Fahrenheit 9/11 Thread...


Originally posted by Spoiled

Pete as for saying I'm what is wrong with the nation, I think you need to wake up... First off the US did change, but the world did not...
Good for us, bad for them. I personally glad that I live in a nation with a leader who took his responsibility to keep the citizens safe seriously. Those other nations can just sit there and pander to the terrorists and cry about how terrible it is that their trains, bus stations, and shopping malls are being blown up.

Originally posted by Spoiled

Dick Cheney went to meet with some Pakistani officials (IIRC) ready to talk about terrorism and left frustrated due to the fact that they hadn’t prepared to speak on terrorism but money and oil.
WTF are you talking about?
Originally posted by Spoiled

Want to talk about fighting terrorism? IRAQ HAD A DIRECT CONNECTION WITH 9-11... Wait that new best seller book says otherwise...
I have a best selling book that says "I like green eggs and ham" Personally I do not need to have a direct connection between Iraq and 9/11. He had WMD, he used WMD, he invaded another country in the middle east, he defied UN resolutions for 10 years, he was destabilizing a sensitive region, he harbored terrorists and hosted terrorist training centers, Intel said he was attempting to gather nuclear knowhow and material, Iraqi intelligence offcials had met with Al Quida. I need no direct connection. He was a very bad dude, in the most important region of the world, who was defying your beloved UN for a decade. With the new pro-active policy dealing with thugs like that I applaude his take down and look forward to the next 2 bit thug who needs to be removed. Our war on terrorism is not isolated to just those who did 9/11, as I understand it, it is against ALL TERRORISTS. Besides the reason Bush gave for going into Iraq was his flagrant violation of UN resolutions.

Originally posted by Spoiled

But that’s ok... Let’s talk about another fella, ayatollah sadr and bush's flip-flopping... At first we where going to kill him... then capture him and bring him to justice.... but in the end we ended up reverting back to that "pansy assed conformist" method of diplomacy and reasoning....
I agree with you on this one. Bush reversed course due to caterwalling by the pansy assed left. He should have had the Marines kill him and drag his corpse through the street tied to a Humvee.. Bush is being to pansy assed trying to keep the left from peeing themselves.

Originally posted by Spoiled

I’m not going to hold that one against you though; it’s not highly publicized, especially on fox.
Fox, Fox, Fox, you really should wake up. Compared to that pizzant Aaron Brown and the rest of the whiny assed "America is baaaaaad" cryers out there Fox (not that it provides even 1/10th of my news) is more centrist than any other media outlet. Why the eff do you think it is "The most watched news channel"? Because real Americans are sick of hearing the negative slant on everything we do. It is like an olympic sport to find even the most trivial thing negative. Fox does report bad things, I don't seem to remember them ignoring the prisoner mistreatment issue, or failing to report casualty numbers. News is for straight forward unbiased reporting, not that entertainment trash that CNN and MSNBC puts on.

Originally posted by Spoiled

Afghanistan, justified, though we didnt finish it... But what about Osama? Is he in Afghanistan? or Pakistan?
Do you get as pizzed when you don't get your #5 at the drive through at Wendy's fast enough to suit you? I am glad you didn't have to suffer through the 4 YEARS of WWII or the 13 years of Vietnam. Some time these things take time. One thing is for sure Osama isn't in the position to do much right now so until we dig up his body I am glad for that.

Do you actually think that we have stopped looking for him? There are no troops in Afghanistan? It is not their top priority? :duh:

I suppose you think we should just sit and wait until Osama is found or killed before taking any other steps. I don't get the BS whining "What about Osama? I thought he was our top priority?" That is logical for task oriented low intellect types who are used to doing one thing, and one thing only at a time.

Originally posted by Spoiled
and as for Lybia, Ide bet they are just wanting a bit of money....
you liberals really pizz me off, you cannot give one iota of credit where credit is due because of your spoiled brat partisanship. I for one never hated Clinton, and I gave Clinton credit for what Clinton did and was critical of what he did that was wrong. I guess I am just more grown up than you. You just go ahead and suck a lollipop, dream up your conspiracy BS, discredit everything that does not suit your BS leftist agenda and be sure not to pee yourself when some real bad crap happens because us old trusty ass kicking conservatives who know what made America what it is will always be around to shelter you from the consequences of reality. While you are cowering in the corner wracked with fright can I get you a glass of French wine or a baugette?
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Dancing Up A Storm
Originally posted by Pete
I suppose you think we should just sit and wait until Osama is found or killed before taking any other steps. I don't get the BS whining "What about Osama? I thought he was our top priority?" That is logical for task oriented low intellect types who are used to doing one thing, and one thing only at a time.

you liberals really pizz me off, you cannot give one iota of credit where credit is due because of your spoiled brat partisanship. I for one never hated Clinton, and I gave Clinton credit for what Clinton did and was critical of what he did that was wrong. I guess I am just more grown up than you. You just go ahead and suck a lollipop, dream up your conspiracy BS, discredit everything that does not suit your BS leftist agenda and be sure not to pee yourself when some real bad crap happens because us old trusty ass kicking conservatives who know what made America what it is will always be around to shelter you from the consequences of reality. While you are cowering in the corner wracked with fright can I get you a glass of French wine or a baugette?
:clap: :clap:
Pete, nobody could have laid it out any better than that; no disrespect to vrai, or anyone else.

You got my vote in '08!


Football season!
Originally posted by Pete
Good for us, bad for them. I personally glad that I live in a nation with a leader who took his responsibility to keep the citizens safe seriously. Those other nations can just sit there and pander to the terrorists and cry about how terrible it is that their trains, bus stations, and shopping malls are being blown up.

WTF are you talking about?
I have a best selling book that says "I like green eggs and ham" Personally I do not need to have a direct connection between Iraq and 9/11. He had WMD, he used WMD, he invaded another country in the middle east, he defied UN resolutions for 10 years, he was destabilizing a sensitive region, he harbored terrorists and hosted terrorist training centers, Intel said he was attempting to gather nuclear knowhow and material, Iraqi intelligence offcials had met with Al Quida. I need no direct connection. He was a very bad dude, in the most important region of the world, who was defying your beloved UN for a decade. With the new pro-active policy dealing with thugs like that I applaude his take down and look forward to the next 2 bit thug who needs to be removed. Our war on terrorism is not isolated to just those who did 9/11, as I understand it, it is against ALL TERRORISTS. Besides the reason Bush gave for going into Iraq was his flagrant violation of UN resolutions.

I agree with you on this one. Bush reversed course due to caterwalling by the pansy assed left. He should have had the Marines kill him and drag his corpse through the street tied to a Humvee.. Bush is being to pansy assed trying to keep the left from peeing themselves.

Fox, Fox, Fox, you really should wake up. Compared to that pizzant Aaron Brown and the rest of the whiny assed "America is baaaaaad" cryers out there Fox (not that it provides even 1/10th of my news) is more centrist than any other media outlet. Why the eff do you think it is "The most watched news channel"? Because real Americans are sick of hearing the negative slant on everything we do. It is like an olympic sport to find even the most trivial thing negative. Fox does report bad things, I don't seem to remember them ignoring the prisoner mistreatment issue, or failing to report casualty numbers. News is for straight forward unbiased reporting, not that entertainment trash that CNN and MSNBC puts on.

Do you get as pizzed when you don't get your #5 at the drive through at Wendy's fast enough to suit you? I am glad you didn't have to suffer through the 4 YEARS of WWII or the 13 years of Vietnam. Some time these things take time. One thing is for sure Osama isn't in the position to do much right now so until we dig up his body I am glad for that.

Do you actually think that we have stopped looking for him? There are no troops in Afghanistan? It is not their top priority? :duh:

I suppose you think we should just sit and wait until Osama is found or killed before taking any other steps. I don't get the BS whining "What about Osama? I thought he was our top priority?" That is logical for task oriented low intellect types who are used to doing one thing, and one thing only at a time.

you liberals really pizz me off, you cannot give one iota of credit where credit is due because of your spoiled brat partisanship. I for one never hated Clinton, and I gave Clinton credit for what Clinton did and was critical of what he did that was wrong. I guess I am just more grown up than you. You just go ahead and suck a lollipop, dream up your conspiracy BS, discredit everything that does not suit your BS leftist agenda and be sure not to pee yourself when some real bad crap happens because us old trusty ass kicking conservatives who know what made America what it is will always be around to shelter you from the consequences of reality. While you are cowering in the corner wracked with fright can I get you a glass of French wine or a baugette?


