Can Anyone Identify This Creepy Stalker?


One person in the forum stated that her children regularly engage in activities where they shoot lookalike guns at each other and how "normal" it is to plan attacks and practice runs on houses. The children in LG are in need of supervision, and some in need of professional help?

Let me see if I follow this correctly....

Kids who carry around baseball bats (believe it or not, bats actually do have purposes beyond assault and violence) and kids who run around the neighborhood playing with toy-guns are disturbed and require psychiatric evaluation/therapy?

Is that what I'm reading?

Just trying to be clear.


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
Hmmm...80 pages.

Is this some kind of record? Are there any awards? Even a little gold lapel pin with the number "100" would be a nice touch. I'm betting this one will get there. Soon...:whistle:


New Member
You are half right.

The taking of the pictures is not the issue. ANYONE can be photographed in a public place.

POSTING photos os someone elses children on a public website is where the issue lies..

I think you are legally allowed to post photos of minors online without parent permission as long as it is not for financial gain/commercial purposes.


New Member
However in this case the juveniles were armed tresspassers. Mr. Shady has a documented history of stalking, threats of violent and a HOA that coddles and protects the offenders by ordering him to take down perfectly legal signs and security lights? Its the totality of the circumstances that may lead a judge to believe that people are harassing him, criminally tresspassing and attempting to extort him by levying threats and fines under the guise of a HOA. Your now attempting to go after the fact that he's filming the public area in front of his residence after the tresspassers fled the scene on foot?


Well-Known Member
You are half right.

The taking of the pictures is not the issue. ANYONE can be photographed in a public place.

POSTING photos os someone elses children on a public website is where the issue lies..

Sorry, but I am 100% right. While news outlets often won't publish children's names and faces without parents permission, there is no law prohibiting this action. Anyone in public can be photographed and those photographs can be posted on a public web-site. If the owner of that web-site receives payment for the use of your image, you may be entitled to some form of compensation.

There is no criminal law prohibiting this conduct.


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
If you look carefully, in the background of one of Clem's videos he posted you can see what appears to be, at first glance, a middle-aged woman planting flowers in a bed alongside her driveway. Do not be decieived..that is far more than an innocent garden trowel in her hand. I saw Chuck Norris take out a bad guy at 1000 feet with one of the things in one of his movies....


New Member
There were complaints filed after those statements wer made. Couldn't get him on anything real so they filed acomplaint about anything they could think of. This is what stuck. He's broke, and tired of defending himself

Lawyer agrees to suspension for 90 days
From todays article.

[QUOTE"Although [Mattingly] knew or should have known that the deeds contained improper notarizations at the time the deeds were filed, he did not take any action that was motivated by a dishonest desire for an unwarranted advantage," according to the petition signed by Mattingly, his lawyer and the counsel for the commission.

As previously said, the future will explain the past. Complaints to the Bar Association were filed months before Mattingly created his website. I've seen the calendar of events. Futhermore, everything FOCUSFACTS has previously posted has proven to be accurate and what MINUTEMAN (yourself) has written and stated has proven to be nothing but FALSE! Now, we get to sit back and watch the WIN. The fight's over! WINNING!!! I rest my case!


Obama destroyed America
There were complaints filed after those statements wer made. Couldn't get him on anything real so they filed acomplaint about anything they could think of. This is what stuck. He's broke, and tired of defending himself

Lawyer agrees to suspension for 90 days
From todays article.

Says the AGC concurs with this assessment of the events.

Someone needs to get those d##m Notary's under control, or they'll bring down our whole legal system.:killingme
No one would agree to 90 days suspension of their license/practice if they were innocent. I'd fight to the bitter end for my reputation.


New Member
So let me put this in persepctive (it helps if you're a parent)..

If you have a 10 year daughter, and someone in your neighborhood takes pictures of your daughter and without your permission posts them online, you wouldn't have an issue with that? And secondly, you don't think law enforcement would have an issue with that?

Pictures of her getting off of her school bus maybe.. or playing on the playground.. playing hopscotch??

I was speaking in legal terms only, not moral. Laws are trying to catch up with our technology. Minors take videos of each other all the time and put them up on public forums, sites, etc. If there are minors in the background of a video I take of anything, I do not need permission to post it. Its a common problem/issue going on right now.


New Member
As previously said, the future will explain the past. Complaints to the Bar Association were filed months before Mattingly created his website. I've seen the calendar of events. Futhermore, everything FOCUSFACTS has previously posted has proven to be accurate and what MINUTEMAN (yourself) has written and stated has proven to be nothing but FALSE! Now, we get to sit back and watch the WIN. The fight's over! WINNING!!! I rest my case!


Today holds the truth of the past. Finally!!


Methodically disorganized
I'm glad you folks took the Mattingly stuff to another thread. This thread is about Clem's paranoid fixations surrounding his neighbors. That other stuff is lame.


New Member
Were you under the influence in the hot seat? You don't remember?

Lessoned learned for MINUTEMAN76 and his clan - never try to out smart those with more knowledge than yourself :) :)

OUCH ! that one Hurt
MiniMan75 u gonna take that off him????????


New Member
I'm glad you folks took the Mattingly stuff to another thread. This thread is about Clem's paranoid fixations surrounding his neighbors. That other stuff is lame.

Do you really believe that Clem can afford to live in Leonard's Grant? Or are you just having fun with this?

To each his own!

God Bless St. Mary's County!