Electric Car News


Power with Control
That is exactly what I thought, industry mouthpiece without conviction!:starcat:

Yep, that's me. I've said before, I'll buy one when the one that fits my needs is built. I don't need a sedan or SUV. I do need a truck, but I'm willing to get by with my utility trailer until mine is ready.

Why do you think I lack conviction? I don't have to own an example to understand facts. I own some Tesla stock, and I'll say I wouldn't buy stock in any other automaker. That led to a lot of research.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
If he did he would have stated such!
Try here. Post #34.



Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Wait... I know you. You're...



Well-Known Member
No, i'm saying 90% of who I see driving wranglers now are 20-30year old women, either with pony tales and pink I ❤️ Pugs stickers on the back or looking like they could be on their way to work on an oil rig.

But Kyle said his misses drove a suburban, so either they have like 7 kids or she didn't wear the pants in the family, she wore the muumuu.
pony tales and pink I ❤️ Pugs stickers on the back or looking like they could be on their way to work on an oil rig.....lmao thats funny


Well-Known Member
No, i'm saying 90% of who I see driving wranglers now are 20-30year old women, either with pony tales and pink I ❤️ Pugs stickers on the back or looking like they could be on their way to work on an oil rig.

But Kyle said his misses drove a suburban, so either they have like 7 kids or she didn't wear the pants in the family, she wore the muumuu.
Dont need to have a baseball team of kids to drive a fuel guzzling vehicle My wife and I drive around in a F350 and F250 both diesel powered


Well-Known Member
Motorcycles = death traps. People buy them because they want to look cool and be organ donors.
F-150s = office tough guy machines. People buy them because once a year a co-worker might need help moving.
Wranglers = the your girlfriend's car, and she wears the pants in the relationship.
Miata = I couldn't afford a Boxter but still want to be a douche canoe.

Or we can just let people buy what they want and quit getting so butt hurt over other peoples choices.
They can buy what ever they want just stop trying to tell everyone how great it is when it isnt.


Power with Control
They can buy what ever they want just stop trying to tell everyone how great it is when it isnt.

That's the thing, for lots of people it is that great...... Don't think any of us pro-ev folks are telling anyone they have to buy anything. Choice is good. We don't agree with deadlines and mandates, or even subsidies.


Well-Known Member
That's the thing, for lots of people it is that great...... Don't think any of us pro-ev folks are telling anyone they have to buy anything. Choice is good. We don't agree with deadlines and mandates, or even subsidies.
Some retarded hippy told them they were going to force diesel owners to switch to EVs to save the polar bears and trigger'd them into attacking the rest of us that just think the tech is kind of cool and wouldn't mind a vehicle with less maintenance and the ability to skip the "experience" of filling up at the gas station.


Well-Known Member
Some retarded hippy told them they were going to force diesel owners to switch to EVs to save the polar bears and trigger'd them into attacking the rest of us that just think the tech is kind of cool and wouldn't mind a vehicle with less maintenance and the ability to skip the "experience" of filling up at the gas station.
More like someone sporting a gay pride flag tattoo.



Well-Known Member
Just because you claim one doesn't make it real for most owners. I acknowledge them all but I also know many of them are BS individual stories that don't apply to the vast majority of owners. "Nobody want them" you say. I point to massive increases in sales. "People buy them once and then dump them" you say, and I point to the fact that the only group that doesn't stick with them is people who decided to buy them without being able to charge them at home. And that most owners not only replace theirs with another one, they quite often buy a second.

Here's the key. You always point to anecdotes of individuals (usually idiots). I always point to verifiable information made up of thousands of data points. What have I blindly ignored? Your idiot neighbors? Nope, we discussed he fact that they made bad choices. Buying a Sharpsonic car stereo from the back of the flea market doesn't mean car stereos suck, just that you chose a crappy

You two are hilarious :) I imagine back in the day you would have been all in on buggy whips :)

Some retarded hippy told them they were going to force diesel owners to switch to EVs to save the polar bears and trigger'd them into attacking the rest of us that just think the tech is kind of cool and wouldn't mind a vehicle with less maintenance and the ability to skip the "experience" of filling up at the gas station.
I would rather experience filling up than run out of juice and have to wait hours to get charged up or have to call someone with a diesel truck to move my belongings because my EV vehicle has no azz to carry heavy stuff and when loaded runs out of power rather quick from what I read.