Can Anyone Identify This Creepy Stalker?


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New Member
I believe that there are numerous categories of valid disability that are entirely of a mental, and not a physical, nature.:whistle:

Well I highly doubt he is.. People get away with faking disabilities all the time.. It takes time... However they do get caught eventually... I will say this... I wouldn't be posting on what I could do.. I would do it behind the scenes and laugh as the wheels started turning in the words of banned ab



New Member
Well I highly doubt he is.. People get away with faking disabilities all the time.. It takes time... However they do get caught eventually... I will say this... I wouldn't be posting on what I could do.. I would do it behind the scenes and laugh as the wheels started turning in the words of banned ab




Are you REALLY trying to scare me? Hahahaha, you have no idea how things work do you? Do me a favor and turn on the news, I hardly thing anyone gives a crap that I get on a site at work lol. At least I have a job which you obviously don't have. I'm quite frankly a little sick of my tax dollars going to your "DAV" ass when you obviously aren't. Seemed to tear that dishwasher up pretty easily. Hmmmmm, I wonder how you report DAV fraud.....

I believe that there are numerous categories of valid disability that are entirely of a mental, and not a physical, nature.:whistle:

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Allow me to assist...


Damn, now I have to sit around and wait for someone not on my ignore list to post.


Hey CLEM...let me help you out here a little. Today, you invited FAP to "kick your door in" and someone else (name slips my mind) to park in your driveway. I may not be a lawyer - but you would not have a leg to stand on if you wanted them arrested for trespassing.

definition of trespass:

An unlawful intrusion that interferes with one's person or property.

trespass legal definition of trespass. trespass synonyms by the Free Online Law Dictionary.

So, would FAP and the other poster be committing an unlawful act (unlawful intrusion)?

Definition of unlawful;

Contrary to or unauthorized by law; illegal.

unlawful legal definition of unlawful. unlawful synonyms by the Free Online Law Dictionary.

So - as you invited the 2nd poster to "pull into your driveway" he would not be committing an unlawful act as you invited him onto your property.

As far as FAP, that would be a little different. As you invited him to "kick your door in" he would have to access your porch in order to reach your door that YOU INVITED HIM TO KICK IN. So, as long as he does not break the law (forceful entry), I feel he would have a right to come as far as your porch as you invited him onto your proprty as well.


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
You seem rather well versed in the sort of activity you describe.
Never thought so before but maybe you do fit into Gilligan, and companies circle jerk that has managed to stretch this thread to 29 pages.
Keep yanking boys.


'e put me on iggy, 'e did! I'm mortified beyond description..


You seem rather well versed in the sort of activity you describe.

HAHA! Cause I'm gay, right.

I think you will find that unlike many people here, I often make self-depricating jokes, and sometimes they are gay jokes. Like that one time I made a crack about a pro wrestler who gave me stomach cramps from behind. You had to be there for that one, but trust me - it was simply drenched in milky-white comedy.

If you wanna piss me off you're going to have to try a way different approach.

I am also very unimpressed by those who use the old, "I'm Rubber and You're Glue" ploy!

That one lost it's luster round-about the third grade.

No originality at all. D- for effort :(