Climate Hypocrisy


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New climate paper calls for charging big US oil firms with homicide

Oil companies have come under increasing legal scrutiny and face allegations of defrauding investors, racketeering, and a wave of other lawsuits. But a new paper argues there’s another way to hold big oil accountable for climate damage: trying companies for homicide.

The striking and seemingly radical legal theory is laid out in a paper accepted for publication in the Harvard Environmental Law Review. In it, the authors argue fossil fuel companies “have not simply been lying to the public, they have been killing members of the public at an accelerating rate, and prosecutors should bring that crime to the public’s attention”.
“What’s on their ledger in terms of harm, there’s nothing like it in human history,” said David Arkush, the director of the climate program at consumer advocacy group Public Citizen and one of the paper’s authors.

The paper is rooted in part in the growing body of evidence fossil fuel companies knew of the harm their products caused and misled the public about them.

Attorneys general and cities have used that information to sue oil companies for financial damages caused by rising seas, wildfires and heat. But the new paper argues that oil companies’ climate research and continued fight to delay climate regulations amount to a “culpable mental state” that has inflicted harm on people, including death.

“Once you start using those terms, you come to realize that’s criminal law,” said Donald Braman, a law professor at George Washington University and Arkush’s co-author. “Culpable mental state causing harm is criminal conduct, and if they kill anybody, that’s homicide.”

Braman argued that pursuing homicide charges would have a greater impact on fossil fuel companies than the cases currently wending their way through court in part because the penalties would be steeper. Rather than paying a fine, homicide charges could open up an array of other outcomes that could materially alter how companies operate.


PREMO Member

John Kerry's Defense of Climate Change Activists' Private Jet Use Is Beyond Comical

When asked about this, Kerry took a zero-care approach, saying these folks’ private jet use “offsets” because they’re on the right side of the issue and doing good work or something. In other words, we can take private jets because we’re not in the oil and gas industry and believe in green energy. It’s a laughable pivot that again exposes this administration's lack of serious people.

We can do it, but you can’t’ is a grade school talking point. Never mind how the Democrats’ environmental agenda is tantamount to regional genocide, where numerous coal-mining communities have been irreparably crippled under the Obama administration. Gas stoves are next to be outlawed, and that is a policy initiative that will come in waves at the state and local levels. Democrats know they don’t have the votes for a federal ban, so the orders were given to like-minded governors, city councils, and state legislatures to carry out Order 66.


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“We’re doing a lot more than just the IRA,” Kerry responded. “The IRA is a package that in and of itself can get the 40 percent. But in addition to that, the president is issuing executive orders. There’ll be changes on automobile, on light truck, heavy truck, heavy duty—a number of initiatives that are being taken by states, subnational, cities. They really kept us in the game, frankly, during the Trump administration when he pulled out of the [Paris Climate Agreement].”

Kerry didn’t provide many details on what new executive orders could be coming or how they might specifically impact businesses and industries.

“We have a lot of other options, tools, if you will, in the toolkit besides the IRA,” Kerry said. “The IRA is a huge leap forward, and it’s already having a major impact.”



PREMO Member

Biden admin moving forward with light bulb bans in coming weeks

According to the survey data, LEDs are also far more popular in higher-income households, meaning the energy regulations will particularly impact lower-income Americans. While 54% of households with an income of more than $100,000 per year used LEDs, just 39% of households with an income of $20,000 or less used LEDs.

"We believe that further regulatory interference in the marketplace is unwarranted given that more energy efficient lighting choices, namely light-emitting diode (LED) bulbs, are already available for those consumers who prefer them over incandescent bulbs," a coalition of free market and consumer groups opposed to incandescent bulb bans wrote in a comment letter to the DOE last year.

"While LEDs are more efficient and generally longer-lasting than incandescent bulbs, they currently cost more than incandescent bulbs and are inferior for certain functions such as dimming," the letter continued. "Consumers are best served by retaining the choice between incandescent bulbs and LEDs rather than regulating incandescent bulbs off the market."

The groups added that estimates of the climate benefits of energy efficiency rules are "speculative, assumption-driven, and prone to bias in the hands of agencies with a regulatory agenda."

The DOE's rule in April 2022, meanwhile, reversed a Trump administration rule that sought to protect incandescent light bulbs and allow consumers to choose which products they want to purchase. Former President Donald Trump was also personally opposed to LED light bulb adoption, remarking in 2019 that they are often more expensive, not good and make him "look orange."


the gov is going to SAVE you money by forcing you to purchased super expensive LED Bulbs ... no we don't care about your migraines


PREMO Member
Officials from the Energy Department adopted a new final rule last year that requires single-section and multi-section mobile homes to meet new climate-dependent energy conservation measures. The new standards are estimated to raise the cost of large mobile homes between $4,100 and $4,500, marking a significant increase from the $81,400 average costs for newly manufactured mobile homes, according to data from the Census Bureau.

Scott, the ranking member of the Senate Banking Committee, wrote in a letter to Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm that the new policy will continue to “raise costs for families” seeking affordable home ownership opportunities in a constrained housing market. He added that the standards are “overly broad, unduly burdensome, and undermine commonsense efforts to increase supply and assist families looking for affordable housing opportunities” even as they ask consumers to “bear the costs imposed by climate alarmists.”

Energy Department officials have meanwhile asserted that the final rule will save mobile home residents over time as they pay less for power. The standards call for more stringent duct and air sealing, insulation, and hot water system specifications.



PREMO Member

Democrats Are Coming For … Everything: Gas Stoves, Light Bulbs, And Now Gas Stations

Boulder announced it would set a limit of six gas stations in the area for its 21,000 residents in an effort to tackle climate change. There are currently five gas stations in the area and a sixth gas station that is in the approval process for construction.

And that’s it — so get in line.

Council member Maxine Most said it’s a “good idea to decarbonize because it sends a signal and send a message,” the Daily Mail reported.

“Gasoline station bans may also be seen as promoting the use of Electric Vehicles (EVs), thus, reducing vehicle emissions and encouraging low-carbon and cleaner energy options for transportation,” the approved proposal states.

We’d try to predict what’s coming next, what Democrats will decide what needs regulating, but it’s gotten so weird that we’ve really got no idea.


PREMO Member

‘I Am Attacking You, You Deserve It!’: Greg Gutfeld Blows Up At Geraldo Over EVs

Gutfeld clearly struggled to contain his frustration, and cohost Judge Jeanine Pirro asked him to weigh in on the topic.

“I’m trying to control myself,” Gutfeld said.

“Why?” Rivera asked.

“Because you just said EV Bentley,” Gutfeld said, prompting a laugh from cohost Jesse Watters. “You just explained why people like you find it so easy to sermonize about electric vehicles — because you can afford it.”

“Are you attacking me?” Rivera asked then, and Gutfeld said that he was.

“Yes, I am attacking you. You deserve it,” the “Gutfeld!” host continued.


PREMO Member

Death to the Suburbs!

By Rael Jean Isaac

The indomitable Betsy McCaughey has called out the latest ugly manifestation of "diversity, inclusion, and equity" the drive to destroy the suburbs. The Biden administration and Democrat-controlled legislatures in several states have taken the lead in this effort. In New York State, Governor Kathy Hochul, as part of the state budget, has advanced a so-called Housing Compact that would eliminate local control and single family zoning.
Hochul's plan would require that high-rise "affordable" (read: low-income, taxpayer-subsidized) housing be constructed close to each sleepy village train station — mostly a few miles apart — on Metro North and the Long Island Railroad. If the affected communities fail to do so "voluntarily," the state will have the power to override local zoning. Those who fail to applaud this combined coup by warriors for social justice and real estate interests are, you guessed it, racist.

Suburban homeowners, Democrats as well as Republicans, are beginning to awaken to the deadly threat these proposals pose to their way of life. What is largely overlooked is that this is a repeat of a similar effort in 1972 about which I wrote at the time ("Housing Controversy in Westchester," Congress Biweekly, November 10, 1972 and December 22, 1972). Believe it or not, the effort to overthrow zoning was then spearheaded by Republicans — with New York's Westchester County selected to pioneer the program.

On June 20, 1972, the New York State Urban Development Corporation announced that it was overriding local zoning to create a variety of low- and moderate-income housing developments in nine, for the most part rural, Westchester communities. Reminiscent of the emotional reaction to the death of George Floyd, the UDC had been given zoning override power by a hitherto balky state Legislature the day after the murder of Martin Luther King. Republican governor Nelson Rockefeller, in a burst of virtue-signaling, argued that this was the best tribute the Legislature could give the slain civil rights leader. When rationality returned, efforts by the state Legislature to take away the override power were vetoed by Rockefeller.

On a national level, Nixon's Department of Housing and Urban Development, headed by George Romney, joined in the pressure from another angle. It introduced project selection criteria reducing the availability of federal funds for low-income housing in areas with existing large minority populations. This in turn led to protests from inner-city communities arguing that the new guidelines would make it impossible to rehabilitate their areas.


