Can Anyone Identify This Creepy Stalker?


This thread seems to have turned into some kinda sausage party...:smoochy:

I know right.

I've always believed what people do in the privacy of their homes is nobody's business but their own, and if those gentleman want to play meat-spin together while they wear donkey masks and they smear each other with Crisco or whatever, they have every right to do so.

But this blatant foreplay out here in public is just gross.


New Member
Yeah, bc I bet there is only one of those cars in existence lol you are too funny

The jokes on you. Do you know how many retired cops work as P.I's?

You realize they still have all the connections needed to run license plates and other checks, right?



New Member
Posts in here dumbass, welcome to the conversation

And I meant YOU crying to the HOA. Or do you think they're out to get you too?

Gawd, are you really this clueless?!!??!?!

Me crying to the HOA?

Did you get a nasty letter or something?



New Member
Me crying to the HOA?

Did you get a nasty letter or something?


Nasty letter? WTF are you talking about. See? I bet you think you know I am. You have no idea and that is bugging the sht out of you isn't. To know that we all know who you are and you have no idea who we are lol



New Member
Nasty letter? WTF are you talking about. See? I bet you think you know I am. You have no idea and that is bugging the sht out of you isn't. To know that we all know who you are and you have no idea who we are lol


I'm so far in your head that you've now came here to follow me around as well.



New Member
this is hilarious. I would caution with the "license plate running" they log all people who run that and if its being abused MSP conducts an investigation and people get in trouble! Besides smart jokers will throw dead plates up on the vehicle and ride through all day... looks like base security is top of the line down there. Liquid lunch contractors working on precision top secret stuff, PI's easily sneakng onto base riding around hunting for cars, and frequent cyber attacks on DOD servers. LLS!


New Member
Clems Creepy Stalker Now Identified

See Enhanced Video below clearly
shows the driver of the STALKER vehicle

Last edited:


Obama destroyed America
creepy stalker is probably baja28.... he is pretty much :bigwhoop:
I'm just living rent free inside your head. :killingme You retards keep digging your hole. Still waiting to have that beer pussy boy. :poke:

Baja's annoying at times, but I really don't think he would stoop to this level of behavior. Besides, his picture is on his "myspace page," so I know exactly what he looks like. :whistle:
I still have a myspace page?? :killingme When was the last time I visited??


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
I've been meaning to iggy you also mounty_boy.



Getting there..just as I predicted. Pretty soon, with very little effort, ole Clem will have threads that are nothing, from his screen, but an endless series of ignore notices.:killingme


Obama destroyed America
"Shocking" that you would show up.

Yea it is shocking. Had a rather busy morning and I peek in occasionally to see if anything good is going on. Still nothing.

Go check my myspace and let me know last time I logged in before I go look.


New Member
Yea it is shocking. Had a rather busy morning and I peek in occasionally to see if anything good is going on. Still nothing.

Go check my myspace and let me know last time I logged in before I go look.

Those were the old days...

Me and your are good these days.



New Member
The jokes on you. Do you know how many retired cops work as P.I's?

You realize they still have all the connections needed to run license plates and other checks, right?


And back to the the whole point of this thread, what did this Acura do to you? Please don't tell me you're going through all this bc they stopped in front of your house :doh: what, did someone finally egg your house or something? Maybe someone else hired a PI :ohwell: