Gotta stop thinking in terms of small meals, because it is a pain. I make meals that can be used for days, multiple meals. For example, I roasted a whole chicken on the grill. No mess at all, took about the same time to roast it as it would to make a couple of thighs in the oven. But from that roast I got 2 meals of roasted legs, thighs and wings with stuffing. Then there was the great chicken sammiches for lunch for a couple of days. Last night was an open faced hot chicken sammich in gravy. Today, I'll throw the remains in a big pot and make chicken soup which will last for a bunch of meals. Most of it will get frozen for another time.
Back in the mid-80s there was a Perdue Oven Stuffer Roaster commercial that showed Mom roasting the chicken, sticking it in the fridge, and the family snacking off it - "Pick...pick pick....pick...pick pick..." Remember?
That's me with rotisserie or roast chicken.
Edit: Found it!