Climate Hypocrisy


Well-Known Member

There's just a small contingent of persons who practice what they preach when it comes to the climate.
They don't actually ever want to change their own lifestyles no matter how much it violates their preaching on the matter.

What they WANT is to assault the large offenders. At least, that's the pattern. What they SHOULD do is go after nations like India and China,
whose climate crimes are destroying the oceans and air.


PREMO Member
There's just a small contingent of persons who practice what they preach when it comes to the climate.

these people have NO IDEA what would be the end result of their policies ... Extinction Rebellion wants the immediate end of fossil fuels

No Transportation
No large scale farming,
No refrigeration
No Electricity
No Manufacturing

that fancy bitch and her diesel power car - she is now walking and living in the dark


Well-Known Member
these people have NO IDEA what would be the end result of their policies ... Extinction Rebellion wants the immediate end of fossil fuels

No Transportation
No large scale farming,
No refrigeration
No Electricity
No Manufacturing

that fancy bitch and her diesel power car - she is now walking and living in the dark
Oh I'm not concerned about that.

If you think MEAT and the raising of meat contributes to climate change - then don't be a hypocrite and eat it anyway.
If you think consuming bugs is what people should be doing - then don't be a hypocrite and set the example.
If you think we should be riding bicycles and living in cities and eschewing the use of fossil fuels - then DO that. Don't tell me what I need to do to save the planet, while the ONLY thing you do is parade around publicly in an EV I couldn't afford if I paid for it the rest of my life and still fly private planes and live in huge, energy wasting homes.

DON'T tell me I need to mask up, while YOU flout the use of masks. That sort of thing. DO what you claim the rest of us need to do.

But it doesn't happen, because what they WANT is a big score against an industry - they want to strike a blow against "Big Oil" or "Big Agriculture" or "Big Meat Producer" but their OWN lives can be the same.

And it's not just "rules for thee and not for me". Not everyone CAN get around on a bike - what kind of schmuck lets out the air of an SUV protesting its use - when that SUV was the only means for a few elderly citizens to get around? I'll tell you - it's schmucks who want to make a point rather than make a difference, and they want to protest in a way that will harm others but never bring any harm close to home.


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
Oh I'm not concerned about that.

If you think MEAT and the raising of meat contributes to climate change - then don't be a hypocrite and eat it anyway.
If you think consuming bugs is what people should be doing - then don't be a hypocrite and set the example.
If you think we should be riding bicycles and living in cities and eschewing the use of fossil fuels - then DO that. Don't tell me what I need to do to save the planet, while the ONLY thing you do is parade around publicly in an EV I couldn't afford if I paid for it the rest of my life and still fly private planes and live in huge, energy wasting homes.

DON'T tell me I need to mask up, while YOU flout the use of masks. That sort of thing. DO what you claim the rest of us need to do.

But it doesn't happen, because what they WANT is a big score against an industry - they want to strike a blow against "Big Oil" or "Big Agriculture" or "Big Meat Producer" but their OWN lives can be the same.

And it's not just "rules for thee and not for me". Not everyone CAN get around on a bike - what kind of schmuck lets out the air of an SUV protesting its use - when that SUV was the only means for a few elderly citizens to get around? I'll tell you - it's schmucks who want to make a point rather than make a difference, and they want to protest in a way that will harm others but never bring any harm close to home.
Why you always gotta beat around the bush, Sam? :neener:


Well-Known Member
Why you always gotta beat around the bush, Sam? :neener:
See, there ARE people like Ed Begley Jr who DO live a frugal, energy saving, climate change friendly lifestyle.
Granted he's crazier than a sack of cats, but he does have the courage to practice what he preaches.

You know, it's one thing when someone like the Pope might make a declaration on birth control - as one joke goes, an Italian lady shouts out "hey, you no playa da game, you no make a da rules!". I get it.

But this is like someone who's illegitimately fathered a few dozen kids and telling others to exercise restraint.
These Climate hypocrites don't even give it a TRY.


PREMO Member

German Climate Idiots Use New Type Of Glue Requiring Jackhammer To Break Free

"We will no longer accept that the government has no plan to stop the destruction of our livelihoods," said Last Generation in a statement, adding "We are resisting now."

