Can Anyone Identify This Creepy Stalker?


New Member
So now that the blood sucking lawyers and the HOA have decided upon having a hearing, they can listen to what they have created. HOA's are garbage. They even tried to make a man take down an american flag. You take away a mans right to post a "No Tresspassing" sign and security lights on his property, yet offer no protection against tresspassers, roving gangs armed with weapons and stalking creepers who harass residents. You take away the security and rights of a citizen by sending threats and extortion letters? Will this same communist group pay damages to the citizen they have deprived when it goes to civil court?

A neighborhood turns against a citizen for his beliefs and will to exercise is rights as an american. Will the same neighborhood have your back when the time comes, is the question you may ask yourself? The interesting thing about cannibals is that when they run out of victims, they eat each other. The purpose of a HOA is to preserve "property value" however I think in this case they have overstepped their bounds.

I hope that the pages of this forum are printed and entered as evidence in the hearings to come. I hope the videos are entered in as evidence as well. It shows a pattern of harassment. It shows intent of a larger plot against 1 individual. It shows conspiracy of the group to essentially attempt to go after someone or ruin their peace. Without peace, there is war. Perhaps the HOA may have won the battle, but the citizen might win the war. The HOA's policy fosters a climate that allows continuous harassment against citizens living in their jurisdiction... and that maybe unconstitutional.


Methodically disorganized
So now that the blood sucking lawyers and the HOA have decided upon having a hearing, they can listen to what they have created.
Are you one of Clementine's hired goons or are you another MPD?

Word is, Jimmy has made some respectable arguments off the Forums. I hope what he has said here, including his videos, is entered into evidence... everyone listening/watching will laugh him clean from the room. :lmao:


New Member
So now that the blood sucking lawyers and the HOA have decided upon having a hearing, they can listen to what they have created. HOA's are garbage. They even tried to make a man take down an american flag. You take away a mans right to post a "No Tresspassing" sign and security lights on his property, yet offer no protection against tresspassers, roving gangs armed with weapons and stalking creepers who harass residents. You take away the security and rights of a citizen by sending threats and extortion letters? Will this same communist group pay damages to the citizen they have deprived when it goes to civil court?

A neighborhood turns against a citizen for his beliefs and will to exercise is rights as an american. Will the same neighborhood have your back when the time comes, is the question you may ask yourself? The interesting thing about cannibals is that when they run out of victims, they eat each other. The purpose of a HOA is to preserve "property value" however I think in this case they have overstepped their bounds.

I hope that the pages of this forum are printed and entered as evidence in the hearings to come. I hope the videos are entered in as evidence as well. It shows a pattern of harassment. It shows intent of a larger plot against 1 individual. It shows conspiracy of the group to essentially attempt to go after someone or ruin their peace. Without peace, there is war. Perhaps the HOA may have won the battle, but the citizen might win the war. The HOA's policy fosters a climate that allows continuous harassment against citizens living in their jurisdiction... and that maybe unconstitutional.

All the rules they've enforced on him are in the covenants and by laws. He was provided with all this prior to signing the contract and he should have read them like I did. No one forced him to live in an HOA neighborhood. I don't really like HOAs either but it's the price I was willing to pay to live in such a great looking neighborhood. So get over it, quit whining and MOVE!
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New Member
So now that the blood sucking lawyers and the HOA have decided upon having a hearing, they can listen to what they have created. HOA's are garbage. They even tried to make a man take down an american flag. You take away a mans right to post a "No Tresspassing" sign and security lights on his property, yet offer no protection against tresspassers, roving gangs armed with weapons and stalking creepers who harass residents. You take away the security and rights of a citizen by sending threats and extortion letters? Will this same communist group pay damages to the citizen they have deprived when it goes to civil court?

A neighborhood turns against a citizen for his beliefs and will to exercise is rights as an american. Will the same neighborhood have your back when the time comes, is the question you may ask yourself? The interesting thing about cannibals is that when they run out of victims, they eat each other. The purpose of a HOA is to preserve "property value" however I think in this case they have overstepped their bounds.

I hope that the pages of this forum are printed and entered as evidence in the hearings to come. I hope the videos are entered in as evidence as well. It shows a pattern of harassment. It shows intent of a larger plot against 1 individual. It shows conspiracy of the group to essentially attempt to go after someone or ruin their peace. Without peace, there is war. Perhaps the HOA may have won the battle, but the citizen might win the war. The HOA's policy fosters a climate that allows continuous harassment against citizens living in their jurisdiction... and that maybe unconstitutional.



New Member
I don't know what an MPD is (Metropolitan Police Dept.?) Or who a clementine is.... and to be frank, I don't care. I'm not any goons and I'm not a replacement for legal counsel. However, you even mentioned you don't like HOA rules. Ultimately as it is, no one is happy. I also feel that if something is not done that the frustration will bring police to your neighborhood for calls for service and maybe ambulances. People who hit rock bottom have a tendency to lose control when tensions are high, and bad press will definately devalue the LG neighborhood.

