Cops In NO Confiscating Legally Owned Guns!


"Typical White Person"
so I'm a big fan of assault weapons

Wow, Assault weapons? those are anti-type words.

Cheap throw away guns? Ok, there are millions of soliders world wide that might have something to say about that!

And an SKS can be had for about $150 not $300 +

Not worth the asking price? What isn't Ak's, AR's what exactly are you talking about? I guess it depends on the person if a gun is worth X dollars to them, I'll gladly pay $600 in AR parts and put them together myself and that is fun for me so to me IT IS worth it. I'd be even more happy doing the same with an AK but at like half the price.

I still can't figure out how come AK's are throw away guns? Fun to shoot, reliable, fires a good combat round, needs little maintance and still fires every time, what is not to like?

We were not talking about normal home defense situations, we were talking about survival, fending off mobs and S**t Hit the Fan rifles. I'll take some type of battle rifle and shot gun, you can have your wheel guns.
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I bowl overhand
AK-74me said:
Me too but I don't think I'll be getting a class III to get that M-249 or grenade launcher I've always wanted
Lets see, we would start with the M16A1, then the M203.. M1911.. then the M60.. M2.... M85 (piece of crap). M16A2... M3A3 (FUN GUN!!) M240... M249... M242 Bushmaster.. M68 105 mm... M256 120mm Smoothbore.. Then we can start with all the foreign made weapons I had fun with too!! LONG shoppinglist, BG better get started on Christmas.. Never fired, nor ever desired to fire the M9.. Fired the MP2 and the MP5.. not much to them..but both were fairly uncontrollable..


Well-Known Member
I saw a nice BAR in '06 cal for 30 grand. Always wanted to play Cage from Combat. That would work wonders in N.O.


"Typical White Person"
You know I just started thinking about his statement
First off they're not worth the asking prices. I have three AR-15s, one M-16A2 (legal),

And this is what I can't get by... you are telling me that an AK isn't worth a few hundred bucks but you'll pay tax stamps and obtain a Class III to legally own a M-16? BTW have you checked out the prices of legally bought M-16's recently? $10,000 + and even if you have own it several years a legally bought M-16 has always had a high sticker price. So I am a bit perplexed with this logic.


I bowl overhand
AK-74me said:
You know I just started thinking about his statement

And this is what I can't get by... you are telling me that an AK isn't worth a few hundred bucks but you'll pay tax stamps and obtain a Class III to legally own a M-16? BTW have you checked out the prices of legally bought M-16's recently? $10,000 + and even if you have own it several years a legally bought M-16 has always had a high sticker price. So I am a bit perplexed with this logic.
Go to South America, I bet you can get the same M16 for less then $500!!


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Bruzilla said:
2A, the FBI may be more concerned with penetration, but the home owner need not be. The homeowner needs a round that will disable/kill an intruder, not necessarily always kill him/her. A frangible .38spl load for a revolver, or frangible .40 S&W rounds are the way to go.
I only want one side of the account told, mine.
Bruzilla said:
Also, there's a small sliding lever on the left side of the Glock frame that will lock the trigger.
Pray tell, where?


I can sense the off-topic police catching up with us, but how can you not talk about guns!!! :cheers:

Actually I built my M-16A2 (along with a couple hundred others) back in 1981 to 1984, and back then you only had to pay the $200 transfer fee. I used an AR-15 lower and M-16A1 upper, which I converted to an M-16A2 upper in 2000. I've put about $700 into the rifle, which includes the initial build and the A2 upgrade. If I were to sell/transfer it I wouldn't let it go for less than $10,000, so that's what I call v-a-l-u-e.

For the BAR fan in the audience, I've seen one transferrable BAR on the market recently. Price is $17,000... so it won't be in my rack anytime soon. The MP-40 that I'm trying to get my mitts on might sell for only $1,000, which is a steal as they're selling for $5,000+ right now.

