Cheating !

tell or not to tell

  • women yes tell

    Votes: 35 44.9%
  • women I don't wanna no

    Votes: 8 10.3%
  • men yes tell

    Votes: 21 26.9%
  • men I don't wanna no

    Votes: 14 17.9%

  • Total voters


Chain729 said:
Like I said, no faith in the general public. "I'm middle eastern" doesn't mean I wasn't raised in America; it just means that that's my heritage. I'm actually a first generation American (I was born and raised here).

This is what I was trying to get across to you to begain with
It is all in your interpertation of words or what is said.

Your back ground from the middle east will have you Interpert things differant than that of a redneck from down south.
It don't make either of you wrong
And it dosn't make one smarter than the other.

Intuition like anything else can be interperted by 5 differant psychologist or 5 differant people and have 5 differant opinions.

Then we have majority rules. Which still dosn't mean they are right either
Like you said the ruling was the world is flat.

So now we are back to no one is absolutly right about anything.
Not you ,me, the Pope or a shrink.

It is all how we preceive and interpert words , love . God and life.

So how do you feel about your pet peeves now :moon:

Ok my brain cell just over heated :spank:
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CageKicker Extraordinaire
gumbo said:
This is what I was trying to get across to you to begain with
It is all in your interpertation of words or what is said.

Your back ground from the middle east will have you Interpert things differant than that of a redneck from down south.
It don't make either of you wrong
And it dosn't make one smarter than the other.

Intuition like anything else can be interperted by 5 differant psychologist or 5 differant people and have 5 differant opinions.

The definitions I posted (though not the levels) will not change that much. You're talking a drastic change, a completly different definition. Things are subjective to perception, but not that far. Look into the personality types and tell me they can manipulated that way. Example: An INTJ thinks with Intuition but doesn't have a clue when it comes to people or emotion. They can't feel people out, or even figure out what mood somebody is in, excluding the obvious.

Any psychologist that could confuse the two, which are based on completely different principals doesn't deserve their degree. For the record, you were better off to use the argument that I mis-interpreted what PV said. Not that psychiatrists could mis-interpret said things (there are quacks out there), but I find it highly unlikely in this instance.

gumbo said:
Then we have majority rules. Which still dosn't mean they are right either
Like you said the ruling was the world is flat.

So now we are back to no one is absolutly right about anything.
Not you ,me, the Pope or a shrink.

It is all how we preceive and interpert words , love . God and life.

This I agree with.
gumbo said:
So how do you feel about your pet peeves now :moon:

Ok my brain cell just over heated :spank:

Where's the boot smiley to go with that moon?

Sorry about your brain cells. I tend to forget that most people don't like to break ideas down like this. I also didn't mean to take your thread this far off-topic: I was hoping this would be a short aside.


As if you can't tell I don't think highly of shrinks
or of what they have to say. :loser:
And yes I have read a great deal on the subject. The problem being is they don't interact well with people so they write about them instead.
And most of it is based on theory and studies of people that are going to the shrink or in wards.
Shrinks give out anti depresants with out testing someone to see if the person is on street drugs. (like druggies tell the truth)
I am very well read on human behavior and psychology.
Those who can't.... teach ! Meaning you figuar it out. :boxing:
I will stick to the Bible instead of a bunch of lables tagged on people by quacks that have never lived life to know sheeet from shineola.
(this is shoe polish) (for you higher intellect's to understand.)

Now Dr Gumbo is trying to help you understand people and your resistance is futile :otter:
And the fact that you corrected PVINE on the proper terminology
shows that you are anal and need help !
So repeat after me PVINE I am very sorry. Louder I can't hear you
PVINE I AM VERY SORRY ! Now that is much better.
Now don't you feel better about yourself.
Now don't reply! Because you got a redneck with a 7th grade education that works on cars for a living kicking off in your butt.
And this dosn't say much for your so called higher intellect. :killingme
Dr Gumbo says your hypersensitive to the meanings of words and that you should intoxicate yourself with lots of Beer.. :cheers: :martini: :dork:
Don't go away mad just go away :twitch:
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Chain729 said:
Please know what you're talking about, before trying to correct me. I've devoted quite a bit of time studying personality theories
Key word here! being theories

DAHHHHHHHH Hello McFly :killingme :killingme :killingme


CageKicker Extraordinaire
gumbo said:
As if you can't tell I don't think highly of shrinks
or of what they have to say. :loser:
And yes I have read a great deal on the subject. The problem being is they don't interact well with people so they write about them instead.
And most of it is based on theory and studies of people that are going to the shrink or in wards.
Shrinks give out anti depresants with out testing someone to see if the person is on street drugs. (like druggies tell the truth)
I am very well read on human behavior and psychology.
Those who can't.... teach ! Meaning you figuar it out. :boxing:

I don't think highly of them either. As I said before, I'll entertain any plausible idea- it doesn't matter where it came from.

gumbo said:
I will stick to the Bible instead of a bunch of lables tagged on people by quacks that have never lived life to know sheeet from shineola.
(this is shoe polish) (for you higher intellect's to understand.)

I've found too many inconsistencies and self-contradictions in the Bible; I'll take my faith elsewhere.

gumbo said:
Now Dr Gumbo is trying to help you understand people and your resistance is futile :otter:
And the fact that you corrected PVINE on the proper terminology
shows that you are anal and need help!

It wasn't how she phrased it that bothered me. It was what she said.

gumbo said:
So repeat after me PVINE I am very sorry. Louder I can't hear you
PVINE I AM VERY SORRY ! Now that is much better.
Now don't you feel better about yourself.
Now don't reply! Because you got a redneck with a 7th grade education that works on cars for a living kicking off in your butt.
And this dosn't say much for your so called higher intellect. :killingme
Dr Gumbo says your hypersensitive to the meanings of words and that you should intoxicate yourself with lots of Beer.. :cheers: :martini: :dork:
Don't go away mad just go away :twitch:

Here you go assuming things again. I don't have a degree and I don't look down on mechanics. Quite a few of my family members are/were mechanics- including my father whom was one of the smarter people I've met.

I'm not "hypersensitive to the meanins of words;" I'm not a big fan of people trying to pass common belief for fact.


CageKicker Extraordinaire
gumbo said:
Key word here! being theories

DAHHHHHHHH Hello McFly :killingme :killingme :killingme

I'll take a sound theory over un-proven, illogical garbage any day.

Biff, have you finished waxing the truck yet?


Swinging on Vines
Chain729 said:
I was already to give you good Karma for using your head, and then you go and do this. If you think I don't understand intuition; think again.

Don't put words in my mouth. Read the links again. I'm more likely to believe you felt him out with emotion; not that you used intuition. I don't care for the generally accepted ideas, they're usually dead wrong. At one time everybody knew that you needed a high-carb diet to get the feul your body needs. At one time everybody knew the world was flat and at the center of the universe. At one time, everybody knew you didn't need to blockade the southern ports in order to win the civil war. These are few examples of the majority being dead wrong. I'll stick with science, thank you.

I never talked down to Gumbo (your third mistake), I simply asked him not to correct me for something he obviously didn't know about. Assuming that I have any common sense is your fourth.

What the he11 does any of that have to do with common perception and my intuition? My intuition just kicked in again: Chain is a complete a$$.
Don't want your stinky green karma anyway!


ya matter what...i can allways go to the boards and see someone with their panties in a bunch.....sit back and think to myself.....only in america


CageKicker Extraordinaire
pvineswinger said:

What the he11 does any of that have to do with common perception and my intuition? My intuition just kicked in again: Chain is a complete a$$.
Don't want your stinky green karma anyway!

:huggy: Feel better?


CageKicker Extraordinaire
HollowSoul said:
ya matter what...i can allways go to the boards and see someone with their panties in a bunch.....sit back and think to myself.....only in america

If you're speaking of me, I'm far from uptight about piddly crap like this. Yes, I have pet peeves about certain things; they cause me to speak up, not get stressed.

I love to tear ideas apart and see if they hold water. I also find it hilarious (though frustrating at times) when people try to counter logic with an illogical and/or emotional argument.
HollowSoul said:
ya matter what...i can allways go to the boards and see someone with their panties in a bunch.....sit back and think to myself.....only in america
:yeahthat: This stuff busts me up. :killingme


OK let's get back to CHEATING :coffee:

Speaking of theories :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn:
There is the one of don't beat the dog for getting into the nabours trash
when your not feeding him or her? :confused:

Another words what if you had let yourself go to
the point as you have this huge beer gut and ain't seen Mr Wiggley in who knows when :banana: :banana:
and you just sit around drinking beer with the remote.

Now the women she still has needs but she still loves the guy but she just can't reach him. So she gets what she needs from someone else.
Should she tell him?
And should he forgive her if she did tell?

Neglect is a bad thing in more than one way? :spank:
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Swinging on Vines
gumbo said:
Chain729 said:
I'm middle eastern. I'm one of the most stubborn people you'll ever meet. I'll entertain just about any idea, but don't argue with me without FACT or at the very least, sound reasoning.

Dude just wait tell you meet a red headed american woman you will change your tune then :neener:


Gumbo- are you trying to pimp me out to that idiot? I wouldn't even let MY clone meet him.. :nono:
BTW- Miami is hot....:howdy:


CageKicker Extraordinaire
pvineswinger said:
gumbo said:
Chain729 said:
I'm middle eastern. I'm one of the most stubborn people you'll ever meet. I'll entertain just about any idea, but don't argue with me without FACT or at the very least, sound reasoning.

Dude just wait tell you meet a red headed american woman you will change your tune then :neener:


Gumbo- are you trying to pimp me out to that idiot? I wouldn't even let MY clone meet him.. :nono:
BTW- Miami is hot....:howdy:

:killingme You have the audacity to call me an idiot and you can't even figure out how to use the quote feature properly.


Swinging on Vines
Chain729 said:
I'll take a sound theory over un-proven, illogical garbage any day.

Biff, have you finished waxing the truck yet?

Just because you studied something, does NOT make you an expert. I studied Art History- but no one has ever called me Da Vinci. :razz:


Swinging on Vines
Chain729 said:
:killingme You have the audacity to call me an idiot and you can't even figure out how to use the quote feature properly.
I have figured it out- I was "Quoting" gumbo's "quote"- and
he's busy "waxing the truck" you rude a$$.


Swinging on Vines
By the way- Chain- you are a complete dumba$$- and your "expertise" is nothing more than a very BAD opinion. So thanks, but no thanks. :shutup:


CageKicker Extraordinaire
pvineswinger said:
I have figured it out- I was "Quoting" gumbo's "quote"- and
he's busy "waxing the truck" you rude a$$.

You're the ones that are calling people names, and I'm "rude" :confused:
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