Can Anyone Identify This Creepy Stalker?


New Member
Oh no! The horror! Kids and parents having fun :cds: Awwwwwwwwwwwww, didn't they invite you?! Is that it, that's all you want? To be loved? THEN STFU

I really hope you're doing all this posting either from your work computer or while at work, because the Navy Inspector General is currently having the network folks monitor your activity.

Have a nice day.



New Member
To the contrary, walking through my backyard with a baseball bat is a serious problem, especially since the whole neighborhood knows I don't want people trespassing on my property.

Are any of these your kids?

Are you the creep in the white jeep that pulled in my driveway also?

Go ahead, come park in front of my house again "reaching for your cell phone" and see what happens to you.

But damn sure don't enter my driveway, then you're going to be on a whole new level.

I guess you're the troll that I moderated off my blog, so you've had to come here to resort to your babbling.

We've got iggy buttons here too.


Once again, it's not on video so I don't believe you. And FYI I can stop in front of your house everyday and you can't do a damn thing, it's PUBLIC property you idiot. And why the hell would I pull into your driveway?! Don't flatter yourself, this is entertaining to me lol
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New Member
I really hope you're doing all this posting either from your work computer or while at work, because the Navy Inspector General is currently having the network folks monitor your activity.

Have a nice day.


Really? REALLY?? Hahaha :yahoo:you make me laugh lol

Do you really think the Navy gives a crap that I'm In a forum while my machine is rebooting...again?!?!? Don't you think they have bigger things to worry about? Hahaha. Sorry, but unlike you, I do NOT think the world revolves around me nor do I think ANYONE is out to get me. Well...except you I guess. :killingme


New Member
Once again, it's not on video so I don't believe you. And FYI I can stop in front of your house everyday and you can't do a damn thing, it's PUBLIC property you idiot. And why the hell would I pull into your driveway?! Don't flatter yourself, this is entertaining to me lol



New Member
Really? REALLY?? Hahaha :yahoo:you make me laugh lol

Do you really think the Navy gives a crap that I'm In a forum while my machine is rebooting...again?!?!? Don't you think they have bigger things to worry about? Hahaha. Sorry, but unlike you, I do NOT think the world revolves around me nor do I think ANYONE is out to get me. Well...except you I guess. :killingme



New Member
Really? REALLY?? Hahaha :yahoo:you make me laugh lol

Do you really think the Navy gives a crap that I'm In a forum while my machine is rebooting...again?!?!? Don't you think they have bigger things to worry about? Hahaha. Sorry, but unlike you, I do NOT think the world revolves around me nor do I think ANYONE is out to get me. Well...except you I guess. :killingme

I do find it amusing that since I filed that complaint with the IG that there isn't anymore network traffic on my blog from PAX River or Booz, Allen, and Hamilton.

Even weirder, all the attacks from anonymous proxy servers have stopped too.

Should be interesting to see who still has a job by the time Halloween rolls around again.



#*! boat!
PREMO Member
I do find it amusing that since I filed that complaint with the IG that there isn't anymore network traffic on my blog from PAX River or Booz, Allen, and Hamilton.

Even weirder, all the attacks from anonymous proxy servers have stopped too.

Should be interesting to see who still has a job by the time Halloween rolls around again.


My boss is scared now too..told me I should stop picking on Clem and that I'm on my own if ole Clem decides to go postal.:coffee:


New Member
Poor guys, you've been out of work for so long you don't remember how thing really work do you lol

And your "attacks" stopped? feel soo alone now don't you. no one's reading your blog hahahahaha


New Member

Awww come on, no response? Well that's no fun. Guess I'll throw a tantrum, destroy my dishwasher on YouTube and put I. My front yard. That wi definitely get people to pay attention to me again.

What, you repo your balls again?


New Member
Poor guys, you've been out of work for so long you don't remember how thing really work do you lol

And your "attacks" stopped? feel soo alone now don't you. no one's reading your blog hahahahaha

I think enough people have now read my blog to make an informed decision about if they want to live in Leonard's Grant around all of you whack-jobs that trick or treat with beer bottles and breath radon in a crappy built home like mine.



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New Member
Awww come on, no response? Well that's no fun. Guess I'll throw a tantrum, destroy my dishwasher on YouTube and put I. My front yard. That wi definitely get people to pay attention to me again.

What, you repo your balls again?

I do find it amusing that since I filed that complaint with the IG that there isn't anymore network traffic on my blog from PAX River or Booz, Allen, and Hamilton.

Even weirder, all the attacks from anonymous proxy servers have stopped too.

Should be interesting to see who still has a job by the time Halloween rolls around again.


Probably has more to do with this...
"The blog that you are about to view may contain content only suitable for adults. In general, Google does not review nor do we endorse the content of this or any blog. For more information about our content policies, please visit the Blogger .."


New Member
I think enough people have now read my blog to make an informed decision about if they want to live in Leonard's Grant around all of you whack-jobs that trick or treat with beer bottles and breath radon in a crappy built home like mine.


Half those are people checking your blog for threats. We're watching you dumbass. Oh, and about until you see what happens this year. I'm betting you'll be crying to the HOA!!!!:evil:


New Member
Probably has more to do with this...
"The blog that you are about to view may contain content only suitable for adults. In general, Google does not review nor do we endorse the content of this or any blog. For more information about our content policies, please visit the Blogger .."

That's awful isn't it?

All those weenies can't eff off at work and read my blog anymore, nor can they attack it using government or contractor networks.

Tsk, tsk, what a shame.
