Cheating !

tell or not to tell

  • women yes tell

    Votes: 35 44.9%
  • women I don't wanna no

    Votes: 8 10.3%
  • men yes tell

    Votes: 21 26.9%
  • men I don't wanna no

    Votes: 14 17.9%

  • Total voters


I’ll probably be sorry for this……

Flirting if fine as long as it’s innocent and there are no expectations on either party.

Cybering is mental cheating to me and just a precursor to something else.

Just my two cents.


Bow wow
Steve said:
Can you please explain the "oh so subtle differences" to us?
This is an opion, I feel if a person follows threw with any of the flirting, Then it's cheating. But if it is mear conversation then it's only a stimulant to the relationship your in. I don't so much agree with the nude photo exchange, I think that is a little to far to go.


Loyalty, Friendship, Love
Chasey_Lane said:
Do you define cheating as the "act" of sexual relations, or can flirting, online cyber, swapping nude pics, etc., be considered cheating as well? :confused:
I had this whole long answer, posted it and realized that the hubby was logged into my computer. :rolleyes:

People flirt all the time. It doesn't have to mean anything. In fact, it is sometimes easier to flirt if you are taken or you know the other person is. It's safe because nothing is (supposedly) going to come of it.

As far as online "relations" goes, if there is no physical contact, it isn't technically cheating. And since anyone can pretend to be anyone and put up any picture they want and pretend it's them, the "relationship" may be with some fictional character, some figment of the imagination. But it may be a sign of something lacking or it might just be someone looking for ideas to make the real-life relationship fresh. :shrug: The couple should be talking about it.
Dymphna said:
As far as online "relations" goes, if there is no physical contact, it isn't technically cheating.
So, hypothetically speaking, if one were to say... stick a hand under the butt of another as he/she was about to sit down on a bus or something... that would be crossing the line...:shrug:


I bowl overhand
kwillia said:
So, hypothetically speaking, if one were to say... stick a hand under the butt of another as he/she was about to sit down on a bus or something... that would be crossing the line...:shrug:

Depends, did they lick their hand either before or after?? If not then no..


But wait, there's more...
itsbob said:
Depends, did they lick their hand either before or after?? If not then no..
*fingers in ears* FALALALALALALALALALALA I CAN'T HEAR YOU *fingers in ears*


Enjoying life!
The men are nearly split in their opinions of whether to tell or not. The women overwhelmingly choose "to tell" rather than keep it a secret. Why do you think that is?

Is it the sense of guilt and how men and women handle it differently? Do men think of it as nothing more than a screw? Or are women more honest simply because their cheating means that they are really done with the relationship and want to find a way to end it? :shrug:


Steve said:
The men are nearly split in their opinions of whether to tell or not. The women overwhelmingly choose "to tell" rather than keep it a secret. Why do you think that is?

Is it the sense of guilt and how men and women handle it differently? Do men think of it as nothing more than a screw? Or are women more honest simply because their cheating means that they are really done with the relationship and want to find a way to end it? :shrug:

That is a rather interesting point.
I have noticed, that when women cheat they tell there significant other.
As a vendictive,knife threw the heart, we are done! Kill shot! :twitch:


Enjoying life!
gumbo said:
That is a rather interesting point.
I have noticed, that when women cheat they tell there significant other.
As a vendictive,knife threw the heart, we are done! Kill shot! :twitch:

Any other opinions? There is an abject silence about this topic...


why cheat at all?....if there is something wrong with the one your with......why be with them


Enjoying life!
HollowSoul said:
why cheat at all?....if there is something wrong with the one your with......why be with them

Good point! But not everything is black and white. Like Chasey's "other things" post, is that cheating?


Steve said:

Any other opinions? There is an abject silence about this topic...
I think flirting is just psychological exercising of the labido. Anything past that, swapping nekkid pics, cyber/phone sex, clandestined groping would be crossing the line. That is why I openly grope. :shrug:

People put different emphasis on different things. Prudes can get upset over a lingering look while people with alternate lifestyles or open marriages aren't bothered by much more. It is more of an individual thing. I would think that if it is clandestined, or needed to be hidden because it was beyond the bounds their partner would consider appropriate it is cheating. Cheating is subjective.
Pete said:
I think flirting is just psychological exercising of the labido. Anything past that, swapping nekkid pics, cyber/phone sex, clandestined groping would be crossing the line. That is why I openly grope. :shrug:

People put different emphasis on different things. Prudes can get upset over a lingering look while people with alternate lifestyles or open marriages aren't bothered by much more. It is more of an individual thing. I would think that if it is clandestined, or needed to be hidden because it was beyond the bounds their partner would consider appropriate it is cheating. Cheating is subjective.
You gonna fall for that, Otter...:popcorn:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Steve said:
Like Chasey's "other things" post, is that cheating?
I define "cheating" by what I'd get pissed about. Larry flirts all the time - he can be charming when he wants to and I like that. If he were having cyber with someone or exchanging nudie pics, I'd be pissed. If he embarrassed me in public by showing some woman excessive attention, I'd be pissed.

Other women would find it exciting that they had to compete for their man's attention. I'm not one of those women.


New Member
vraiblonde said:
Other women would find it exciting that they had to compete for their man's attention. I'm not one of those women.
A woman should NEVER have to compete for her man's attention.......well unless of course there is a good game on, but never with another woman....