

CandyRain said:
You certainly can't expect that a gal is free at the drop of a hat on a Thursday night? :smack:

:yeahthat: APS..I guess you'll have to use the other hand and get some strange tonight.

somd whisper

New Member
meangirl said:
Variety is the spice of life?! :shrug:

Ok i agree if you are single or not in a commited relationship that variety is the spice of life and that is cool

but just because you are married does not mean that you cannot :wench: spice it up with your partner....
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somd whisper

New Member
MMDad said:
First, paragraphs are your friend.

Second, men have the urge to get some strange. Some can control it, some can't. I've been monogamous for 10 years, but that doesn't mean I don't fantasize. The difference between moral people and immoral people is our ability to resist temptation.

Last, we can't tell you why you cheat. If you really are a man, you already know. If you are pretending to be a man, you will never understand.



New Member
aps45819 said:
the :tap: was for

not dinner.

:doh: Sawry!

He suggested I might be "mentally" cheating. :shrug: I'm not kidding when I say this. I give this man NO REASON to think ANYTHING. I am so consistent and accountable I bore myself! Because of that, I don't apply his suggestion to me, rather, I wonder what's going on with him that would make him think that. Did ya get all that? :lmao:


24/7 Single Dad
CandyRain said:
He suggested I might be "mentally" cheating. :shrug: I'm not kidding when I say this. I give this man NO REASON to think ANYTHING. I am so consistent and accountable I bore myself! Because of that, I don't apply his suggestion to me, rather, I wonder what's going on with him that would make him think that. Did ya get all that? :lmao:
:lol: Got it and yes, he's doing it.
Nothing wrong with admiring a well shaped human. Would he get pized if you were in a museum looking at Michaelangelo's David?


somd whisper said:
Ok i agree if you are single or not in a commited relationship that variety is the spice of life and that is cool

but just because you are married does not mean that you cannot :wench: spice it up with your partner....

Righto!! If you want to f*** around then don't get married. Or get a divorce first.


New Member
aps45819 said:
:lol: Got it and yes, he's doing it.
Nothing wrong with admiring a well shaped human. Would he get pized if you were in a museum looking at Michaelangelo's David?
:yikes: He's doing it because I'm boring, because he's a man, because why???


Finishing last
CandyRain said:
:yikes: He's doing it because I'm boring, because he's a man, because why???

Maybe he just isn't into you! If you aren't happy or he isn't happy and niether if you feel comfotable or happy compromising, call it quits. Make an honest effort to make it work if you love him but don't let him walk all over you. There are plenty of fish in the sea, as the saying goes.


New Member
Foxhound said:
Maybe he just isn't into you! If you aren't happy or he isn't happy and niether if you feel comfotable or happy compromising, call it quits. Make an honest effort to make it work if you love him but don't let him walk all over you. There are plenty of fish in the sea, as the saying goes.
If only life were that black and white, cut and dry, yada, yada, yada. He's into me. I just think someone saying they "hope you're not cheating on me" raises a red flag. Either a red flag that they might be, or a red flag that they feel insecure. :shrug:


Foxhound said:
Maybe he just isn't into you! If you aren't happy or he isn't happy and niether if you feel comfotable or happy compromising, call it quits. Make an honest effort to make it work if you love him but don't let him walk all over you. There are plenty of fish in the sea, as the saying goes.

somd whisper

New Member
CandyRain said:
:yikes: He's doing it because I'm boring, because he's a man, because why???

Boring is only a state of mind......SPICE IT UP :wench:

First you have to grab and kiss him like you mean it :love:
Then he will kiss you back with hot anticipated passion :smoochy:
Then you spank his bad little hiney because he has been a bad boy :spank:
Then you have the dancing Banana :banana:
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New Member
CandyRain said:
If only life were that black and white, cut and dry, yada, yada, yada. He's into me. I just think someone saying they "hope you're not cheating on me" raises a red flag. Either a red flag that they might be, or a red flag that they feel insecure. :shrug:

He might be scared of your new avatar :whistle:


In My Opinion
Wetnoodle said:
,Trust me if a fine lady is playin with your LEG you will succomb .If not you need to check your manhood! :razz:

first, I tend to think that my manhood is in check with I bring home the money to support my family. I dont need strange to make me a man.

next, looking at the first comment I made, why would I be letting any lady play with my leg? Im married, and have a daughter to support and be there for. Why would I as a man risk loosing what I have created just for a quick roll in the hay?

Now on the other hand, if you are married with no children and things just are not going well in the first place, I could see how a relationship with women could go from casual to intimate, and depending on the home life circumstances it can be either understood, or not. But as soon as children are brought into the question, a MAN has no option but to stay faithful to his wife, and his children so that he might bring them up in a moral and safe atmosphere.