Can Anyone Identify This Creepy Stalker?


Methodically disorganized
It might be neat to have a sort of reference thread to show all the questions/points you have refused to answer or answered with a blatant falsehood or insult.

But it would be essentially a copy of the thread we already have, so... :lol:


Blob, let me go on record about the actions of those kids.

This is my opinion of what I think was going on. I believe these kids have been sitting around the dinner table and house listening to their parents complain about me.

I think they decided to walk through my yard with a baseball bat to see if I would confront them. At that point, I believe that the three of them would have then attacked me and used the baseball bat to try and harm me.

So rather than confront them, I just videotaped it, and exposed their behavior.

I didn't bother calling the cops, because I'm sick of their excuses for everything under the sun as to why they can't do something. This is Maryland. My home is not my castle. I have no rights.

And I'm willing to go to court and testify to exactly what I just said.

Again, I believe these kids intentionally walked through my yard to start a confrontation.

I followed the "castle doctrine" and retreated as was my duty to do.


WOW!!! Lots of "believe" and "opinion" in the above post...Where are the FACTS???

I know Clemmy has scared himself into a tizzy based on the 1st line, "This is my opinion of what is going on..." then goes on to suppose people are talking about him at the dinner table.

Can you imagine how this would play out in court?

Judge: So what happened Clem?
Clem: 3 10 year olds were going to hit me with a bat.
Judge: Why did you come to that conclusion?
Clem: It is my opinion that their parents (all 3 families) were all talking about me over dinner and the 3 friends conspired to confront me.
Judge: How do you know they were talking about you over dinner in their own home?
Clem: Ummmm...Geee...Because everyone talks about me your honor..


New Member
I've got a question for the coaches of the Leonard's Grant Baseball Bat Brats: does anyone know if one of their parents drives a white jeep?

Like the one that pulled into my driveway on Saturday after the Acura guy came to visit?



#*! boat!
PREMO Member
WOW!!! Lots of "believe" and "opinion" in the above post...Where are the FACTS???

I know Clemmy has scared himself into a tizzy based on the 1st line, "This is my opinion of what is going on..." then goes on to suppose people are talking about him at the dinner table.

Can you imagine how this would play out in court?

Judge: So what happened Clem?
Clem: 3 10 year olds were going to hit me with a bat.
Judge: Why did you come to that conclusion?
Clem: It is my opinion that their parents (all 3 families) were all talking about me over dinner and the 3 friends conspired to confront me.
Judge: How do you know they were talking about you over dinner in their own home?
Clem: Ummmm...Geee...Because everyone talks about me your honor..

:killingme uncanny.


New Member
WOW!!! Lots of "believe" and "opinion" in the above post...Where are the FACTS???

I know Clemmy has scared himself into a tizzy based on the 1st line, "This is my opinion of what is going on..." then goes on to suppose people are talking about him at the dinner table.

Can you imagine how this would play out in court?

Judge: So what happened Clem?
Clem: 3 10 year olds were going to hit me with a bat.
Judge: Why did you come to that conclusion?
Clem: It is my opinion that their parents (all 3 families) were all talking about me over dinner and the 3 friends conspired to confront me.
Judge: How do you know they were talking about you over dinner in their own home?
Clem: Ummmm...Geee...Because everyone talks about me your honor..

You don't watch S.A Fritz on 60 Minutes do you?

If you did, you would know that you can offer up suggestions of anything such as "I believe Ken Rossignol paid the woman that we raped to come forward and makes these statements."

I'm telling the truth, not offering up suggestions.

And I'll take a lie detector test that what I said about these kids is true.

Fritz wanted $500,000 to take one.

I'll do it for $100,000 per parent of these kids.



Well-Known Member
I was at a lawyer's office discussing Billigan and paying a retainer.


I don't know what type of unscrupulous lawyer would take your money for that complaint, but i'm sure eventually you will file a bar complaint against the attorney when the tort is summarily dismissed.

Although after reading some of your post where you were agreeing with yourself in the election threads, (annoying boy and clem shady conversations) it makes one realize you are pretty unscrupulous and duplicitous yourself.

Why you would make up names and argue with yourself is beyond me. Maybe you are mentally unstable. Perhaps you should seek help.

In the end, you are a lot of talk and a very little walk. Will this finally get me on “iggy”?


Methodically disorganized
I don't know what type of unscrupulous lawyer would take your money for that complaint, but i'm sure eventually you will file a bar complaint against the attorney when the tort is summarily dismissed.
I've got it!

A few hours ago, Clementine responded to dachsom's post about "serial litigators" by saying he has never filed a lawsuit. That's probably not because he has not wanted to [a few thousand times], but because every time he approaches a lawyer about handling his case they ask, "Are you effing kidding me? I'm not going to waste my time and reputation on this chit," leaving Clemmy to go home and sulk until he formulates another grand delusion. :lmao:


New Member
I don't know what type of unscrupulous lawyer would take your money for that complaint, but i'm sure eventually you will file a bar complaint against the attorney when the tort is summarily dismissed.

Although after reading some of your post where you were agreeing with yourself in the election threads, (annoying boy and clem shady conversations) it makes one realize you are pretty unscrupulous and duplicitous yourself.

Why you would make up names and argue with yourself is beyond me. Maybe you are mentally unstable. Perhaps you should seek help.

In the end, you are a lot of talk and a very little walk. Will this finally get me on “iggy”?


I'll just keep feeding you more line and bait.

It's not time to set the hook yet.



Well-Known Member
I've got it!

A few hours ago, Clementine responded to dachsom's post about "serial litigators" by saying he has never filed a lawsuit. That's probably not because he has not wanted to [a few thousand times], but because every time he approaches a lawyer about handling his case they ask, "Are you effing kidding me? I'm not going to waste my time and reputation on this chit," leaving Clemmy to go home and sulk until he formulates another grand delusion. :lmao:

I think you nailed it! :buddies: :killingme


Well-Known Member
I'll save my response to that for a later date when I need to bump this thread.


Why don't you have minuteman or annoyingboy answer for you? Don't you think that's a little sick? Your odd little threats don't bother me, lol they really just show me how pathetic you are. Unlike you, I have a firm grasp on how our legal system operates.

Dinners on, ttfn.


Blah.. Blah...Blah
Meanwhile, there would be 3 of them who would testify that they did not trespass.

The judge (or HOA overseer person) would then look at Mr. S-H-U-P-E, raise an eyebrow and say, "Get the hell out of here before I personally kick you out."

Also take into consideration that there are two parks and more than one school in walking distance with baseball fields from Leonard's Grant subdivision... Highly unlikely that they are looking to damage his property. To me it looks like they probably just got done playing baseball or softball in the park and were walking HOME. It's pretty sad that a kid cant walk home from a park with a bat and baseball mitt, without being labeled as a trouble maker or a punk. I guess all the "park hood rats" are making their way to Leonardtown. :cds:


Blah.. Blah...Blah
You don't watch S.A Fritz on 60 Minutes do you?

If you did, you would know that you can offer up suggestions of anything such as "I believe Ken Rossignol paid the woman that we raped to come forward and makes these statements."

I'm telling the truth, not offering up suggestions.

And I'll take a lie detector test that what I said about these kids is true.

Fritz wanted $500,000 to take one.

I'll do it for $100,000 per parent of these kids.


Clem I will say this... I don't think Fritz will win next time.