Do you think Trump will be the first President to flee the country after he resigns/ is impeached?


Active Member
Yeah, that'll shut you up. :ohwell:

People like Trump get audited every year. If he did anything illegal, I'm certain the IRS would know and it would be out there. Again, just another fishing expedition.
Then why is he fighting so hard to keep them a secret. When he said 5 years ago he would have no problem releasing them.


Then why is he fighting so hard to keep them a secret. When he said 5 years ago he would have no problem releasing them.

Well, perhaps for the same reason you wouldn't provide your tax returns. It's none of their business. Things have changed in 5 years. Democrats have been relentless in going after Trump and pissed him off. If it were me, I wouldn't cooperate with them either.

If they have something concrete that they know he did illegally on his taxes then they could get them. But, they have nothing. They are just digging for dirt. Trump has no obligation to provide this taxes. If democrats want them, and have probable cause, all they have to do is go to the courts to get them. It shouldn't be that hard if they have something on him. But they don't.


Well-Known Member
I guess people would have to see the returns to access what the crimes might be.
I take that to mean you have no crime. With no crime, there can be no warrant. With no warrant, no search of someone's documents.

It's all there in the constitution, fourth amendment. You should read it.


Well-Known Member
Last I checked he released his Birth Certificate.
How many years later? After how many millions of dollars spent on how many lawsuits?

Once released, how many experts declared the released document a forgery?

But, released or not, the point is that the concept you espouse is that a person just MUST be guilty or they would expose information they would not otherwise expose, simply because someone wants that information.

You, too, should read the 4th amendment, study some history on the founding of the United States. It would be be very good for you to learn what you clearly have not yet been exposed to.


Active Member
How many years later? After how many millions of dollars spent on how many lawsuits?

Once released, how many experts declared the released document a forgery?

But, released or not, the point is that the concept you espouse is that a person just MUST be guilty or they would expose information they would not otherwise expose, simply because someone wants that information.

You, too, should read the 4th amendment, study some history on the founding of the United States. It would be be very good for you to learn what you clearly have not yet been exposed to.
I'm not going to waste any time arguing about that stupid birth certificate. If you're going to try to peddle conspiracy theories at least find an interesting one. This must be the lowest hanging fruit on the stupid tree.


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
Maybe,then trump should show his taxes and shut people like me up,.......if he can.
Why should he? People like you do not matter, first of all, and'd be clueless, trying to wade through a filing package like Trump's.


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
LOL, .................seriously need to think about that. That's what an investigation does.
Not in the United States....a country you are obviously quite unfamiliar with. There are countries in the world where governments go looking for dirt with which to destroy people or lock them up, but in this country the presumption of innocence is in play and there must be evidence of wrongdoing clearly presented to BEGIN an investigation. ;-)


Well-Known Member
I'm not going to waste any time arguing about that stupid birth certificate. If you're going to try to peddle conspiracy theories at least find an interesting one. This must be the lowest hanging fruit on the stupid tree.
I'm not arguing about the birth certificate.

I'm saying that your position that if Trump chooses not to release his tax returns that MUST mean he's guilty of, well, you can't say what it makes him guilty of but it must be BAD; that concept you are saying is the same one birthers had for the several years Obama refused to release his birth certificate.

You're a birther, just for tax returns instead of a birth certificate.

Of course, another difference is that not being a US citizen would have made Obama ineligible for his position, and there were reasons to think he was not born in HI (personally, I believe he was born in HI); but, there are no reasons to believe Trump has anything illegal or improper in his returns.


Well-Known Member

This huge stinking pile of Kenyan Chit needs to be lynched right from the top of the Washington Monument...


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
This huge stinking pile of Kenyan Chit needs to be lynched right from the top of the Washington Monument...

... After a legal arrest, fair trial and proper conviction, I'm assuming.


Up. Identified. Lase. Fire. On the way.
Everyone else is crooked but not trump. :whistle:
Never said that. If you re-read you'll see my comment has to to with the motivations of those asking for his returns.

To be clear, I'm all for justice. But I'm not for weaponizing justice. Huge difference. And that was the point of my post.

--- End of line (MCP)

The Boss

Active Member
The demoncrats have wasted more time and money, for the past 3 years, trying to find some reason to impeach Trump!! They keep coming up empty handed. It just shows me they have no interest in the people they represent, only themselves. Why are they trying so hard to get President Trump removed from office???? Could it be he is exposing all the fraud that is our government????
LOL, have to disagree with you here. How many investigations did the re-pubs do on Hillary? What charges have been brought?