PREMO Member
We’ve seen a lot of craziness over the years from the climate change cult.

“Cannot be ignored” = next thing on their list. These people are insane.

Leaving aside the questionable scientific conclusions here, what are they saying here about the growth of rice? Do they truly think they’re going to eliminate or reduce rice when so much of the world relies on it? Eliminating or reducing rice would decimate people, particularly the poor. We should stop feeding them to “help” the environment? That’s a heck of a message.

Talk about hating people and wanting to throw the world into chaos; eliminating rice might just do it. They don’t want us to use energy, they don’t want us to eat meat, and now they don’t want us to eat rice. Why don’t they just come out and say it — we are the carbon units that they have a problem with and seem to want to eliminate. Is the purpose to protect life on earth or to promote control of those lives? Because it sure looks like the latter.

How about we “ignore” such idiocy? Notice in the video that China and India weren’t signing aboard any such thing because they don’t want to have their people rip them to pieces.



PREMO Member

Climate Czar Kerry Boasts There’s ‘No Rolling Back’ Clean Energy Transition

“Our hope … is that over the course over the next weeks and months more will be put on the table, more will be agreed upon and we can move faster,” he said.

The Biden administration is also seeking to pressure banks to finance green energy initiatives.

Kerry said that money will not be invested in new coal-fired power plants in the U.S., because “there’s no such thing as clean coal.”

“The marketplace is not supporting that,” he said. “Investors are not supporting that.”

“Anyone is going to look pretty critically at what’s going to happen with their money,” Kerry added, noting that “there’s a lot of money and it’s looking for these deals right now.”

Kerry also said that the “Inflation Reduction Act” is a major step toward incentivizing climate-friendly investments, “sending a signal to the market place that there’s money to be made by transitioning and moving in the direction of clean energy technologies.”

“If we’re going to be responsible, we have to turn around and figure out how we are going to more rapidly terminate the emissions. We have to cut the emissions that are warming the planet and heading us inexorably toward several tipping points beyond which there is no reverse,” Kerry claimed.


PREMO Member

Biden's Electric Car Target Has a Problem—Many Americans Don't Want Them

Story by Aleks Phillips • Yesterday 5:41 AM


  • About four in 10 adults would not buy an electric car, according to a Gallup poll that points to a generational and political divide in adoption.
  • The Biden administration has proposed new policies to increase the uptake of electric vehicles (EVs), which some Republicans argue will make vehicles more expensive and the U.S. less energy secure.
  • However, experts told Newsweek practical issues such as affordability, charging and production must be tackled in order for EV uptake to become more widespread.
  • Environmentalists and advocates argue that federal incentives, such as a $7,500 tax credit, will help make EVs more affordable and put the U.S. at the forefront of the green economy.


PREMO Member

Climate goons deflate tires on 43 ‘gas guzzler’ SUVs in Boston, leave snarky notes

“SUVs and 4x4s are a disaster for our health, our public safety and our climate. Bigger and bigger cars are dominating our towns and cities, and all so a privileged few can flaunt their wealth,” Tyre Extinguishers wrote on their website. “Because governments and politicians have failed to protect us from this danger, we must protect ourselves.”

The environmental campaigners said they chose to target SUV owners living in Beacon Hill because of the area’s high concentration of wealth.

Patronizing letters tucked beneath windshield wipers on the vandalized vehicles read in part: “We have deflated one or more of your tires. You’ll be angry, but don’t take it personally. It’s not you, it’s your car.”

I might shoot a mutha fuker ...


Well-Known Member

Climate goons deflate tires on 43 ‘gas guzzler’ SUVs in Boston, leave snarky notes

“SUVs and 4x4s are a disaster for our health, our public safety and our climate. Bigger and bigger cars are dominating our towns and cities, and all so a privileged few can flaunt their wealth,” Tyre Extinguishers wrote on their website. “Because governments and politicians have failed to protect us from this danger, we must protect ourselves.”

The environmental campaigners said they chose to target SUV owners living in Beacon Hill because of the area’s high concentration of wealth.

Patronizing letters tucked beneath windshield wipers on the vandalized vehicles read in part: “We have deflated one or more of your tires. You’ll be angry, but don’t take it personally. It’s not you, it’s your car.”

I might shoot a mutha fuker ...

Good thing they didn't see the Blue Bloods episode where an climate nut was shooting drivers of gus guzzlers.