Fahrenheit 9/11 Thread...


Originally posted by Voter2002
No...we don't think you're ignorant because of your differing opinion, we think your ignorant for spouting the Democratic propaganda over & over and have blinders on preventing you from seeing the real story.

Both Republicans & Dems alike do their bad things...but Dems are masters at twisting and spinning the truth and make up a new "truth" to fit their needs....even if it is a lie....and then have the hairy gonads to call Bush a liar!

I feel the same way about Republicans for the most part...although, as I said before, I am not really a Democrat either. I have seen "facts" from both sides be exaggerated to fit what the person spouting them believes, and while I did not think I had been doing that, you feel I have. I guess my opinion is based on "facts" and feelings that I have on certain issues, and since you see different "facts" maybe by listening to Rush, watching Fox news, or reading Time magazine, I guess we just look at things differently.

If you honestly feel that the war in Iraq was necessary, then you will find ways to justify that, since I disagree, I will find ways to make my opinion seem valid as well. You are not going to change my opinion by calling me a "tard" or trying to invalidate me in some other way, but I appreciate the attempt at a real discussion by some of you.


Originally posted by tlatchaw
I happen to be on Vrai's side of this argument, but I too would like to see less name calling, particularly retard because my daughter is retarded and that one hits a little close to home.

Moron, Bigot, Facist, Psycho, etc are all fine, though! :biggrin: j/k

Thank you! Retard is used far too frequently throughout this entire forum. I know the other meanings Vrai and if it was implied that way it would be a different story. It's insulting to members of our society that are mentally challenged whether it's meant that way or not. For the record my mentally retarded child would not call someone a retard because he has a larger vocabulary than that and realizes the word does not apply to those considered normal intelligence. May I suggest my personal favorite nincompoop? :smile:


jack of all trades
Originally posted by Dixie
Thank you! Retard is used far too frequently throughout this entire forum. I know the other meanings Vrai and if it was implied that way it would be a different story. It's insulting to members of our society that are mentally challenged whether it's meant that way or not. For the record my mentally retarded child would not call someone a retard because he has a larger vocabulary than that and realizes the word does not apply to those considered normal intelligence. May I suggest my personal favorite nincompoop? :smile:

i like YOU IDIOT myself..


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Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Originally posted by valentino
You offend me by thinking that I am concered with your opinion on that issue, and by your horrible spelling and grammar.

Hmm, world interests may not always be the same as US interests, does that mean that the US interests are always right, or even good for the US itself, let alone the world? Step out of your box just a little, and start realizing that while you cannot see the rest of the world from your house, that does not mean it does not have an affect on us everyday.
And I should be concerned (correct spelling as opposed to your "concered") with what some Frenchman or German wants me to do, have, or behave? Get real.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
It's insulting to members of our society that are mentally challenged whether it's meant that way or not.
Everything is offensive to someone somewhere. Why not take words in the vein they're intended instead of trying to find some personal meaning behind them - especially when they weren't even directed at you?

However, you're right that I call people names too much. I'm too old for that and should develop a better conversation style. So I'm swearing off name calling. Starting now. If anyone catches me doing it again, smack me in the head.

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
Originally posted by vraiblonde
However, you're right that I call people names too much. I'm too old for that and should develop a better conversation style. So I'm swearing off name calling. Starting now. If anyone catches me doing it again, smack me in the head.

Captured for posterity's sake... :wink:


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by rraley

I believe in a strong America that has strong alliances. I believe in pushing for human rights around the world.

This is where, I think, liberal ivory-tower type thinking comes grinding to a halt in the face of Republican pragmatism.

A good example - *presumably*, we are for promoting or pressuring for human rights in places like Cuba (strictly as an EXAMPLE) where we refuse to trade with them, and curtail our business with those that DO. But our "allies" have no such human rights agenda, and are much more concerned about the almighty euro, franc, peso and yen. So when we walk about and say "if you do business with Myanmar or Bhutan or Albania, we won't do business with you", they call us bullies and high-minded pricks.

There are nations such as Vietnam, Malaysia, China and Indonesia which have horrible labor practices - but if we don't do business with them, our allies WILL - and we lose *JOBS*.

The cold reality is that while it's nice to have these high-minded, lofty ideals of what is good for humanity, a lot of humanity hates it when we go about trying to set them straight. And a lot of our "friends" don't like it either. Republicans are pragmatists at heart, and so am I. It's nice to have wonderful ideas, but you have to go with what WORKS. They're the political equivalent of field medics. You might WANT everyone to live, but the truth is, trying to save the life of a man who WILL die condemns others to death, and the field medic MUST make the hard choices. From my point of view, the bleeding heart liberal field medic would try to save *everyone* - and lose most of them. Again - high ideals, impractical solutions.

Bill O'Reilly was once at Harvard giving a good Q & A session with a lot of, well, not so friendly audience members. At one point, he said probably the most interesting thing I've ever heard him say. He said "there's no doubt in my mind that liberal's IDEAS are better than conservatives; the problem is, they don't WORK".

Liberals are often these academia types who have great ideas, but in the real world, they're just impossible. I'm more the engineer type than the scientist type. A scientist may design the perfect engine, with perfect materials. An engineer will design an engine with the materials he has or can reasonably afford, and that will last - he builds a less than perfect solution, because it's the best that can be done. An idealist will waste his time and energy on an ideal that might be impossible to implement, because he's convinced it's the best solution. The pragmatist goes with what is possible.

Republicans are mostly pragmatists. They say "yeah, China stomps all over their workers - but unfortunately, we need five million jobs more than we need to help the Chinese laborer". Does that make them look like capitalist, heartless bastards? Sure, but that's unavoidable. They'll say "yes, universal health care would be great, but we can't force every business to do it, because the bulk of workforce works for companies ill-equipped to do that - *small* businesses". So they come up with practical solutions that aren't ideal.

Strong alliances are good. But they must have a meaningful *purpose*. We're not always going to be allied with the same people. Britain is our best friend, but for 100 years, they were our most bitter rival and antagonist. Japan is our next best friend, but we fought a horrible war with them not 60 years ago. Things change. Nations don't form "friendships" for all time.

I mean, I probably seem to be babbling like an idiot here, but the nasty truth of politics is that idealism is usually foolishness. I admit, liberals have high ideals. The problem with them is they're willing to beat their idealistic drums for eternity. I won't live that long.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
For those of you who want to let the U.N. and E.U. run our country, a little history.

"But if we are to be told by a foreign power...what we shall do, and what we shall not do, we have independence yet to seek, and have contended hitherto for very little." --George Washington


Football addict
Re: Inaccurate...

It is true that some Air National Guard served in Vietnam but your chances were few and far between in getting drafted.

"50,000 American Servicemen served in Vietnam between 1960 and 1964.

9,087,000 military personnel served on active duty during the official Vietnam era (Aug.5, 1964-May 7, 1975).

3,403,100 (including 514,300 offshore) personnel served in the Southeast Asia Theater (Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, flight crews based in Thailand"


National Guard: 6,140 served; 101 died



New Member
What a load of crap.... Didn't watch it, won't watch it! Fat boy moore doesn't have the insight on anything I want to know. Only losers watch crap like this.... I just didn't realize there were so many losers in the U.S. :biggrin:


New Member
Originally posted by 2ndAmendment
For those of you who want to let the U.N. and E.U. run our country, a little history.

You're probably wasting your time, b/c very few people on here understand what you are trying to tell them... Good luck though...


New Member
Warning!! Terror in France


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My Sweetest Boy
Originally posted by ceo_pte
You're probably wasting your time, b/c very few people on here understand what you are trying to tell them... Good luck though...

If you show us pictures, we understand much better. :rolleyes:


Football season!
Originally posted by ceo_pte
What a load of crap.... Didn't watch it, won't watch it! Fat boy moore doesn't have the insight on anything I want to know. Only losers watch crap like this.... I just didn't realize there were so many losers in the U.S. :biggrin:

How do you know what insight he has unless you watch it?


jack of all trades
Originally posted by SmallTown
How do you know what insight he has unless you watch it?

i heard from a buddy of mine, who heard from a friend of hers, who heard from his uncle, who heard from .... :lmao:


jack of all trades
Originally posted by SuperGrover
i heard from a buddy of mine, who heard from a friend of hers, who heard from his uncle, who heard from .... :lmao:

:SLAP: that's why we can't have serious conversations on SOMD forums! :SLAP: