Cheating !

tell or not to tell

  • women yes tell

    Votes: 35 44.9%
  • women I don't wanna no

    Votes: 8 10.3%
  • men yes tell

    Votes: 21 26.9%
  • men I don't wanna no

    Votes: 14 17.9%

  • Total voters


Cleopatra Jones
HORUS said:
I see that a lot of women what to be told when there man is cheating. I think the problem with this is that simply "knowing" that he is wont answer that questions as to why. And even if you were to ask "why" you'd never reaaly accept the answer as being the truth.
Speaking from my own experience having had been cheated on by my EX-wife. I received an answer to "why" when I found out that she did. As a result I began thinking of myself as flawed.
It wasn't that I was emotionally weak to allow myself to think like that. It's just that I seemed to have more invested into making that relationship work then she did. By cheating she striped everything away from the relationship including my self worth.
Cheaters are nothing more than Thieves and cowards(and a bunch of other things I dare not mention on this public forum). In my opinion, I'd rather not know how stupid someone thought I was by them bragging about it to me. I'd just rather they leave the country and never let me find out. :yay:

I agree. But I've also been on the other side of the fence. Yes, I'll admit it. I dated a guy who cheated on me (luckily I had friends that told me) and I kicked him to the curb. Yet it did leave me feeling like I was inadequate in some aspect. On the other side though (we'll take my ex huaband for example) I have been the cheater for the same reason. There were things that he did that made me feel unloved/unimportant/whathaveyou so I sought out those things elsewhere. Not saying that it was the right thing to do it's just how it happened. I learned from my mistakes and the mistakes of others and have chosen not to follow the same path. I will not get married again unless I am confident in both my and my partners commitment to the relationship.


Swinging on Vines
Chain729 said:
Please know what you're talking about, before trying to correct me. I've devoted quite a bit of time studying personality theories and how and why people think what they do. The links below have been cross-referenced more than most would ever care to and have been proven to be valid. Feel free to jump to development levels 4 and 5 for each trait.
Please don't correct me if you only THINK you know what you're talking about. You didn't know what I meant, and assumed that I was talking about some kind of extraordinary perception.
Here's a definition for intuition:
The act or faculty of knowing or sensing without the use of rational processes; immediate cognition.
In others words: a gut feeling.
And your second mistake was talking down to gumbo. :nono:
Book-smarts don't get you anywhere if you don't use common sense.


Chain729 said:
Please know what you're talking about, before trying to correct me. I've devoted quite a bit of time studying personality theories and how and why people think what they do. The links below have been cross-referenced more than most would ever care to and have been proven to be valid. Feel free to jump to development levels 4 and 5 for each trait.
yeap Level one intuition..
Intuitions are typically experienced as premonitions or suspicions :spank:
Gut feeling to the rest of the world. :whistle:

Psychiatry is not an exact science and oppions vary from author to author.

Womens intuition means what she said in the real world.
Which we all know the world of psychiatry is in another .

I also disagree with psychiatric believe that women are not more intuitive than men.
Seeing how they are more of the nurturing type and spend a great deal more time trying to understand there kids and husbands than men do.
IN TUNE where as a man will brush off the feeling quicker.
Women Hone there skills as men ignore them.
Term comes to mind use it or lose it

So take a pill and go lay down. and call me in the morning.
Or drink a :cheers: and lighten up

Jeez shrinks they want to controll everyone with pills :dead:
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pvineswinger said:
Please don't correct me if you only THINK you know what you're talking about. You didn't know what I meant, and assumed that I was talking about some kind of extraordinary perception.
Here's a definition for intuition:
The act or faculty of knowing or sensing without the use of rational processes; immediate cognition.
In others words: a gut feeling.
And your second mistake was talking down to gumbo. :nono:
Book-smarts don't get you anywhere if you don't use common sense.
You must have been writing this while I was busy defending myself :duel:
Which started out defending you :smoochy:
Isn;t this so sweet of us :angel: Freinds :lmao: lets get a bottle :razz:


Swinging on Vines
gumbo said:
You must have been writing this while I was busy defending myself :duel:
Which started out defending you :smoochy:
Isn;t this so sweet of us :angel: Freinds :lmao: lets get a bottle :razz:
I have to go out of town tomorrow- but you can help me "hone my skills" when I get back. He he!! I think you should also let me drive your racecar-


Chain729 said:
Forgive me for going off-topic, this is just one of my pet-peeves.

