Can Anyone Identify This Creepy Stalker?


Well-Known Member
Did you ask them why they were taking a picture of your house? That seems pretty strange to me.

They keep asking her to take off her clothes and stand in front of the picture window while they're taking pictures.

I wonder what it means.



Well-Known Member
If I get the tag number, I will be able to get their name in order to drag them into court.

I seriously believe these are active duty folks at PAX or base employees.
There's no need to spell out how their career is going to end or be seriously damaged once I take them to court.

This person possibly lives in Lusby/Calvert County.

Damn...he's on to us.


New Member
Any leads on the little creep yet?

Look around on PAX tomorrow if you work there, especially if you're around active duty Marine or Navy personnel.

I think he falls into that category.

He looks like he's a white male, under 30.

Just get the tag number and a picture of the car on a cell phone if possible.




#*! boat!
PREMO Member
I spotted the car this morning!! Driver was getting coffee and gassing up. I walked over and gave him a high sign and 20 bucks for gas, to help out.


Methodically disorganized
Look around on PAX tomorrow if you work there, especially if you're around active duty Marine or Navy personnel.
I can hear your many forum friends clamoring to your aid already...


I spotted the car this morning!! Driver was getting coffee and gassing up. I walked over and gave him a high sign and 20 bucks for gas, to help out.
If you see him again, maybe you could pay for one of those swanky dinners I hear you treat people to so often. Don't want to take too much time out of his drive-by schedule, but he has to eat sometime. :yay:


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
If you see him again, maybe you could pay for one of those swanky dinners I hear you treat people to so often. Don't want to take too much time out of his drive-by schedule, but he has to eat sometime. :yay:

I did offer to give him a nice bicycle....but it wouldn't fit in the back seat.


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
*snicker* I see a snowball effect coming on. Clem puts me on iggy..then HVP too because he quoted me..then who knows how many when they quote me or HVP..and then whoever quotes those thing ya know, like some kind of virus, ole Clem will have iggied himself right off the forum and have to start over with another screen name.



Methodically disorganized
next thing ya know, like some kind of virus, ole Clem will have iggied himself right off the forum and have to start over with another screen name.
I would bet he will keep right on talking, expecting everyone to maintain high interest in his posts. That's how his brain functions; "I can insult you, but you need to respect me." Too bad he doesn't realize that the BEST thing he can do is isolate himself. :lmao:


PREMO Member
*snicker* I see a snowball effect coming on. Clem puts me on iggy..then HVP too because he quoted me..then who knows how many when they quote me or HVP..and then whoever quotes those thing ya know, like some kind of virus, ole Clem will have iggied himself right off the forum and have to start over with another screen name.


I would bet he will keep right on talking, expecting everyone to maintain high interest in his posts. That's how his brain functions; "I can insult you, but you need to respect me." Too bad he doesn't realize that the BEST thing he can do is isolate himself. :lmao:



Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
*snicker* I see a snowball effect coming on. Clem puts me on iggy..then HVP too because he quoted me..then who knows how many when they quote me or HVP..and then whoever quotes those thing ya know, like some kind of virus, ole Clem will have iggied himself right off the forum and have to start over with another screen name.




*snicker* I see a snowball effect coming on. Clem puts me on iggy..then HVP too because he quoted me..then who knows how many when they quote me or HVP..and then whoever quotes those thing ya know, like some kind of virus, ole Clem will have iggied himself right off the forum and have to start over with another screen name.


ah hem... I'm in...:yahoo:


New Member
What is the vehicle wanted for? You really think the Sheriffs are going to spend time money and resources to locate that vehicle? And when they find them what are you gonna do? What if its FBI or some other 3 letter govt agency riding around in a rental with dead tags? It makes me wonder what your doing that people are investigating you. Must be something shady.....


New Member
What is the vehicle wanted for? You really think the Sheriffs are going to spend time money and resources to locate that vehicle? And when they find them what are you gonna do? What if its FBI or some other 3 letter govt agency riding around in a rental with dead tags? It makes me wonder what your doing that people are investigating you. Must be something shady.....

I knew you'd crawl in sooner or later.

I actually agree with some of the things you post and some of your beliefs, but at the end of the day you are the whack-job that posted this to encourage harassment:

Annoying Boy's Miserable Life....

Someone who sits in the front yard of a house and complains about how he purchased a house that was improperly built - Hmmm.... Either sue, move or fix it your own damn self.

Afraid the trooper was going to assault him. - Probably not in broad daylight. Beatdowns only happen at night out of camera view in the dark.

Complains about his first amendment rights and how they are "about" to be violated. - Probably earned himself a spot on all of the great watchlists as a radical.

Boy, am I sure glad he doesn't live in a neighborhood where I live. Im pretty sure in dealing with a individual like him, we'd start with the homeowners association. Then we would file civil lawsuits on him, for attempting to devalue the other houses in the neighborhood, making him take time off work to go to court. This doesn't even account for the anonymous phone calls we would put in to communications talking about how Annoying Boy loves to traffic drugs, how he's taking pictures of children at the bus stops and other fun illicit activities prompting police to take a more stern look at him. Not to mention, the fact that he's already accused a trooper of attempting to assault him, im sure they all know who he is. Then theres the legal harassment we could pull. Blowing horns at his house everytime cars drive by, signing him up for every single free item on the internet having all of the junk mail and madness delivered to his house etc. By the time everything was said and done, he would want to move far far away..... :evil:

So let the neighbors take your advice and try some of these things.

You'll see in the court records how it worked out for them...
