Election 2024 Issues


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Cheney Calls on Fox News Viewers to Ditch Trump

Cheney said, “Every single president, Republican and Democrat, since George Washington, has ensured the peaceful transition of power. Donald Trump tried to seize power. So we can disagree with Biden policies, but the fact that he tried to seize power, the fact that he ignored the rulings of 61 courts, the fact that he ignored his own attorney general, his own White House counsel, who told him what he was saying about the election was false. It wasn’t true. His claims were false, and he went out and made them anyway, knowing that. The extent to which he, while a violent mob was assaulting the Capitol, he wouldn’t tell them to leave. Instead, he tweeted against his own vice president and he poured fuel on the flames. Those are lines that can’t be crossed. And look, this isn’t about policy. I voted with Donald Trump 93% of the time. This is about the nation. It’s about the republic. It’s about the Constitution.”

She continued, “What I would say to Fox viewers, and I worked here for many years as you know. The race today presents a number of candidates who will abide by the Constitution. You can have the policies that we all want, some of which Donald Trump put into place, some of which he didn’t. We can have conservative policies without having to torch the Constitution.”


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Meet Lawyer Michael Dreeben, The Man Behind Three Major Anti-Trump Operations

Eyebrows were raised last week when it was discovered that Special Counsel Jack Smith had added attorney Michael Dreeben to his legal team.

“An interesting detail: Michael Dreeben somehow snuck into Jack Smith’s office. He was Mueller’s appellate guy,” enthused Marcy Wheeler, a proponent of the debunked conspiracy theory that Donald Trump stole the 2016 election by colluding with Russia.

Fellow Russia-collusion hoaxer Rachel Maddow of MSNBC ran an entire segment to announce the exciting news that Dreeben is “helming this part of the case,” meaning Smith’s request to the Supreme Court to look at whether American presidents may be prosecuted for actions taken while they are president. Left-wing legal activist (and, yes, another bitter clinger Russia-collusion hoaxer) Joyce Vance said her “friend” Dreeben had “framed this petition” before the Supreme Court.

Mueller, of course, is Robert Mueller, the ostensible head of the Mueller probe that treated the Russia conspiracy scam as credible and leaked information to the propaganda press to ensure it had maximum effect. After 18 months, the investigation concluded with not a single American, much less a single Trump official, being found to have colluded with Russia to steal the 2016 election. On the way to that conclusion, it wreaked havoc on Republicans across the country, and a strong majority of Democrats still believe the “big lie” that Russians stole the 2016 election for Donald Trump.

The Real Leaders of the Mueller Probe​

As anyone who saw the visibly struggling Mueller testify in July 2019 knows, he wasn’t in a mental position to lead the operation. That was left to key operatives, including more than a dozen Democrats. For example, Mueller selected partisan Andrew Weissmann for a key role. In addition to his ethically flawed prosecutions of Enron executives, he was at Hillary Clinton’s ill-fated 2016 Victory Night Party. The inspector general report showed him as a full participant in the Russia-collusion hoax. After the Mueller probe, Weissmann went on to raise money for Joe Biden’s presidential campaign. Weissmann was also part of the team at left-wing legal group Just Security that unofficially wrote Jack Smith’s indictment of Trump over classified documents.

As partisan as Weissmann was, and continues to be in his role at left-wing propaganda outlet MSNBC, he wasn’t even the actual leader of the Mueller lawfare strategy. That was the much more subtle, much more careful, and much less sloppy Michael Dreeben.

Dreeben was “leading the special counsel’s defense each step of the way,” Politico wrote in 2018 when it put him in the top 10 of its “power list.” He is widely seen as being in charge of Mueller’s “overall legal strategy.” When Mueller picked Dreeben, former Chuck Schumer staffer and anti-Trump “resistance” hero Preet Bharara praised the pick.

That was important because even though the Mueller team knew from the outset that the Russia-collusion theory it perpetuated was false, it pursued a novel legal strategy of trying to build an impeachment case that Trump “obstructed justice” when he protested the Democrat-designed and Democrat-funded Russia-collusion lie.
It is also worth noting that the Mueller probe, for fairly obvious reasons, never investigated how the Russia-collusion theory was designed and funded by Democrats, developed with the help of Russian operatives, and integrated into the federal government’s unconstitutional resistance of a duly elected president. Covering up those facts was, in fact, the purpose of the Mueller probe.


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Media Lie About This Leftist-Linked Voter Roll ‘Maintenance’ Group To Protect Democrats’ Election Machine

Otherwise known as ERIC, this organization is a widely used voter-roll “management” system founded by Democrat activist David Becker that was “sold to states as a quick and easy way to update their voter rolls.” In reality, ERIC’s membership agreement places a higher priority on registering new voters than on cleaning up existing voter rolls.

The program inflates voter rolls by requiring member states to contact “eligible but unregistered” residents to encourage them to register to vote. When a state becomes an ERIC member, it is required to submit “all active and inactive voter files,” “all licensing or identification records contained in the motor vehicles database,” and any state files related to “voter registration functions” to the organization, which then compares this information with that submitted by other member states.

It’s after this process that ERIC compiles updated voter-roll information — including lists of voters who have multiple registrations, moved, or died, and lists of “eligible but unregistered” voters — and sends it to member states. As Victoria Marshall wrote in these pages, ERIC mandates that states engage in voter list maintenance “only after [they have] independently validated” the data they receive from the organization. In other words, “if a state does not independently validate the ERIC data, it is not required to clean its voter rolls.”

ERIC’s ties to Becker — who has since resigned from his role as a nonvoting ERIC board member — and its refusal to change its bylaws have prompted a flurry of GOP election officials to withdraw their states from the organization within the past two years. Included in this growing list are the states of Virginia, Florida, Ohio, Texas, and several others. Some of these jurisdictions, including Virginia, Ohio, and Alabama, have since formed separate interstate voter data-sharing pacts to serve as an ERIC replacement.

In light of ERIC’s steady collapse, Votebeat’s Jen Fifield and Rolling Stone’s Adam Rawnsley and Asawin Suebsaeng have painted these GOP officials as “conspiracy theorists” and fomented Democrat accusations that these states are struggling to effectively share and maintain accurate voter rolls. While handing out “far-right” and “MAGA Republican” labels like candy on Halloween, these “reporters” weave a web of deception to obscure the organization’s role in Democrats’ election machine.

Both articles’ writers, for example, attempt to pin the source of Republican election officials’ concerns with ERIC on a 2022 Gateway Pundit piece about the organization, which they quickly dismiss as riddled with “conspiracy theories.” Of course, nowhere in their articles do these so-called “journalists” bother to explore one of the — if not the — most alarming details about ERIC: the group’s ties to the Center for Election Innovation and Research (CEIR), a Becker-founded nonprofit responsible for interfering in the 2020 election to help Democrats.

CEIR and the Center for Tech and Civic Life collectively received hundreds of millions of dollars from Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg leading up to the 2020 contest. These “Zuckbucks” were then poured into local election offices throughout the country to push sloppy Democrat-backed voting policies, such as mass mail-in voting and the widespread use of ballot drop boxes. Analyses have shown these grants were heavily skewed toward Democrat municipalities, especially in swing states, effectively making it a giant Democrat get-out-the-vote operation.

As The Federalist previously reported and communication records have indicated, CEIR enjoys a transactional relationship with ERIC, which sends the voter-roll data it receives from states to CEIR. Upon receiving the data, CEIR “then develops targeted mailing lists and sends them back to the states to use for voter registration outreach.” In other words, CEIR — a highly partisan nonprofit with a history of left-wing activism — is creating lists of potential (and likely Democrat) voters for states to register in the lead-up to major elections.

Convenient how that incredibly important detail didn’t make it into the Votebeat and Rolling Stone articles, isn’t it?