The SKS is a junk gun. Period. I remember when they couldn't give the damn things away back in the late 80s for under $70. The AK-47/AKM series aren't much better. If it's a Russian/Soviet made gun, there's hope. If it's CHICOM or Yugoslav forget it as they don't hold any value. You go and pay $300-$400 for a CHICOM or Yugo AKM and see how much the dealer will buy it back from you for... not much. They have the resale value of the Yugos you drive. :lmao: AR-15s on the other hand hold their value very well, as do the L1A1s and G-3s... which by the way... as of Oct 1 of this year these rifles are going to be going away as the BATF has sent a letter to importers making it illegal to imports "parts kits" after that date. So if you want a parts built-up gun, now's the time to get it.

Oh yeah... for all the MP-5 junkies out there I've seen more and more HK-94 clones (civilian MP-5) with a fake supressor covering the legal 18" barrel showing up on the market. I was looking at one that was selling for only $650 at a show this last weekend. It was an MP-5 parts build-up gun, but it sure looked sweet!!! I would have snagged it but I'm still building up my M-1A fund.

So I guess you could go out and buy an el cheapo SKS or AK-47 variant for $300, and it'll hold up pretty well for shooting. But it's the same deal as buying a Saturn instead of a Porsche, which really doesn't make much sense when the delta in price isn't but a couple hundred bucks.

Lastly, in a true SHTF situation, it doesn't really matter WTF you're armed with. Simple math says that unless you're sitting behind an M-2 or M1919A4, and spraying lead like mad, your odds of survival aren't going to be much different between a wheelgun and an AK-47. In that situation I would much rather have a handgun than a rifle anyday. It's lighter, concealable, and I can carry more ammo on my person. It's also easier to use in a clutch situation and quicker to bring to bear on a target at close quarters.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Bruzilla said:
Those would be parts 20, 21, and 22... the ones that say SLIDE LOCK. When you slide part 21 upward it locks the trigger so you don't go and shoot your foot off by placing too much pressure on the trigger when the trigger safety is off.
Wrong! The normal position for the slide lock is in the up position. It is held there by part 20, the slide lock spring. I just repaired one that broke. If you can push it up, it is incorrectly installed, and the slide lock, part #21, does not interface with the trigger mechanism anywhere.

The slide lock is pulled down on both sides using two fingers to release the slide to slide forward for disassembly. It is designed to have to be pulled down on both sides, so you can't inadvertently release the slide.

Ever taken a Glock Armorer's course? I have.


"Typical White Person"
Lastly, in a true SHTF situation, it doesn't really matter WTF you're armed with. Simple math says that unless you're sitting behind an M-2 or M1919A4, and spraying lead like mad, your odds of survival aren't going to be much different between a wheelgun and an AK-47. In that situation I would much rather have a handgun than a rifle anyday. It's lighter, concealable, and I can carry more ammo on my person. It's also easier to use in a clutch situation and quicker to bring to bear on a target at close quarters.

I would want a handgun along with a rifle but. Again here are my reasons for an AK.
1. Could kill animals to eat if need be.
2. Cheap ammo and lots of it floating around it is probably found in gun stores any where.
3. Reliable weapon and will fire even if it has been walked through a swamp
4. Able to but human sized targets down with one shot.
5. If you do lose it or it gets stolen you're only out a few hundred bucks.

Ok that is the last time I post that, Honest!


Super Genius
Bruzilla said:
I can sense the off-topic police catching up with us, but how can you not talk about guns!!! :cheers:
I think we need a firearms section in the hobby area on here!


Well-Known Member
2ndAmendment said:
Duh. Ghettos - no kidding. Moving people by force out of their homes to other places of concentration. Home -> ghettos -> concentration camps || Home -> Super-Dome -> Astro-Dome. Parallel? - I think so.

Cops doing their job? Yeah. So was the Gestapo.

for there to be a parrellel there would have to be the attempted extermination of a race as the intention- which there isn't.

Also all of the peole who went to the superdome went there of there own free will, and as a result of a natural disaster, not at the threat of death.
To compare american police to the gestapo is offense to the men and women who are putting their lives on the line to help people in need (and i'm not the biggest fan of the police)

And to compare the evacuation of people displaced by a storm and a flood to the holocaust should be offensive to any sensible person.

