Cheating !

tell or not to tell

  • women yes tell

    Votes: 35 44.9%
  • women I don't wanna no

    Votes: 8 10.3%
  • men yes tell

    Votes: 21 26.9%
  • men I don't wanna no

    Votes: 14 17.9%

  • Total voters


CageKicker Extraordinaire
pvineswinger said:
By the way- Chain- you are a complete dumba$$- and your "expertise" is nothing more than a very BAD opinion. So thanks, but no thanks. :shutup:

I never claimed to be an expert. I'm sorry I countered emotional and un-founded arguments with logic and you couldn't handle it. I'm also sorry that I don't agree with you and that you can't handle that either.


Time for a nap
pixiegirl said:
I agree. But I've also been on the other side of the fence. Yes, I'll admit it. I dated a guy who cheated on me (luckily I had friends that told me) and I kicked him to the curb. Yet it did leave me feeling like I was inadequate in some aspect. On the other side though (we'll take my ex huaband for example) I have been the cheater for the same reason. There were things that he did that made me feel unloved/unimportant/whathaveyou so I sought out those things elsewhere. Not saying that it was the right thing to do it's just how it happened. I learned from my mistakes and the mistakes of others and have chosen not to follow the same path. I will not get married again unless I am confident in both my and my partners commitment to the relationship.

I hate to say I agree with her, but...



Swinging on Vines
Chain729 said:
I never claimed to be an expert. I'm sorry I countered emotional and un-founded arguments with logic and you couldn't handle it. I'm also sorry that I don't agree with you and that you can't handle that either.
How do you figure I can't handle it? :duh:
You A$$ume way too much.

In reality, you can't handle a red-headed American woman...because I challenge you. :patriot:
sorry about your luck- we're a lot of fun!! :getdown:


Football season!
CityGrl said:
I hate to say I agree with her, but...

People will say anything to put the blame on someone else. If I don't feel I'm getting paid what I'm worth at my job, I just leave. I don't start stealing money from the company.
It takes a HUGE character flaw to cheat on someone, there are no other excuses. The ones that REALLY get you are the ones who are cheating, then make their spouse/SO feel guilty about not trusting them. They go out "if you love me, you'll trust me" while they are out humping someone else. Damned if you, damned if you don't :ohwell:


CageKicker Extraordinaire
pvineswinger said:
How do you figure I can't handle it? :duh:
You A$$ume way too much.

Then correct me. Why else would you resort to childish name-calling and emotional arguments?

pvineswinger said:
In reality, you can't handle a red-headed American woman...because I challenge you. :patriot:

I can't handle you, how? I have yet to stoop to the level that you have; I have yet to personally attack you.

BTW, I was born here and I am an American citizen; so watch what you say about assumptions. BTW, only one side of my family is Middle Eastern. The other is as blonde and as pale as can be.

You have a lot to learn about playing head games. I grew up around Jewish women, whom have perfected the ancient Jewish art of "guilt-foo." I also spent my entire childhood in a constant state of psychological warfare with my mother. After awhile, you become immune to such things. You also learn that everytime you pull that crap with someone else, you lose a piece of yourself; and in the end noone wins.

Life/debates/arguments/etc. aren't about winning. They're about finding the truth and figuring out what points/ideas hold water and what doesn't.

pvineswinger said:
sorry about your luck- we're a lot of fun!! :getdown:

If the previous childish games are what you call fun- no thanks.


pvineswinger said:
gumbo said:
Chain729 said:
I'm middle eastern. I'm one of the most stubborn people you'll ever meet. I'll entertain just about any idea, but don't argue with me without FACT or at the very least, sound reasoning.

Dude just wait tell you meet a red headed american woman you will change your tune then :neener:


Gumbo- are you trying to pimp me out to that idiot? I wouldn't even let MY clone meet him.. :nono:
BTW- Miami is hot....:howdy:
Miami ?? Nope didn't know you was a redhead.
It was dark in the barn remember.
And that darn goat kept sticking it's cold nose where it don't belong :ohwell:
Now I"m in trouble I love red headed women :flowers:
And wild barn sex :love:
Beat me baby an make me write bad checks :shutup:
Last edited:


Cleopatra Jones
SmallTown said:
People will say anything to put the blame on someone else. If I don't feel I'm getting paid what I'm worth at my job, I just leave. I don't start stealing money from the company.
It takes a HUGE character flaw to cheat on someone, there are no other excuses. The ones that REALLY get you are the ones who are cheating, then make their spouse/SO feel guilty about not trusting them. They go out "if you love me, you'll trust me" while they are out humping someone else. Damned if you, damned if you don't :ohwell:

It does take a character flaw. The not loving yourself enough that you have to rely on other people. I'll have you know that I'm one ballsy biatch (like we didn't know that) and not only did I do it but I told him. Not because of a guilty conciounce (sp?) but more of a vengful thing. He hurt me so I was going to hurt him. We all see how long my marriage lasted and what a healthy relationship it was. :twitch: Live and learn I guess. I was wronged and I wronged. Like the old saying goes "two wrongs don't make a right". I walked away a much better person.


Swinging on Vines
Chain729 said:
Then correct me. Why else would you resort to childish name-calling and emotional arguments?

I can't handle you, how? I have yet to stoop to the level that you have; I have yet to personally attack you.

BTW, I was born here and I am an American citizen; so watch what you say about assumptions. BTW, only one side of my family is Middle Eastern. The other is as blonde and as pale as can be.

You have a lot to learn about playing head games. I grew up around Jewish women, whom have perfected the ancient Jewish art of "guilt-foo." I also spent my entire childhood in a constant state of psychological warfare with my mother. After awhile, you become immune to such things. You also learn that everytime you pull that crap with someone else, you lose a piece of yourself; and in the end noone wins.

Life/debates/arguments/etc. aren't about winning. They're about finding the truth and figuring out what points/ideas hold water and what doesn't.

If the previous childish games are what you call fun- no thanks.

You are on forums-- and you are taking ALL of this WAY too personally. :loser:
I'm not on here to "debate" and find deeper meanings- I'm just passing time to keep from being bored silly. Go find some friends (in real life) if you want to debate deeper meanings of life.
Quit whining about your mom- I'm not a shrink and I'm not getting paid to hear (or read) it. :shutup:


Swinging on Vines
gumbo said:
Miami ?? Nope didn't know you was a redhead.
It was dark in the barn remember.
And that darn goat kept sticking it's cold nose where it don't belong :ohwell:
Now I"m in trouble I love red headed women :flowers:
And wild barn sex :love:
Beat me baby an make me write bad checks :shutup:
In my past, I've been known to fall for guys who write bad checks... :kiss:


Time for a nap
pixiegirl said:
It does take a character flaw. The not loving yourself enough that you have to rely on other people. I'll have you know that I'm one ballsy biatch (like we didn't know that) and not only did I do it but I told him. Not because of a guilty conciounce (sp?) but more of a vengful thing. He hurt me so I was going to hurt him. We all see how long my marriage lasted and what a healthy relationship it was. :twitch: Live and learn I guess. I was wronged and I wronged. Like the old saying goes "two wrongs don't make a right". I walked away a much better person.

Again, I agree. People make mistakes when they are hurt and feel that they have been brought down by another person. It doesn't make their actions right, it just makes the relationship that they are in the wrong relationship for them.

If the cheater was in a healthy relationship, he/she wouldn't cheat.


Football season!
CityGrl said:
Again, I agree. People make mistakes when they are hurt and feel that they have been brought down by another person. It doesn't make their actions right, it just makes the relationship that they are in the wrong relationship for them.

If the cheater was in a healthy relationship, he/she wouldn't cheat.
typical excuse a cheater would make. Everyone's fault except their own. Sad, really.


