Feminists Reality On Dating


Well-Known Member
Your obsession with my comings and goings are disturbing
I believe the "obsession" is yours! Each and every single day posting dozens and dozens of "links" to other sources. Flooding the forum with news snippets and articles from other sources. On Christmas day no less!
Paid News Aggregator if there ever was one. Difference is that you just don't want to own it.
I am all for posting the occasional news article to start a discussion BUT, this is a whole other level that can only be explained two ways. Either you are getting PAID to do it or, you really need to examine your life.


PREMO Member
On Christmas day no less!

:cds: OMG Posting on Christmas Day ......

Ok Transporter again YOUR Obsession with my comings and goings .... TJ / Transporter / Gunsmoke was also obsessed with my comings and goings - seek help, find a therapist

Paid News Aggregator if there ever was one. Difference is that you just don't want to own it.

🤣 Are you always this stupid ... get a life, go outside and touch grass, get a puppy

BUT, this is a whole other level that can only be explained two ways. Either you are getting PAID to do it or, you really need to examine your life.

:lmao: Your assumptions about MY LIFE, if your actions are the measure of how MY life should be, Hard Pass .... I do not need to ' examine my life ' YOU are the one who should be self reflecting and looking in the mirror asking YOURSELF why you are obsessed with the actions of others

I believe the "obsession" is yours! Each and every single day posting dozens and dozens of "links" to other sources. Flooding the forum with news snippets and articles from other sources.

' Links ' to other sources, WT Actual F does this even mean ....

Just Click this, you will feel better



Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Ok Transporter again YOUR Obsession with my comings and goings .... TJ / Transporter / Gunsmoke was also obsessed with my comings and goings - seek help, find a therapist

That's not Tranny.

Tranny was a world class moron and complete douche. Only one here that comes close is Hemi-Roid.


PREMO Member
That's not Tranny.

Tranny was a world class moron and complete douche. Only one here that comes close is Hemi-Roid.

I am aware, my point is OC is obsessed with my coming and goings and one of Tranny's favorite rants was my posting at 5 am on a Holiday

well since I cannot sleep past 4 am on any given day and nobody else in the house is up at the same time ...


Well-Known Member
well since I cannot sleep past 4 am on any given day and nobody else in the house is up at the same time ...
And your first thought is to log in to this local forum and post endless links. Digging up old-azz threads to dump your drivel. And you say you are NOT being paid to do this? If not, THAT truly is a sad, sad situation you got there.


Well-Known Member
To be honest - nothing about his posts - bothers me. It occurs to me that were I to block his posts - most of what I intend to read would disappear.

The only thing I don't like, is his appending more and more posts to REALLY LONG threads. I tend to ignore those. No thread is still interesting after a hundred or more posts.


Well-Known Member
The only thing I don't like, is his appending more and more posts to REALLY LONG threads. I tend to ignore those. No thread is still interesting after a hundred or more posts.
Another tell tale sign of the paid news aggregator. Digging up dusty old threads (having mostly and lastly spammed links from the aggregator) and linking more drivel. Paid-by-the-post and/or the hits generated from them.


Well-Known Member
So? Better than the crap that used to be the Drudge Report, which has become almost unreadable. I go to so few anymore, relying a LOT on RealClearPolitics.
Whatever. If everyone on here is OK with it, I'll be sure to let others know that this forum is fertile ground for paid aggregation. Nobody seems to mind after all :sshrug:
Enjoy the incessant spammed threads!


Well-Known Member
Whatever. If everyone on here is OK with it, I'll be sure to let others know that this forum is fertile ground for paid aggregation. Nobody seems to mind after all :sshrug:
Enjoy the incessant spammed threads!
I've long thought some of our more antagonistic lunatics are paid. What kind of person continues to RETURN to a place under yet another name, just to piss everyone off?

And we have others who don't seem to actually "start" threads - at least, the posts never contain their own thoughts, just reprinted articles, in very much the same way a friend on Facebook might post recipes - except they're politics?

Me, I have a handful of other boards I go to that are political - this one is home for me and therefore, my favorite - but I don't pretend for a minute THEY aren't cutting and pasting. And their visitor logs are so meager, I can't guess that anyone PAYS them. I guess they just do it for the jazz.


PREMO Member
I'll be sure to let others know that this forum is fertile ground for paid aggregation.

Do you enjoy looking ignorant, totally fuking clueless

Nobody seems to mind after all :sshrug:

Just click the ignore button and move on.

Enjoy the incessant spammed threads!

Gee grouping information posted in common themes or information .. like Biden Actions, Biden's America ... the various Covid threads ... Election Issues ....

I'm not the only forum member USING THOSE THREADS continuing to add to the content .

I'm not the originator of LONG Threads ....

Celebrity Dead Pool comes to mind among others


PREMO Member
The only thing I don't like, is his appending more and more posts to REALLY LONG threads.

Thanks Sam,

the thing is you have been here long enough, entering any of these threads should take you to the most recent additions, not the beginning


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Do you enjoy looking ignorant, totally fuking clueless

Just click the ignore button and move on.

Gee grouping information posted in common themes or information .. like Biden Actions, Biden's America ... the various Covid threads ... Election Issues ....

I'm not the only forum member USING THOSE THREADS continuing to add to the content .

I'm not the originator of LONG Threads ....

Celebrity Dead Pool comes to mind among others
The grouping was my suggestion because you used to start multiple new threads about the same things.