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The Colorado Supreme Court 4-3 Decision Is Pure Nonsense and Can Be Laughed At, They Even Admit It on Page 9​

December 19, 2023 | Sundance | 336 Comments

Three main points before getting to the substance. [213 page opinion HERE]​

#1) It was a 4-3 decision. Meaning it was the politics of the court, literally the political makeup and perspective therein, that determined the outcome of the decision. This is showcased in point #3, which is the funniest part.

#2) The entire framework of the case against Trump in the Colorado decision is predicated on this: “[the complainants] asserted that he was ineligible under Section Three because he engaged in insurrection on January 6, 2021, after swearing an oath as President to support the U.S. Constitution.” [pdf, page 6] REMINDER – President Donald Trump was not charged with “insurrection,” is not accused of “insurrection,” does not fit the complaint under the definitions of “insurrection,” and has never been found guilty of insurrection. The complaint is moot before the court. But hey, it’s Lawfare… and we all know Lawfare is created for public media consumption, so that takes us directly to the biggest point.

#3) Instead of me writing it, let me screengrab it so we can all laugh together [pdf page 9].


Wait, what?

Yes, that’s correct. As long as President Trump appeals the decision to the Supreme Court, the appeals court stays their own ruling – essentially indefinitely. The Colorado primary ballots printed, and the primary election will be over, before the Supreme Court puts this on their docket.

In addition to the virtual guarantee the high court will overrule this political nonsense, SCOTUS can make the entire issue moot before them by following their own normal schedule for submissions, arguments, deliberation and opinions delivered by the court.

The Colorado appellate court knows this, that’s why they put this self-stay into their 4-3 ruling. It’s a politically correct way of giving the optics of telling their tribe, ‘hey we’re with you,’ without the ramifications of the political backlash. In other words, psychological lawfare stuff – intended for media consumption.

Making the issue that much better for Donald Trump, the efforts of the Prescott-Bush clan (look it up – they live in CO) will backfire bigly. The public backlash against a judicial ruling that interferes with the right of the citizens to determine their own election candidates plays perfectly into the sunlight operation against the Lawfare left.

This backlash will be epic, albeit hidden by MSNBC and the rest of the insufferable media. Why? Because it doesn’t fit the Lawfare narrative.


PREMO Member
🔥 The UK Guardian ran an unprecedented and historic story yesterday headlined, “Why did Colorado disqualify Trump from the state’s 2024 election ballot?” The understated headline correctly explained this “Decision is the first time a presidential candidate has been deemed ineligible for election under the insurrection clause.”

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It’s just the latest bizarre turn of events in the U.S. 2024 Presidential Election Season, one more shattered record for the history books as democrats continue shredding all semblance of rationality in a surreal panic to stop Trump any way they can, no matter how zany or cockamamie of an idea. This time, applying Section 3 of the 14th Amendment — called the Insurrection Clause — the Colorado supreme court beclowned itself ruling 4-3 that Donald Trump is ineligible for any office, not even county dog catcher, because of the January 6th Capitol Riot, since he’s an insurrector, or something.

In practical terms, the decision bars Trump from appearing on Colorado’s primary ballot. It only applies in Colorado, but if it sticks, it could make Trump’s election difficult if not impossible.

“We do not reach these conclusions lightly,” the Court’s majority airily and lightly wrote. “We are likewise mindful of our solemn duty to apply the law, without fear or favor, and without being swayed by public reaction,” they frivolously continued, misapplying the law and desperately hoping the liberal public would react with unhinged accolades. The decision upheld a Colorado district court’s earlier but equally deranged 102-page judgment finding Trump was an insurrectionist by “clear and convincing evidence,” after a one-week trial.

