Good for us, bad for them. I personally glad that I live in a nation with a leader who took his responsibility to keep the citizens safe seriously. Those other nations can just sit there and pander to the terrorists and cry about how terrible it is that their trains, bus stations, and shopping malls are being blown up.Originally posted by Spoiled
Pete as for saying I'm what is wrong with the nation, I think you need to wake up... First off the US did change, but the world did not...
WTF are you talking about?Originally posted by Spoiled
Dick Cheney went to meet with some Pakistani officials (IIRC) ready to talk about terrorism and left frustrated due to the fact that they hadn’t prepared to speak on terrorism but money and oil.
I have a best selling book that says "I like green eggs and ham" Personally I do not need to have a direct connection between Iraq and 9/11. He had WMD, he used WMD, he invaded another country in the middle east, he defied UN resolutions for 10 years, he was destabilizing a sensitive region, he harbored terrorists and hosted terrorist training centers, Intel said he was attempting to gather nuclear knowhow and material, Iraqi intelligence offcials had met with Al Quida. I need no direct connection. He was a very bad dude, in the most important region of the world, who was defying your beloved UN for a decade. With the new pro-active policy dealing with thugs like that I applaude his take down and look forward to the next 2 bit thug who needs to be removed. Our war on terrorism is not isolated to just those who did 9/11, as I understand it, it is against ALL TERRORISTS. Besides the reason Bush gave for going into Iraq was his flagrant violation of UN resolutions.Originally posted by Spoiled
Want to talk about fighting terrorism? IRAQ HAD A DIRECT CONNECTION WITH 9-11... Wait that new best seller book says otherwise...
I agree with you on this one. Bush reversed course due to caterwalling by the pansy assed left. He should have had the Marines kill him and drag his corpse through the street tied to a Humvee.. Bush is being to pansy assed trying to keep the left from peeing themselves.Originally posted by Spoiled
But that’s ok... Let’s talk about another fella, ayatollah sadr and bush's flip-flopping... At first we where going to kill him... then capture him and bring him to justice.... but in the end we ended up reverting back to that "pansy assed conformist" method of diplomacy and reasoning....
Fox, Fox, Fox, you really should wake up. Compared to that pizzant Aaron Brown and the rest of the whiny assed "America is baaaaaad" cryers out there Fox (not that it provides even 1/10th of my news) is more centrist than any other media outlet. Why the eff do you think it is "The most watched news channel"? Because real Americans are sick of hearing the negative slant on everything we do. It is like an olympic sport to find even the most trivial thing negative. Fox does report bad things, I don't seem to remember them ignoring the prisoner mistreatment issue, or failing to report casualty numbers. News is for straight forward unbiased reporting, not that entertainment trash that CNN and MSNBC puts on.Originally posted by Spoiled
I’m not going to hold that one against you though; it’s not highly publicized, especially on fox.
Do you get as pizzed when you don't get your #5 at the drive through at Wendy's fast enough to suit you? I am glad you didn't have to suffer through the 4 YEARS of WWII or the 13 years of Vietnam. Some time these things take time. One thing is for sure Osama isn't in the position to do much right now so until we dig up his body I am glad for that.Originally posted by Spoiled
Afghanistan, justified, though we didnt finish it... But what about Osama? Is he in Afghanistan? or Pakistan?
Do you actually think that we have stopped looking for him? There are no troops in Afghanistan? It is not their top priority?

I suppose you think we should just sit and wait until Osama is found or killed before taking any other steps. I don't get the BS whining "What about Osama? I thought he was our top priority?" That is logical for task oriented low intellect types who are used to doing one thing, and one thing only at a time.
you liberals really pizz me off, you cannot give one iota of credit where credit is due because of your spoiled brat partisanship. I for one never hated Clinton, and I gave Clinton credit for what Clinton did and was critical of what he did that was wrong. I guess I am just more grown up than you. You just go ahead and suck a lollipop, dream up your conspiracy BS, discredit everything that does not suit your BS leftist agenda and be sure not to pee yourself when some real bad crap happens because us old trusty ass kicking conservatives who know what made America what it is will always be around to shelter you from the consequences of reality. While you are cowering in the corner wracked with fright can I get you a glass of French wine or a baugette?Originally posted by Spoiled
and as for Lybia, Ide bet they are just wanting a bit of money....
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