I just got a woody :cool:


Active Member
I have a best selling book that says "I like green eggs and ham" Personally I do not need to have a direct connection between Iraq and 9/11. He had WMD, he used WMD, he invaded another country in the middle east, he defied UN resolutions for 10 years, he was destabilizing a sensitive region, he harbored terrorists and hosted terrorist training centers, Intel said he was attempting to gather nuclear knowhow and material, Iraqi intelligence offcials had met with Al Quida. I need no direct connection. He was a very bad dude, in the most important region of the world, who was defying your beloved UN for a decade. With the new pro-active policy dealing with thugs like that I applaude his take down and look forward to the next 2 bit thug who needs to be removed. Our war on terrorism is not isolated to just those who did 9/11, as I understand it, it is against ALL TERRORISTS. Besides the reason Bush gave for going into Iraq was his flagrant violation of UN resolutions.

Israel violates more UN resolutions than any other nation and is causing what i would say the majority of destabilization in the middle east, israel im sure has vested intrest in WMDs and nuclear weapons, they also are killion innocent people in the Palestinian establishments... And yet the US does nothing, your beloved bush does nothing....

Do you get as pizzed when you don't get your #5 at the drive through at Wendy's fast enough to suit you? I am glad you didn't have to suffer through the 4 YEARS of WWII or the 13 years of Vietnam. Some time these things take time. One thing is for sure Osama isn't in the position to do much right now so until we dig up his body I am glad for that.

Do you actually think that we have stopped looking for him? There are no troops in Afghanistan? It is not their top priority?

I suppose you think we should just sit and wait until Osama is found or killed before taking any other steps. I don't get the BS whining "What about Osama? I thought he was our top priority?" That is logical for task oriented low intellect types who are used to doing one thing, and one thing only at a time.
He is in well enough condition to keep up to date with current events, and as an american, a citizen of the most powerful country in the world i like to think that when my 'leader' states "we will not rest until osama is found" that is true... We can do multiple things at the same time.... right.... iraq was a mess and still is, and we dont have osama.... guess what, if we took things on one at a time we could do things more effeintly... I dont think we stopped and i know we have troops in afghanistan, but i dont feel we have suffient troops there...

As for your comment on Lybia, are they not the nation we found trying to transport nuclear-like devices from North Korea (IIRC) after they starting getting on 'good' terms with the US...

I agree there are times war is the only answer.., but saying we needed to goto iraq because it destabilized the region, that is crazy... They where one of the few stable governments in the region... Not the nicest of places by western standards but stable none the less...

When it comes down to it ill just remind you, my votes counts just as much as yours, and i will probably be around after you are gone... still voting...


Football season!
Originally posted by Pete
in the position to do much right now so until we dig up his body I am glad for that.

Do you actually think that we have stopped looking for him? There are no troops in Afghanistan? It is not their top priority? :duh:

I suppose you think we should just sit and wait until Osama is found or killed before taking any other steps. I don't get the BS whining "What about Osama? I thought he was our top priority?" That is logical for task oriented low intellect types who are used to doing one thing, and one thing only at a time.

actually, Bush's thoughts on Bin Laden have changed since the beginning.

"The most important thing is for us to find Osama bin Laden. It is our number one priority and we will not rest until we find him."
- G.W. Bush, 9/13/01

"I want justice...There's an old poster out West, as I recall, that said, 'Wanted: Dead or Alive,'"
- G.W. Bush, 9/17/01, UPI

"...Secondly, he is not escaping us. This is a guy, who, three months ago, was in control of a county [sic]. Now he's maybe in control of a cave. He's on the run. Listen, a while ago I said to the American people, our objective is more than bin Laden. But one of the things for certain is we're going to get him running and keep him running, and bring him to justice. And that's what's happening. He's on the run, if he's running at all. So we don't know whether he's in cave with the door shut, or a cave with the door open -- we just don't know...."
- Bush, in remarks in a Press Availablity with the Press Travel Pool,
The Prairie Chapel Ranch, Crawford TX, 12/28/01, as reported on
official White House site

"I don't know where bin Laden is. I have no idea and really don't care. It's not that important. It's not our priority."
- G.W. Bush, 3/13/02

"I am truly not that concerned about him."
- G.W. Bush, repsonding to a question about bin Laden's whereabouts,
3/13/02 (The New American, 4/8/02)

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Serbia was justified, there was ethnic clensing (AKA genocide but no one wants to call it that) occuring...

Serbia was "justified".

There was ethnic cleansing.


Who has killed the most Muslims in the last 20 years?
Who has wreaked environmental devastation on his own people?