CageKicker Extraordinaire
pvineswinger said:
You are on forums-- and you are taking ALL of this WAY too personally. :loser:
I'm not on here to "debate" and find deeper meanings- I'm just passing time to keep from being bored silly. Go find some friends (in real life) if you want to debate deeper meanings of life.
Quit whining about your mom- I'm not a shrink and I'm not getting paid to hear (or read) it. :shutup:

:killingme There you go assuming things AGAIN. I'm far from taking this seriously. I wasn't whining, I merely gave an example as to why your BS doesn't bother me. You told me I couldn't handle you because you're an "American women." I told you why you were nothing but child's play to me.

If you don't care to argue, then why are you arguing?

Feel free to take your own advice at any time. :cheers:


curiouser and curiouser
I just don't see the point of cheating. If you don't want to be with someone, then don't be with them. Don't run around behind their back (or in front of their face, or whatever). It's just a waste of time.


Football season!
Nickel said:
I just don't see the point of cheating. If you don't want to be with someone, then don't be with them. Don't run around behind their back (or in front of their face, or whatever). It's just a waste of time.

Nobody really wins. Especially when one (or both) of the people are married and have kids. Someone mentioned it "ok" to cheat if you're in an unhealthy relationship. How healthy is a relationship built on adultery? Just the skewed logic of people trying to justify their behavior.
And no matter how good you are, you're going to get caught. If being ashamed of your own actions isn't enough, imagine the shame children feel when they find out their parents cheat? Mom/dads that have raised them to be loving and respectful to others are now betraying their mom/dad like that? Just a sad, and sick situation.

Then of course there are the legal issues if you're married.

Then you have to worry about your job. If you go for a job that requires a clearance and a poly, one question they can ask is if you have ever committed adultery. They don't care of you've been convicted of it, just if you have done it. Again, a character issue.

It is simply a no-win situation. Because of the love I have for people around me, my own self dignity, and my career, I would never even think of cheating on a woman, especially a spouse.


curiouser and curiouser
I disagree with it even in the most trivial of relationships. If you have an understanding between two people that you are a couple, then be a couple or leave. How cool is a person who sleeps with the whole neighborhood, or even just one other person, while their SO is in this blind relationship with them? It's a power issue, and only the weak feel the need to do it. I learned my lesson young. If I'm not happy, I'm out, no cheating necessary. If you cheat on me, I'm out, you aren't worth my time.


pvineswinger said:
You are on forums-- and you are taking ALL of this WAY too personally. :loser:
I'm not on here to "debate" and find deeper meanings- I'm just passing time to keep from being bored silly. Go find some friends (in real life) if you want to debate deeper meanings of life.
Quit whining about your mom- I'm not a shrink and I'm not getting paid to hear (or read) it. :shutup:
Damn Chain she told you. :boxing: :loser: :boxing:

Dr Gumbo told you about them Red Heads. :killingme

But NOOOOOOOOO you wouldn't listen :blahblah: :blahblah:

Ha ha ha ha ha


pixiegirl said:
It does take a character flaw. The not loving yourself enough that you have to rely on other people. I'll have you know that I'm one ballsy biatch (like we didn't know that) and not only did I do it but I told him. Not because of a guilty conciounce (sp?) but more of a vengful thing. He hurt me so I was going to hurt him. We all see how long my marriage lasted and what a healthy relationship it was. :twitch: Live and learn I guess. I was wronged and I wronged. Like the old saying goes "two wrongs don't make a right". I walked away a much better person.
:yeahthat: This is why ya never mess with a married woman.
Out of Vengance Good ole grudge sex. They will rock your world :popcorn:
but can't can't wait to tell :spank:
Then someone wants to kill ya :dead: :dead: :dead: Even if ya don't know the guy.
If you know the guy your a dog dog dog and should be hung by your nads :dead: :dead: :dead:


SmallTown said:
typical excuse a cheater would make. Everyone's fault except their own. Sad, really.
She has a point Hurt people! hurt people
When people are hurt emotionaly the don't think they react.
So be nice :angel: