

Active Member
Originally posted by dems4me
form a group that goes around and does nothing 24/7 than pick up ciggerette butts...
You now sound like my oreily worshipping friend that when ever we get into politics and someone brings up social security being a problem and the tax cuts hurting it he just shouts "you damn democrats should send back your tax return to help the nation and ill keep mine because i dont give a damn"


Originally posted by jazz lady
Did you stop to think (I know - a looooong shot) the butts were chewed up by the mower into small pieces or little critters were eating them thinking they were food?

FYI - I am still picking out cigarette butts from around my home that the builders were so gracious to flick EVERYWHERE. They haven't degraded at all - even after two years. :cussing:

By your assumption, that would be 8 more years to go... sorry to hear about the extra yard cleaning.
No, the mower is not eating them -- I keep the blade up too high for it... and its not just when I'm cutting grass either. :shrug: I also have friends that just sit on the front porch and flick their ciggerettes, but I don't notice things like that... I guess I could go home tonight and let you know how many ciggerette butts I have in the yard :shrug:


Re: Re: Re: Re: Dear spoiled

Originally posted by Spoiled
are you going to contribute or just try and flame me? If you want to just flame me i can start making you some images so i dont have to waste my time typing out flames responses for you...
No need, the pathetic drivel you are spazing out is flame enough on yourself. UFB


Active Member
Originally posted by dems4me
By your assumption, that would be 8 more years to go... sorry to hear about the extra yard cleaning.
No, the mower is not eating them -- I keep the blade up too high for it... and its not just when I'm cutting grass either. :shrug: I also have friends that just sit on the front porch and flick their ciggerettes, but I don't notice things like that... I guess I could go home tonight and let you know how many ciggerette butts I have in the yard :shrug:
keep in mind its grass and not asphault :p

you also walk in the grass thus pushing the butts into the dirt (refer to the surface area in one of my previous posts)


Active Member
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Dear spoiled

Originally posted by Pete
No need, the pathetic drivel you are spazing out is flame enough on yourself. UFB


Originally posted by Spoiled
keep in mind its grass and not asphault :p

you also walk in the grass thus pushing the butts into the dirt (refer to the surface area in one of my previous posts)

I can honestly say I've never thrown ciggerette butts out onto asphault! :wink:


I'm just not sure what argument you are trying to make, it just appears to be strawman after strawman... is it:
1) you are upset by the color of the lit ciggerette at night on the road (personally I've never seen metal falling off of cars that would give a spark for me to run over) unlike poor pixie that had a big chunk of metal fall off in front of her ;
2) the amount of time it takes to melt away;
3) the environmental impact ciggerette butts have; or
4) the littering factor

If I recall correctly it was a discarded ciggerette butt in some cases that have placed murderers at a crime scene... the snippers for example did this and it had their dna on it... so in those cases it was good but in other's it's not because you are afraid of a cotton tube flying at your miata at night????:shrug:


Originally posted by emmpeedee
yea just as sure as some old bat will pull out in front of you on 235 and go 20 miles per hour. go fight that cause. it's probably what caused the accident forcing you to make the illegal uturns anyway.

Did you mean to quote me? I never implied I was making illegal u-turns :confused:



1. Filters:
Cigarette filters are specifically designed to absorb vapors and to accumulate particulate smoke components. Filters also prevent tobacco from entering a smoker's mouth and provide a mouthpiece that will not collapse as the cigarette is smoked. Filters generally have the following components:

A "plug" of acetate cellulose filter tow
95% of cigarette filters are made of cellulose acetate (a plastic), and the balance are made from papers and rayon. The cellulose acetate tow fibers are thinner than sewing thread, white, and packed tightly together to create a filter; they can look like cotton. Other materials have been tried and rejected in favor of the taste that acetate produces. Filters vary in filtration efficiency, depending on whether the cigarette is to be "light" or regular.

An inner paper wrapper (plug wrap) and glue
The paper used to wrap the acetate cellulose plug is impervious to air for regular cigarettes, or is ventilated and very porous in "light" cigarettes, allowing more air to enter the smoke mix. A polyvinyl acetate emulsion is used as the glue to attach the plug to the wrapper, and to seam the wrapper.

An outer paper (tipping paper)
The tipping paper, often printed to look like cork, covers the filter plug and attaches the filter to the column of tobacco. Tipping paper is formulated to not adhere to the lips of smokers.


safety factor

I was driving on route 50 one day to go to my job in Silver Spring. My 6 month old daughter was in her carseat in the back. It was a beautiful day and I had the windows down, music cranking, and just enjoying life.

I smelled something burning, I quickly turned around and saw my backseat smoldering. I pulled over, got my baby out, opened the hatch, got a towel and smothered the flames that were starting. I then poured my Big Gulp over a 6 inch square burned patch in the upholstery. Someone threw a cigarette butt out of their window and it friggin landed next to my child in the backseat.

Think about that next time you throw a butt out the window.

I am a smoker btw.


Re: safety factor

Originally posted by Wenchy
I was driving on route 50 one day to go to my job in Silver Spring. My 6 month old daughter was in her carseat in the back. It was a beautiful day and I had the windows down, music cranking, and just enjoying life.

I smelled something burning, I quickly turned around and saw my backseat smoldering. I pulled over, got my baby out, opened the hatch, got a towel and smothered the flames that were starting. I then poured my Big Gulp over a 6 inch square burned patch in the upholstery. Someone threw a cigarette butt out of their window and it friggin landed next to my child in the backseat.

Think about that next time you throw a butt out the window.

I am a smoker btw.

Thanks! Will do!!! That was put soo much more nicer than the rest of the requests!!!! :biggrin: I'll let my friends know too!!:biggrin:


Re: Re: safety factor

Originally posted by mAlice
Maybe it was the cigarette you tossed out your window.

That has happened to me once too :shrug: but no flames or anything -- just a burn mark :shrug:


Active Member
Originally posted by emmpeedee
yes but the advice part was directed to the other lawbreaker.
Will you get over it, i was not breaking the law, a police officer was directing traffic and that takes precedence over marking on the road (which does include lane designations), signs, lights and what not, thus meaning i DID NOT BREAK ANY LAWS


New Member
Originally posted by Spoiled
Will you get over it, i was not breaking the law, a police officer was directing traffic and that takes precedence over marking on the road (which does include lane designations), signs, lights and what not, thus meaning i DID NOT BREAK ANY LAWS

so you never speed, is that correct?


Active Member
Originally posted by emmpeedee
so you never speed, is that correct?
If you will get off to me saying i have never gone over the speed limit, then no i havent... I have never broke any laws... If you dont believe me you can go try and find records which say other wise...have fun


New Member
Originally posted by Spoiled
If you will get off to me saying i have never gone over the speed limit, then no i havent... I have never broke any laws... If you dont believe me you can go try and find records which say other wise...have fun

liar :rolleyes:


Originally posted by Spoiled
If you will get off to me saying i have never gone over the speed limit, then no i havent... I have never broke any laws... If you dont believe me you can go try and find records which say other wise...have fun

You mean well :poorbaby: don't get upset :wink: