Chris Benoit


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Spudtrooper said:
My anger is at a hypocrite that calls Benoit eveil yet can post on here defending a chil molester. That is where the anger is.
First of all, I never defended a child molester. If you think that, then you should consider taking a remedial reading class.

But you keep spewing what your girlfriend put in your head. It's much easier than thinking for yourself.


Long Haired Country Boy
Ad Free Experience
nachomama said:
Thank you for giving us that update. That clears up a lot of speculation. :rolleyes:

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to nachomama again.

Dammit!!! I should've saved my kramer for this one! :lmao:


Taking out trailer trash
vraiblonde said:
First of all, I never defended a child molester. If you think that, then you should consider taking a remedial reading class.

But you keep spewing what your girlfriend put in your head. It's much easier than thinking for yourself.
Originally Posted by vraiblonde
No, but it's not some skeezy pedophile sneaking into a little kid's room at night, either.

And should someone who makes a mistake ONE TIME be branded for life and their whole family have to pay the price? If it were ongoing and true abuse, that would be one thing. But that's not what happened.
I suppose that is taken out of context huh?


New Member
Spudtrooper said:
Originally Posted by vraiblonde
No, but it's not some skeezy pedophile sneaking into a little kid's room at night, either.

And should someone who makes a mistake ONE TIME be branded for life and their whole family have to pay the price? If it were ongoing and true abuse, that would be one thing. But that's not what happened.
I suppose that is taken out of context huh?
Benoit killed three times :shrug:


This Space for Rent
Spudtrooper said:
Originally Posted by vraiblonde
No, but it's not some skeezy pedophile sneaking into a little kid's room at night, either.

And should someone who makes a mistake ONE TIME be branded for life and their whole family have to pay the price? If it were ongoing and true abuse, that would be one thing. But that's not what happened.
I suppose that is taken out of context huh?

You know how I know you're gay? You can't count because the other nine fingers are shoved up your arse.


Taking out trailer trash
jetmonkey said:
Benoit killed three times :shrug:
Jesus that isn't the point, my point is that she would condone it if he only killed one person? Since if you only molest a child ONCE she thinks that is ok.


This Space for Rent
Spudtrooper said:
Jesus that isn't the point, my point is that she would condone it if he only killed one person? Since if you only molest a child ONCE she thinks that is ok.

You know how I know you're gay? You missed the point and put it straight up your arse.


New Member
Spudtrooper said:
Jesus that isn't the point, my point is that she would condone it if he only killed one person? Since if you only molest a child ONCE she thinks that is ok.
That is not true
if it were ongoing and true abuse, that would be one thing
Benoit's murdereed wife filed papers about his ongoing abuse :shrug:
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Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Spudtrooper said:
No, but it's not some skeezy pedophile sneaking into a little kid's room at night, either.

And should someone who makes a mistake ONE TIME be branded for life and their whole family have to pay the price? If it were ongoing and true abuse, that would be one thing. But that's not what happened.
What part of that is defending a pedophile? Because since you know all about this case, and are so close to the situation, then you certainly know by now that there's no pedophile to defend.



Taking out trailer trash
vraiblonde said:
What part of that is defending a pedophile? Because since you know all about this case, and are so close to the situation, then you certainly know by now that there's no pedophile to defend.

I highly doubt that. Nice spin though,spindoctor!


Taking out trailer trash
Spudtrooper said:
I highly doubt that. Nice spin though,spindoctor!
EVEN IF HE DIDN'T MOLEST ANYONE THAT IS NOT THE CASE! You are still quoted as saying,"if it was only once,why should that ruin his life?'


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Spudtrooper said:
EVEN IF HE DIDN'T MOLEST ANYONE THAT IS NOT THE CASE! You are still quoted as saying,"if it was only once,why should that ruin his life?'
Actually, Slowie, if you read instead of fantasize, you'd see that I was concerned about his FAMILY paying the price, not him. But don't let facts get in the way of your ####-stirring.

Do carry on. :popcorn:


New Member
<table border="0" cellpadding="6" cellspacing="0" width="100%"> <tbody><tr> <td class="alt2" style="border: 1px inset ;"> Originally Posted by Spudtrooper
I highly doubt that. Nice spin though,spindoctor!
Spudtrooper said:
EVEN IF HE DIDN'T MOLEST ANYONE THAT IS NOT THE CASE! You are still quoted as saying,"if it was only once,why should that ruin his life?'
Why are you so angry at yourself? :confused: