
somd whisper

New Member
bcp said:
first, I tend to think that my manhood is in check with I bring home the money to support my family. I dont need strange to make me a man.

next, looking at the first comment I made, why would I be letting any lady play with my leg? Im married, and have a daughter to support and be there for. Why would I as a man risk loosing what I have created just for a quick roll in the hay?

Now on the other hand, if you are married with no children and things just are not going well in the first place, I could see how a relationship with women could go from casual to intimate, and depending on the home life circumstances it can be either understood, or not. But as soon as children are brought into the question, a MAN has no option but to stay faithful to his wife, and his children so that he might bring them up in a moral and safe atmosphere.

Well said!


Gemmi said:
Righto!! If you want to f*** around then don't get married. Or get a divorce first.

You're being naive. When people get married, they're usually young, dumb, and in love. Then as time goes on things change. You don't sit down first and figure out that in 7 years you're going to get horny and want to bang somebody else, so gee whiz you better not get married.

somd whisper

New Member
saddlemount said:
You're being naive. When people get married, they're usually young, dumb, and in love. Then as time goes on things change. You don't sit down first and figure out that in 7 years you're going to get horny and want to bang somebody else, so gee whiz you better not get married.

Not in all cases....most people I know did not just jump into marriage because they were young and thought they were in love. Many do though. It is a commitment, and if getting horny and wanting to make sure you can bang someone else is more important than being with someone that you can trust and bang anytime you want then yeah...your right marriage is not the thing for you.


saddlemount said:
You're being naive. When people get married, they're usually young, dumb, and in love. Then as time goes on things change. You don't sit down first and figure out that in 7 years you're going to get horny and want to bang somebody else, so gee whiz you better not get married.

Well..As I said....If you are in that situation then get a divorce first. I know s*** happens and things change. But if you're not happy then leave.

somd whisper

New Member
aps45819 said:
:lol: That wasn't my experience with marriage

awwww that had to suck....opps ya know what I mean....I miss that part the most.....we never got tired of can you NOT want to be with your is a win win situation..... :flowers:

somd whisper

New Member
Gemmi said:
Well..As I said....If you are in that situation then get a divorce first. I know s*** happens and things change. But if you're not happy then leave.

Yup....just because you are attracted to someone else does not mean you have to "bang" them....maybe I was just lucky.....I loved my husband and could not keep my hands off of him...I would have liked to think he felt the same way


Getting horny is not the main reason for infedelity. When something is missing at home it makes both parties vulnerable. Companionship or attention, many factors play into it. If it was all about getting horny, No person would be faithfull.


New Member
juggy4805 said:
Getting horny is not the main reason for infedelity. When something is missing at home it makes both parties vulnerable. Companionship or attention, many factors play into it. If it was all about getting horny, No person would be faithfull.
Infidelity NEVER has to do with the person being cheated on. Low self-esteem, opportunity, and poor character are the main causes, IMO.


100% Goapele Head!
somd whisper said:
Not in all cases....most people I know did not just jump into marriage because they were young and thought they were in love. Many do though. It is a commitment, and if getting horny and wanting to make sure you can bang someone else is more important than being with someone that you can trust and bang anytime you want then yeah...your right marriage is not the thing for you.

Keeps me single. :coffee:

Let me elaborate, I am single because I have not found the one I want to marry. More so, I am just reaching my 30's and I am really discovering who I am as a person and I don't want to lose focus of that by getting married and becoming unto others.

In marriage a woman and a man play a role and right now my role belongs to my two boys and should I meet a great man before my sons become adults then I may consider marriage but I am against that because I don't want to become a mommy-type of wife I want to be a partner/companionship type of wife. If that makes sense to anyone.

And, I guess that is why I want the freedom mentioned above because I don't have to worry about building and establishing something forever and ever with someone when I know I am going to want to revise it drastically once the boys are grown.
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100% Goapele Head!
kwillia said:
Hey... did you bang the club owner yet...:coffee:

No. :tantrum

He came back last week and had a wedding band on and I assume he was married then (his first visit) but once I saw it I noticed he tried to hide that hand for the rest of his visit. I didn't mention anything and neither did he.

But, I am so sick of married men trying to get with me. Does that say something about me? :confused:

somd whisper

New Member
LexiGirl75 said:
Keeps me single. :coffee:

Let me elaborate, I am single because I have not found the one I want to marry. More so, I am just reaching my 30's and I am really discovering who I am as a person and I don't want to lose focus of that by getting married and becoming unto others.

In marriage a woman and a man play a role and right now my role belongs to my two boys and should I meet a great man before my sons become adults then I may consider marriage but I am against that because I don't want to become a mommy-type of wife I want to be a partner/companionship type of wife. If that makes sense to anyone.

And, I guess that is why I want the freedom mentioned above because I don't have to worry about building and establishing something forever and ever with someone when I know I am going to want to revise it drastically once the boys are grown.

You said you don’t want to become a mommy-wife????
Revise what drastically?
Sorry I got lost.

somd whisper

New Member
juggy4805 said:
Getting horny is not the main reason for infedelity. When something is missing at home it makes both parties vulnerable. Companionship or attention, many factors play into it. If it was all about getting horny, No person would be faithfull.

Great point. What do you think are the other reasons?


somd whisper said:
Great point. What do you think are the other reasons?

General unhappiness with your mate, revenge, a need for affection and to make another person happy are all reasons I think.


100% Goapele Head!
somd whisper said:
You said you don’t want to become a mommy-wife????
Revise what drastically?
Sorry I got lost.

Mommy-wife in that I don't want my husband to see me as a mommy first and foremost. I think when you have children and are married you are more of a mom than a wife and I don't want to be a mommy in my husband's eyes.

Don't get me wrong there is nothing wrong (of course not) with being seen as a mom by your husband. I don't want any more children and I enjoy being the top dog in raising my children so if I were to get married now (knowing me) I would want to still be the top dog as far as my household and that may not exactly be fair given situations.

Secondly, since I have the option to be a mom w/o being a wife too, I choose to only be seen as a woman for that man who is my husband. Yes, I have children and he will know that I am a mother of course but it won't be in his view every day.

I guess my reason is, I am being a mom and before children I would have loved to be a mommy-wife but since I haven't been a wife my idea of becoming one does not include being a mom at the same time.

For me marriage will be me becoming one with the man I hope to spend the rest of my life with. It will just be us against the world doing our thing every where. The sky is the limit.

Also, as a single mom there have been plenty of obstacles and though I have overcome them I want something to be obstacle free and I choose that to be my marriage. Now, it's not to say I think marriage will be smooth sailing but I think it would be easier to be the me I want to be in life without playing a role to someone other than my husband, as his friend/partner/lover etc. This is why I choose to be a mom first, complete the raising of my children into adulthood and give them my undivided attention

The revision would be drastic in that I probably would not want to do things the way I would do them now as a mom. Laundry, cooking, grocery shopping, bills, doctor's appointments, for everyone in the house. I want it to be equal or even individual. Instead of sitting home most nights I am probably going to join book clubs, bowling leagues etc. All of those things I probably wouldn't be doing as a mom because the children are in basketball, football etc.

I don't want to shock a man or get him use to me one way and then have him wake up and ask who is this rebellious woman who doesn't cook me dinner anymore (be quiet Wenchy :biggrin: ).

I don't know how marriage or my future husband would be but I am thinking ahead about how I want it to be and in a way that I believe I will be happy.
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