Fahrenheit 9/11 Thread...


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by SmallTown
Originally posted by SmallTown
Now that you mention it, the ONLY place I heard anything about it was on fox news
Help me. Spell it out. What does that have to do with my post?


Football season!
Originally posted by vraiblonde
Help me. Spell it out. What does that have to do with my post?

y o u w e r e s a y i n g i t w a s a l l o v e r t h e l i b e r a l m e d i a, a n d I s a i d I o n l y h e a r d a b o u t i t o n f o x n e w s. D o y o u w a n t t h i s m e s s a g e i n c o d e a l s o?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by SmallTown
y o u w e r e s a y i n g i t w a s a l l o v e r t h e l i b e r a l m e d i a, a n d I s a i d I o n l y h e a r d a b o u t i t o n f o x n e w s. D o y o u w a n t t h i s m e s s a g e i n c o d e a l s o?
And I gave you examples of where it was in addition to Fox News. Just because the only place YOU saw it was on Fox doesn't mean that they, in fact, were the only media outlet that promoted it. :shrug:

And you write in code most of the time - no need to go to any special effort.


Football season!
Originally posted by vraiblonde
And I gave you examples of where it was in addition to Fox News. Just because the only place YOU saw it was on Fox doesn't mean that they, in fact, were the only media outlet that promoted it. :shrug:

And you write in code most of the time - no need to go to any special effort.

And I wasn't talking about the "world" media, now was I? Which is why the *I* was in there. Kinda like when i say I don't #### fat chicks, but there are plenty of fat pregant chicks out there so obviously somebody is doing them


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by SmallTown
And I wasn't talking about the "world" media, now was I? Which is why the *I* was in there. Kinda like when i say I don't #### fat chicks, but there are plenty of fat pregant chicks out there so obviously somebody is doing them
I'm slowly learning to decipher your posts but you might have to help me on that one. Where did anyone mention the world media? :confused:

You drink, don't you?


Active Member
I read an article about air america in news week... It was talking about who al franken is, and what air america is... It was there because it was just getting started... The media is so hard-core liberal fox news is the most watched news network (in the country)...

Why do people dislike bush?
He is misleading
He went into iraq without a real reason
He acuses others of "flip-flopping" on issues and he is a "flip-flopper" himself
He tries to make everything black and white, when its 2004 - that stuff shouldnt work at this time in history

Do i hate this country?
Nope, I dislike many people here,
I dislike much of the ignorence (of other cultures and the global community) this country spawns
I dislike some of the decisions officials have made


Football season!
Originally posted by vraiblonde
I'm slowly learning to decipher your posts but you might have to help me on that one. Where did anyone mention the world media? :confused:

You drink, don't you?

Did you bump your head on a rock at niagra?

Let me break it down for you sloooowwllly.

- There was a mention of air america.

- Smalltown says the only place he heard about air america was on fox

- Vrai says smalltown can say it all he wants, but it isn't true. It was on the liberal media such as the post.

- Smalltown says fine, but he doesn't read the post so he wouldn't have known it was there.

- Vrai rambles on blah blah blah

I think Vrai is just embarassed to admit she reads/listens to more liberal media outlets than smalltown



Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by SmallTown
I think Vrai is just embarassed to admit she reads/listens to more liberal media outlets than smalltown
Vrai would almost HAVE to read/listen to more liberal media outlets than SmallTown, considering SmallTown doesn't read/listen to ANY media except Fox News. And I intend to remind you of this next time you accuse me of being a Fox drone. :biggrin:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Spoiled
The media is so hard-core liberal fox news is the most watched news network (in the country)...
Put on your thinking cap and tell me why you think this is. Come on...you can do it. It's simple matter of logic...

Why do people dislike bush?
There's these "people" again. Who are they? Are there a lot of them? Or is it like the ubiquitous "they" that so many refer to?

Well, "people" don't like John Kerry. In fact, "people" can't stand him and think he's a lapdog for rich women. "People" also adore George Bush. They think he's the best President we've ever had in this country.

