Fahrenheit 9/11 Thread...


This Space for Rent
there was no al Qaeda-Iraq connection

No, even the commission says there was obviously connections. They just said there is no apparent connection between 9/11 and Iraq. Of course, Bush didn't say that either.

There are a list of connections between Iraq and Al-Qaeda outside 9/11. Clinton's own Sec of Def said it was imperative they bombed that factory because Osama's guys had been in contact with the factory director at the factory.


New Member
Originally posted by SurfaceTension
Moore has never claimed to be objective in his portrayal of President Bush...he admits that his documentary is slanted. I suggest that you, as a conservative, should go to see it so that you can understand what liberals are putting out there. If anything, it may just provide you with more ammo against them.

To FromTexas, if you consider a meeting or a word here or there a connection then by all means Iraq and al-Qaeda were connected. The fact remains that having foreign jihadists in his country was a direct threat to Saddam Hussein's tyrannical control and his strangle-hold of power. There was no meaningful connection between al-Qaeda and Iraq; neither side could see an ally in the other.


New Member
Originally posted by rraley
Moore has never claimed to be objective in his portrayal of President Bush...he admits that his documentary is slanted. I

"documentary: adj. Presenting facts objectively without editorializing or inserting fictional matter, as in a book or film"

-American Heritage Dictionary, 3rd Edition.

Again, it's one thing to put out a hit piece; more power to him. But to claim it is a documentary lies somewhere between hypocritical and ignorant....Not someone I want to help make rich.


Active Member
Originally posted by SurfaceTension
"documentary: adj. Presenting facts objectively without editorializing or inserting fictional matter, as in a book or film"

-American Heritage Dictionary, 3rd Edition.

Again, it's one thing to put out a hit piece; more power to him. But to claim it is a documentary lies somewhere between hypocritical and ignorant....Not someone I want to help make rich.
I dont think hes doing too bad without your help... If you had seen it you would realize it cant be called a movie or a story, the only thing it can be called is a documetry


Originally posted by Spoiled
I dont think hes doing too bad without your help... If you had seen it you would realize it cant be called a movie or a story, the only thing it can be called is a documetry

How about "Mocumentary".

Like "Spinal Tap". It was also a work of fiction, set up documentary-style.


Active Member
Originally posted by Toxick
How about "Mocumentary".

Like "Spinal Tap". It was also a work of fiction, set up documentary-style.
Its not fiction though, many of the points he raised where valid, his information was true.... The suggestion of a conspiricy which he was going for was a bit over the edge... He did have facts though


Originally posted by Spoiled
Its not fiction though,

Excuse me one moment...


Sorry about that... you were saying?

Originally posted by Spoiled
many of the points he raised where valid, his information was true.... The suggestion of a conspiricy which he was going for was a bit over the edge... He did have facts though

Oh, I'm sure there are facts peppered throughout this film. I saw Spiderman this weekend. It was also peppered with facts. That does not make it any less of a work of fiction than Moore's latest barrel o' mud.

I find it very difficult to give Michael "if I can't find some facts I like I'll fabricate some to suit" Moore the benefit of even an iota of credibility.

After the incessant stream of half-truths, misrepresentations, and lies-by-ommision that characterized Bowling for Columbine, Stupid White Men, and Roger and Me, why does anyone trust this **** enough to give him even more of their money?

Oh, wait, I know why: because he's telling them what they want to hear.


Originally posted by Spoiled
Its not fiction though, many of the points he raised where valid, his information was true.... The suggestion of a conspiricy which he was going for was a bit over the edge... He did have facts though
:killingme uh ok, in that case I will rush right out and give my $10 bux to Mr. More and the company that likes to peddle that type of drivel.

I hear Clintons book has been discounted 30% too.


The Smart Hooker
Sorry to have to bring up the whole FREEDOM FRIES thing again, but I had been off the board for awhile and I'm back online.

I had to LAUGH when someone said that Leonardtown renamed their FRENCH fries to FREEDOM fries. I just asked my neice who attends Leonardtown what the school calls their frieds and she said FRENCH FRIES!!!

As for the movie, they are playing it where I live. I have no desire to see it. I think Michael Moore (not because of this movie) is a complete idiot. I thought about seeing it until I saw clips and then I decided that it was more ONE SIDED then ever.

Personally, I think everyone has a right to either support the war or not, but I think this man is trying to make $$$$ off of his OWN views. Instead of bring out the facts, he's making a joke out of the situation. Maybe he should run with Kerry as his VP.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by otter
This is one of the better summations of Moore's BS, and by an Aussie..
Woof. What a summation.

I'm into the psychology of the anti-Americans and the Bush-haters. Why? What's so bad about America and/or Bush that makes these folks so crazy? How is it that a guy like Michael Moore can make a blatantly false movie, call it a documentary and get throngs of psychologically damaged people to flock to it? What is the thought process of all these Hollyweirds that enjoy the largess that America has to offer, yet hate everything Americans stand for?



Sorry about that chief.
Originally posted by vraiblonde
Woof. What a summation.

I'm into the psychology of the anti-Americans and the Bush-haters. Why? What's so bad about America and/or Bush that makes these folks so crazy? How is it that a guy like Michael Moore can make a blatantly false movie, call it a documentary and get throngs of psychologically damaged people to flock to it? What is the thought process of all these Hollyweirds that enjoy the largess that America has to offer, yet hate everything Americans stand for?


