Election 2024 Issues


PREMO Member
Muslim community leaders from several swing states pledged to withdraw support for U.S. President Joe Biden on Saturday at a conference in suburban Detroit, citing his refusal to call for a ceasefire in Gaza.

Democrats in Michigan have warned the White House that Biden’s handling of the Israel-Hamas war could cost him enough support within the Arab American community to sway the outcome of the 2024 presidential election.

Leaders from Michigan, Minnesota, Arizona, Wisconsin, Florida, Georgia, Nevada and Pennsylvania gathered behind a lectern that read "Abandon Biden, ceasefire now" in Dearborn, Michigan - the city with the largest concentration of Arab Americans in the United States.



PREMO Member

Fox News Audience STUNNED After Greg Gutfield CALLS OUT Network For FIRING Tucker Carlson!​

More important where the time stamp picks up a discussion between Michelle Tafoya and Michael Benz .... about David Brocks [ Media Matters F America ] push for online censorship of Populist Conversations on line post 2016 election


Well-Known Member

Just as astonishing, the U.S. government has plumbed to insidious depths to keep Trump from the presidency. Obama’s FBI not only spied on his campaign but also framed him as a Russian spy. While Robert Mueller and Andrew Weissmann attempted to cover up the government’s ongoing criminality, they spent two more years threatening the Trump administration with selective prosecutions and process crimes. Congress impeached him for noticing Biden’s pay-to-play family corruption in Ukraine. Those same turds impeached him again for giving a speech a mile from the Capitol concerning the 2020 election’s obvious fraud. After killing four unarmed Trump supporters on January 6, 2021, authorities in D.C. pushed ridiculous propaganda defaming J6 protesters as “insurrectionists” attempting to overthrow the government. The FBI and DOJ have spent the last three years hunting down Trump supporters, sanctioning election lawyers for daring to combat fraud, censoring and prosecuting pro-Trump meme-makers for exercising their free speech, and secretly listing anyone who denounces these tyrannical actions as a potential “domestic terrorist.” As for the coming 2024 election, Joe Rogan says it best: the Uniparty’s only campaign strategy is to imprison Donald Trump.


PREMO Member

Trump Deranged Liz Cheney And Liberal Media PANIC Over Trump Becoming President FOREVER After 2024!​



PREMO Member

Democrats Are Afraid Trump Will Do To Them What They Have Done To Him

You almost have to admire the audacity of Democrats actively doing to Trump everything they say Trump will do to them if he regains the White House. You can’t get more on-the-nose in this regard than a triple-bylined piece that ran in The New York Times on Monday warning, “Mr. Trump’s vow to use the Justice Department to wreak vengeance against his adversaries is a naked challenge to democratic values. Building on how he tried to get prosecutors to go after his enemies while in office, it would end the post-Watergate norm of investigative independence from White House political control.”

It’s almost like the Times is trolling its readers with this. Surely the reporters and editors behind this laughable piece of agitprop know that this is exactly what the Biden Justice Department and powerful Democrats nationwide are now doing to Trump. The idea that Merrick Garland is some sort of straight-shooting attorney general is a joke. Not one person in America really believes it.

So what do Democrats and their media courtesans do? They lean into the gaslighting, claiming over and over in the most outlandish terms that a second Trump term will bring about everything that’s happening now under President Biden.

Why? Because they’re desperate. They know that owing to the weakness and corruption and unpopularity of the current president, there’s a chance Trump just might win next year. That’s why Democrat attorneys general and federal prosecutors want so desperately to convict him of a crime, any crime, and why editors and writers at the Times and The Atlantic will say almost anything to scare voters with horror stories about what will happen if Trump wins.

They also crave power. For people like Cheney and Kagan and Goldberg and every other establishment player, Trump’s great crime wasn’t anything he did or said on Jan. 6, it was that he won the election in November 2016. That wasn’t supposed to happen. Democrats and the permanent regime in Washington were supposed to remain in power forever. Trump had the audacity to win, and they can’t let it happen again.

In that effort, they’re willing to do and say almost anything. Throughout Trump’s stint in office, Democrats, establishment Republicans like Cheney, and nearly every major media outlet worked overtime to trample norms, bend the rules, break various laws, and undermine a duly elected president simply because they were incensed that they weren’t in power.

