Climate Hypocrisy


Well-Known Member
Canada is said to have wildfires each year. But this year it seems different. There was a control burn in western Canada a few weeks ago that was stated as out. Then fires started heading east across Canada finally reaching the east coast. Could the 1st fire have caused a spread across the entire country.?

Oh sure, its climate change . :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
You cannot stop climate change, you cannot stop the weather, you cannot hold up the tide.


Well-Known Member
You cannot stop climate change, you cannot stop the weather, you cannot hold up the tide.
We can most definitely stop climate change. Its easy. Since the sun is causing the climate to change, all we have to do is move the planet away from the sun. Problem solved.


Long Haired Country Boy
Ad Free Experience
That was the Cassedine's on General Hospital with their ice princess. 😂
I remember hearing something about that when visiting my best friend when I was preteen. His mother was an avid soap watcher. Ice Princess indeed... :rolleyes:


PREMO Member

Are the Canadian fires an act of eco-terrorism?

When you’ve got an unfalsifiable theory like climate change, which is all faith and no science, you’d expect leftists to tread the same path. But what if that’s not what’s happening at all? What if we’re witnessing arson on a massive, destructive scale to drive the narrative?

Elizabeth Nickson has examined the evidence suggesting eco-terrorist arson, and there’s a good case. Nickson opens by pointing to a satellite video circulating on Twitter showing the fires beginning almost simultaneously, at just the right time for the winds to take the smoke south:

The reason for this arson? To instill fear:

We aren’t afraid enough, despite every nasty limiting idiotic play they have visited upon us in the last four years. Monkey Pox failed, more plague warnings were greeted by a shrug. But this one, the world bursting into flame? Be very very afraid.

Nickson, who is based in Canada knows what she’s speaking about. Arson, she writes, causes well over half of Canada’s wildfires, and the people arrested are often tied to environmental NGOs. If you’re a fan of RFK, Jr., you might think twice when you’re reminded that he’s a radical climate fanatic who helped foster this trend. Back in the day, the goal was to kill industry to save the trees:

I interviewed hundreds of local activists, the ones who, with the inspiration of RFK, Jr. had shut down the biggest industrial forest in the world in an action called “The War of the Woods.” They were mostly ordinary people, socialists and scientists of one stripe or another and deeply profoundly committed to saving the earth. The fact that they had eliminated the principal source of funding for health care and education -- forestry -- their own in fact, went right over their heads. It didn’t matter. "Climate Change" was an existential threat and those trees must stand to suck up “carbon,” or CO2, as it used to be known.

Now, though, the trees must be sacrificed to force change on a public that increasingly understands that the climate has always changed and that wealth redistribution and a return to a dark, dangerous pre-modern era won’t change things.


PREMO Member

Canada’s wildfires are a reminder climate warriors have it all wrong

Environmentalism that’s all passion and no reason does no good for anyone — or even for the environment.

One sign of how unhinged greens have gotten is the rush to blame climate change for the Canadian wildfires that blanketed the Northeast with smoke and toxic air last week.

City Comptroller Brad Lander called the fires “a smoke signal that it’s time to stop” financing “fossil fuel” projects, while Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez cited the smoke (and a Puerto Rican heatwave) to demand we “adapt our food systems, energy grids, infrastructure, healthcare, etc. ASAP.”

Yet there’s zero evidence climate change sparked any of the more than 400 fires raging across Canada’s forests.

Indeed, the main stage-setter (as in California’s 2020 wildfires) looks to be forest mismanagement in the name of environmentalism.

Imagining that “natural” is always better, greens have pushed to stop controlled burns that clear out brush and debris and so make it less likely fires grow uncontrollable.


Well-Known Member

Are the Canadian fires an act of eco-terrorism?

When you’ve got an unfalsifiable theory like climate change, which is all faith and no science, you’d expect leftists to tread the same path. But what if that’s not what’s happening at all? What if we’re witnessing arson on a massive, destructive scale to drive the narrative?

Elizabeth Nickson has examined the evidence suggesting eco-terrorist arson, and there’s a good case. Nickson opens by pointing to a satellite video circulating on Twitter showing the fires beginning almost simultaneously, at just the right time for the winds to take the smoke south:

The reason for this arson? To instill fear:

Nickson, who is based in Canada knows what she’s speaking about. Arson, she writes, causes well over half of Canada’s wildfires, and the people arrested are often tied to environmental NGOs. If you’re a fan of RFK, Jr., you might think twice when you’re reminded that he’s a radical climate fanatic who helped foster this trend. Back in the day, the goal was to kill industry to save the trees:

Now, though, the trees must be sacrificed to force change on a public that increasingly understands that the climate has always changed and that wealth redistribution and a return to a dark, dangerous pre-modern era won’t change things.

With the prices of housing in Canada those fires could clear out areas for development. Housing in Canada is on par with CA.


PREMO Member

‘Fundamental Culture Change’: Here’s Why Europe’s Energy Giants Are Pivoting Back To Oil

Both Shell and fellow U.K. energy firm BP opted against further cuts to oil production recently, in a bid to restore investor confidence as their renewable ventures struggled, according to Bloomberg. While the moves were met with criticism from climate-focused investors — activist investors and protestors attempted to storm the stage at Shell’s annual shareholder meeting in late May — the companies are likely to stay the course despite criticism, thanks to the reliability of oil and gas to drive profits despite the emergence of green energy, Dan Kish, senior research fellow at the Institute for Energy Research, told the DCNF.

“Smart energy executives looking at the long term recognize that politics are fleeting,” Kish said. “Politicians may be flighty and distracted by today’s shiny objects, but real business sense combined with a knowledge of engineering and physics shows that real energy makes good business because it is what people need and want.”

Shell CEO Wael Sawan described his company’s shift as a “fundamental culture change” during a Wednesday presentation intended to draw investors, especially American ones, to support the company, The Wall Street Journal reported. Shell performed poorly in 2022 compared to U.S. titans Exxon Mobil and Chevron in 2022, and Sawan has made playing catch up a priority.