In fact, "people" say that John Kerry is a traitor to his country and would be more at home in the former Soviet Union than in the US. "They" also say that he is really an Al Qaeda operative who's looking to completely destroy our nation.


Football season!
Originally posted by vraiblonde
Vrai would almost HAVE to read/listen to more liberal media outlets than SmallTown, considering SmallTown doesn't read/listen to ANY media except Fox News. And I intend to remind you of this next time you accuse me of being a Fox drone. :biggrin:

Originally posted by Smalltown

the only TV I have watched recently has been whatever is on at the gym, which seems to be either MTV, ESPN, or FOX

I don't want to be rude and change the channel. Kinda like hannity and colmes. (sp!?) Interesting how they pick a normal every day looking guy for the republican side, and a mutant alien for the dems. :biggrin:


Active Member
Originally posted by vraiblonde

There's these "people" again. Who are they? Are there a lot of them? Or is it like the ubiquitous "they" that so many refer to?

Originally posted by vraiblonde
What's so bad about America and/or Bush that makes these folks so crazy? How is it that a guy like Michael Moore can make a blatantly false movie, call it a documentary and get throngs of psychologically damaged people to flock to it? What is the thought process of all these Hollyweirds that enjoy the largess that America has to offer, yet hate everything Americans stand for?

Im sorry i figured your short-termed memory wasnt going yet... YOu may want to visit your doctor, he can probably provide you will some pills for it... Or maybe its your inability to add 1 and 1 together to realize i was using "these people" as a synonym to "these folks", and "psychologically damaged people" and "Hollyweirds"... Then again im still young so i havent expierenced the joys of growing old and memory loss....


* * * * * * * * *
Staff member
PREMO Member
Originally posted by SmallTown
Interesting how they pick a normal every day looking guy for the republican side, and a mutant alien for the dems. :biggrin:


Active Member
Originally posted by SmallTown
Interesting how they pick a normal every day looking guy for the republican side, and a mutant alien for the dems. :biggrin:
should read alfrankens book Liars.... They have a chapter on this wonderful show


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Spoiled
Im sorry i figured your short-termed memory wasnt going yet... YOu may want to visit your doctor, he can probably provide you will some pills for it... Or maybe its your inability to add 1 and 1 together to realize i was using "these people" as a synonym to "these folks", and "psychologically damaged people" and "Hollyweirds"... Then again im still young so i havent expierenced the joys of growing old and memory loss....
Okay, I hear ya. The conversation went crazy so I got goofed up.

But you say:

Why do people dislike bush?
He is misleading
He went into iraq without a real reason
He acuses others of "flip-flopping" on issues and he is a "flip-flopper" himself
He tries to make everything black and white, when its 2004 - that stuff shouldnt work at this time in history

Clinton did every single one of those things and the exact same people who dislike Bush gave him a pass. They sing his praises to this day.

So that can't be the reason or they'd have hated Clinton too.


Football season!
Originally posted by vraiblonde
Okay, I hear ya. The conversation went crazy so I got goofed up.

But you say:

Clinton did every single one of those things and the exact same people who dislike Bush gave him a pass. They sing his praises to this day.

So that can't be the reason or they'd have hated Clinton too.

So the ones who did hate clinton for these reasons should hate Bush as well?:confused:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by SmallTown
So the ones who did hate clinton for these reasons should hate Bush as well?
Well, no because I, for one, don't happen to agree with the Bush characterization. Those things Spoiled mentioned are all a matter of opinion. Plus, I don't hate Clinton for those reasons - I hate him for other reasons. :biggrin:


Active Member
Originally posted by vraiblonde
Okay, I hear ya. The conversation went crazy so I got goofed up.

But you say:

Clinton did every single one of those things and the exact same people who dislike Bush gave him a pass. They sing his praises to this day.

So that can't be the reason or they'd have hated Clinton too.
When did clinton invade a nation without real reason? When did clinton have a major flip-flop? when did he have things in black and white (you are either with us or against us...)