Making their decision look less like a serious ruling and more like a virtue-signaling political hand grenade, the Colorado justices stayed the effect of their own order to allow Trump’s lawyers time for an appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court. I’d say the Supreme Court is bound to throw out Colorado’s awful ruling, since it is commonly-known that the Insurrection Clause was passed by angry Republicans to stop Confederate military officers like General Robert E. Lee from running for office after the Civil War.

Saying that comparing the Capitol Riot to the U.S. Civil War is deranged is an insult to deranged people.

In short order, Governor DeSantis and other Republican candidates called for the Supreme Court to reverse Colorado, and Vivek Ramaswamy vowed he’d boycott the state. The Colorado GOP threatened to "withdraw from the Primary as a Party and convert to a pure caucus system if this is allowed to stand." If that happens, Trump could still get the GOP’s nomination through a caucus even if barred from Colorado’s primary ballot.

Do not get overly exercised about this ridiculous sideshow. It’s nearly inconceivable that the Supreme Court will allow this travesty of a sham to stand. I’m not the only one who thinks that. Last night, the Hill ran a headline predicting that Colorado’s logic is so bad that even the liberal Justices on the Supreme Court would vote to overturn in a unanimous pro-Trump decision, which would essentially ask the Colorado supremes to board the short judicial bus:

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It seems inevitable we’ll soon have a whole lot more clarity about what the Insurrection Clause, which has never been used this way, does or doesn’t say. And that should finally shut up a bunch of crazed leftists, at least about this insane idea, and annoy the Supreme Court, which has to deal with all this nonsense.



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And Sleepy Joe, as he was wandering off to catch a plane, just agreed that Trump is an insurrectionist.


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As Democrats lean on Jan 6, critics argue Biden's party is the real threat to democracy

"Democrats cynically used the COVID-19 pandemic to radically undermine long-standing election laws on the fly and then started pushing for non-citizens to vote in U.S. elections," Republican National Committee (RNC) Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel told Fox News Digital. "Now the left is working to remove political opponents from the ballot in a shocking display of disregard for the American people’s right to choose their candidates."

"These attacks on the democratic process drive down voter confidence and trust in the electoral system.
Meanwhile, the RNC and our partners are fighting to make sure the American people choose their presidential candidates, not the courts," she said, adding that the RNC was trying to protect election integrity by fighting for policies to ensure only American citizens vote in elections.

Legal expert and Fox News contributor Jonathan Turley agreed, calling the Colorado court's ruling "the most anti-democratic opinion in decades," and arguing that Democrats' claims about protecting democracy "would be more compelling if they were not supporting the effort to block voters from being able to vote for Trump and canceling primaries in states like Florida."

"It is also difficult to claim the mantle of the defender of democracy when your party is actively fighting for the censorship and blacklisting of those with opposing views," Turley added. "The best way to defend democracy is to practice it by supporting both the right to vote and to free speech in others, including those who hold opposing viewpoints."

Turley's reference to censorship concerns accusations the Biden administration engaged in efforts to violate Americans' First Amendment rights by working with Big Tech platforms to police controversial social media posts pertaining to the COVID-19 pandemic and the president's son, Hunter Biden.


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Weissmann: ‘People Died’ in the Civil War So Leaders Like Trump Could Be Banned from Ballot

He continued, “No one was saying, oh, no, this was insufficient proof. There were lots of procedural issues, and I don’t mean to minimize them, that the dissent raised, but there was a district court finding and there was a majority opinion with no dissents on the fact that the leading contender for the Republican nomination had done what we had a civil war about. And the reason for this amendment was because after the Civil War, people said, if you have engaged in this kind of conduct you cannot be any longer the president, the vice president, or any federal position. So this is historically really important in terms of what many people died for in this country.”

Weissmann added, “I mean this is the largest loss of life in America at the time was over the Civil War and why we have this amendment. So people should take it seriously. It’s important for the Supreme Court to hear it and make a decision and people should be behind that.”


