Feminists Reality On Dating


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West Elm Caleb And The TikTokers Who Are Mad That A Guy From A Hookup App Wanted To Hookup

It all started when an NYC woman on TikTok shared a video about how she was ghosted by a man named Caleb. “West Elm Caleb?” several women commented on the video. Apparently, the OP wasn’t the first (or last woman) to be victimized by the 6’4” Caleb, a Brooklyn resident, who, according to his bio, works as a furniture designer at West Elm.

Here's a list of his supposed "crimes":

  • He ghosted women after dates. Trash behavior, to be sure, but pretty common in the dating market today.
  • He allegedly sent one woman an unsolicited nude photo. We’re happy to debate whether or not this should even be legal (after all, flashing a lady in real life is a sex crime), but currently, it’s just hugely creepy, not illegal.
  • He re-used the same Spotify playlist and claimed he had made it just for each new woman. Honestly, making a playlist is so cheesy ‘90s that we’re surprised girls were still falling for it.
  • He love bombs new dates, meaning he overwhelms them with interest and attention right away. It’s often the beginning of an abusive relationship. But with Caleb, it doesn’t seem to have ever led to an abusive relationship, he just ghosted.
  • He lied about still being on Hinge. He told one woman over a coffee that it was his first time using the app. He told other women he had deleted that app after a few dates with them, even though he was still actively using it.
  • He was dating several women at once. One woman figured out that she had spent the night at his place on Friday night, woke up there on Saturday morning, and by 3 PM the same day, he was on a date with a different girl from Hinge.

So, in summary, the guy is a lying creep who ghosts women and generally has lousy behavior. But did he deserve to become an internet sensation, get doxxed, and even have a billboard put up warning women to avoid him? Probably not.

Because men like Caleb aren’t special or even uncommon. It’s basically par for the course in a dating culture that holds casual hookups above transparency, monogamy, and commitment. In fact, what the women seem mad about is that Caleb was basically treating them exactly as they had planned to treat him.

One victim, Kate Glavan, stated that she went on a date with Caleb with the intention of adding him to her “arsenal.” So, to be clear, Kate is angry that Caleb, who is apparently balancing multiple women and not dating any of them exclusively, is treating her the same way she’s treating him. Or, as one Twitter user pointed out: “Oh no meaningless sex app delivered meaningless sex.”



PREMO Member

Mia Khalifa Says "Men Are Cheap and Easy, She's Gotten Every Man She's Ever Wanted!"​

Mia Khalifa Claims That Men Are Easy But Has a Hard Time Keeping One​


A Porn Star lecturing that men are cheap and easy


PREMO Member

Men EXPOSE Delusional Modern Women​

Six Foot
Six Figures
Six Pack or Inches

leaves 1% of men left

Dudes be like - a girl has to be a good mother, cook and clean to get with me
Girls be like - 200k, 1 mil, 5 mil a year salary - want a 200k Ring

Girly be like - let me see your bank balance on the 1st date, if you ain't got enough I'm out

Would you date an OF Model

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PREMO Member

I’m 43 and Alone – Can I Find a Good Man?

Hi Katherine, thanks for writing me.

I hope you’re cozy and sitting down with a Jack and Coke firmly in hand. This is going to be a bit painful.
You asked, How can I find that one special good guy that is worth my time?

You mean, you’re 43 years old, have a high profile career and tons of money in the bank and you still can’t figure this out?

Also, it depends on what you mean by “good.” I sense that what you mean by “good” is a man who is rich, dashing, influential, and extremely handsome.

That ship has sailed, my dear. You don’t have the social standing nor the required sexual appeal and youthful attractiveness–you are 43 years old. It’s harsh, it’s awful, and it’s uncouth. And it’s also the honest to goodness truth.

Forgive me if I don’t take kindly to unabashed, self-aggrandizing egotists who claim to have it all figured out yet can’t figure out why they’re unmarried and childless at 43 years old. Women your age in your predicament don’t know what it’s like to be with a good man. You’ve passed over all the “good men” in your life to sleep with dozens of *******s. That was your choice–a seemingly bad choice all around but your choice, nonetheless. And it’s time to own up to it.

“I don’t mean to sound full of myself but I have a great career, my own money for trips and an IRA and I’m still good looking and very sexy for being 43.”

To whom, exactly? Obviously not to anyone worthwhile otherwise you wouldn’t be writing to strangers on the internet asking them how a “good looking and very sexy 43-year old woman” like yourself can’t find a “good” man.

You’re pushing a rotten bill of goods that has long surpassed the expiration date. Yes, I’m of the firm belief that when people get to be middle aged, the potency of their once overwhelming and irresistible sexual attractiveness becomes but a mere afterthought.

When this happens we have to make much needed concessions, namely, developing character, efficacy, compassion and respectability–and growing up well beyond a sense of foolishness and self-entitlement.

When you’re young, beautiful and sexy you can make all the demands you want–and men everywhere will rush to meet them, hand over fist.

When you’re old, unbangable, wrinkled and past your prime, you have to make a lot of sacrifices. You are not Sofía Vergara. Not now, not ever and certainly not tomorrow nor sometime next week.

If you want me to tell you how you can find a “good man” you better start considering, far more closely, the men who are even taking the time to even bother to date you. 50 is coming full charge around the corner, and after that, rest assured, you won’t be “bragging” about being hot and sexy. You’ll be in the shadows afflicted and consumed with the really hard and unpleasant stuff–like planning for a retirement alone, taking trips around the world alone, and facing the prospect of winding up in the hospital with heart disease and cancer. Alone.

Stop dismissing men who take an interest in you outright for their faults while emphasizing yours (yes, bragging about being hot and sexy at 43 years old, childless and alone is a major fault).

Instead, emphasize what you realistically have to offer. Can you offer meaningful companionship? Can you cook a decent meal? Can you carry on a conversation? Are you genuinely curious about how you can please a man and make him happy, instead of demanding he meet your unrealistic standards?

In the meantime, make sure you are fit, keep your facial aging to the absolute bare minimum, dress feminine and keep your hair, nails and teeth in immaculate condition. Perhaps then you’ll find a guy who is at least 10 years older, who is basic and unexciting and run-of-the-mill, and is likely of lower status and has a thing for “take charge” career women. You are not going to get an alpha male to even look in your direction ever again.

Pickings are slim for a woman your age, and they’re going to get slimmer. Either learn to live with the ever-burdensome squeeze or loosen your standards and find a man who is more on your level–which is far, far lower than you believe and are letting on.

Best of luck because you’re going to need it,


PREMO Member


Well-Known Member
Gurps, bro, you may have a problem. One or two stories on this topic may be interesting, 6 pages worth is an obsession.


Well-Known Member
He sits up all night searching for sht he can release before anyone else awakens, and then fills up every article.