More than 30 roads were blocked according to German news agency DPA.

According to the Berlin police, up to 500 officers were on the streets in the city all day to prevent the blockades or end them quickly, dpa reported. A police helicopter was hovering over the city to alert colleagues on the ground about the blockades as well.
The group said last week that its members would step up their actions in the coming days and try to “peacefully bring the city to a standstill.” -AP

According to the report, "In some cases, it took more time than in the past to detach protesters from the streets because some of them used a different kind of glue this time. Instead of using oil to detach the protesters' hands from the streets, officers had to use tools and damage the asphalt to remove the protesters."

police should use a chain saw to remove then arm and then a bulldozer to scrape the flesh from the road


Well-Known Member
Do people think if they destroy things, that people will join their cause? You know, block and destroy roads and artwork?

It gets ATTENTION. But it serves to convince people that your ideas are crap, because they're espoused by lunatics.


PREMO Member
If it’s done nothing else, the climate change charade has been good for the creativity of its media boosters. You have to be resourceful to keep unreasoning panic alive for decades. You must be unrelenting in the search for new angles.

Here’s a gem of an example from NBC News: “In coastal Bangladesh, climate change devastates women’s reproductive health.” This baby’s got it all: total faith in the doomsday narrative, dubious assertions passed off as fact, and socially approved victims (though it never does define “woman”).

It’s like the old joke about a New York Times Headline: “Asteroid Hurtles Toward Earth. Planet Doomed. Women, Minorities Hardest Hit.”

The story starts with Akhter, who lives by a river in a swamp. You know the deal: poor but happy, close to the land, etc.

But in recent years, rising sea levels together with intense cyclones and catastrophic floods have reshaped the region and caused salt water to spill into the rivers, streams and soil all around Akhter — ravaging not only her livelihood but also her body.



PREMO Member

Finally, A Solution To The Problem Of Intermittent Power Generation -- The "Virtual Power Plant"

And it gets even more magical. From page 12 of the Brattle Group Report:

In fact, a VPP does not even need to generate power.

Wait a minute — what is a “power plant” that doesn’t generate any power? Let us in on the secret! We have to get that by working our way through a model set forth in the Report. In that model, the “Virtual Power Plant” derives its input (if you want to call it that) almost entirely from the following three things:

Smart Thermostats. A/C and electric heating are controlled to reduce usage during peak times. Customer comfort is managed through pre-cooling/heating. Smart Water Heating. Electric water heaters act as a grid-interactive thermal battery, providing daily load shifting and even real-time grid balancing. Home EV Managed Charging. EV charging is a large, flexible source of load that can be shifted overnight.

It’s “smart” thermostats, and “smart” water heaters, and “managed” EV charging. If I might, let me translate that into layman’s terms. On the coldest days of the winter, when the grid does not have enough power, first we will take the liberty of draining the power out of your EV battery.
In the all EV utopia that we envision, you are now stuck at home. Then, we will remotely turn off your heat and hot water. Hey, it’s to save the planet!

In this vision, the convenience and comfort, let alone the physical safety, of the people are of no importance. No more the American dream, where you can improve your life by hard work. Now it’s to be forced sacrifice to satisfy the jealous gods of the pagan climate cult.

It’s one more front in the all-out war against your well-being now being waged by our government.


PREMO Member
Climate activists—or wacktivists, as I like to call them— claim they’re trying to bring attention to what they say is the most urgent threat ever seen in the history of the universe, global warming—but their antics like vandalizing great works of art, stopping traffic and harassing people often come across as juvenile semi-psychotic behavior rather than actual attempts to sway anyone’s opinion.

The latest ridiculous stunt occurred in Rome Sunday when activists saboteurs poured diluted charcoal into the water of Rome’s iconic Trevi Fountain, billed by some as “the most famous fountain in the world.” The vandals are from the group “Ultima Generazione” (“Last Generation”) and they held up banners saying (in Italian) “We won’t pay for fossil (fuels),” and shouted, “Our country is dying.”

If it is really dying, I’m not sure how defacing an icon is going to save it, but watch:

The question is, what are these vandals trying to achieve? Their violent acts against centuries-old art and their disruption of people’s lives will sway the opinions of exactly no one. Actually, I take that back—it will sway many against their cause, and in fact, make people hostile toward their organizations.

The Twitter account Clown World Today has an interesting explanation of their goals:



PREMO Member

Explosion of AP climate change stories following $8 million environmental grant

In the year following a grant of more than $8 million to the Associated Press from key climate change advocates, the news service has poured out at least 64 stories warning of environmental calamity, according to a new media study.

Media Research Center Business charted the stories and language used following the multimillion-dollar grant and found that AP also used over 500 environmental extremism buzzwords in the stories.

The media giant, which feeds news outlets worldwide, received grants totaling $8 million from the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Quadrivium, the Rockefeller Foundation, and the Walton Family Foundation in February 2022.

AP said it would hire 20 new environmental writers with the money to create a climate swat team to “enhance the global understanding of climate change and its impact across the world.”

So far, it has lived up to its promise, said MRC Business, a branch of the conservative media watchdog.


PREMO Member

Jane Fonda Blames Men for Climate Change: ‘We Have to Arrest and Jail Those Men’

Hollywood star Jane Fonda made the outrageous claim Friday that climate change is being caused exclusively by men, specifically white men, adding that “those men” must be arrested and jailed.

She also blamed the “patriarchy” and “racism” for global warming.

Speaking at a career retrospective at the Cannes Film Festival in France, Jane Fonda promoted her radical climate activism efforts, saying the world has “about seven, eight years” to cut fossil fuel consumption in half.

She also said “poor people of color” as well as populations in the southern hemisphere will be hit hardest by global warming.

“It is a tragedy that we have to absolutely stop. We have to arrest and jail those men — they’re all men,” she added, according to a Deadline report.

Later, Fonda continued her anti-male climate harangue.

“It’s good for us all to realize, there would be no climate crisis if there was no racism. There would be no climate crisis if there was no patriarchy,” she reportedly said. “A mindset that sees things in a hierarchical way. White men are the things that matter and then everything else [is] at the bottom.”

Fonda failed to mention that China — which isn’t run by white men — ranks as the world’s largest polluter, emitting more greenhouse gases than all developed nations combined.

She added:

So when I say that I’m fighting the climate crisis, I also feel that I’m fighting patriarchy and racism. It’s important because we have to get out of the silos — feminists over here, environmentalists over here. That’s what I learned when I started being an activist around the Vietnam War. The more you go down any issue, whatever it is, you realize that it’s all connected. And if we solve the climate crisis and we haven’t solved those other things, we’re gonna be in trouble.


PREMO Member
OutKick, however, pointed out Saturday that Jane Fonda’s climate apocalypticism has not led her to embrace a life of asceticism and self-denial. Up until just a few years ago, she lived in a luxurious $12.99 million mansion in Beverly Hills, a “gated residence” that “boasts some of California’s most coveted canyon and ocean views.” said that the mansion’s “clean lines” create “a visual masterpiece against the Beverly Hills backdrop.” That’s wonderful, but what about its carbon footprint? And OutKick adds: “What’s the carbon footprint of an 85-year-old actress who travels by private jet wherever she goes?” Indeed. But that “carbon footprint” business is for the bug-eating masses, not the elites who dine on gourmet beef and lobsters and sip champagne in their private jets on their way to the next climate summit.

The elites need not worry about their carbon footprints because if Jane Fonda were president-for-life, or commissar or whatever of the United States, the population would be considerably thinned, and the climate crisis would thus be solved. Remember that back in March, Fonda on The View offered this recommendation for what to do about pro-life politicians: “Well, I love murder.” Lily Tomlin wasn’t sure what she had heard, and asked Fonda, “What did you say?” Fonda responded: “Murder.”

So first, she wants to kill the pro-lifers. Then she wants to imprison all the white men. In Jane Fonda’s world, there would then be a new dawning of justice, equity, and peace. In the real world, of course, the outcome — despite Hanoi Jane’s obvious love for the political system that gave us the gulags and Democratic Kampuchea — would turn out to be less to her liking than she likely expects.