Perhaps they need to bring in a mediator before everyone ends up in civil court? Usually a HOA is run and managed by someone who lives outside the neighborhood, often people who don't even live in a HOA themselves. They offer false promises to collect your $$, often telling you your house will retain value if you put in green grass, and if you don't, get on your knees and face the fines. Ultimately in the end, they can't control the value of your house. They can't control facts like if the housing market crashed or the county intends to build section 8 across the street 3 years from now to gain federal funding.
I've even read about how some HOA's have tried to restrict gun/pet ownership, restricting putting up an American flag, how you park your car, for $10,000 more value?

They certainly can't prevent you from being sued, keep you out of court and they won't provide a lawyer when your named as the defendant. If you think that new normal people will move to the facade american dream, I'm sure a smart buyer would talk to people before buying. They will run a internet search and find this forum. With current market values C. Shady may not be able to sell, so he might be stuck for the next 5 to 10 years. The question is, is everyone ready to dig in, get arrested together, sue each other, and just go wild at every HOA meeting? Are you ready to bring the pain and have it out with your neighbors for the next 10 years? Perhaps this is what you envisioned when you moved in. Its more exciting than screwing his wife? My general feeling is that its going to get ugly. Simply put, at the end of the day a HOA won't be able to stop LG from being nicknamed "Low Grade." Perhaps the radon is getting to everyone and the FEMA/DOD experiment is finally taking its toll.
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New Member
So now that the blood sucking lawyers and the HOA have decided upon having a hearing, they can listen to what they have created. HOA's are garbage. They even tried to make a man take down an american flag. You take away a mans right to post a "No Tresspassing" sign and security lights on his property, yet offer no protection against tresspassers, roving gangs armed with weapons and stalking creepers who harass residents. You take away the security and rights of a citizen by sending threats and extortion letters? Will this same communist group pay damages to the citizen they have deprived when it goes to civil court?

A neighborhood turns against a citizen for his beliefs and will to exercise is rights as an american. Will the same neighborhood have your back when the time comes, is the question you may ask yourself? The interesting thing about cannibals is that when they run out of victims, they eat each other. The purpose of a HOA is to preserve "property value" however I think in this case they have overstepped their bounds.

I hope that the pages of this forum are printed and entered as evidence in the hearings to come. I hope the videos are entered in as evidence as well. It shows a pattern of harassment. It shows intent of a larger plot against 1 individual. It shows conspiracy of the group to essentially attempt to go after someone or ruin their peace. Without peace, there is war. Perhaps the HOA may have won the battle, but the citizen might win the war. The HOA's policy fosters a climate that allows continuous harassment against citizens living in their jurisdiction... and that maybe unconstitutional.

Pure genius.

I salute you Sir!

You've hit the nail on the head.

Here's how it's went down so far here in the little hamlet of Leonard's Grant: the head bully created a community Facebook page where he used an alias, but everyone else had to use their real name. He was judge, jury, and executioner of everything posted. He deleted whatever he felt like and whatever he thought made the neighborhood look bad. Worse, QBHI was actually communicating through this Facebook page with the neighborhood.

Then one night the Facebook page spun out of control when the owner and his bully buddies snapped about a long-standing beef they've had in here with dog owners, and the owners not cleaning up their dog crap.

So the Facebook page got shutdown, but I saved the dirt and posted it on my blog, which really pissed them off.

The dog crap issue is so serious in here that one of the Facebook whack-job's buddies actually confronted me with a shovel and then chased me on a dirt bike because he mistakenly thought my dog had crapped on his lawn. Of course the cops did nothing with him when I complained. In fact the officer initially acted like I was the problem. Nor did the officer care that the guy had illegally rode a dirt bike after me.

So then the fight to fix my house and show the world what a crappy job QBHI did while constructing it began. And I educated the community on the dangerous radon levels here. But this stuff pissed the neighbors off, because they didn't want everyone to know crappy houses were being built in here or that we have a serious radon problem. The only thing they care about is the value of their own homes.

Of course QBHI dragged their feet on fixing my house. So I ramped up the fight and gave them 7 days to replace the scratch, dent, defective dishwasher they sold me. Instead of just doing it, they tried to price gouge me and charge me $175 above retail for a new one. It's well know what I did at that point because I had already said I would do exactly what I did, which was destroy the dishwasher and toss it in the front yard until the HOA lawyers did something about it.

But instead of that being between me, QBHI and the lawyers, the neighbors became vigilantes trying to make me clean it up themselves by stalking and harassing me. So I put up no trespassing signs and floodlights to protect my family from them and the threats that were being made online. Then the same creeps complained to the HOA about the signs and the lights.

