Can Anyone Identify This Creepy Stalker?


New Member
Once again, don't judge the whole neighborhood for one nut. This area is perfectly safe and if you don't think so; spend some time in S.E. or Waldorf for that matter.

The man is paranoid! NO ONE ELSE HERE HAS THESE PROBLEMS!!!!! He's got his neighbors afraid to walk past his house; it's insane! He's posting porn and videos of KIDS on his blog for goodness sakes, how can ANY ONE side with him on this?!?

You don't know the extent of the issues, but hey...this is all VERY entertaining to watch isn't it? :jerry:

You mean these little, heathen trespassers walking around with a baseball bat?

No problems huh?

Who the hell was sitting there blowing the horn in front of my house?

And then followed up the next day by parking their black Audi in front of my house when they saw me in the yard trying to intimidate me?

You and I know who it was.

Can we say Lot 114.

What was this guy doing on my property?

You're so full of chit that you stink and cannot even smell it anymore.


New Member
That is of concern. Not illegal. He demonstrates behavior that is precursors of a lot of things. He also is an attention getter. He has an entire community on edge, people discuss him at the dinner table, and just when the excitement is dying down BOOM! A new "incident." Before you know it, he's all people think about!

To be honest, who cares. Pictures of children and a porn video? Next week he's going to be a self proclaimed member of Westboro Baptist Church. Who cares...... the sooner its ignored and people live life normally not in fear, the less control he has.

In reference to working for an agency in somd I thought you had to be related to get in? That'll change in time too, you'll see. Keep on working on that next speeding ticket. Somd is the only place where its hard as hell to score a case of beer in H.S. but you can get any drug you want as long as you got $$ in that same school. Wait till they come racially diversify your agency :) no more good ole boys system!

You don't know jack about this neighborhood.

And until you've read every word of my blog you should just shut up.

It's a shame you can't read the former public community Facebook page where they randomly used to delete comments that would make the neighborhood look bad.

They shut it down to keep you from reading the dirt about Leonard's Grant.

And that's why people here are pissed at me, because I'm still reporting it, and because I won't back down from their threats.

It's my family that went before the BOCC and brought attention about the radon problem here and lots of other issues.

The only thing the vast majority of the rest of these people here care about is making sure no one knows about the problems we have so it won't affect the value of their houses. They could care less if you buy a house here that has a radon level of 9; they wouldn't tell you.

I don't care if the value of my house goes to zero while I educate people on what they need to know before moving into Leonard's Grant; that's the kind of person I am.

I screwed up. I got screwed. And I now warn others about the mistakes I made and what to watch out for here.


New Member
Supposition without any facts to back it up! This guy lives in St. Mary's County. When was the last time there was a car jacking in St. Mary's County? Your knowledge of this is kinda like your knowledge of a false report. Oh wait, you were wrong on that too. You sound like a bitter former applicant who probably didn't make it past the polygraph or background check. Or…maybe you couldn’t pass the physical or written exam. You fit right in there with Mr. C/S.

St. Mary’s County has such a fine reputation, that for the first time in 80 years, nobody thought to run against the current Sheriff because he is doing such an outstanding job.

When the tornado hit in LaPlata, it wasn't the "ordinary citizen" as you like to say out there doing the 12 hour shifts, it was deputies from St. Mary's, Charles, Calvert Counties, and the Maryland State Police.

Me and you don't agree on a lot of things from time to time, but I'm enjoying watching you beat this idiot senseless in this discussion.

Nice job!



New Member
Don't judge a whole neighborhood on ONE crazy resident. 99% of us love our homes and this neighborhood.

Halloween was priceless when the moron crew was walking their little kiddies around while drinking beer. What a class bunch.

And sleigh riding was even better. What kind of fruitcakes take their kids sleigh riding in a construction area marked with no trespassing signs?

I was just waiting for one of your little brats to end up with a piece of re-bar stuck through their forehead on one of these hills here created by bulldozers and filled with construction debris.

Keep singing that paradise song.

And keep acting like a bunch of anonymous bad-asses on the Internet. You're not. That's why you try to harass and intimidate me from the safety of your cars and such, because you know damn well what's going to go down to the first brave one that actually tries to enter my home, don't you?



New Member
Ha, what will go down? You jumping on that telephone as quick as possible to call the police? You wouldn't do a damn thing. You're the ignorant internet thug and badass here. Not us...

Come find out.

Come take the challenge Fap.

Come kick down my door if your such a badass.

Remember the Castle Doctrine FaP, to include Maryland's version of it.



New Member
I asked you already, and you ran off and said you were calling to FBI for threats. LOL :killingme

You're not worth going to jail over. Obviously you will try to sue and call the cops, because you're a :loser: .

Oh, so now it's "I'm not worth going to jail over."

I said come over and break into my house if you're the bad-ass you say you are.

I won't be able to sue you.

And I'm sure you know why.



New Member
It will work out great, because I already know he is a pansy. Nothing new there. :whistle: I'll bring my brother along to video it so I can post it on youtube like he loves to do. :killingme I already proved what a pussy he is.

What have you proved Fap?



New Member
Exactly what I said I did in my original post. Go back and read, sorry that you have a reading comprehension problem. :1bdz:

I'm going to put you on iggy now FaP, but feel free to come kick my door down or try to break into the house.



Methodically disorganized
Those videos are great.

The one of the "baseball bat trespassers" does not show them on or anywhere near his property. The one of the "honking stalker" has no sound and confirms nothing about why that person was stopped. The one of the "creepy stalker" shows a person driving by, once in and once out.

They hold about as much validity as a wet paper bag can hold a bowling ball.

Now taunting and threatening someone to come attack him.

