Originally posted by vraiblonde
Unfortunately, the Socialists running around in turtle costumes think THEY'RE "middle of the road", which they're certainly not. You can call yourself a dog all you want - it doesn't mean you ARE one.
The difference between Rush and Moore is that the "mainstream" media doesn't shove Rush down our throats as much as they do the Leftists. Read a newspaper. Watch the news. Left left left. Inflammatory headlines on the front page of the Washington Post and the New York Times. Anti-Republican, pro-Democrat garbage on the cover of Newsweek and Time. That stupid Reagan movie just won several Emmys DESPITE being roundly panned by the critics.
I'm sick and tired of being force-fed nutty liberal conspiracy theories. I'm tired of the major newspapers skewing the news to their own political agenda. I'm tired of radio programs like Scare America being touted as the second coming and receiving billions of dollars in free advertising via "news" stories and human interest pieces, even though it's ratings are in the toilet because the show stinks so bad.
You should be tired of it, too, but you're probably not, since they're saying what you want to hear.
I don't rcall air america being touted in the media at all, maybe I'm not watching F*x news? Personally I don't see that much left leaning in the national media, I suppose I am not as erudite as you.
You refer to the NYT and the post as if they are the only media outlets in the civilized world, but even an Illinois farm boy such as myself expects newspapers from either coast to be liberal, especially the northeast.
Where MOST people get their news (still) the big 3 networks are not as liberal as you make them out to be. And the old song rings true, during a conservative government, the press is liberal and vice versa.
Just because the press may editorialize against something bush supports doesn't mean they are liberal, it may just be the gadfly effect. I seem to recall the press attacking bubba pretty good too, as well as his missus.
You seem to think that anyone against bush is automatically liberal, although I recall several conservatives railing against him too, including youself. So why, when the press does it is it an automatic kneejerk liberal call?