Can Anyone Identify This Creepy Stalker?


New Member
To be honest its a 2 way street. What's stopping you from hiring a private investigator? Find out who these people are, take some photos of their house. Post it on the market for sale.... see how many potential buyers knock on their door? When you see the car again, get a dead cellphone and dial 911, report the car as armed and watch them get pulled over and searched. Think outside the box. Let hell and harassment reign in on their life. Sign them up for every free item online till their mailbox is overflowing with free porn and junkmail daily. Sign them up for subversive group newsletters like klansman daily and black power rising magazine. Get a prepaid credit card and order a copy of the anarchist cookbook and have it sent to them. Sooner or later the "feds" will be sitting outside their door.

There are plenty of legal ways to screw them. Have female friends call their residence asking for their husband.... after awhile they will have too much turmoil to harass you. Its about thinking outside the box, legally of course. You wanna piss them off, go buy a "don't tread on me" american flag and fly it off your porch. They might get the hint. For any more hints go watch all the great cia spy movies. Your enemys enemy is your friend. Divide and conquer. Don't let some neighborhood sewing circles win this neighborhood war.


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
Don't let some neighborhood sewing circles win this neighborhood war.

Shoot..the 6 yo kid's softball team could take Clem out eventually. Against the sewing circles he wouldn't last five minutes.

I think his current 'hood has the support of a certain former 7D neighborhood in all this.:killingme


New Member
To be honest its a 2 way street. What's stopping you from hiring a private investigator? Find out who these people are, take some photos of their house. Post it on the market for sale.... see how many potential buyers knock on their door? When you see the car again, get a dead cellphone and dial 911, report the car as armed and watch them get pulled over and searched. Think outside the box. Let hell and harassment reign in on their life. Sign them up for every free item online till their mailbox is overflowing with free porn and junkmail daily. Sign them up for subversive group newsletters like klansman daily and black power rising magazine. Get a prepaid credit card and order a copy of the anarchist cookbook and have it sent to them. Sooner or later the "feds" will be sitting outside their door.

There are plenty of legal ways to screw them. Have female friends call their residence asking for their husband.... after awhile they will have too much turmoil to harass you. Its about thinking outside the box, legally of course. You wanna piss them off, go buy a "don't tread on me" american flag and fly it off your porch. They might get the hint. For any more hints go watch all the great cia spy movies. Your enemys enemy is your friend. Divide and conquer. Don't let some neighborhood sewing circles win this neighborhood war.

You know, you've really got some loose screws.

I don't run around threatening people etc. etc.

I'm taking these clowns down, the legal and responsible way.

Get it!



Methodically disorganized
To be honest its a 2 way street.
He knows he could do all that, but if he took any substantive action he would no longer be able to play Little Miss :drama:. Plus, why waste his own time and possibly money to find out who they are if he can manipulate someone else to do it for him?


New Member
There's nothing illegal about signing your neighbors up for free literature or flying a flag. There's nothing illegal about calling the cops notifying them of suspicious vehicles. Or having female friends ask for someones husband. Lol.


New Member
There's nothing illegal about signing your neighbors up for free literature or flying a flag. There's nothing illegal about calling the cops notifying them of suspicious vehicles. Or having female friends ask for someones husband. Lol.

There is something illegal about calling the police and saying there is someone armed in a vehicle to "watch" the police search the people in the vehicle. It's called a false report, and takes up valuable resources.


New Member
I wanna tour the entire neighborhood. By the sound of it, the whole place is at war! I might go door to door and meet these crazies in person! I think it would make for a nice washington post article. Oh and the criteria for *false report* is actually filng a police report. Just like *false statement* usually won't hold up unless they've been read their rights. And a smart person would use a dead cellphone... (I saw what loooked like a gun).... hmmm turns out it was a cellphone. Or camera lol.


New Member
I wanna tour the entire neighborhood. By the sound of it, the whole place is at war! I might go door to door and meet these crazies in person! I think it would make for a nice washington post article. Oh and the criteria for *false report* is actually filng a police report. Just like *false statement* usually won't hold up unless they've been read their rights. And a smart person would use a dead cellphone... (I saw what loooked like a gun).... hmmm turns out it was a cellphone. Or camera lol.

There is no such thing as "filing" a police report in Maryland. Police officers write reports based on complainants statements. When you call 911, or you tell the police something which makes them conduct an investigation, and that which you have told them you know not to be true, that is sufficient for the charge of false report.


New Member
I wanna tour the entire neighborhood. By the sound of it, the whole place is at war! I might go door to door and meet these crazies in person! I think it would make for a nice washington post article. Oh and the criteria for *false report* is actually filng a police report. Just like *false statement* usually won't hold up unless they've been read their rights. And a smart person would use a dead cellphone... (I saw what loooked like a gun).... hmmm turns out it was a cellphone. Or camera lol.

Don't judge a whole neighborhood on ONE crazy resident. 99% of us love our homes and this neighborhood.


New Member
So the key wording is *what I thought was and looked like a gun*. Leave it up to the police whether they are gonna look for the vehicle or continue running radar and eating donuts? Or sleeping in a cornfield making the rookie answer radio checks while they take a nap? Lol.... they even have a video of the suspicious vehicle! Lmao!


New Member
So the key wording is *what I thought was and looked like a gun*. Leave it up to the police whether they are gonna look for the vehicle or continue running radar and eating donuts? Or sleeping in a cornfield making the rookie answer radio checks while they take a nap? Lol.... they even have a video of the suspicious vehicle! Lmao!

Nice attitude. You identified yourself as some sort of emt, or something like that earlier. You do your brothers and sisters proud.


New Member
Clearly, this guy has reason to be paranoid. Its to the point that he has to put cameras on his house.... he's got people driving by and taking photos. Something is wrong with this picture. Something is wrong with the picture when entire communities are going at each other. The entire idea, makes me wanna buy more guns ammo and put up more cameras.

I don't trust leo's in somd. I've seen who they hire, who they let go, and how they operate. It makes me sick and in the end it only contributed to ruining the area. They are only steps away from the NAACP and the DOJ from coming in and fixing the issues. It wouldn't suprise me if they were under investigation now and being watched. I've got no respect for cowards. No respect for those who shake down skateboarding kids but fear "the meadows." Aka pheonix run. You can pull over soccer moms and have time to write tickets, but the parks aren't safe because groups of youth are committing armed robberies with guns? I have no faith in a corrupt system, one that allows clubs that sponsor and create a climate of violent crime (shootings,carjackings) and it occurrs all the time yet stays open? Hmmm who are they paying off?

And when a hurricane katrina happens here... its not the military nor state or local law enforcement who will protect.... but ordinary citizens responsible for their own security and neighborhoods. "You loot, we shoot" was the mississippi motto. And their police failed to come to work that day. But it was the law abiding citizens who provided and protected at the end of the day.


New Member
Clearly, this guy has reason to be paranoid. Its to the point that he has to put cameras on his house.... he's got people driving by and taking photos. Something is wrong with this picture. Something is wrong with the picture when entire communities are going at each other. The entire idea, makes me wanna buy more guns ammo and put up more cameras.

I don't trust leo's in somd. I've seen who they hire, who they let go, and how they operate. It makes me sick and in the end it only contributed to ruining the area. They are only steps away from the NAACP and the DOJ from coming in and fixing the issues. It wouldn't suprise me if they were under investigation now and being watched. I've got no respect for cowards. No respect for those who shake down skateboarding kids but fear "the meadows." Aka pheonix run. You can pull over soccer moms and have time to write tickets, but the parks aren't safe because groups of youth are committing armed robberies with guns? I have no faith in a corrupt system, one that allows clubs that sponsor and create a climate of violent crime (shootings,carjackings) and it occurrs all the time yet stays open? Hmmm who are they paying off?

And when a hurricane katrina happens here... its not the military nor state or local law enforcement who will protect.... but ordinary citizens responsible for their own security and neighborhoods. "You loot, we shoot" was the mississippi motto. And their police failed to come to work that day. But it was the law abiding citizens who provided and protected at the end of the day.

Once again, don't judge the whole neighborhood for one nut. This area is perfectly safe and if you don't think so; spend some time in S.E. or Waldorf for that matter.

The man is paranoid! NO ONE ELSE HERE HAS THESE PROBLEMS!!!!! He's got his neighbors afraid to walk past his house; it's insane! He's posting porn and videos of KIDS on his blog for goodness sakes, how can ANY ONE side with him on this?!?

