Biden's America Last Program


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California's AB5 Goes National With the Independent Contractor Rule: Why You Need to Pay Attention

While you were distracted by all things Iowa, Hunter Biden, and Trump throwing Vivek Ramaswamy under the bus, the Biden administration is eroding small businesses and snatching away the livelihoods of independent contractors through bureaucratic fiat. The Acting Secretary of Labor, Julie Su, quietly dropped a revised Independent Contractor Rule on January 9, and it's as bad as expected. California Rep. Kevin Kiley (R), who has been at the forefront of this war against independent professionals since his time as an Assemblyman, rendered the bad news ahead of the Department of Labor announcement.

From the Tweet

Here are some of the reviews AB 5 received in California:
-Newsom’s own former deputy chief of staff Yoshar Ali called it "one of the most destructive pieces of legislation in the past 20 years," adding, "It’s truly horrific how many people are negatively impacted by it."
-Former State Assembly Speaker and San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown said the law made him want to "picket" against the "bastards" at the Capitol and the special interests that "took advantage" of them.
-Andrew Cuomo rejected a similar law in New York, saying he didn’t want to "make the same mistake" as California.
-The Daily Kos warned other states, "Don’t make the mistake California’s Gavin Newsom did," with the site’s founder calling the law "disastrous" and "asinine" and its supporters "shameful."
-The head of the California NAACP assailed AB 5 as a "terrible law" and a "gut punch to our community."
-The CEO of the Black Chamber of Commerce called it a "catastrophe" responsible for "enabling, defending, and propagating systemic racism."
-Two hundred Ph.D. economists reported the law is "doing substantial, and avoidable, harm to the very people who now have the fewest resources and the worst alternatives available to them."
Yet Biden campaigned on a promise of imposing a new federal standard "modeled" on California's AB 5. He has now done just that, and has even elevated the architect of AB 5, Julie Su, to carry out this attack on the right to earn a living as ruthlessly as possible.

The Independent Contractor Rule was recorded in the federal register on January 10, 2024, and is scheduled to take effect on March 10, 2024. It is 339 pages of essentially the Department of Labor justifying why independent contractors should not be allowed to exist. The rule acts from the premise that independent contractors have no right to determine whether they are independent or an employee. It is the DOL's job to do that for you.

The Biden administration has used court precedent to expand on these, creating six overarching factors in a “totality of the circumstances” which will be analyzed to determine, as a matter of economic reality, whether professionals are dependent on the potential employer for work or in business for themselves.

The term "economic reality" appears 345 times within the Rule as one of the means to deny an independent contractor their right to earn money as they choose. It's positively chilling, and if Americans refused to pay attention when California independent professionals raised the alarm on AB5, then they very well need to pay attention now. The independent contractor community, particularly the California professionals who were adversely affected by AB5, once again sounded the alarm and expressed their determination to see this rule divested.

In an attempt to quell the flow of outraged comments, Acting Secretary Julie Su issued this anemic post. But Su's attempts at gaslighting fell flat.



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Today, President Biden’s Department of Labor (DOL) finalized an overly restrictive independent contractor rule that will devastate millions of workers and businesses, eliminate employment opportunities, and topple the gig economy. Upon the announcement, Congressman Rick W. Allen (GA-12) issued the following statement:

“In yet another crushing blow to the American workforce, the final rule issued today by President Biden’s DOL would eliminate the flexibilities that being an independent contractor provides to millions of workers. Because Congressional Democrats have continuously failed to pass their radical PRO Act, which would significantly narrow the definition of an independent contractor, President Biden is now doing their bidding—weaponizing the DOL to circumvent the legislative process altogether.

“As I’ve visited with small business owners across Georgia’s 12th District, the number one issue I hear about is the need for workforce. To eliminate an employment model that has allowed millions of Americans to have the flexibility they need and helped countless individuals achieve the American Dream is inconceivable.

“My Employee Rights Act, which I introduced last year, would create a clear definition across federal laws to protect independent workers and provide essential protections for workers' rights, choices, and freedoms in the 21st-century economy. The modern workforce is entrepreneurial, and our government should help facilitate that spirit, not crush it under the weight of bureaucracy. Today serves as another stark reminder that Congress must pass this legislation in short order.”


PREMO Member

Careful What You Wish For, Democrats

The Wall Street Journal ran a headline, “Robots Are Looking Better to Detroit as Labor Costs Rise.” Who could have predicted such a thing? Anyone, everyone. It’s as easy as “predicting” the sun will rise in the east.

“While automakers have been moving to automation for some time, rising labor costs are poised to accelerate the adoption of such technologies, said Laurie Harbour, president of Michigan manufacturing consulting firm Harbour Results,’ the Journal reports.

The new UAW contracts brought with them 25 percent raises which, the Journal reports, “were richer than they (the auto companies) had planned for, and they are strategizing ways to blunt the increased costs.”

What will this mean for consumers? The Journal answers, “Ford said the new terms would add about $900 in cost per vehicle by the time the contract expires in early 2028. GM executives pegged the hit from richer labor contracts during that period at roughly $500 a vehicle.”

So, they “won” a raise and will lose their jobs. Congratulations?


In another bad idea that came from California, the Biden administration is replicating the state’s moves to kill “gig work,” things like driving for Uber of Lyft, Door Dash or Instacart.

How? By making the companies that contract with these at-will, work when it is convenient to them workers be treated like full-time employees. That means added expenses like health insurance, worker’s compensation insurance, 401(k)s, etc. You may hear that and think, “They should, it’s only fair,” but a lot of people don’t need or want those things.

Gig workers work when it is convenient for them, for as long or as short of a time as they want. It’s a string-free gig that can easily fit in around someone’s life and other job, probably a full-time job. If they are forced to be treated like a full-time employee, that will come with requirements for hours, schedules, etc. – the exact opposite of what makes the gigs appealing.

Democrats don’t care. The Biden administration is taking this nationwide by executive order, largely because they couldn’t get it through legislation when they controlled the House and Senate (which should tell you something).

Democrats will praise themselves for higher wages and more benefits for “workers,” and will ignore the actual consequences of their actions. Union leaders and left-wing activist will cheer because that’s what they do. And real people will be worse off than they were before. Be careful what you wish for, you just might get it.


PREMO Member

The white-collar class derided mass layoffs among the blue-collar workers. It’s about to feel their pain

White-collar types were notably unsympathetic, for the most part.

Berkeley professor and Clinton administration Labor Secretary Robert Reich declared the future belonged to the “symbolic analysts” — people who, in the words of a Steve Earle song, use their brains and not their hands.

Laid-off coal miners in the last decade were contemptuously told to “learn to code.”

But the worm has turned. Google is looking at laying off 30,000 people it expects to replace with artificial intelligence.

The Wall Street Journal reports that large corporations across the board are planning to lay off white-collar workers.

Investor Brian Wang notes ChatGPT is already causing white-collar job loss.

In fact, ChatGPT can even code.

Sometimes its code is quite good. Sometimes it’s not so good.

(Though God knows, the latter is true of much human-generated software code too.)

It can write press releases, ad copy, catalog descriptions, news stories and essays, speeches, encyclopedia entries, customer-inquiry responses and more.

It can generate art on demand that’s suitable for book covers, advertisements and magazine illustrations.

Again, sometimes these items are quite good, and sometimes they’re not, but there’s a lot of less-than-stellar human work in those categories too.

Learning to code is bad advice now.

And the kicker is, AI is getting better all the time.

ChatGPT-4 has demonstrated “human-level performance” on many benchmarks.


PREMO Member
🔥 It turns out Texas didn’t drown those migrants at the Texas border near Eagle Pass, after all. Eagle Pass is a migrant-crossing zone where the Texas National Guard is physically blocking Border Patrol agents from entering. Earlier this week, Biden accused Texas of being negligent and not helping the poor river-crossing migrants after the Border Patrol raised the alarm.

