

Well, no wonder "her" post grossed me out. It was a man trying to be a woman, and that never works.


New Member
BTW im not a female ,Ill get on cam in yahoo if the need arises.I just like to bring up things i see each day my buddys do. What i posted about im just getting a grasp on why from diff points of veiw.Being shall i say not normal as most humans are ,my post was abnormal.Just a thought :lmao:


Wetnoodle said:
BTW im not a female ,Ill get on cam in yahoo if the need arises.I just like to bring up things i see each day my buddys do. What i posted about im just getting a grasp on why from diff points of veiw.Being shall i say not normal as most humans are ,my post was abnormal.Just a thought :lmao:
That was confusing.


Thank you, come again.
Wetnoodle said:
Im a male and have a Q. Why do guys who have it all cheat i mean they have a wife ,kids,nice job,family and then cheat with a woman who is not even 1/4 of what they have in the first place only to lose it all. :howdy:
I always just assumed men and women cheat because they want some new stuff.


MMDad said:
For all of you who don't get it yet, this was Qurious :poke: at me, and i fell for it. But at least we now have Q admitting she's a man. And Dumbo, you fell for it even after she admitted it, so you are the real :shortbus:

What's better than winning a gold medal at the special olympics? Not being Gumbo!
As usual your wrong again.
Perhaps you should invest in a helmet.



'Time Of Month' To Fool Around?

Some men cheat on their partners. So do some women. Now researchers say it is more than a wandering eye that might cause a woman to stray.
Feelings of lust actually may be rooted in women's biology, according to a small study of 38 college women to be published online Wednesday in the scholarly journal Hormones and Behavior.

Previous research has found that women at midcycle report greater sexual attraction to men other than their partners. That is a result of the ancestral belief that good looks often equal good genes for offspring, so although the partner may be a good long-term mate and represent sought-after qualities in a father, a more physically attractive man may spark desire in ovulating women, she says.

"Those with stable but relatively unattractive guys are particularly attracted to other men at midcycle," says Steven Gangestad, a psychology professor at New Mexico who helped analyze the data. "If a sexy guy is the primary partner, they don't show the effect. This is about the men."

Haselton is not saying, 'Go fool around on your guys in the middle of the month,' " says Daniel Fessler, director of the UCLA center. "She's saying, 'Women have changes in what they're attracted to in ways that are predictable.' "


Working for the weekend
Tri said:
I always just assumed men and women cheat because they want some new stuff.
Modern Psychiatry says that cheating has nothing to do with wanting to try something new. It is about how the other person makes you feel about yourself. The feeling of being attactive to another member of the opposite sex elevates your self-worth.


Lem Putt
harleygirl said:
Modern Psychiatry says that cheating has nothing to do with wanting to try something new. It is about how the other person makes you feel about yourself. The feeling of being attactive to another member of the opposite sex elevates your self-worth.
:yay: I hate to agree with shrinks, but that sounds right for me, although I don't cheat.

Getting attention from a beautiful woman helps remove self-doubt.


New Member
My questions for the men:

1. If another woman has caught your eye, do you wonder at that point if your girlfriend/wife is feeling the same way about another man?

2. Are your more suspicious of your girlfriend/wife when you are doing no wrong or when you're doing a little wrong?



Finishing last
CandyRain said:
My questions for the men:

1. If another woman has caught your eye, do you wonder at that point if your girlfriend/wife is feeling the same way about another man?

2. Are your more suspicious of your girlfriend/wife when you are doing no wrong or when you're doing a little wrong?


I get more suspicious when I am getting less attention than usual. Thats just me though.


New Member
Foxhound said:
I get more suspicious when I am getting less attention than usual. Thats just me though.
:snacks: Can you elaborate? I'm really trying to analyze my situation. Knowledge is power!


24/7 Single Dad
CandyRain said:
1. If another woman has caught your eye, do you wonder at that point if your girlfriend/wife is feeling the same way about another man?

Catching my eye and banging somebody are 2 different things. I always figured it's OK to look at the menu as long as you eat at home.

CandyRain said:
2. Are your more suspicious of your girlfriend/wife when you are doing no wrong or when you're doing a little wrong?

This seems to be basic human behavior. The most dishonest folks have the biggest locks. Folks figure that what ever they do is "normal" so other folks must be doing the same thing.