You don't know the extent of the issues, but hey...this is all VERY entertaining to watch isn't it? :jerry:


New Member
Clearly, this guy has reason to be paranoid. Its to the point that he has to put cameras on his house.... he's got people driving by and taking photos. Something is wrong with this picture. Something is wrong with the picture when entire communities are going at each other. The entire idea, makes me wanna buy more guns ammo and put up more cameras.

I don't trust leo's in somd. I've seen who they hire, who they let go, and how they operate. It makes me sick and in the end it only contributed to ruining the area. They are only steps away from the NAACP and the DOJ from coming in and fixing the issues. It wouldn't suprise me if they were under investigation now and being watched. I've got no respect for cowards. No respect for those who shake down skateboarding kids but fear "the meadows." Aka pheonix run. You can pull over soccer moms and have time to write tickets, but the parks aren't safe because groups of youth are committing armed robberies with guns? I have no faith in a corrupt system, one that allows clubs that sponsor and create a climate of violent crime (shootings,carjackings) and it occurrs all the time yet stays open? Hmmm who are they paying off?

And when a hurricane katrina happens here... its not the military nor state or local law enforcement who will protect.... but ordinary citizens responsible for their own security and neighborhoods. "You loot, we shoot" was the mississippi motto. And their police failed to come to work that day. But it was the law abiding citizens who provided and protected at the end of the day.

Supposition without any facts to back it up! This guy lives in St. Mary's County. When was the last time there was a car jacking in St. Mary's County? Your knowledge of this is kinda like your knowledge of a false report. Oh wait, you were wrong on that too. You sound like a bitter former applicant who probably didn't make it past the polygraph or background check. Or…maybe you couldn’t pass the physical or written exam. You fit right in there with Mr. C/S.

St. Mary’s County has such a fine reputation, that for the first time in 80 years, nobody thought to run against the current Sheriff because he is doing such an outstanding job.

When the tornado hit in LaPlata, it wasn't the "ordinary citizen" as you like to say out there doing the 12 hour shifts, it was deputies from St. Mary's, Charles, Calvert Counties, and the Maryland State Police.


New Member
That is of concern. Not illegal. He demonstrates behavior that is precursors of a lot of things. He also is an attention getter. He has an entire community on edge, people discuss him at the dinner table, and just when the excitement is dying down BOOM! A new "incident." Before you know it, he's all people think about!

To be honest, who cares. Pictures of children and a porn video? Next week he's going to be a self proclaimed member of Westboro Baptist Church. Who cares...... the sooner its ignored and people live life normally not in fear, the less control he has.

In reference to working for an agency in somd I thought you had to be related to get in? That'll change in time too, you'll see. Keep on working on that next speeding ticket. Somd is the only place where its hard as hell to score a case of beer in H.S. but you can get any drug you want as long as you got $$ in that same school. Wait till they come racially diversify your agency :) no more good ole boys system!


Having Fun!
I'm not sure why I bothered to read this thread since I can't see many of the posts because the person is on my "ignore" list. Yes, folks, even I have him on iggy! :lol:


New Member
In reference to working for an agency in somd I thought you had to be related to get in? That'll change in time too, you'll see. Keep on working on that next speeding ticket. Somd is the only place where its hard as hell to score a case of beer in H.S. but you can get any drug you want as long as you got $$ in that same school. Wait till they come racially diversify your agency :) no more good ole boys system!

Again, more ignorance on your part. What you don't know, but should know, is more than half of the deputies on the St. Mary's County Sheriff's Office aren't even from St. Mary's County. There is no bias in their hiring, they hire the best qualified applicants. It's your ignorance of what your picture of Southern Maryland is because that is who you are and what you would like it to be.

So, if over half of the people hired are not from this County, how is it a good ole boy system? When people are coming from all parts of the country to get hired here, where is the wink and a nod nepotism you speak of? Again, you are wrong. I am happy you were not able to get a job as a police officer. Based on your comments, you don’t have the temperament to do the job.


Well-Known Member
In reference to working for an agency in somd I thought you had to be related to get in? That'll change in time too, you'll see. Keep on working on that next speeding ticket. Somd is the only place where its hard as hell to score a case of beer in H.S. but you can get any drug you want as long as you got $$ in that same school. Wait till they come racially diversify your agency :) no more good ole boys system!

So Md is the only place it's hard as hell to score a case of beer in HS? :killingme Perhaps because the liquors store CARD customers. Oh yea, but you can get any drug you want :killingme I guess so, dealers don't card of I.D.
Dumb a$$ comment.