Its a little scarry that a person with obviosly so little common sense has such a knowledge of guns (BTW, i am a gun owner)


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Staff member
PREMO Member
Bruzilla said:
Originally Posted by Bruzilla
2A, the slide safety on a Glock is one of the worst designed safeties in the business as it requires two hands to disengage unless you leave it off. In that case you run a well-documented risk of accidental discharge.
Those would be parts 20, 21, and 22... the ones that say SLIDE LOCK. When you slide part 21 upward it locks the trigger so you don't go and shoot your foot off by placing too much pressure on the trigger when the trigger safety is off.

Are these new features on redesigned Glocks? :confused:

I don't have a slide safety anywhere on my Glocks. The slide lock you are referring to disengages the slide for removal of the barrel for cleaning. That is all it does.

"well-documented risk of accidental discharge":bs:

Keep your finger off the trigger until your target is in sight and you are ready to shoot. :rolleyes:

When you slide part 21 upward it locks the trigger so you don't go and shoot your foot off by placing too much pressure on the trigger when the trigger safety is off.

Why would you have your finger on the trigger if the gun is aimed at your foot? :lmao:


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Sharon said:
When you slide part 21 upward it locks the trigger so you don't go and shoot your foot off by placing too much pressure on the trigger when the trigger safety is off.

Why would you have your finger on the trigger if the gun is aimed at your foot? :lmao:
Have you ever been able to slide the slide lock up? Of course not. You know that. I know that. Every Glock owner knows that. Every Glock armorer knows that.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Midnightrider said:
for there to be a parrellel there would have to be the attempted extermination of a race as the intention- which there isn't.
I disagree. For there to be a parallel, only the actions taken so far have to be similar. There was no intent by the Nazis (at least public) to kill the Jews. No, I do not think the police want to kill the people.

Midnightrider said:
To compare american police to the gestapo is offense to the men and women who are putting their lives on the line to help people in need (and i'm not the biggest fan of the police)
Some police do act like the Gestapo. They think that just because they have a badge they are above instead of remembering that they are supposed to serve the public.

Midnightrider said:
And to compare the evacuation of people displaced by a storm and a flood to the holocaust should be offensive to any sensible person.

Midnightrider said:
Its a little scarry that a person with obviosly so little common sense has such a knowledge of guns (BTW, i am a gun owner)
I am very concerned that there are so many sheep ready for the slaughter as you.

So you are a gun owner. Big deal.


* * * * * * * * *
Staff member
PREMO Member
2ndAmendment said:
Have you ever been able to slide the slide lock up? Of course not. You know that. I know that. Every Glock owner knows that. Every Glock armorer knows that.

The slide lock only goes down. :lol:


Sharon said:
Keep your finger off the trigger until your target is in sight and you are ready to shoot. :rolleyes: Why would you have your finger on the trigger if the gun is aimed at your foot? :lmao:

And therein lies the problem. People who do not spend a lot of time shooting follow the Vonage rule - Sometimes people do stupid things. This is why there is a glut of Glock 17s and 22s on the police trade-in market, because even highly trained police officers have issues with accidental discharges... of the firearms variety. :wink:

When dealing with pistols, it's a lot safer to have a pistol in battery and with a thumb-actuated safety that can be quickly turned off without losing the site picture (which is why I rate Taurus 92/96 series pistols higher than the original Berettas). This allows for jolts, nervousness, and the jitters to occur without the person inadvertantly discharging the gun by putting too much pressure on the trigger. You can't do that with a Glock.


"Typical White Person"
because even highly trained police officers have issues with accidental discharges... of the firearms variety.

negligent discharge you mean! very, very few are accidental ( gun going off with no trigger pull)

Do you realize that most cops go to the range only a couple times a year and to most I would say a gun is just a heavy annyonance they have to lug around on their hip, a "tool". Based on the cops I know and I know quite a few I'd say 20% have an intrest in firearms outside of their job. I'd say your average joe shmoe gun owner spends more time learning their firearm and praticing with it. Not that I am bashing cops, I am good friends with many and have a few in my family and I myself work in a law enforcement type job but......... Anyone ever seen this? "I am the only one in this room professional enough to handle this firearm!" LOL.......... watch this......>

"this here is a Glock 40, like 50 cent carries" Bwah.... Glock 40... DUM DUM
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