Saddam F. Hussein.


THERE WASN'T IN ROWANDA. Though the killing there, some 800,000 slaughtered, makes the body count in the Balkans a trifling affair.

There are, vital US national security concerns,...in the Middle East.


Originally posted by Spoiled
Israel violates more UN resolutions than any other nation and is causing what i would say the majority of destabilization in the middle east, israel im sure has vested intrest in WMDs and nuclear weapons, they also are killion innocent people in the Palestinian establishments... And yet the US does nothing, your beloved bush does nothing....
OK....bear with me a minute, I want to try an old favorite liberal ploy.


OK, now on to facts. Isreal was created after WWII much to the displeasure of the rest of the really nasty countries in the region. Isreal was pretty happy just being Isreal. We supported Isreal and continue to support them. The countries surrounding Isreal who by the way are predominatly "the religion of peace" have done everythign possible to kill, maim, or drive the Isrealiis into the Medeterainian. Syria, Egypt, Lebanon have all on countless occasions attacked Isreal, unprovoked and mercilessly. Unfortunatly for them they suck as soldiers and we provided Isreal with a means to defend itself. In 1967 these 3 gems of civilization attacked Isreal on 3 fronts. Once again, unfortunatly for them they got their asses kicked. Isreal this time pushed them back and kept the Gaza, the Golan Hights and the West Bank. Ever heard of a little concept like "To the victor goes the spoils"? I contend that the US has not done anything about Isreal because the panty waste UN has not said to Egypt, Syria, Jordan and Lebanon the 5 little words that should be a response for agressor nations who attacked a much smaller nation and not only got their ass wiped but lost land.......TOO EFFING BAD FOR YOU.

You are right, Isreal does disrupt the middle east. You know how? BY JUST BEING ALIVE !!

As far as them killing people in the Palestinian establishment allow me to propose a way I can demonstrate why that happens. Suppose you PM me your address. I will come to your house and sneak in and while you are sleeping I will kick the crap out of you. On different nights I will victimize different members of your family. I will beat the snot out of your parents, your siblings, kill your pets, blow up portions of your house. You are not allowed to lock your doors or build a fence. You just have to sit and take a nightly ass wipping. Now if you tell me you would not fight back, or find out who I am and where I live and come try to kick my ass to stop the violent barbaric savage beatings I will call you a daisey.

Every Isreali PM for decades have tried to work out a deal with the PLO, and the first condition is that they stop blowing up pizza parlors with babies and kids and women and innocent people but the freaking barbarians cannot stop.

BTW my beloved Bush does nothing just as your beloved Clinton, Carter, Kennedy and Johnson did nothing either.

Originally posted by Spoiled
He is in well enough condition to keep up to date with current events, and as an american, a citizen of the most powerful country in the world i like to think that when my 'leader' states "we will not rest until osama is found" that is true... We can do multiple things at the same time.... right.... iraq was a mess and still is, and we dont have osama.... guess what, if we took things on one at a time we could do things more effeintly... I dont think we stopped and i know we have troops in afghanistan, but i dont feel we have suffient troops there...
You think we are resting? You honestly think that Bush has told them to "don't worry about finding Osama, have a coke, relax". If you honestly think that the President of the United States of America has stopped looking for the person who perpetrated the most deady and savage attack on our soil in 200 years I have one discription for you.......it is not flattering and you will cry about it and call me a bully but it is the only one I can think of that fits you to a T..............You are a DUMB ASS.

Mr. Vast wordly knowledge. Iraq is a mess? I suppose you figured that invading a rouge nation, deposing a savage dictator, installing a democracy, battling insurgents thugs who dislike having their absolute control taken away was going to be as easy as nuking the easy mac after school?
I suppose you think that "it's too hard". Typical teenybopper lib speak. You and your comrades just avoid things that are hard to do. I ask you to pick up the "McGraw/ Hill" American History book and re-read our history. If our founding fathers had been liberals and skirted hard things we would still be sucking on the british teet. DOING HARD THINGS MADE AMERICA GREAT.

Originally posted by Spoiled
As for your comment on Lybia, are they not the nation we found trying to transport nuclear-like devices from North Korea (IIRC) after they starting getting on 'good' terms with the US...
What exaclty is a "nuclear-like" device? Linky? Is a "nuclear-like" device kinda like the "brain-like" tissue you have rattling around your brainwashed cranium?

Originally posted by Spoiled
I agree there are times war is the only answer.., but saying we needed to goto iraq because it destabilized the region, that is crazy... They where one of the few stable governments in the region... Not the nicest of places by western standards but stable none the less...
This gibberish is not even worthy of further comment. :duh:

Originally posted by Spoiled
When it comes down to it ill just remind you, my votes counts just as much as yours, and i will probably be around after you are gone... still voting...
True, unless you are convicted of a felony or deemed insane.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Spoiled
They where one of the few stable governments in the region... Not the nicest of places by western standards but stable none the less...
:lmao: I can't believe you just said that!



Saddam was a stable ruler because he killed anyone and everyone that even challenged his choice of breakfast.

"You want eggs? I want cerial, kill this scum."


Originally posted by vraiblonde
:lmao: I can't believe you just said that!

I can, but of course this is the same fool who will well up in tears and throw a tantrum about the Patriot Act infringing on his rights. :duh: I wonder how he would like having his tongue cut out because he is voicing his oposition to the Bush administration, or having his sister and mom raped? It would keep the peace and be stable after all. :shrug:


Dancing Up A Storm
Originally posted by Pete
I can, but of course this is the same fool who will well up in tears and throw a tantrum about the Patriot Act infringing on his rights. :duh: I wonder how he would like having his tongue cut out because he is voicing his oposition to the Bush administration, or having his sister and mom raped? It would keep the peace and be stable after all. :shrug:
:rolleyes: To all that are fond of thinking with their skulls and not their rectums, there are people out there who will "never get it".

I think we have seen a prime example of that fact in this post.

Thank You.

PS: Pete, keep it up, you just might break through the lead shield between his ears yet.

PSS: Please spell Isreal this way: Israel.

Thanks again, over and out.


Active Member
I know my history on Israel, im just saying your arguments are hypocritical.... You say we went into iraq because they attacked other muslims and violated many pieces of UN legislature as well as make the region unstable... Yet you fail to see that one of the US's main allies in the reigion is doing just that...

As for the nuclear-like comment... North Korea was sending some sort of "thing" that is used for a nuclear device, my knowledge on building a nuclear device is limited so I have no idea what it was, Im assuming it was not a nuclear device as it had yet to be assembled... Thus making it a nuclear-like device.... or here i will rephrase it for you "A PIECE TO MAKE A NUCLEAR WEAPON THOUGH THEY HAVE NO USE FOR IT SINCE THEY ARE GETTING ON GOOD TERMS WITH THE US BECAUSE BUSH IS GOD LIKE AND FIXES EVERYTHING"

If Bush had used the worlds inelligence better he would have focused on a nation that is more bound to the muslim fanatics we love to call terrorists.... Such as Iran, and Pakistan (which is why i brought up the point on pakistan earlier... they have proven to be a 'helpful ally' against afghanistan)... They could have stepped up their campaign in the phillipeans or gotten dick cheney to tell the saudis to "f-ck off" and stop letting the al queda folk off the hook for turning themselves in.... Hell, he could have invaded Lybia for all i care, they attacked us too.... But nope, we attacked iraq, a nation with no ties to al queda, or any hard ties to terrorist groups with visions of the US falling, a nation that never attacked the US, Saddam did however kill his own people in the past though... If we want to do things in retro lets head out to Rwanda, we didnt do anything about it when clinton was in office... We probably dont have intelligence on them because they are african and we dont care about Africa, unless it comes to diamonds... Or better yet Sudan, we have declared Genocide is taking place and yet we are still letting it happen... After the hollocost, after the kurds, after the albanians, after the hutu... Every time we say "damn that sucked, we wont let it happen again" - what a great way to start the new century/millenium.


Active Member
Originally posted by Pete
He wont believe it becaus eit didn't come form Aaron browns lips on CNN. :duh:
I dont even watch Aaron Brown... Get over it... Have you ever seen full metal jacket... Do you reemmber what joker's boss told him when he was at the stars and striples? That is why im not willing to believe that 100%... Mind you i know there is truth to it but it will be biased, and im not denying stuff is going on in afghanistan im just saying we could have more of a presence there...


Sorry about that chief.
Lets not forget the real flip flopping. All the know-it-alls on SOMD.com. I seem to remember back before the invasion EVERYONE on here (except ?) saying Saddam was a threat to the US, he had WMD, he would attack us. let's go in and kick his azz, nuke him back to the stone age, etc! That was driven by the administration's false information.

Now with the benefit of hindsight and learning that w's reasons for invasion were all wrong they have all become liberals, saying the invasion was to save the poor Kurds and Iraqi people from the eeeevil madman.



Well-Known Member
"[W]ithout question, we need to disarm Saddam Hussein. He is a brutal, murderous dictator, leading an oppressive regime ... He presents a particularly grievous threat because he is so consistently prone to miscalculation ... And now he is miscalculating America's response to his continued deceit and his consistent grasp for weapons of mass destruction ... So the threat of Saddam Hussein with weapons of mass destruction is real ..."
Sen. John F. Kerry (D, MA), Jan. 23. 2003.


Originally posted by Spoiled
Or better yet Sudan, we have declared Genocide is taking place and yet we are still letting it happen... After the hollocost, after the kurds, after the albanians, after the hutu... Every time we say "damn that sucked, we wont let it happen again" - what a great way to start the new century/millenium.
Talk about hypocritical you wail like a cat with its tail caught in a rocking chair about our going into Iraq, yet you turn around and advocate going to Sudan, a country that has never attacked us or is not an active player in terrorism? Might I remind you of the last time we went into sub-sahara africa, Somolia.

Let me school you ONCE AGAIN :rolleyes: The only thing they are good at in sub-shara Africa is killing themesleves, either by genocide or by humping like rabbits and spreading AIDS. They have been doing it since time began. Yet EVERYONE ignores it even your democrat presidents. Clinton would not have gone to Somolia had a CNN crew not filmed a story about a mass murder the year before. Get over it, EVERYONE believed Sadam was a bad player, go back and find the quote page of democrats who cozied up to the microphones from Kerry to Pelosi to talk aobut how bad he was and how he should be removed from power and disarmed.

What I am sick of is liberals who stick their head in the sand over the transgressions of their own, yet squeel like little pigs at what republicans do.

If you could see how mealy mouthed and pathetic you sound when you come on here and spew your vitrol you would find a dark place to hide out of shame.


Originally posted by jlabsher
Lets not forget the real flip flopping. All the know-it-alls on SOMD.com. I seem to remember back before the invasion EVERYONE on here (except ?) saying Saddam was a threat to the US, he had WMD, he would attack us. let's go in and kick his azz, nuke him back to the stone age, etc! That was driven by the administration's false information.

Now with the benefit of hindsight and learning that w's reasons for invasion were all wrong they have all become liberals, saying the invasion was to save the poor Kurds and Iraqi people from the eeeevil madman.

Originally posted by SamSpade
"[W]ithout question, we need to disarm Saddam Hussein. He is a brutal, murderous dictator, leading an oppressive regime ... He presents a particularly grievous threat because he is so consistently prone to miscalculation ... And now he is miscalculating America's response to his continued deceit and his consistent grasp for weapons of mass destruction ... So the threat of Saddam Hussein with weapons of mass destruction is real ..."
Sen. John F. Kerry (D, MA), Jan. 23. 2003.


Sorry about that chief.
Originally posted by Pete
Talk about hypocritical you wail like a cat with its tail caught in a rocking chair about our going into Iraq, yet you turn around and advocate going to Sudan, a country that has never attacked us or is not an active player in terrorism? Might I remind you of the last time we went into sub-sahara africa, Somolia.

Let me school you ONCE AGAIN :rolleyes: The only thing they are good at in sub-shara Africa is killing themesleves, either by genocide or by humping like rabbits and spreading AIDS. They have been doing it since time began. Yet EVERYONE ignores it even your democrat presidents. Clinton would not have gone to Somolia had a CNN crew not filmed a story about a mass murder the year before. Get over it, EVERYONE believed Sadam was a bad player, go back and find the quote page of democrats who cozied up to the microphones from Kerry to Pelosi to talk aobut how bad he was and how he should be removed from power and disarmed.

What I am sick of is liberals who stick their head in the sand over the transgressions of their own, yet squeel like little pigs at what republicans do.

If you could see how mealy mouthed and pathetic you sound when you come on here and spew your vitrol you would find a dark place to hide out of shame.

Pete, I know that Iraq has been a lovenest for thousands of years hasn't it? No infighting amongst the tribes has ever happened in the mideast before Saddam or the Shah were put into power by the CIA.


Of course, you could argue that Kerry was supporting the president and troops in time of war, not being a commie traitor like some others. But I know that wouldn't be the case.