Climate Hypocrisy


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The best place for her picture is at the bottom of the urinal for target practice.

I wonder how many times her father has done back flips in his casket over her traitorous speech and acts.
I got to meet Bob Feller at a meet and greet when we were at Eglin AFB in the early 80's.
Someone ahead of me started to ask his feelings about her: "Do Not get me started on the Effing, traitorous Beyotch."


Just sneakin' around....
And everyone with a brain knows that low tire pressure increases friction, increases gas consumption, increases emissions...

Can you say, "counter-productive" ?


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
It’s a good start. But you’re still gonna have a bunch of the Shitbags lake George Soros, paying the bill for them.

make the second offense, forfeiture of all the vital organs


Well-Known Member
It’s a good start. But you’re still gonna have a bunch of the Shitbags lake George Soros, paying the bill for them.

make the second offense, forfeiture of all the vital organs
Just make it so that running down humans protesting in the road and blocking traffic is like hitting a squirrel that isn't smart enough to get out of the road. If they are so stupid as to sit in the road interfering with legally operated motor vehicles just call them road kill.


Well-Known Member
Just make it so that running down humans protesting in the road and blocking traffic is like hitting a squirrel that isn't smart enough to get out of the road. If they are so stupid as to sit in the road interfering with legally operated motor vehicles just call them road kill.
Take it further. If they get run down and survive they are self inflicted wounds and medical insurance does not have to pay. If they die it is a suicide and all life insurance is null and void.


PREMO Member

Climate paradox: Emission cuts could ‘unmask’ deadly face of climate change, scientists warn

One the one hand, cutting fossil fuel pollution is necessary for avoiding severe destruction over the long term. But such cuts will make the earth much hotter in the short term.

One recent study cast the well-known declines in air pollution during the COVID-19 pandemic in a darker light.

These cuts remain one of the only examples of successful cuts to climate-warming pollution, but the new study found that those pandemic-era cuts in air pollution led to a rise in global temperatures.

The findings, published on Wednesday in the journal NPJ Climate and Atmospheric Science, unveil a stark paradox at the heart of human-caused climate change.

It suggests that while cutting fossil fuel pollution is necessary for avoiding severe destruction over the long term — such cuts will make things noticeably worse in the short term.

The pandemic-era economic slowdown led to “a large-scale geophysical experiment,” study leader Örjan Gustafsson of Stockholm University said in a statement.

That’s because the shuttered factories and power plants led to a corresponding crash in emissions.

Even so, not all emissions fell in the same way.

From a research station in the Maldives, an island archipelago off the coast of India, Gustafsson’s team detected that when pollution from smokestacks fell, so did concentrations of aerosols — tiny floating particles that hang in the atmosphere.

That fall was an unmistakable boon to public health. According to Our World in Data, these contaminants — like tiny floating particles of soot or sulfates — cause millions of global deaths per year.

But for all the damage they do to human lungs, aerosols also help shade the earth by scattering light particles from the sun that would otherwise warm the planet.

After the cuts, the study found that light reaching the surface increased by 7 percent.

“While the sky became bluer and the air cleaner, climate warming increased when these cooling air particles were removed,” Gustafsson said.

While aerosol concentrations fell as the smokestacks shut off, other gases remained stubbornly high.

In particular, levels of the most potent climate-warming gases — like carbon dioxide — barely changed.



PREMO Member

“As long as they keep talking about global climate change, they are not gonna go anywhere. ‘Cause no one gives a s--- about that,” Schwarzenegger told CBS’ “Sunday Morning” correspondent Tracy Smith in a profile that aired Sunday.

“So my thing is, let’s go and rephrase this and communicate differently about it and really tell people — we’re talking about pollution. Pollution creates climate change, and pollution kills,” Schwarzenegger said.

The 75-year-old bodybuilder, actor, and former governor of California has become a public voice about climate change through his role as the host of the Austrian World Summit, a global climate change conference.

“I’m on a mission to go and reduce greenhouse gases worldwide,” Schwarzenegger told CBS, “because I’m into having a healthy body and a healthy Earth. That’s what I’m fighting for. And that’s my crusade.”


PREMO Member

Climate Activists Funded By Oil Heiress, Wealthy Elites Willing To ‘Risk Arrest’ In Planned White House Protest

Climate Defiance, a climate activist group established in 2023, announced the impending protest in a Monday tweet, stating that “the President has stabbed us in the back” by backing House Speaker Kevin McCarthy’s debt ceiling deal that would expedite approval for the Mountain Valley Pipeline project. A Los Angeles-based 501(c)(3) organization called the Climate Emergency Fund (CEF), which receives millions from wealthy elites, is a source of funding for Climate Defiance, according to a Politico interview with CEF’s executive director.

Climate Defiance announced its upcoming White House protest “in rage and in sorrow,” arguing that the fast-tracked gas pipeline represents “a death sentence.” The group plans to protest Thursday at 2 p.m.

BREAKING: in rage and in sorrow, in love and in radical hope, today we share our plans: We will converge on the White House. And we will risk arrest. We call on every person of conscience to join us.
— Climate Defiance (@ClimateDefiance) June 5, 2023

CEF itself receives funding in the form of donations from dozens of American elites, according to CEF’s 2022 annual report. Hillary Clinton’s Onward Together organization funneled $300,000 to CEF between March 2021 and April 2022, according to Fox News.

Other prominent elite donors to CEF include Abigail Disney, Chelsea Handler, former Harvey Weinstein attorney and advisor Lisa Bloom, Adam McKay, and the oil heiress Aileen Getty’s charitable foundation, among numerous others, according to its 2022 annual report. McKay and Getty also serve on CEF’s Board of Directors. McKay pledged to donate $4 million to CEF in 2022, according to a 2022 CEF press release.

Three weeks ago today we made the pro-fossil fuel, pro-pipeline Senator Amy Klobuchar flee the stage at her book launch party.
Tonight she voted to stop the Mountain Valley Pipeline.
To our knowledge it is the first gas project she has ever opposed.
Direct action works.
— Climate Defiance (@ClimateDefiance) June 2, 2023


PREMO Member

Climate Defiance reminds us how we called up morgues to cart off our dead yesterday

There was plenty going on in the news this week, but because the smoke from a Canadian wildfire settled over New York City, the media capital of the country, there really was only one story: climate change. Again, this was smoke from a forest fire, and though it made the air quality in New York the worst it’s been, it’s not “climate change.” But climate change increases the risk of forest fires, though … right? It depends on how far back you want to look in the records.

Climate Defiance, which proudly proclaims in its Twitter bio that it blockaded the White House Correspondents Dinner, had us all take a sobering look back at both the canceled picnics and the multiple calls to the morgue.