But it turns out Texas wasn’t notified until after the illegal border-crossers had already died. Which is how Mexico knew about them, resolving another weird mystery about the original story. The illegal migrants were long dead.

image 10.png

So it’s like the whip story all over again. You remember the whip story:

image 11.png

Texans, I would suggest not holding your breath waiting for an apology, either.



PREMO Member

Trump on ‘Made in America’: ‘We Were Moving Big on Bringing All That Back,’ But Biden Screwed It Up

“Even the CHIPS Act, money goes to foreign countries,” Trump said, bashing one of Biden’s signature legislative achievements that authorized billions of dollars supposedly to make semiconductor chips in America again. “How about that?”

“We were moving big on bringing all of that back,” Trump continued. “I did that through a system of tariffs and other things and frankly we’re not going to protect you if you take our businesses. We don’t want you taking our businesses.”

The Trump administration saw for the first time in decades an influx back into the country of major critical industries—and a slowdown in the drain out of the country of other critical industries. Trump’s tariffs on steel and aluminum imports essentially saved those industries. Now, under Biden, U.S. Steel—once a “powerhouse” company representing American strength—is reportedly possibly about to be sold to a Japanese competitor. With Biden in the White House, this is a commonality across many industries, from the semiconductor industry after the CHIPS Act failures to the metals industries to even the production of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic. In fact, some reports published late last year show that Biden as president has let proposed medical glove manufacturing facilities wither on the vine after Trump tried to jumpstart them at the end of his administration. That’s not to mention what has happened to the auto industry under Biden, which has been so bad that the biggest autoworkers strike in years paralyzed the industry last autumn.

Trump noted during the interview too that the United Autoworkers (UAW) union, which held a strike against the big three U.S. automakers last year, faces major issues because of Biden’s push towards electric vehicles. Trump argued that because of this, while he will probably not win the UAW president Shawn Fain’s support—Fain is a committed Democrat—he will win the rank-and-file in large part because the United States does not have the structures necessary to make electric cars in America.


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Democrats Move To REMOVE Statue Of Liberty As They Cry RACISM In Backlash Over GOP Securing Border!​



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“President Biden took office and sent a comprehensive immigration reform package to Congress. They have refused to pass it or do anything on it,” Fulks said on Fox News Channel’s “Special Report.”

The Biden staffer then turned the blame on Trump, claiming he did “nothing” to secure the border despite the former President building a border wall and implementing Title 42— a public health policy used for more than three years at the U.S.-Mexico border to remove roughly three million illegal aliens and send them back to their native countries.

“What I would say about immigration is that we have to look back. Donald Trump had four years to do something on the border, and he did nothing,” Fulks said. “And then, right now, what we have — in fact, Donald Trump put immigrants in cages. He separated families. … Joe Biden has gotten to work still putting those families back together. But when it comes to immigration.”

Host Bret Baier interrupted, asking if he genuinely believes the border is in better condition under Biden than when Trump was in office.

“What I’m saying to is you that President Biden took office, sent a comprehensive immigration reform package to Congress. They have refused to pass it or do anything on it. They are grandstanding and playing political games,” Fulks responded.

The exchange between Fulks and Baier became tense when the Biden official accused Trump of splitting up families and putting them in cages.

Baier then asked, “There are more kids in custody under the Biden administration than there were under the Trump administration. Do you know that? And so, listen, you have to concede that immigration is a vulnerability for the Biden campaign. Can’t you concede that?”

In response, Fulks said, “Look, what we concede is that President Biden is working on this issue and that Republicans in the House are playing political games and doing Donald Trump’s bidding so that no real results get done. And it’s, in fact, why they’re the least effective House since the Great Depression because they’re playing political games instead of trying to get real results done and working with this President for the American people.”



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“President Biden took office and sent a comprehensive immigration reform package to Congress. They have refused to pass it or do anything on it,” Fulks said on Fox News Channel’s “Special Report.”

The Biden staffer then turned the blame on Trump, claiming he did “nothing” to secure the border despite the former President building a border wall and implementing Title 42— a public health policy used for more than three years at the U.S.-Mexico border to remove roughly three million illegal aliens and send them back to their native countries.

“What I would say about immigration is that we have to look back. Donald Trump had four years to do something on the border, and he did nothing,” Fulks said. “And then, right now, what we have — in fact, Donald Trump put immigrants in cages. He separated families. … Joe Biden has gotten to work still putting those families back together. But when it comes to immigration.”

Host Bret Baier interrupted, asking if he genuinely believes the border is in better condition under Biden than when Trump was in office.

“What I’m saying to is you that President Biden took office, sent a comprehensive immigration reform package to Congress. They have refused to pass it or do anything on it. They are grandstanding and playing political games,” Fulks responded.

The exchange between Fulks and Baier became tense when the Biden official accused Trump of splitting up families and putting them in cages.

Baier then asked, “There are more kids in custody under the Biden administration than there were under the Trump administration. Do you know that? And so, listen, you have to concede that immigration is a vulnerability for the Biden campaign. Can’t you concede that?”

In response, Fulks said, “Look, what we concede is that President Biden is working on this issue and that Republicans in the House are playing political games and doing Donald Trump’s bidding so that no real results get done. And it’s, in fact, why they’re the least effective House since the Great Depression because they’re playing political games instead of trying to get real results done and working with this President for the American people.”

I watched that exchange. Mr. Fulks won't be invited back on FNC.


Well-Known Member
“President Biden took office and sent a comprehensive immigration reform package to Congress. They have refused to pass it or do anything on it,” Fulks said on Fox News Channel’s “Special Report.”

The Biden staffer then turned the blame on Trump, claiming he did “nothing” to secure the border despite the former President building a border wall and implementing Title 42— a public health policy used for more than three years at the U.S.-Mexico border to remove roughly three million illegal aliens and send them back to their native countries.

“What I would say about immigration is that we have to look back. Donald Trump had four years to do something on the border, and he did nothing,” Fulks said. “And then, right now, what we have — in fact, Donald Trump put immigrants in cages. He separated families. … Joe Biden has gotten to work still putting those families back together. But when it comes to immigration.”

Host Bret Baier interrupted, asking if he genuinely believes the border is in better condition under Biden than when Trump was in office.

“What I’m saying to is you that President Biden took office, sent a comprehensive immigration reform package to Congress. They have refused to pass it or do anything on it. They are grandstanding and playing political games,” Fulks responded.

The exchange between Fulks and Baier became tense when the Biden official accused Trump of splitting up families and putting them in cages.

Baier then asked, “There are more kids in custody under the Biden administration than there were under the Trump administration. Do you know that? And so, listen, you have to concede that immigration is a vulnerability for the Biden campaign. Can’t you concede that?”

In response, Fulks said, “Look, what we concede is that President Biden is working on this issue and that Republicans in the House are playing political games and doing Donald Trump’s bidding so that no real results get done. And it’s, in fact, why they’re the least effective House since the Great Depression because they’re playing political games instead of trying to get real results done and working with this President for the American people.”

Didn't the democrats have control of Congress when Biden started .?


PREMO Member

Illegal Immigrant WARNS Journalist 'Soon You’re Going To Know Who I Am' As Migrant BRAWLS BREAKOUT!​

Movsum Samadov
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In 2021, early on in America’s historic border crisis, I wrote that the United Nations was abetting the problem by handing out debit cards and cash vouchers to aspiring illegal border crossers on their way north.

One outraged group of 21 border security-minded lawmakers pitched a bill that would require the United States, the UN’s largest donor, to turn off the taxpayer money spigot.

H.R. 6155 never caught fire, though, in no small part because “fact checks” from outlets such as the AFP claimed that the UN was doing no such thing.

Those fact checkers lied.

The UN’s just released the 2024 “Inter-Agency Coordination Platform for Refugees and Migrants from Venezuela” (R4V for short), a planning and budget document for handing out $1.6 billion in 17 Latin America countries.

A migrant holding up a debit card given to him by the United Nations.

It confirms the UN, with the helping hands of 248 named non-governmental organizations, is indeed giving debit cards to illegal migrants — funded, in large part, by US taxpayers.

Despite the R4V plan title naming Venezuelans as recipients of this aid operation, the document’s fine print (footnote on page 14 and paragraph on page 43, for instance) says the largesse goes to “all nationalities” and “multiple other nationalities.”

The documents clear up any mystery about what the UN and NGOs are doing on the migrant trails and leaves no room for supposedly debunking “fact checks.”

In a nutshell, the UN and its advocacy partners want to spread $372 million in “Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA),” and “Multipurpose Cash Assistance (MCA)” to 624,300 immigrants who in-transit to the United States during 2024.

That money is most often handed out, other UN documents show, as pre-paid, rechargeable debit cards but also hard “cash in envelopes,” bank transfers, and mobile transfers the U.S. border-bound travelers can use for whatever they want.



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He just walked right in. Terrifying, yeah: pretty scary. And he isn't alone, this is multiple times happening.

One would assume that by now the Government, Homeland security, FBI , SOMOEONE would have run him down and shipped his ass back out of here. I haven't read that story yet. Do you wonder where he is now? Do you believe he is being tracked down? Still want to vote for Joe Biden?


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Abbott: Texas Has Constitutional Right To Defend Its Borders From Invasion, Supersedes All Federal Law

“President Biden has instructed his agencies to ignore federal statutes that mandate the detention of illegal immigrants. The effect is to illegally allow their en masse parole into the United States,” he continued, adding: “By wasting taxpayer dollars to tear open Texas’s border security infrastructure, President Biden has enticed illegal immigrants away from the 28 legal entry points along this State’s southern border—bridges where nobody drowns—and into the dangerous waters of the Rio Grande.”

The governor noted that more than 6 million illegal aliens have entered Texas through its southern border under the Biden administration, a number greater than the population of 30 U.S. states.

Abbott continued:

James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, and the other visionaries who wrote the U.S. Constitution foresaw that States should not be left to the mercy of a lawless president who does nothing to stop external threats like cartels smuggling millions of illegal immigrants across the border. That is why the Framers included both Article IV, § 4, which promises that the federal government “shall protect each [State] against invasion,[“] and Article I, § 10, Clause 3, which acknowledges “the States’ sovereign interest in protecting their borders.” Arizona v. United States, 567 U.S. 387, 419 (2012) (Scalia, J., dissenting).

Abbott said that Biden’s failures to secure the border “imposed by Article IV, § 4 has triggered Article I, § 10, Clause 3, which reserves to this State the right of self-defense.”

“For these reasons, I have already declared an invasion under Article I, § 10, Clause 3 to invoke Texas’s constitutional authority to defend and protect itself,” he concluded. “That authority is the supreme law of the land and supersedes any federal statutes to the contrary. The Texas National Guard, the Texas Department of Public Safety, and other Texas personnel are acting on that authority, as well as state law, to secure the Texas border.”


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Agents ‘Absolutely’ Don’t Want To Cut Greg Abbott’s Razor Wire, Border Patrol Union President Says

“Agents absolutely do not want to cut the razor wire, but we have an obligation to follow a legal order,” Judd told the DCNF. “We will continue to put as much pressure on the admin to fix the crisis as we can. That will not change.”

The Biden administration sent a letter to Republican state Attorney General Ken Paxton on Jan. 14 asking that the state stand down from its position at Shelby Park by Jan. 17, according to CNN. Paxton responded by saying that Texas would hold its post.

Ah BS, plenty of progressives and whiners have ignore directives from higher ups .... but some sycophant will rise up and ' follow ' orders