Keep the comedy train rolling... :killingme


Methodically disorganized
I see you point. You've got Gilligan, and FaP. All I've got is a wife, and a llfe.
You are the gift that keeps on giving. Not only do you keep quoting me and irritating Clementine, but you repeatedly confirm my suspicions about your IQ. :dye:


New Member

You mean these little, heathen trespassers walking around with a baseball bat?

No problems huh?

Who the hell was sitting there blowing the horn in front of my house?

And then followed up the next day by parking their black Audi in front of my house when they saw me in the yard trying to intimidate me?

You and I know who it was.

Can we say Lot 114.

What was this guy doing on my property?

You're so full of chit that you stink and cannot even smell it anymore.

The kids weren't doing a damn thing wrong, they walk home that route EVERYDAY! You conveniently didn't get then on video doing anything but walking down the street. Same with the cars...they stopped but I heard no horns. For all anyone knows you're lying. Either way they didn't break any law. But you are with what you post and record yourself saying on your blog. Your delusional, you're wasting our tax dollars and the neighborhood is fed up.

And BTW I have no idea who was being sooooo threatening on the street I front of your house. Oh no!! I drove by yesterday and slowed down j. Front if your house to get my cell phone!! I must be trying to intimidate you!! Grow up! Don't you realize people on here are making fun of you?! You're good for a laugh! The few people who actually read you blog for information on building a house can't read it now bc you put porn all over it! You're bringing all this on yourself; it's both sad and entertaining. You think you know so much but you really don't. One day, you're going to run into someone crazier than you and then you'll wonder why the cops won't take your calls seriously.


New Member
You don't know jack about this neighborhood.

And until you've read every word of my blog you should just shut up.

It's a shame you can't read the former public community Facebook page where they randomly used to delete comments that would make the neighborhood look bad.

They shut it down to keep you from reading the dirt about Leonard's Grant.

And that's why people here are pissed at me, because I'm still reporting it, and because I won't back down from their threats.

It's my family that went before the BOCC and brought attention about the radon problem here and lots of other issues.

The only thing the vast majority of the rest of these people here care about is making sure no one knows about the problems we have so it won't affect the value of their houses. They could care less if you buy a house here that has a radon level of 9; they wouldn't tell you.

I don't care if the value of my house goes to zero while I educate people on what they need to know before moving into Leonard's Grant; that's the kind of person I am.

I screwed up. I got screwed. And I now warn others about the mistakes I made and what to watch out for here.

funny because I had problems with my home too, and I called QBHI and THEY FIXED EVERYTHING! and within a week too!!!! I also posted an issue with my home on the FB once, an it didn't get deleted...hmmmmmmm...yeah, LG and QBHI are conspiring to shut us all up. :cds:


New Member
Halloween was priceless when the moron crew was walking their little kiddies around while drinking beer. What a class bunch.

And sleigh riding was even better. What kind of fruitcakes take their kids sleigh riding in a construction area marked with no trespassing signs?

I was just waiting for one of your little brats to end up with a piece of re-bar stuck through their forehead on one of these hills here created by bulldozers and filled with construction debris.

Keep singing that paradise song.

And keep acting like a bunch of anonymous bad-asses on the Internet. You're not. That's why you try to harass and intimidate me from the safety of your cars and such, because you know damn well what's going to go down to the first brave one that actually tries to enter my home, don't you?


Oh no! The horror! Kids and parents having fun :cds: Awwwwwwwwwwwww, didn't they invite you?! Is that it, that's all you want? To be loved? THEN STFU


New Member
Ha, what will go down? You jumping on that telephone as quick as possible to call the police? You wouldn't do a damn thing. You're the ignorant internet thug and badass here. Not us...

HA! I neea 'like' button


New Member
The kids weren't doing a damn thing wrong, they walk home that route EVERYDAY! You conveniently didn't get then on video doing anything but walking down the street. Same with the cars...they stopped but I heard no horns. For all anyone knows you're lying. Either way they didn't break any law. But you are with what you post and record yourself saying on your blog. Your delusional, you're wasting our tax dollars and the neighborhood is fed up.

And BTW I have no idea who was being sooooo threatening on the street I front of your house. Oh no!! I drove by yesterday and slowed down j. Front if your house to get my cell phone!! I must be trying to intimidate you!! Grow up! Don't you realize people on here are making fun of you?! You're good for a laugh! The few people who actually read you blog for information on building a house can't read it now bc you put porn all over it! You're bringing all this on yourself; it's both sad and entertaining. You think you know so much but you really don't. One day, you're going to run into someone crazier than you and then you'll wonder why the cops won't take your calls seriously.

To the contrary, walking through my backyard with a baseball bat is a serious problem, especially since the whole neighborhood knows I don't want people trespassing on my property.

Are any of these your kids?

Are you the creep in the white jeep that pulled in my driveway also?

Go ahead, come park in front of my house again "reaching for your cell phone" and see what happens to you.

But damn sure don't enter my driveway, then you're going to be on a whole new level.

I guess you're the troll that I moderated off my blog, so you've had to come here to resort to your babbling.

We've got iggy buttons here too.



New Member
You shouldn't really worry about these guys that drive by in broad daylight. Some of us, especially some who work on the base, have a masking device the shields our automobiles from detection at night. You know the long blank spot of nothing but nighttime in your video last Thursday around 1 AM. That was us sitting at the curb outside your house laughing at you. We'll be back between 3 and 5 AM tomorrow morning.

Here's your challenge Lenny.

Come park in my driveway at anytime of night you choose, then come back here and post the time that you did it.

Be advised that you'll be trespassing before you do it.

I'll then prove to you that you're not invisible, even at night, and phone in a police report with your tag number.

Feeling lucky?
