Election 2024 Issues


PREMO Member

Republican lawmaker in Maine files to impeach secretary of state Shenna Bellows after her decision to disqualify Trump from the ballot - as Bellows reveals she's been receiving DEATH threats since her ruling

  • Shenna Bellows, the secretary of state for Maine, on Thursday announced she had concluded Donald Trump was ineligible to appear on their primary ballot
  • Trump's spokesman accused her of election interference, and on Friday a Republican in the Maine House filed to seek her impeachment
  • John Andrews argued that she had exceeded her authority, and said that by her rationale Joe Biden should be blocked for helping an enemy - Iran and China

A Maine Republican has filed notice of his intent to impeach their secretary of state, accusing her of overstepping her authority by removing Donald Trump from the state ballot and arguing that, by her rationale, Joe Biden should also be removed.

John Andrews, was elected in 2018 to the Maine House of Representatives, said on Friday he filed a request with the Maine Revisor's Office, saying he wanted 'to file a Joint Order, or whichever is the proper parliamentary mechanism under Mason's Rules, to impeach Secretary of State Shenna Bellows.'

Bellows on Thursday announced that Trump was disqualified from their state primaries for violating Section Three of the 14th Amendment of the Constitution, which prohibits anyone who has engaged in insurrection from holding office.



PREMO Member

Muslim Leaders in Swing States Go National With Effort vs. Biden in 2024 Election Over Support for Israel

On Saturday, a coalition of Muslim leaders in swing states announced they are stepping up their efforts to make sure Joe Biden (assuming he's the Democrat candidate, which is anything but certain) loses the 2024 presidential election. Why? Because he supports Israel.

The #AbandonBiden campaign officially began earlier in December, led by Muslim leaders in swing states like Michigan, Minnesota and Arizona, who disapproved of Biden’s support for Israel’s counterattacks against Hamas. The counterattacks have come at the cost of tens of thousands of innocent Palestinian lives.
Now, the coalition intends to expand the pressure campaign to all 50 states.
“We will save America from itself, by punishing Biden at the ballot box,” said lead organizer Jaylani Hussein in a statement.

Self-awareness rating: Zero.

Honestly, the chutzpah of these people (yes, my use of a Yiddish term was deliberate) thinking that they could "save America from itself." Plenty of Americans feel differently, including your humble correspondent; honestly, the least of the current GOP field would be preferable to another term of Joe Biden, or even one term of his understudy.

The group isn't completely obtuse; they do understand our two-party system, and that their efforts may well help elect a GOP candidate.

“There is a likelihood that our votes may weaken the Democrats that the Republicans may win,” Hussein said. “We’re not fools about that.”
The #AbandonBiden campaign is willing to take that risk, he said: “We will risk an unknown four years of Trump.”


WT Actual F ... I mean sure go ahead, but do you think Trump is going to support Hamas ? either way Muslim Hamas Supporters are going to lose Trump will be supporting Israel


PREMO Member
Maine Official Who Booted Trump From Ballot Visited Biden White House, Blasted The Electoral College

Bellows’ beef with the Electoral College was revealed in a 2021 op-ed for the Democracy Docket — an op-ed that she wrote just one year after serving as a member of the Electoral College herself in 2020.

“It’s not enough to advance voting rights in our state alone. It shouldn’t be easier to vote in Maine than Montana. Voting rights for our neighbors matter as much as our own, especially when the relic of white supremacy that is the Electoral College remains in place,” she wrote.

Bellows issued a ruling on Thursday declaring Trump ineligible to run for a second presidential term in 2024, citing the 14th Amendment and claiming that his participation in an “insurrection” on January 6, 2021, was what had disqualified him.

Bellows also rejected demands from Trump’s team, who said that she should recuse herself from decisions about whether or not he could appear on the ballot because things she had posted on social media suggested she had already predetermined that he was guilty of “insurrection.”


PREMO Member

Deranged Maine Secretary of State MELTSDOWN Over GOP Move To Impeach For Banning Trump From Ballot!​



Well-Known Member
The Dems have made a lot of mileage calling the Capitol riot an insurrection. As long as they label it as such, they can justify whatever craziness they say in the press.

