I can sense the off-topic police catching up with us, but how can you not talk about guns!!!
Actually I built my M-16A2 (along with a couple hundred others) back in 1981 to 1984, and back then you only had to pay the $200 transfer fee. I used an AR-15 lower and M-16A1 upper, which I converted to an M-16A2 upper in 2000. I've put about $700 into the rifle, which includes the initial build and the A2 upgrade. If I were to sell/transfer it I wouldn't let it go for less than $10,000, so that's what I call v-a-l-u-e.
For the BAR fan in the audience, I've seen one transferrable BAR on the market recently. Price is $17,000... so it won't be in my rack anytime soon. The MP-40 that I'm trying to get my mitts on might sell for only $1,000, which is a steal as they're selling for $5,000+ right now.
The SKS is a junk gun. Period. I remember when they couldn't give the damn things away back in the late 80s for under $70. The AK-47/AKM series aren't much better. If it's a Russian/Soviet made gun, there's hope. If it's CHICOM or Yugoslav forget it as they don't hold any value. You go and pay $300-$400 for a CHICOM or Yugo AKM and see how much the dealer will buy it back from you for... not much. They have the resale value of the Yugos you drive.

AR-15s on the other hand hold their value very well, as do the L1A1s and G-3s... which by the way... as of Oct 1 of this year these rifles are going to be going away as the BATF has sent a letter to importers making it illegal to imports "parts kits" after that date. So if you want a parts built-up gun, now's the time to get it.
Oh yeah... for all the MP-5 junkies out there I've seen more and more HK-94 clones (civilian MP-5) with a fake supressor covering the legal 18" barrel showing up on the market. I was looking at one that was selling for only $650 at a show this last weekend. It was an MP-5 parts build-up gun, but it sure looked sweet!!! I would have snagged it but I'm still building up my M-1A fund.
So I guess you could go out and buy an el cheapo SKS or AK-47 variant for $300, and it'll hold up pretty well for shooting. But it's the same deal as buying a Saturn instead of a Porsche, which really doesn't make much sense when the delta in price isn't but a couple hundred bucks.
Lastly, in a true SHTF situation, it doesn't really matter WTF you're armed with. Simple math says that unless you're sitting behind an M-2 or M1919A4, and spraying lead like mad, your odds of survival aren't going to be much different between a wheelgun and an AK-47. In that situation I would much rather have a handgun than a rifle anyday. It's lighter, concealable, and I can carry more ammo on my person. It's also easier to use in a clutch situation and quicker to bring to bear on a target at close quarters.