the current contracts expire at 11:59 p.m. Thursday.
[…] Union leaders and rank-and-file workers say the costs involved in the EV transition aren’t an excuse to skimp on worker raises.
[…] Typically by this point in the negotiation process, union leaders would be focused on reaching a deal with one company. But UAW negotiators continue to bargain with all three, rather than targeting one, raising the possibility that the union could strike more than one of the companies if they can’t reach deals by the late-Thursday deadlines.
A strike at all three companies would send union workers at dozens of U.S. factories to the picket lines, a work stoppage without much precedent in automotive history.
[…] UAW leaders are pressing for at least a 40% wage increase across the four years of the contracts. They are also demanding 40 hours of pay for a 32-hour workweek, restoration of retiree medical benefits and a crackdown on the use of temporary workers.
As of last week, the sides still appeared far apart on the wage issue. Stellantis on Friday proposed a 14.5% pay increase. Meanwhile, Ford has floated a 9% raise and GM offered 10%.
GM and Ford have also proposed additional lump-sum payments, more than $16,000 in signing bonuses and inflation-protection payments. Fain called their offers an insult.


PREMO Member

Biden administration officials shift blame for NYC migrant crisis on to Mayor Eric Adams because there is 'no exit strategy' to house them after they're released from shelters

  • DHS employees told NBC News local officials have 'no exit strategy' for the 10,000 migrants New York City takes in to temporary housing each month
  • Eric Adams blames a lack of federal support, a 'broken' national immigration system and Republican governors bussing their migrants to New York City
  • This comes as tensions heat up between local and national Democrat officials and Adams says out-of-control immigration threatens to 'destroy' the Big Apple


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Biden Will Veto Military Pay Raise Because It Doesn’t Cater to Climate Change, Transgenders Enough

"If the president were presented with H.R. 4365, he would veto it.," the White House said in a press release, pointing to the lack of Left-wing agenda items such as diversity initiatives, abortion, transgender issues, and climate change.

"The draft bills also include numerous new, partisan policy provisions with devastating consequences, including harming access to reproductive healthcare, threatening the health and safety of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, and Intersex (LGBTQI+) Americans, endangering marriage equality, hindering critical climate change initiatives, and preventing the Administration from promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion," the White House stated.

The Biden Administration also opposed pay raises for junior enlisted members because it does not agree with "making a significant, permanent change to the basic pay schedule" while the administration is already reviewing military compensation.


PREMO Member

Rep. Ashley Hinson: Biden So Afraid of the Truth He Will Demand Corporate Media Scrutinize Impeachment Inquiry

“This is a new low – the Biden White House brazenly asking the corporate media to do their bidding is outrageous and flies in the face of basic ethics. Republicans launched this impeachment inquiry to ensure the American people get the facts,” Hinson, a former journalist and news anchor, told Breitbart News. “Is the Biden Administration so afraid of the truth that they’ll stoop to this level of desperation? Republicans will uncover the facts and the media should cover them without bias, regardless of these underhanded tactics from the White House.”

Hinson spoke to Breitbart News as the Biden administration said it intends to demand media executives provide negative coverage of the Biden impeachment inquiry, saying it is “based on lies” and “should set off alarm bells.”

“It’s time for the media to ramp up its scrutiny of House Republicans for opening an impeachment inquiry based on lies,” White House spokesman Ian Sams wrote.