Can Anyone Identify This Creepy Stalker?


New Member
Someone correct me if I'm wrong...

Somebody on this board took pictures of three under age boys walking down the street, and I assume, posted these pictures on the internet without their parent's permission.

Again, correct me if I'm wrong, but don't children have special expectations of privacy? And posting pictures of other people's children on the internet without express permission is an egregious act?

If I remember correctly the term "heathen" was used in describing these young boys too..

So picking on young boys, posting their pictures on line.. and then someone wants to go to court because somebody POSSIBLY insulted their character?

Why yes, you are correct! And this video of minors was on the same page as porn! Hmmmmm, wonder if anyone call the cops on Clem for that one...........


Methodically disorganized
Do you really believe that Clem can afford to live in Leonard's Grant? Or are you just having fun with this?
Sorry, I am not privy to Clemmy's family's financial records. What I do know is his flamboyant wetawdedness makes for good afternoon entertainment.


New Member
Sorry, I am not privy to Clemmy's family's financial records. What I do know is his flamboyant wetawdedness makes for good afternoon entertainment.

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Tell us what you really think............................
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Appearing in the center ring


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
All I want is my gold "100 pages" lapel one of the plankholders of this epic thread, I deserve no less.

IF I don't get one..I'm gonna sue somebody.



New Member
Do you really believe that Clem can afford to live in Leonard's Grant? Or are you just having fun with this?

To each his own!

God Bless St. Mary's County!

Gawd I wish he didn't live in LG. this is just entertaining for most of you, LG residents have to live with this sht! At least he got nervour and removed the dishwasher!


New Member
You are half right.

The taking of the pictures is not the issue. ANYONE can be photographed in a public place.

POSTING photos os someone elses children on a public website is where the issue lies..

Blob, let me go on record about the actions of those kids.

This is my opinion of what I think was going on. I believe these kids have been sitting around the dinner table and house listening to their parents complain about me.

I think they decided to walk through my yard with a baseball bat to see if I would confront them. At that point, I believe that the three of them would have then attacked me and used the baseball bat to try and harm me.

So rather than confront them, I just videotaped it, and exposed their behavior.

I didn't bother calling the cops, because I'm sick of their excuses for everything under the sun as to why they can't do something. This is Maryland. My home is not my castle. I have no rights.

And I'm willing to go to court and testify to exactly what I just said.

Again, I believe these kids intentionally walked through my yard to start a confrontation.

I followed the "castle doctrine" and retreated as was my duty to do.



New Member
Sorry, but I am 100% right. While news outlets often won't publish children's names and faces without parents permission, there is no law prohibiting this action. Anyone in public can be photographed and those photographs can be posted on a public web-site. If the owner of that web-site receives payment for the use of your image, you may be entitled to some form of compensation.

There is no criminal law prohibiting this conduct.

And there is no revenue being generated by my blog and I have declined YouTube's offer to make money from my videos as well.



New Member
So let me put this in persepctive (it helps if you're a parent)..

If you have a 10 year daughter, and someone in your neighborhood takes pictures of your daughter and without your permission posts them online, you wouldn't have an issue with that? And secondly, you don't think law enforcement would have an issue with that?

Pictures of her getting off of her school bus maybe.. or playing on the playground.. playing hopscotch??

Efftard, how did we go from three boys with a baseball bat to a 10 year old girl?



New Member
As previously said, the future will explain the past. Complaints to the Bar Association were filed months before Mattingly created his website. I've seen the calendar of events. Futhermore, everything FOCUSFACTS has previously posted has proven to be accurate and what MINUTEMAN (yourself) has written and stated has proven to be nothing but FALSE! Now, we get to sit back and watch the WIN. The fight's over! WINNING!!! I rest my case!

Welcome back Crystal.

Thanks for paying Daniel the money you owed him.



New Member
Slowest traffic day I've had yet on the blog.

Looks like everyone is either back to actually doing their jobs or effing off somewhere else now.

I see JF Taylor checked in to make sure I wasn't after any of their employees.



New Member
Some of today's traffic on my Leonard's Grant Homeowner Blog.



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Methodically disorganized
So rather than confront them, I just videotaped it, and exposed their behavior.
Speaking of "excuses for everything under the sun", what is your excuse for not recording the important part of these heathen boys actually crossing your property? Not only that, they were nowhere near your property.

I would LOVE to see you say that in a courtroom, but you and everyone else knows you won't have to - thereby risking the terrible smackdown that should follow, so it's awfully easy for you to pretend that you would.

I have declined YouTube's offer to make money from my videos as well.
:lol: What is that? Some kind of generic e-maiil they send out? "You can earn up to $200 a day by participating in our program!"