Sorry to break it to you girl, but America stands for more than what the current administration has to offer. There are a myriad of beliefs and ideas in this country. Trouble is, if you disagree with the right wing beliefs you are called a commie and a traitor (I know), and conversely if you disagree with the left wing beliefs you are called a warmonger and a racist.

Most Americans are middle of the road, despite what Ann Coulter says. I don't get the right's hate of Mr. Moore, Rush offers just as inflammatory rhetoric on the other side of the fence and you don't see as much widespread hue and cry from the left about it. If you don't believe half of the stuff on the far right is just as unbalanced and blatently false you are far too naive for your own good.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by jlabsher
Most Americans are middle of the road, despite what Ann Coulter says.
Unfortunately, the Socialists running around in turtle costumes think THEY'RE "middle of the road", which they're certainly not. You can call yourself a dog all you want - it doesn't mean you ARE one.

The difference between Rush and Moore is that the "mainstream" media doesn't shove Rush down our throats as much as they do the Leftists. Read a newspaper. Watch the news. Left left left. Inflammatory headlines on the front page of the Washington Post and the New York Times. Anti-Republican, pro-Democrat garbage on the cover of Newsweek and Time. That stupid Reagan movie just won several Emmys DESPITE being roundly panned by the critics.

I'm sick and tired of being force-fed nutty liberal conspiracy theories. I'm tired of the major newspapers skewing the news to their own political agenda. I'm tired of radio programs like Scare America being touted as the second coming and receiving billions of dollars in free advertising via "news" stories and human interest pieces, even though it's ratings are in the toilet because the show stinks so bad.

You should be tired of it, too, but you're probably not, since they're saying what you want to hear.


Sorry about that chief.
Originally posted by vraiblonde
Unfortunately, the Socialists running around in turtle costumes think THEY'RE "middle of the road", which they're certainly not. You can call yourself a dog all you want - it doesn't mean you ARE one.

The difference between Rush and Moore is that the "mainstream" media doesn't shove Rush down our throats as much as they do the Leftists. Read a newspaper. Watch the news. Left left left. Inflammatory headlines on the front page of the Washington Post and the New York Times. Anti-Republican, pro-Democrat garbage on the cover of Newsweek and Time. That stupid Reagan movie just won several Emmys DESPITE being roundly panned by the critics.

I'm sick and tired of being force-fed nutty liberal conspiracy theories. I'm tired of the major newspapers skewing the news to their own political agenda. I'm tired of radio programs like Scare America being touted as the second coming and receiving billions of dollars in free advertising via "news" stories and human interest pieces, even though it's ratings are in the toilet because the show stinks so bad.

You should be tired of it, too, but you're probably not, since they're saying what you want to hear.

I don't rcall air america being touted in the media at all, maybe I'm not watching F*x news? Personally I don't see that much left leaning in the national media, I suppose I am not as erudite as you.

You refer to the NYT and the post as if they are the only media outlets in the civilized world, but even an Illinois farm boy such as myself expects newspapers from either coast to be liberal, especially the northeast.

Where MOST people get their news (still) the big 3 networks are not as liberal as you make them out to be. And the old song rings true, during a conservative government, the press is liberal and vice versa.

Just because the press may editorialize against something bush supports doesn't mean they are liberal, it may just be the gadfly effect. I seem to recall the press attacking bubba pretty good too, as well as his missus.

You seem to think that anyone against bush is automatically liberal, although I recall several conservatives railing against him too, including youself. So why, when the press does it is it an automatic kneejerk liberal call?


Football season!
Originally posted by jlabsher
I don't rcall air america being touted in the media at all, maybe I'm not watching F*x news?

Now that you mention it, the ONLY place I heard anything about it was on fox news :crazy:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by SmallTown
Now that you mention it, the ONLY place I heard anything about it was on fox news
:rolleyes: Again, you can say something all you want but that doesn't make it true. Air America had one whole week of the Wash Post devoted to it. They got a front page mention several days in a row PLUS they got two, count 'em, TWO leaders in the Style section, not to mention all the smaller mentions and bumps.

Additionally, you couldn't turn on a TV set without seeing Al Franken's big mug all over the place. He was on every talk show AND interviewed on all the poli-talk shows.

Now you may think he's some huge Brad Pitt-style celebrity that deserves all that attention but the fact is that he's a low-level comedian who most people had probably never even heard of until he started his radio show and all the little libbies gathered at his feet to pay homage.



Football season!
Originally posted by vraiblonde
:rolleyes: Again, you can say something all you want but that doesn't make it true.


It is true. As you notice, I said *I* didn't hear anything about anywhere but fox news. I rarely pick up a washington post anymore and the only TV I have watched recently has been whatever is on at the gym, which seems to be either MTV, ESPN, or FOX.


Football season!
Originally posted by vraiblonde
What does that have to do with my post?

Originally posted by SmallTown
Now that you mention it, the ONLY place I heard anything about it was on fox news

Originally posted by vraiblonde

Again, you can say something all you want but that doesn't make it true. Air America had one whole week of the Wash Post devoted to it. They got a front page mention several days in a row PLUS they got two, count 'em, TWO leaders in the Style section, not to mention all the smaller mentions and bumps.

Additionally, you couldn't turn on a TV set without seeing Al Franken's big mug all over the place. He was on every talk show AND interviewed on all the poli-talk shows.