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Joe Biden Pressured Merrick Garland to Prosecute Donald Trump, Resurfaced NYT Report Says

Times reporters Katie Benner, Katie Rogers, and Michael S. Schmidt published an article on April 2, 2022, about Biden’s frustration with Garland about the lack of prosecution against Trump, according to two people familiar with Biden’s comments.

“The attorney general’s deliberative approach has come to frustrate Democratic allies of the White House and, at times, President Biden himself,” the Times reported. “As recently as late last year, Mr. Biden confided to his inner circle that he believed former President Donald J. Trump was a threat to democracy and should be prosecuted, according to two people familiar with his comments.”

“And while the president has never communicated his frustrations directly to Mr. Garland, he has said privately that he wanted Mr. Garland to act less like a ponderous judge and more like a prosecutor who is willing to take decisive action over the events of Jan. 6,” the report added.

Since the report was originally published, state and federal officials have indicted Trump four times. He faces 91 counts and 717.5 years in jail, Breitbart News reported.

Trump also faces challenges to remaining on state ballots in some blue states. On Tuesday the Colorado Supreme Court ruled in a four-to-three opinion that the United States Constitution’s “Insurrection Clause” blocks Trump from appearing on the state’s presidential ballot, preventing voters from deciding who should become the next president.



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Gateway: Beyond the Headlines 12/22/2023 — Todd Wood, Sean Parnell, Dennis Farris, Shelia Matthews and an Update on the Ongoing Efforts to Steal the 2024 Election Before it Even Happens- 8 PM ET

Tonight, Ivory gives us an update on the ongoing efforts to steal the 2024 election before it even happens.

Independent journalist Todd Wood joins Ivory to discuss the latest in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in Gaza.

Combat veteran and the host of VNN’s Battleground – Sean Parnell – joins Ivory to talk about the growing number of homeless veterans.

Hypocrisy alert! Texas Rep. Gregorio “Greg” Casar, who helped to defund the Austin Police Department during his time on the city council in 2020, has requested enhanced patrols around his home. Dennis Farris, President of the Austin Police Retired Officers Association joins Ivory to discuss.


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‘Does the Left See Where it is Taking the Country?’

Hanson writes at American Greatness:

Trump Derangement Syndrome became Orwellian with the recent ruling of the Colorado Supreme Court.
It approved the erasure of Trump from the Republican primary ballot in Colorado, by invoking Section 3 of the 14th Amendment.
That ossified clause was intended to bar any ante-bellum federal officials who joined the Confederacy from again holding federal offices after 1865.

Hanson compares the left’s outrage about January 6th to the BLM riots:

That day’s illegality in terms of violence and death paled in comparison to the largely excused and exempted 120 days of summer violence in 2020, when Antifa and BLM engineered riots, arson, and death.
Their planned violence accounted for 35 or so killed, and more than 1,500 injured police officers.
Some $1-2 billion in property was destroyed.
A police precinct, federal courthouse, and iconic Washington, D.C. church were torched.
Mobs attempted to storm the White House grounds and sent the president into a secure underground bunker.
But if one really wishes to imagine genuine “insurrectionary “and actionable language, then recall current Vice President Kamala Harris’s 2020 de facto encouragement to the rioters,
But they’re not gonna stop. They’re not gonna stop, and this is a movement, I’m telling you. They’re not gonna stop, and everyone beware, because they’re not gonna stop. They’re not gonna stop before Election Day in November, and they’re not gonna stop after Election Day. Everyone should take note of that, on both levels, that they’re not going to let up — and they should not. And we should not.

Hanson then points to this moment from a two years ago:



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Biden White House Viciously Targets Ex-Aide Publicly Critical of President’s Faltering Reelection Efforts

The message from Biden’s mafia-style enforcers to current and former members of the president’s political circle is clear: break the “Biden code of silence” and get blackballed from Democrat politics — or worse.

A report from Axios observes “an unusual load of West Wing dirty laundry is being aired about former staffer” Michael LaRosa, former press secretary to first lady Jill Biden.

“A surprising number of President Biden’s current and former aides — at least six — are lining up to tell backstairs tales to The Daily Mail,” the outlet reports.

The timing of the stale allegations is no accident. The Axios report continues, “Colleagues bit their tongues for over a year, until LaRosa recently started criticizing the White House on cable news programs and social media.”

The charges levied against LaRosa, over a year after his departure from the East Wing — include leaking information about Willow, the Biden’s cat, to tipping off reporters about the Biden’ upcoming travel — a common occurrence in scoop-hungry Washington.

Sources also told the Daily Mail that during a state visit to Ukraine, LaRosa attempted to bring a male date to his hotel room in violation of security protocols before security forces intervened. LaRosa, who is openly gay, denies he violated any rules or disobeyed any instructions from Secret Service agents and disputes the characterizations of the unnamed sources.


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Maine, Colorado, and the Democrats May Have Just Handed Trump 2024

And for some reason, Democrats never learned this lesson.

Many Democrats in positions of power have attempted to get their names on the books by attempting to be the stone that finally trips Trump and stops him from running in the 2024 election against Joe Biden. Each attempt has failed to do what it was supposed to, which brings us to the latest one.

Colorado successfully took Trump off the ballot in that state, and this was quickly followed up by Maine. They used section 3 of the 14th Amendment to do this, which is an old law that effectively disqualifies anyone who led or participated in a rebellion against the government. Democrats point to January 6 as their excuse, even though Trump did not lead or participate in the events of that day.

What I do know is that this move will be one more can of gasoline on the raging bonfire of spite that the American people feel against the Democrat Party, and I don't see how this doesn't have the added effect of making him more desirable than ever before.

Here's how I see this playing out...

More Democrats in various states are going to attempt to put their name on getting Trump kicked off their state's ballots--in an attempt to win clout amongst their peers and possibly secure themselves high positions down the line. This issue will likely go to the U.S. Supreme Court and be shot down. As even The Guardian mentions, utilizing the 14th Amendment to accomplish this comes with its own hidden landmines:

Nor is it clear if section 3 applies to the presidency. An early draft mentioned the office, but the final draft did not. If it does apply to the presidency, Trump’s lawyers will argue that it is a political question that should be decided by voters and any effort by judges to get involved is a denial of the candidate’s right to fair legal procedure because it was made without the benefit of a public trial.
They may also argue that January 6 was not an insurrection but more akin to a riot that Trump was not himself involved in and that he was using his rights of free speech when he cajoled the crowd: “We fight like hell. And if you don’t fight like hell, you’re not going to have a country any more.”

If — and likely when — the attempt to keep Trump off the ballot fails, it'll be one more signal to the public that Trump is a strong, unstoppable candidate that the Democrats can't seem to stop. It'll be one more feather in his cap as he all but meanders toward the White House.

The bottom line is that Trump was given another push by the Democrats and will likely continue to get these unintentional endorsements for free until the SCOTUS shoots it all down. This will leave Democrats empty-handed and embarrassed, and Trump will once again walk away looking like a man who can't do anything but win. It's just more momentum.

Democrats have made Trump the most popular candidate going into 2024. They're addicted to the act, and as voting day in 2024 gets closer, the panic will only rise and the Democrats will continue to make fools of themselves trying to stop the elephant in the room from sitting wherever it wants.

And the more they do it as they make the people suffer, and the spite only grows, the more likely it is he'll be delivered straight into the White House by the very same Democrat Party that's struggling desperately, and failing, to keep him out.

There's still a lot of time before that moment occurs. Life is unpredictable and Trump may find himself in a meteoric fall before people reach the voting booth. It's entirely possible he may never reach the general debate stage, although that seems unlikely at this point.


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Maine's Secretary of State Is An Anti-Trump Partisan Democrat

In March 2022, Bellows claimed Biden is fighting for democracy, saying, "In speaking to the battle between autocracies and democracies, President Biden reminds us of a crucial struggle of our time. Our democracy is worth fighting for. It matters."

She is such a leftist that she thinks that the New York Times is right-wing.

Bellows has a long history of hating Trump. In October 2017, she tweeted: "Sometimes I wonder if the NATL obsession w Hillary is b/c people just can't deal w the magnitude of fears of what Trump presidency brings."

On the contrary, many Republicans are standing up for Trump, saying they will support him as the Left tries to set him on fire.



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Our Awakening Terrifies the Left

The MSM is doing more stories about Republicans “pouncing” than about what they’re pouncing on. They’re claiming that Republicans are cheapening impeachment by making it about politics. While they’re trying to sell that whopper, there’s the little issue that Trump was impeached twice -- not based on crimes, but on disagreements. One of those impeachments was done after he was voted out of office, just so San Fran Nan could give him the finger on his way out -- like the good sport she is. But sure, the Republicans are cheapening impeachment.

Virtually the entire Democrat establishment is begging Joe to bow out of the next election. They claim it’s not because he’s a crook, but because he’s getting old. Apparently, it’s far better to be known as the party whose best is a demented old fool who was never qualified, than the crime syndicate that used a tool who’d sign anything they needed to steal America blind.


Why is everyone on the Left acting so squirrelly? I don’t believe for a minute that:

  • Hunter Biden will spend a day in jail,
  • Joe Biden will be removed from office by any means other than a horde of angry voters,
  • The DoJ will suddenly realize that they’re sworn to defend rather than destroy the Constitution, or
  • The MSM will have a sudden epiphany that narratives without credibility are received as bold-faced lies.

None of the guilty are likely to face any legal peril -- our criminal justice system is much too broken for actual justice. They’re facing something much worse -- a risk to their power. The jig is up because the mark is onto the con. There will be no token sacrifice of a few useful idiots who have become unuseful -- as they claim to have remediated the problem and continue the game. They are acting desperate because they know the awfulness of the Biden administration is awakening Americans to the fact that the whole leftist movement is corrupt from the ground up. Our emerging awareness is making the return of a disrupter like Trump a political imperative. That terrifies the Left -- as we see in their behavior.


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The Real Reason Trump is a Threat

By Matthew G. Andersson

The 45th president of the United States, Donald John Trump, is a particular kind of president, out of all the previous presidents in modern history, and a specific kind of threat to established political organizations.

He is not a threat per se to voters, or to Americans, but rather to the current political party system.

But there is a fascinating reason why this is so, and I’d like to suggest that it stems from the most powerful element of America itself, including its founding: individualism.

That may seem like an obvious statement, but if you map out all the elements of the current U.S. political economy, they are made, for the most part, out of the exact opposite of individualism: institutionalism. Trump stands in especially stark contrast, as he is by nature not only an outsider to politics, but an outsider to many entrenched business practices. Even if you may find him completely objectionable, he still functions as a symbol, and that symbol, like it or not, is an individual.

What do I mean by individualism, and an “outsider?” I mean that all the contentions that you are subject to daily from the “public square” of U.S. politics, are defined, organized and transmitted by institutions: the DNC, the GOP, the WHO, the CDC, the DOD, the DOE, the WEF, the U.N., and hundreds of foundations (such as the U.K. Runnymede Trust for example), and dozens upon dozens of other types of institutions. And of course there’s the media, made up of numerous corporate institutions.

And then there’s an individual named Donald John Trump.

He is considered especially dangerous because of what he effectively transmutes socially, both from and back to, the majority of Americans: individualism. This is the precise antagonism to progressive Left ideology, because everything they stand for is based on group behavior, group consensus, group solidarity, and group thinking. It derives its power from fear, and its value from perceived authority. Its authority stems purely from institutions, and its methods of coercion, including its obsession over the control of free speech and free thought, depend desperately on sustaining the illusion of institutional legitimacy, authority, and dependency: on lowering your God-given natural confidence, and replacing it with man-given doubt and controls.