Remember that when they say what Trump will do in a second term. They’re doing it right now.


PREMO Member

Biden in Hollywood: “You’re the Reason that Donald Trump is a Former President"

It’s quite amazing how much Biden lacks in self-awareness. As usual, Democrats accuse Republicans of things they are doing. Joe Biden’s DOJ is actively working to put Donald Trump in jail so that he cannot serve another term as president. I’m pretty sure that a president giving the nod to jailing his political opponents is an anti-democracy move. Another example of Biden’s attack on democracy is that Biden persists in leaving the southern border wide open with millions of illegal immigrants pouring in each year since he was inaugurated. A country without borders is not a sovereign country.

The president talked of Trump’s behavior on January 6, 2021, when the then-president was watching TV coverage of the attack on the Capitol from a West Wing dining room, as a mob searched for his vice president.
“It’s despicable. It’s simply despicable,” Biden said, then saying, a bit facetiously, “My guess is that he won’t show up at my next inauguration.”
Biden also referred to Trump’s comments earlier this week, in which the former president told Sean Hannity that he would not abuse power in a second term except for the first day of his presidency, when he would close the border and expand drilling.
“The other day [Trump] said, ‘He would be a dictator only one day. That God. Only one day,” Biden said sarcastically.

Good thing no one ever thinks Biden and his administration act as though he is a dictator, right? Biden allowed teachers’ unions to dictate how long schools were closed during the pandemic. The Biden administration put forth vaccine mandates and many people lost jobs over that mandate, including members of the military and first responders.

Joe Biden shut down the Keystone XL Pipeline project when he came into office. He destroyed American energy independence with his lame-brain energy policies. He put John Kerry into a made-up job of climate change czar, which was a huge red flag. Kerry was in the Middle East last week at a climate conference and he told the audience that there should not be any coal plants anymore, anywhere. The stupidity of the climate change cult knows no bounds. Joe Biden picks winners and losers in the jobs market. Energy sector jobs have been targeted in the madness. Energy independence is a national security issue.


PREMO Member

Disgraced Democrat Susanna Gibson Claims She ‘Never Knew’ Porn Videos Of Her Online ‘Existed’

Susanna Gibson was, as recently as last year, posting as “HotWifeExperience” on the website Chaturbate, where men could pay tokens to get her to perform specific sex acts.

“My entire life was rocked on Sept. 11, when the article ran,” Gibson told POLITICO in a softball interview. “It ran, implying that I performed sex acts online with my husband for money.”

In one video recorded shortly after she launched her campaign last year, she told her husband, “I’ll let you f*** me in the a** d****-style in a private room if someone wants to pay. That’s the deal.” In another video, she appears to say that for the right price, viewers could watch her urinate. “Y’all can watch me pee if you tip me and some tokens,” she said. “Again, I’m raising money for a good cause.”

She said for 500 tokens, she would order room service in a hotel and cause the delivery person to see her naked, saying: “I’m definitely a slut… In order to leave the door cracked I need 500 tokens.”

She claimed that the videos were found on “the dark web” and that she had no “idea that there were ever videos of me that had been made and uploaded to multiple sites.”


Not knowing how live streaming can be captured ... she would have made a great politician

EVERYTHING Especially naked photos / videos are FOREVER when posted online


PREMO Member

Lawsuits Against Trump Are So Transparently Political They're Backfiring Badly With Democrats

The II/TIPP poll finds that Democrats are cottoning on.


The polling organization asked two questions. The first question is, “To what extent do you agree or disagree with the statement: The Democratic Party is using the law to try to prevent Trump from running in the 2024 election.” Secondly, it asked those leaning Republican, "How likely are you to vote for Donald Trump in the Republican presidential primary if he is convicted of any crimes?”

To the first question, 80% of Republicans and a slight majority of independents agreed that the lawsuits are an obvious attempt to keep Trump out of office, or, put another way, tampering with an election. Nearly 50% of Democrats agreed. A plurality, 49%, believe that the lawsuits are an attempt to kill off Trump's candidacy. Taken together, fully 60% of Americans believe the lawsuits are an empty political ploy.


