Fahrenheit 9/11 Thread...

Larry Gude

Strung Out

When did clinton invade a nation without real reason? When did clinton have a major flip-flop? when did he have things in black and white (you are either with us or against us...)

1. The Balkans. We still have troops there.

2. Pick 'em. Balancing the budget. Reducing welfare.

3. All of his campigns and character assassinations against opponents. Ever hear of James Carville? Paul Begalla?


Originally posted by Spoiled
When did clinton invade a nation without real reason?


Originally posted by Spoiled
When did clinton have a major flip-flop? when did he have things in black and white (you are either with us or against us...)
Gays in the military
Socialized medicine
Welfare reform


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Spoiled
When did clinton invade a nation without real reason? When did clinton have a major flip-flop? when did he have things in black and white (you are either with us or against us...)
I notice you left out the "misleading" part. :lol:

As to the rest of that - you can't possibly be serious. Are you that young that you really don't remember the Clinton years?


Originally posted by Spoiled
Do i hate this country?
Nope, I dislike many people here,
I dislike much of the ignorence (of other cultures and the global community) this country spawns
I dislike some of the decisions officials have made

If you call being a bunch of intolerant religious fanatics a "culture" I guess then I am guilty of not understanding it. I don't think the problem lies with us. Muslims dont get along with Christians, Jews, Hindus, or Buddists and that is my fault how?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Spoiled
I dislike much of the ignorence (of other cultures and the global community) this country spawns
How can you say that when so many of our citizens COME from other countries and cultures?

As an aside, one of my favorite "liberal moments" is when the white home-growns whine and cry about how bad we are to other countries, then put their hands over their ears and go "lala I can't hear you" when people who are from that country and actually lived there try to tell them different.



Active Member
Originally posted by vraiblonde
I notice you left out the "misleading" part. :lol:

As to the rest of that - you can't possibly be serious. Are you that young that you really don't remember the Clinton years?
what ever... he never called anyone out on being a flip flopper either....

I don't think the problem lies with us. Muslims dont get along with Christians, Jews, Hindus, or Buddists and that is my fault how?
Point been proven


Active Member
Serbia was justified, there was ethnic clensing (AKA genocide but no one wants to call it that) occuring...


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Spoiled
Serbia was justified, there was ethnic clensing (AKA genocide but no one wants to call it that) occuring...
And this is so much worse than, say, killing people "just because"?


Football season!
Originally posted by Spoiled
When did clinton have a major flip-flop?

"Aww come on honey, stick it in your mouth. Nobody will ever find out...

Of course I'll tell you before I get ready to blow my load"


Active Member
Originally posted by vraiblonde
And this is so much worse than, say, killing people "just because"?
That should have been taken care of when someones father was in office... Saddam was a bad guy, I agree... He needed to go, but our leader NEVER said this is why we went there....

Well i think im gonna lay down, i got a early morning tommorow


Nothing to see here
Originally posted by Spoiled
He went into iraq without a real reason <--about bush
Serbia was justified, there was ethnic clensing (AKA genocide but no one wants to call it that) occuring... about Clinton.

Many peace activists probably had no real idea of the depth and seriousness of the crimes against humanity committed by the Baath regime. The most recent of these was the genocide against the marsh Arabs of southern Iraq, a Shiite people that numbered 500,000, who pursued their livelihoods as fishermen, farmers, and hunters in their swamps. Because they had proved hard to control, in the 1990s Saddam ordered pogroms against them. He accompanied this massacre with a propaganda campaign that ridiculed the marsh Arabs as monkey-faced and not true Iraqis, followed by the building of dams, canals, and other structures that drained the marshes where these people lived.

So Bush was justified or not??


Originally posted by Spoiled
Serbia was justified, there was ethnic clensing (AKA genocide but no one wants to call it that) occuring...

Kurds, Shiites.......

If you knew your history we didn't discover most of it till after we went in.


Originally posted by Spoiled
When did clinton invade a nation without real reason? When did clinton have a major flip-flop? when did he have things in black and white (you are either with us or against us...)
You are exactly what is wrong with our country. You have been brainwashed into a pansy assed conformist who only feels safe when safely tucked into a heard of like minded cows.

September 11th changed the world. Our foriegn policy changed and we took our place as a worlds strongest nation. Gone are the hand wringing days when we caved to 3rd or 2nd world nations goofy pacifistic tendancies, measured responses, failed diplomacy with thugs. Bush did exactly what he should have done. Instead of sitting in the oval office rocking nervously in a chair more scared of what the French or Burmese governments thought than another terrorist attack at a mall in Mississipi or a school in Iowa.

Why is it that so many Americans have been turned into wusses. We went proactive and have systematically snuffed out 2 organized terrorist supporting governments and put the fear of red white and blue into a 3rd Lybia. Libs rail about the UN, hell Iraq thumbed their noses at UN resolutions for 10 years. I bet your just not used to real concequences. When you got grounded a week for not recycling it really meant a couple hours. :duh:
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Active Member
I maybe wrong but was it fear of causing instability in the reigon? or the UN saying no?

I maybe wrong but was it fear of causing instability in the region? Or the UN saying no?

Pete as for saying I'm what is wrong with the nation, I think you need to wake up... First off the US did change, but the world did not... Dick Cheney went to meet with some Pakistani officials (IIRC) ready to talk about terrorism and left frustrated due to the fact that they hadn’t prepared to speak on terrorism but money and oil. Want to talk about fighting terrorism? IRAQ HAD A DIRECT CONNECTION WITH 9-11... Wait that new best seller book says otherwise... The only connection iraQ has/had with al Queda is apparent... But that’s ok... Let’s talk about another fella, ayatollah sadr and bush's flip-flopping... At first we where going to kill him... then capture him and bring him to justice.... but in the end we ended up reverting back to that "pansy assed conformist" method of diplomacy and reasoning.... I’m not going to hold that one against you though; it’s not highly publicized, especially on fox. Afghanistan, justified, though we didnt finish it... But what about Osama? Is he in Afghanistan? or Pakistan? and as for Lybia, Ide bet they are just wanting a bit of money....