Can Anyone Identify This Creepy Stalker?


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
Shall I leave the grammar issues alone? :killingme

Can someone remind idiot-boy about the whole "keep your enemies closer" thing? Thx

I would..but he has me on iggy too. HVP?'s on iggy. weaxman?..nope..

At this rate, the only remaining liason possessing of formidable communicaiton skillz that isn't on Jimmy's iggy list will be Toxick.



You summed that up quite nicely.

Welcome to the Clem Shady Show.

I'll be broadcasting daily until they haul me away.


Good to know, typically I have to read through a dozen or so threads to witness this much retardation. You draw it like a queen bee draws workers, kind of like the Captain of the Crazy ship. :yay:


New Member
Good to know, typically I have to read through a dozen or so threads to witness this much retardation. You draw it like a queen bee draws workers, kind of like the Captain of the Crazy ship. :yay:

You ever wonder if they fired me from my job as Captain of the ship for making videos?



New Member
1. Your household insurance would not cover you since playing golf on your own front lawn doesn't count as recreation and 'in the proper environment.'
2. Your speed dial to the Seriff's office would get a workout trying to flood '911' with meaningless calls trying to distract the po-po from coming by.
3. You would face a whole world worth of misery with all the civil and criminal actions for endangerment.
4. I don't doubt that your video system would suffer a terminal breakdown and be unable to provide evidence against you.
5. All the neighbors would be outside watching as the po-po lead you (and that second-hand driver) away in cuffs.

Let's do it!

OK, 4 a.m tomorrow.

Be here, but remain off the property, as I would consider you as a trespasser.



New Member
And what sort of retribution should a trespasser on your property expect?

Just curious.

Just the normal stuff.

A 911 call.

Trip to jail.

A chance to Fritz it.

Their video on my blog.

Although one guy in Texas did win a set of steak knives, but this is Maryland, and the criminals have more rights than the homeowners.



A 911 call.

You know 911 is for emergencies, right?

Heart-attacks, arterial wounds, murder in-progress, robberies, car-jackings .... that kind of thing.

You should use a direct line to the police station, rather than tying up a line on the 911 system that someone with an actual emergency could use rather than abuse the system with ignorant non-emergency bull####.

Unless they have caller ID up at the police station, and are now screening your calls. :/

Their video on my blog.

The shame of this alone should be enough to deter any would-be trespasser.


Methodically disorganized
I am also very unimpressed by those who use the old, "I'm Rubber and You're Glue" ploy!

That one lost it's luster round-about the third grade.

No originality at all. D- for effort :(
There goes Clemmy's best effort. "You don't have a life. But I do! You suck, too."

You know 911 is for emergencies, right?
You should know everything that happens to him is of monumental importance to the WORLD.

That's realistic too, not hype at all. :yay:


New Member
The floodlights on front of his house will make it impossible for the camera in his daughter's bedroom window to pick up even the slight shimmer which is the only indication of the masking process. Plus they won't know if we're at the curb at the front or side of the corner lot.

The floodlights are really claymore mines in disguise Lenny.

That's why they're green and not blue.



#*! boat!
PREMO Member
The floodlights on front of his house will make it impossible for the camera in his daughter's bedroom window to pick up even the slight shimmer which is the only indication of the masking process. Plus they won't know if we're at the curb at the front or side of the corner lot.

my Dayglo paintballs will defeat those wimpy defenses. Jimmy's inferior intellect is no match for our puny weapons. bwa ha ha ha


New Member
The floodlights on front of his house will make it impossible for the camera in his daughter's bedroom window to pick up even the slight shimmer which is the only indication of the masking process. Plus they won't know if we're at the curb at the front or side of the corner lot.

Well unless he put them back up today, the floodlights (as well as the no trespassing signs and dishwasher) have been gone!!! W00t!!!!


New Member
Billigan I really did it this time...

Killed the dishwasher to have a good time..

When I got done it was 4 p.m...

The door was broke, so I axed my way in...


QBHI was high on the bill...

So I took all my pills...

And tossed that piece of chit out in the yard...

Then the neighbors called me a slum and the HOA said it couldn't be done...


And in my drugged stuper...

I did what I should have never done...

And now I'm sitting here, with you on iggy

High and having fun...


I'm sitting at my house on the inside...

But it's as cold as the outside...

She broke my heart in the trailer park...

So I bought this piece of chit house and signed away...


You know Billigan I've really got big tears...

But calm my fears till Lowes gets here...

Yea I know the radon is seeping up...

And y'all are ready to lock me up...

But I'm trying to save my soul...

I'm tired of life in this hell hole...

Everything that I love's been sold

Just to keep us warm from the cold...


I'm sitting at my house on the inside...

But it's as cold as the outside...

She broke my heart in the trailer park...

So I bought this piece of chit house and signed away...



#*! boat!
PREMO Member
Billigan I really did it this time...

Killed the dishwasher to have a good time..

When I got done it was 4 p.m...

The door was broke, so I axed my way in...


QBHI was high on the bill...

So I took all my pills...

And tossed that piece of chit out in the yard...

Then the neighbors called me a slum and the HOA said it couldn't be done...


And in my drugged stuper...

I did what I should have never done...

And now I'm sitting here, with you on iggy

High and having fun...


I'm sitting at my house on the inside...

But it's as cold as the outside...

She broke my heart in the trailer park...

So I bought this piece of chit house and signed away...


You know Billigan I've really got big tears...

But calm my fears till Lowes gets here...

Yea I know the radon is seeping up...

And y'all are ready to lock me up...

But I'm trying to save my soul...

I'm tired of life in this hell hole...

Everything that I love's been sold

Just to keep us warm from the cold...


I'm sitting at my house on the inside...

But it's as cold as the outside...

She broke my heart in the trailer park...

So I bought this piece of chit house and signed away...


I'd really need to hear the promo CD before offering an opinion. It does have potential....