And QBHI and it's subcontractors were even stalking and harassing me.

So you're absolutely right, there's been an organized gang of residents in here stalking, harassing, and threatening me and using the HOA covenants to get away with at least some of it.

So here we are.

How will it end?



New Member
I don't know what an MPD is (Metropolitan Police Dept.?) Or who a clementine is.... and to be frank, I don't care. I'm not any goons and I'm not a replacement for legal counsel. However, you even mentioned you don't like HOA rules. Ultimately as it is, no one is happy. I also feel that if something is not done that the frustration will bring police to your neighborhood for calls for service and maybe ambulances. People who hit rock bottom have a tendency to lose control when tensions are high, and bad press will definately devalue the LG neighborhood.

Perhaps they need to bring in a mediator before everyone ends up in civil court? Usually a HOA is run and managed by someone who lives outside the neighborhood, often people who don't even live in a HOA themselves. They offer false promises to collect your $$, often telling you your house will retain value if you put in green grass, and if you don't, get on your knees and face the fines. Ultimately in the end, they can't control the value of your house. They can't control facts like if the housing market crashed or the county intends to build section 8 across the street 3 years from now to gain federal funding.
I've even read about how some HOA's have tried to restrict gun/pet ownership, restricting putting up an American flag, how you park your car, for $10,000 more value?

They certainly can't prevent you from being sued, keep you out of court and they won't provide a lawyer when your named as the defendant. If you think that new normal people will move to the facade american dream, I'm sure a smart buyer would talk to people before buying. They will run a internet search and find this forum. With current market values C. Shady may not be able to sell, so he might be stuck for the next 5 to 10 years. The question is, is everyone ready to dig in, get arrested together, sue each other, and just go wild at every HOA meeting? Are you ready to bring the pain and have it out with your neighbors for the next 10 years? Perhaps this is what you envisioned when you moved in. Its more exciting than screwing his wife? My general feeling is that its going to get ugly. Simply put, at the end of the day a HOA won't be able to stop LG from being nicknamed "Low Grade." Perhaps the radon is getting to everyone and the FEMA/DOD experiment is finally taking its toll.

Good god! HOAs are annoying, that's it. There is no need for ANY of that insanity! Like I said, maybe if idiot-boy had actually read things he was signing he wouldn't be in this mess. The HOA is there to make sure people don't turn their yards into dumps or their houses into bunkers. All you have to do to keep them from getting bad is to participate in the process.

And trying to act as ignorant as you are isn't a very good tactic in life. You know very well what people are getting at with the MPD and if you aren't just another personality of the ass hat than you're an even bigger idiot for allowing yourself to be brainwashed. Move to a mountaintop and everyone will leave you alone.


Methodically disorganized
I don't know what an MPD is (Metropolitan Police Dept.?) Or who a clementine is.... and to be frank, I don't care.
Don't know what "Reply w/Quote" means either, I gather.

However, you even mentioned you don't like HOA rules.
I did, or are you talking to UNA now? It is true that I do not like HOAs, which is why I would never willingly live under one.

Usually a HOA is run and managed by someone who lives outside the neighborhood, often people who don't even live in a HOA themselves.
Duh. They live in fancy houses and have huge property. Who wouldn't if they could afford it?

There are two sides to every story. As bad as HOAs in general are, and as wrong and incompetent as this one in particular may be, they are still not 100% at fault here. Mr. S-H-U-P-E's insults, hypocrisy, delusions and drama queening everything have turned even minor issues into larger battles. No matter how many times he gets shut down, he keeps running his mouth, so no doubt, if/when he loses his case with the HOA he will keep :blahblah: because he has nothing else to do.


New Member
Perhaps they need to bring in a mediator before everyone ends up in civil court? Usually a HOA is run and managed by someone who lives outside the neighborhood, often people who don't even live in a HOA themselves. They offer false promises to collect your $$, often telling you your house will retain value if you put in green grass, and if you don't, get on your knees and face the fines. Ultimately in the end, they can't control the value of your house. They can't control facts like if the housing market crashed or the county intends to build section 8 across the street 3 years from now to gain federal funding.

HOAs are run by the homeowners hence the name, right now the LG HOA is run by the builder and they'll hand it over at the proper time like they have in everyother QBH neighborhood. And no, they dot have great influence over the value of our homes but residents to, I can't imagine that the trash in ass hat's yard did much for the value of our homes.


New Member
I've even read about how some HOA's have tried to restrict gun/pet ownership, restricting putting up an American flag, how you park your car, for $10,000 more value?

Yeah, they've got the pet clause; no more than two dogs and three cats.

But the other problem with the HOA is they selectively enforce their rules.

Take for example the day I walked down the street with a sign saying "MY QBHI House Sucks." I had QBHI's site supervisor following me around and filming me, and a subcontractor from Dunkirk Building supply taking pictures of my house, so the HOA could get me.

Then take for example the guy who walks three dogs everyday in violation of the rule that says you can only own two.

What did they do with him?

Nothing. They didn't follow him around or take his picture etc. etc.

Even funnier when I asked the HOA about this unequal treatment they made excuses such as saying that "I had to have the dog owners name to complain or how did I know that all the dogs really belonged to him etc. etc."

Again, why didn't the QBHI Nazi employees follow the guy home and take his picture like they do to me?

If anyone is confused, QBHI has complete control of the HOA right now. It hasn't been turned over to the residents.



Methodically disorganized
Here's how it's went down so far here in the little hamlet of Leonard's Grant:
Funny how you related your whole sorrowful tale for him without his asking, but when others have asked certain questions, you refuse to say anything other than, "Go read the blog."


New Member
Good god! HOAs are annoying, that's it. There is no need for ANY of that insanity! Like I said, maybe if idiot-boy had actually read things he was signing he wouldn't be in this mess. The HOA is there to make sure people don't turn their yards into dumps or their houses into bunkers. All you have to do to keep them from getting bad is to participate in the process.

And trying to act as ignorant as you are isn't a very good tactic in life. You know very well what people are getting at with the MPD and if you aren't just another personality of the ass hat than you're an even bigger idiot for allowing yourself to be brainwashed. Move to a mountaintop and everyone will leave you alone.

I sent all of your posts to QBHI and their lawyers yesterday. I told them their going to need to explain in court why I don't deserve protection such as no trespassing signs against a fruit-cake such as yourself.



New Member
Funny how you related your whole sorrowful tale for him without his asking, but when others have asked certain questions, you refuse to say anything other than, "Go read the blog."

That's because you are and always will be an asswipe.

I only communicate with intelligent people.

Not basement dwelling dummies.



New Member
Pure genius.

I salute you Sir!

You've hit the nail on the head.

Here's how it's went down so far here in the little hamlet of Leonard's Grant: the head bully created a community Facebook page where he used an alias, but everyone else had to use their real name. He was judge, jury, and executioner of everything posted. He deleted whatever he felt like and whatever he thought made the neighborhood look bad. Worse, QBHI was actually communicating through this Facebook page with the neighborhood.

Then one night the Facebook page spun out of control when the owner and his bully buddies snapped about a long-standing beef they've had in here with dog owners, and the owners not cleaning up their dog crap.

So the Facebook page got shutdown, but I saved the dirt and posted it on my blog, which really pissed them off.

The dog crap issue is so serious in here that one of the Facebook whack-job's buddies actually confronted me with a shovel and then chased me on a dirt bike because he mistakenly thought my dog had crapped on his lawn. Of course the cops did nothing with him when I complained. In fact the officer initially acted like I was the problem. Nor did the officer care that the guy had illegally rode a dirt bike after me.

So then the fight to fix my house and show the world what a crappy job QBHI did while constructing it began. And I educated the community on the dangerous radon levels here. But this stuff pissed the neighbors off, because they didn't want everyone to know crappy houses were being built in here or that we have a serious radon problem. The only thing they care about is the value of their own homes.

Of course QBHI dragged their feet on fixing my house. So I ramped up the fight and gave them 7 days to replace the scratch, dent, defective dishwasher they sold me. Instead of just doing it, they tried to price gouge me and charge me $175 above retail for a new one. It's well know what I did at that point because I had already said I would do exactly what I did, which was destroy the dishwasher and toss it in the front yard until the HOA lawyers did something about it.

But instead of that being between me, QBHI and the lawyers, the neighbors became vigilantes trying to make me clean it up themselves by stalking and harassing me. So I put up no trespassing signs and floodlights to protect my family from them and the threats that were being made online. Then the same creeps complained to the HOA about the signs and the lights.

And QBHI and it's subcontractors were even stalking and harassing me.

So you're absolutely right, there's been an organized gang of residents in here stalking, harassing, and threatening me and using the HOA covenants to get away with at least some of it.

So here we are.

How will it end?


you have the facts so screwed up I don't k ow where to begin. And you are the one that brought us in on your drama with your blog. Then you threw the dishwasher in you front yard which I can see thus making this 100% my business. You're just an attention whore. Like I've said before, sad. You just a delusional, lonely old man.

BTW, you guess my IP yet? You do realize most people have dynamic IPs now. If you don't know what that mean look it up.


Methodically disorganized
Then take for example the guy who walks three dogs everyday in violation of the rule that says you can only own two.

Even funnier when I asked the HOA about this unequal treatment they made excuses such as saying that "I had to have the dog owners name to complain or how did I know that all the dogs really belonged to him etc. etc."
That's a good question. How do you know he owns them? Why don't you get his name? Is that your best example of 'selective enforcement'?