Please do not confuse popular belief with fact. Statistically speaking, only 17-30% of the population use/have intuition, and its evenly split between male and female. Feel free to have a chat with my buddy google about Jung's theory on personality; which happens to be widely accepted in psychology.

BTW, you can't always tell by feeling the person out- and for the record, intuition won't help you as much as you think.
:lmao: By the way put your pet peeves on a chain
There attacking people :killingme


pvineswinger said:
I have to go out of town tomorrow- but you can help me "hone my skills" when I get back. He he!! I think you should also let me drive your racecar-
Have fun :kiss:
We will seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee how you drive in the world of nuts first


CageKicker Extraordinaire
pvineswinger said:
Please don't correct me if you only THINK you know what you're talking about. You didn't know what I meant, and assumed that I was talking about some kind of extraordinary perception.
Here's a definition for intuition:
The act or faculty of knowing or sensing without the use of rational processes; immediate cognition.
In others words: a gut feeling.
And your second mistake was talking down to gumbo. :nono:
Book-smarts don't get you anywhere if you don't use common sense.

I was already to give you good Karma for using your head, and then you go and do this. If you think I don't understand intuition; think again.

Don't put words in my mouth. Read the links again. I'm more likely to believe you felt him out with emotion; not that you used intuition. I don't care for the generally accepted ideas, they're usually dead wrong. At one time everybody knew that you needed a high-carb diet to get the feul your body needs. At one time everybody knew the world was flat and at the center of the universe. At one time, everybody knew you didn't need to blockade the southern ports in order to win the civil war. These are few examples of the majority being dead wrong. I'll stick with science, thank you.

I never talked down to Gumbo (your third mistake), I simply asked him not to correct me for something he obviously didn't know about. Assuming that I have any common sense is your fourth.


CageKicker Extraordinaire
gumbo said:
yeap Level one intuition..
Intuitions are typically experienced as premonitions or suspicions :spank:
Gut feeling to the rest of the world. :whistle:

Psychiatry is not an exact science and oppions vary from author to author.

gumbo said:
Womens intuition means what she said in the real world.
Which we all know the world of psychiatry is in another.

There is no real world. If you're referring to "common knowledge," noone with any intelligence puts any faith in it. That's like believing that a breaking a mirror will cost you 7 years of bad luck. I'll stick with science and true definitions, thank you.

gumbo said:
I also disagree with psychiatric believe that women are not more intuitive than men.
Seeing how they are more of the nurturing type and spend a great deal more time trying to understand there kids and husbands than men do.
IN TUNE where as a man will brush off the feeling quicker.
Women Hone there skills as men ignore them.
Term comes to mind use it or lose it.

Once again, please re-read the links. I doubt women are more intuitive than men. However, I do agree that they are more in touch with emotional crap and with those around them (which has been proven). This is feeling, not intuition. Look toward level 4 and level 5 feeling, it states this "in tune" capacity that you speak of.

gumbo said:
So take a pill and go lay down. and call me in the morning.
Or drink a :cheers: and lighten up

Jeez shrinks they want to controll everyone with pills :dead:

:LOL: I gave up popping pills. Thanks for the advice though.


Chain729 said:
I was already to give you good Karma for using your head, and then you go and do this. If you think I don't understand intuition; think again.

Don't put words in my mouth. Read the links again. I'm more likely to believe you felt him out with emotion; not that you used intuition. I don't care for the generally accepted ideas, they're usually dead wrong. At one time everybody knew that you needed a high-carb diet to get the feul your body needs. At one time everybody knew the world was flat and at the center of the universe. At one time, everybody knew you didn't need to blockade the southern ports in order to win the civil war. These are few examples of the majority being dead wrong. I'll stick with science, thank you.

I never talked down to Gumbo (your third mistake), I simply asked him not to correct me for something he obviously didn't know about. Assuming that I have any common sense is your fourth.
:lmao:DUDE>>Word of advice never argue with a woman. You can't win!
And the majority is always right.. Untell proven other wise
These two things even a dummy like me know :duel:
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CageKicker Extraordinaire
gumbo said:
:lmao:DUDE>>Word of advice never argue with a woman.
You can't win!

I'm middle eastern. I'm one of the most stubborn people you'll ever meet. I'll entertain just about any idea, but don't argue with me without FACT or at the very least, sound reasoning.

Also, please don't think that just because I tear an idea to threads, that I have something against it or you. Doing such is just what I enjoy, and how I think.

gumbo said:
And the majority is always right.. Untell proven other wise
These two things even a dummy like me know :duel:

The majority are usually dead wrong. I have little to no faith in the intelligence of the general population. IMO, most people are foolish and idiotic.


Chain729 said:

There is no real world. If you're referring to "common knowledge," noone with any intelligence puts any faith in it. That's like believing that a breaking a mirror will cost you 7 years of bad luck. I'll stick with science and true definitions, thank you.

:bonk: Now you are mixing up superstition with common knowlage:yeahthat:

Once again, please re-read the links. I doubt women are more intuitive than men. However, I do agree that they are more in touch with emotional crap and with those around them (which has been proven). This is feeling, not intuition. Look toward level 4 and level 5 feeling, it states this "in tune" capacity that you speak of.

Ever wonder why your mother knew
what you was going to do before you did it.
Dahhhhhhhhhhhh :spank:

:LOL: I gave up popping pills. Thanks for the advice though.

OK try them again ...Happy pills and one of these :cheers:
Signed.. Dr Gumbo
Some of the worlds most educated are
the planets biggest Idiots.......................Gumbo
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Chain729 said:
The majority are usually dead wrong. I have little to no faith in the intelligence of the general population. IMO, most people are foolish and idiotic.

:confused: Yea but we have fun :popcorn: :cheers:
And wave at everyone :clap: :howdy:

By the way I take nothing personal
If I did people would drive me :dork:


Gotta to love these folk's that try to manipulate words.

What's next? Stay tunned for the adventures of ~gumbo~


Chain729 said:
I'm middle eastern. I'm one of the most stubborn people you'll ever meet. I'll entertain just about any idea, but don't argue with me without FACT or at the very least, sound reasoning.

This explains alot. :yeahthat: ..Stubborn :blahblah:
Dude just wait tell you meet a red headed american woman you will change your tune then :neener:

Speaking of fact is not quoting something that some shrink wrote

Here in America it is like this
Believe half of what you see
and nothing that you hear :gossip:

And I can see that I'm :deadhorse :offtopic:


CageKicker Extraordinaire
gumbo said:
This explains alot. :yeahthat: ..Stubborn :blahblah:
Dude just wait tell you meet a red headed american woman you will change your tune then :neener:

Speaking of fact is not quoting something that some shrink wrote

Here in America it is like this
Believe half of what you see
and nothing that you hear :gossip:

And I can see that I'm :deadhorse :offtopic:

Like I said, no faith in the general public. "I'm middle eastern" doesn't mean I wasn't raised in America; it just means that that's my heritage. I'm actually a first generation American (I was born and raised here).

I completely understand what they were saying, and I happen to agree with it (thank you logic). I only quoted the pages because someone else said what I wanted to say, better than I ever could.


CageKicker Extraordinaire
gumbo said:
OK try them again ...Happy pills and one of these :cheers:
Signed.. Dr Gumbo
Some of the world most educated are
that planets biggest Idiots.......................Gumbo

:killingme I learned not to mix meds and alcohol the hard way. For the record, I'm pretty relaxed and in a good mood: I'm enjoying this.

A figure of speech in which two essentially unlike things are compared, often in a phrase introduced by like or as, as in “How like the winter hath my absence been” or “So are you to my thoughts as food to life” (Shakespeare).

I give "common knowledge" about as much worth as I give superstition.

BTW, my mother never knew what I did before I did it. My father (R.I.P.), on the other hand, did. Hell, my mother still doesn't understand me, or how/why I think the way I do to this day.