Further, 72% of Republicans think so little of the lawfare being run against Trump that they would vote for him even if he's convicted of anything. And when the Democrats have overcharged him to this extent, the chances of getting one conviction are greater than Trump defeating all of them. And "63% of independents agree they’ll likely vote for him, compared to 29% who say it’s unlikely."


PREMO Member

MSNBC Blames 'Far Right' For Young WOKE Voters Saying 'F YOU' To Democrats And ABANDONING Joe Biden!​



PREMO Member

Media/Anti-Trump People List Things Trump Might Do If He Wins - the Raging Paranoia Is Hilarious

Cohen claims we're not going to be able to go to "Canada" because Trump will annex Canada. David Frum suggests that Trump could shoot the First Lady and get away with it. "We're going to see violence the likes of which we didn't even see on Jan. 6," Jennifer Rubin grouses, making a face that was something else. Oh, no, he'll make himself the Fuhrer, use martial law against the American people, terminate the Constitution, rewrite the Constitution (is that before or after he terminates it?), create mass internment camps, throw everyone into Gitmo, and send people to jail (especially minorities!).

"None of us is safe," Lawrence Tribe intones. He might "assassinate generals," Joe Scarborough says. He will order troops to attack American citizens, his base will try to kill people, and he will "burn the house down. Cheney says he would "unravel the institutions of our democracy." This could be the end of our "democracy" say those sages, Hillary Clinton and Rob Reiner.

Oh, and he could destroy the Justice Department, Al Sharpton says. He could arrest political opponents and persecute his political enemies.

You mean, Trump could do what the Biden DOJ is doing to him right now? He would never leave, they claim. Rachel Maddow says the real point of this ridiculous exercise at the end: they want everyone to get together to stop Trump [because the lawfare hasn't done the job for them].


Well-Known Member
I was getting a chuckle reading the comments on an Atlantic Mag article...
Holy cow!
a) Many believe that they live in a Democracy
b) They assume they are the only intelligent elite in the nation and they are clutching their pearls and sweating from their unshaved armpits.
c) They are incredulous that anyone outside their mental midgets considers Trump a Fascist dictator already warming up the trains to Auschwitz.

They weep, quiver, rage, rant...and are borderline hysterical in fear.
I SOO want to see a November 8 2016 all over again to see these people self immolate.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
c) They are incredulous that anyone outside their mental midgets considers Trump a Fascist dictator already warming up the trains to Auschwitz.
Wait... you mean Trump's NOT lining up trains to the camps?!!

Damn it Kyle. I fall for it every time.


Well-Known Member

Disgraced Democrat Susanna Gibson Claims She ‘Never Knew’ Porn Videos Of Her Online ‘Existed’

Susanna Gibson was, as recently as last year, posting as “HotWifeExperience” on the website Chaturbate, where men could pay tokens to get her to perform specific sex acts.

“My entire life was rocked on Sept. 11, when the article ran,” Gibson told POLITICO in a softball interview. “It ran, implying that I performed sex acts online with my husband for money.”

In one video recorded shortly after she launched her campaign last year, she told her husband, “I’ll let you f*** me in the a** d****-style in a private room if someone wants to pay. That’s the deal.” In another video, she appears to say that for the right price, viewers could watch her urinate. “Y’all can watch me pee if you tip me and some tokens,” she said. “Again, I’m raising money for a good cause.”

She said for 500 tokens, she would order room service in a hotel and cause the delivery person to see her naked, saying: “I’m definitely a slut… In order to leave the door cracked I need 500 tokens.”

She claimed that the videos were found on “the dark web” and that she had no “idea that there were ever videos of me that had been made and uploaded to multiple sites.”


Not knowing how live streaming can be captured ... she would have made a great politician

EVERYTHING Especially naked photos / videos are FOREVER when posted online
I would much rather see a woman that gets paid to have sex with he husband in Congress, than a Congress man who has sex with a Chinese spy.
Now maybe that's just me. But a man who has sex with a Chinese and another one from Californicate who lied about a Russian Hoax for 4 years and is still lying about it. Heck---------If we only knew what half of them are doing up there selling us out to Chinese money and Ukraine money, and lobbyists, and Pharmaceutical outfits we would all sht our pants.