The Civil War - THAT was an insurrection. Ditto the American Revolution. And the French Revolution. Lenin in Russia, Franco in Spain.

A bunch of unarmed nitwits, most of whom just walked around the Capitol - that’s not an insurrection. Hell, whose government were they overthrowing? Trump’s?

We’ve now had, before and since, extremely violent and destructive riots motivated by politics - and no one calls them insurrection. We’ve had demonstrators IN THE CAPITOL disrupting Congress - not insurrection.

This is labeling. But not actually an insurrection.


PREMO Member
This is labeling. But not actually an insurrection.

An Insurrection would have involved firearms, shootings .... the only shots fired were from the police

Sappy will be along shortly to state a couple of Trumpers had guns ....

AN INSURRECTION WOULD HAVE INVOLVED 100'S OR 1000'S of Armed Individuals NOT 2 or 3 who NEVER Fired A Shot.


PREMO Member
One day the leftoids are uprooting Confederate statues like ingrown hairs before prom night, ostensibly because all things antebellum are a sign of white supremacy. But then they turn around and try to boot their boogeyman, Trump, off the ballot, just like ten out of 11 Confederate states did with that rascally, slave-savin' Republican Abe Lincoln in the weeks before the 1860 election.

The real punchline here is that the Marxists controlling the Democrat Party have tripped over their Crocs trying to tie Trump to some phantom "white supremacy" that wickedly looms in the shadows throughout the nation, especially down south where Democrats have peppered the land with statues of Confederate generals and common soldiers alike.

The Democrats, in an attempt to distance themselves from slavery, Jim Crow, and the KKK, suggest that Democrats and Republicans, apparently using a sophisticated form of sorcery, magically "switched sides" at some point in history.

I can't tell you how many bumlickees in the Donkey brigade have assured me the Democrat Party decided they'd had enough of their own racism at the exact moment the Republicans thought, "Hey, let's all be bigots."

Obviously, these political horsefeathers never took place. One could argue that the Republican Party was once the party of big government and the Democrats were more for states' rights. But one must also recall that the Republican Party was created for the sheer purpose of taking away the Democrats' slaves and needed the feds to do that. Over the years, the Republicans came out stronger for less federal government. But suggesting the two parties "switched sides" regarding racial hatred is laughable.



Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
The big question is how long do we have to wait until SCOTUS steps in and hears the case? All the reports and speculation is getting tedious.


Well-Known Member
Sappy will be along shortly to state a couple of Trumpers had guns ....
Insurrection: The action of rising in arms or open resistance against established authority or governmental restraint; with pl., an instance of this, an armed rising, a revolt; an incipient or limited rebellion.

Shay's Rebellion - Whiskey Rebellion - Fries Rebellion - and so on. Events that transpired over days, months or longer. Not an afternoon.

I don't recall any gun charge involving a gun either IN the Capitol - or having been fired inside the Capitol, whether or not it hit anyone.
Most of the gun charges I saw involved having a gun somewhere on the grounds, but - outside.

We've had riots in the past several years that lasted days, were FAR more violent, FAR more destructive and required sending in the National Guard or law enforcement to end it. This ended voluntarily after a few *hours*. Yeah - they were ASKED to leave - and they left.

We've had state capitols occupied by protestors for hours - and nothing came of it - because their issues coincided with the left-wing. We've had the national Capitol invaded by protestors - and they were arrested - but not languishing in prison accused of treason or "insurrection". Some of the J6ers - were tortured - in attempts to get them to rat out on others or claim they saw things they didn't see.

Calling it an insurrection somehow lends the idea that the Floyd riots and other riots of 2020 were trivial - because they weren't trying to "overthrow the government". Jeez, look at the damned videos. IF the press calls it an "insurrection" - somehow, it's worse than burning whole blocks to the ground or shooting innocent BYSTANDERS or dragging people out of their cars, or grabbing journalists and smashing their teeth into their mouths. Because it somehow endangered - Democrats. Even though none of them were ever close to danger.

Strange that in other insurrections - heck - RIOTS - buildings are torched and burned to the ground. No fires in the Capitol. Most of the "damage" was for counseling. Yeah. People's fee fees were hurt.

Damn I am so tired of hearing them use a word like that. It's like calling a breeze a tornado.


PREMO Member
I don't recall any gun charge involving a gun either IN the Capitol - or having been fired inside the Capitol, whether or not it hit anyone.
Most of the gun charges I saw involved having a gun somewhere on the grounds, but - outside.

Correct, I don't think there was anyone AT the Capitol with a weapon,

A lot of people have been arrested for violating DC Guns Laws ... as far as at the Capitol only 3

Christopher Alberts - arrested while trying to leave the Capitol Grounds - I do not see any claim he took part in any rioting

Guy Reffitt - arrested after the fact back home in the Mid West - bragged about having a weapon, as far as I can tell NO ONE saw him with a weapon

Mark Ibrahim - DEA Off Duty had his badge and service weapon and was in the Capitol no one is claiming he took part in any rioting, he has been charged with having a weapon in the Capitol ... I'm not sure what he would have been asked to do with his service weapon on 364 other days of the year.

Lefty Anti Gun Site;

A Running List of Gun Arrests Tied to the U.S. Capitol Attack

Civilians didn't open fire on January 6, but that doesn’t mean the Trump supporters who congregated at the Capitol weren’t armed.

Ooo a doz or so out of hundreds had weapons only 2 had weapons seen .... when AntiFA tried nightly for months to burn down a Federal Courthouse and did burn down a police station .... J6 WAS NOT an insurrection ....


Well-Known Member
Who declares an insurrection? and why against strikes?
Good question. It would almost certainly have to be the insurrectionists themselves, right? They are the only ones who would know the intent of their actions. Otherwise you wouldn't know if it was a protest, a riot, a rebellion, a Tuesday in San Fran, or mass hallucination.


Well-Known Member
Good question. It would almost certainly have to be the insurrectionists themselves, right? They are the only ones who would know the intent of their actions. Otherwise you wouldn't know if it was a protest, a riot, a rebellion, a Tuesday in San Fran, or mass hallucination.
The best I can discern it is the president, last invoked on St. Croix after Hugo and after Rodney King.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Looks like they have something to hide.

Every person in elected or appointed offices should be subject to the same.

Perhaps even the upper levels of Bureaucracies.


PREMO Member
Because Biden can't run on his disastrous record, the Democrats will have to lean more heavily than ever before on their habit of demonizing Republicans. They'll insist that it's only BECAUSE TRUMP that they're being so harsh, but demonization has been a part of their political arsenal for as long as I've been old enough to vote. George W. Bush was Hitler before Trump was Hitler. Mitt Romney gave a woman cancer. This year it's the "dictator" stuff.

It isn't just politicians who they smear, it's anyone who might vote Republican. I don't know if the Democrats keep records of such things, but I would like to know how many election year grannies I've pushed off of cliffs at this point.

This year's shiny object to distract voters from the Biden disaster will be WHITE SUPREMACY.

While there no doubt is a scattering of white supremacists throughout the land, Sir Sniffsalot will spend the year saying that anyone who is even thinking of voting Republican has a collection of Klan hoods at home. This will be the case even if someone other than Trump is the nominee. Again, they can't let any undecided or independent voters' eyes wander anywhere near Biden's record.

Remember kids: the real internal threat to the country is white supremacy-fueled domestic terrorism. The various criminal elements who have access to our southern border? NOTHING TO SEE HERE... MOVE ALONG.

I hope they keep Biden squinting at teleprompters and barking "MAGA Republicans" like a trained seal with a saliva problem. He's going to scare people all right, just not the ones they're hoping he will.



PREMO Member

Biden Influencers LOSE IT Over Charlamagne Tha God ADMITTING HE REJECTS VOTING For Biden & Kamala!​
