Former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin stabbed


Well-Known Member
You talk like an old man who has lost focus in life, but that's OK. I just put it into perspective, dementia is not anyone's fault. I won't be the one to hold it against you, I know you cannot control it.
If I had dementia and more of your ilk with felony convictions were able to vote I'd be president! If being old to you and talking like they had common sense and remember more civil days well my shoe just might fit.
You OTOH not really a under achiever but a never achiever nothing to do but to sulk.


Well-Known Member
If I had dementia and more of your ilk with felony convictions were able to vote I'd be president! If being old to you and talking like they had common sense and remember more civil days well my shoe just might fit.
You OTOH not really a under achiever but a never achiever nothing to do but to sulk.
The ONLY thing you could be president of is the Gay Pride committee!


Well-Known Member
The ONLY thing you could be president of is the Gay Pride committee!
LOLOLOL silly boy hates homosexuals I guess. I'll admit I don't much associate much with them only because of my self imposed isolation but if they don't bother me I don't much care what they do.
Do you go feral and cause harm to them boy?


Well-Known Member
I honestly wish every criminal loving liberal would become a violent crime victim. Maybe then they'd have sympathy/empathy for victims instead of criminals. It's maddening watching them cry and whine over some lifelong shitbag while ignoring (and even sneering at) his victims and their family.
If they survive, that is.


Well-Known Member
LOLOLOL silly boy hates homosexuals I guess. I'll admit I don't much associate much with them only because of my self imposed isolation but if they don't bother me I don't much care what they do.
Do you go feral and cause harm to them boy?
I would never harm you, I don't harm old folks, even if you are a fudgie buddy.


Well-Known Member
I would never harm you, I don't harm old folks, even if you are a fudgie buddy.
As anti homo as you claim to be are sure you're not hiding your true sexuality? You seem to have a real inner battle within yourself. Perhaps you and hemi can date and find true happiness. Tubby can officiate the wedding for a nominal fee of a few boxes of Whitman samplers.
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Well-Known Member
As anti homo as you claim to be are sure you're not hiding your true sexuality? You seem to have a real inner battle within yourself. Perhaps you and hemi can date and find true happiness. Tubby can officiate the wedding for a nominal fee of a few boxes

Seems to me that you are reaching but flailing thus failing !


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Didn't hear that story please elaborate.

One of his numerous crimes was an armed invasion where the victim was a pregnant woman. The Democrat criminal lovers are trying to play fast and loose with the details - "Oh, he didn't shoot her.." - "Oh, it was one of the other robbers that threatened her...." - "Oh, that photo isn't the pregnant woman, that's a different woman he assaulted..." - "Oh, she wasn't pregnant..." - but the fact is that he and a few of his buddies were armed with guns and broke their way into the home of a woman, where they proceeded to assault and rob her at gun point.

He went 5 whole years without committing any crimes after that (because he was in prison).

In fact Floyd was a violent habitual criminal.

All of that is common knowledge but in the Democrat news media you have to read the whole story and not just skim the headline. They spend the first half of the piece talking about how great he was and fluffing the reader. Keep reading and you get to the real George Floyd.

Why do you persist in defending shitbag criminals when you know nothing about them? Is it just reflexive? See a criminal, french kiss his ass?

I really don't understand this.

Is it that you hate the cops so much that your natural ally is the drug addicted violent criminals they apprehend?

Do you just have suck news sources or no sources at all so you don't know what you're talking about?

I am genuinely interested.

Are you capable of having a discussion about this or are you too triggered and foaming at the mouth to be reasonable and not just stomp your feet and fling a bunch of insults? I really don't understand how anyone can champion criminals who prey on society and would honestly like you to explain it to me.


Well-Known Member
One of his numerous crimes was an armed invasion where the victim was a pregnant woman. The Democrat criminal lovers are trying to play fast and loose with the details - "Oh, he didn't shoot her.." - "Oh, it was one of the other robbers that threatened her...." - "Oh, that photo isn't the pregnant woman, that's a different woman he assaulted..." - "Oh, she wasn't pregnant..." - but the fact is that he and a few of his buddies were armed with guns and broke their way into the home of a woman, where they proceeded to assault and rob her at gun point.

He went 5 whole years without committing any crimes after that (because he was in prison).

In fact Floyd was a violent habitual criminal.

All of that is common knowledge but in the Democrat news media you have to read the whole story and not just skim the headline. They spend the first half of the piece talking about how great he was and fluffing the reader. Keep reading and you get to the real George Floyd.

Why do you persist in defending shitbag criminals when you know nothing about them? Is it just reflexive? See a criminal, french kiss his ass?

I really don't understand this.

Is it that you hate the cops so much that your natural ally is the drug addicted violent criminals they apprehend?

Do you just have suck news sources or no sources at all so you don't know what you're talking about?

I am genuinely interested.

Are you capable of having a discussion about this or are you too triggered and foaming at the mouth to be reasonable and not just stomp your feet and fling a bunch of insults? I really don't understand how anyone can champion criminals who prey on society and would honestly like you to explain it to me.

One of his numerous crimes was an armed invasion where the victim was a pregnant woman. The Democrat criminal lovers are trying to play fast and loose with the details - "Oh, he didn't shoot her.." - "Oh, it was one of the other robbers that threatened her...." - "Oh, that photo isn't the pregnant woman, that's a different woman he assaulted..." - "Oh, she wasn't pregnant..." - but the fact is that he and a few of his buddies were armed with guns and broke their way into the home of a woman, where they proceeded to assault and rob her at gun point.

He went 5 whole years without committing any crimes after that (because he was in prison).

In fact Floyd was a violent habitual criminal.

All of that is common knowledge but in the Democrat news media you have to read the whole story and not just skim the headline. They spend the first half of the piece talking about how great he was and fluffing the reader. Keep reading and you get to the real George Floyd.

Why do you persist in defending shitbag criminals when you know nothing about them? Is it just reflexive? See a criminal, french kiss his ass?

I really don't understand this.

Is it that you hate the cops so much that your natural ally is the drug addicted violent criminals they apprehend?

Do you just have suck news sources or no sources at all so you don't know what you're talking about?

I am genuinely interested.

Are you capable of having a discussion about this or are you too triggered and foaming at the mouth to be reasonable and not just stomp your feet and fling a bunch of insults? I really don't understand how anyone can champion criminals who prey on society and would honestly like you to explain it to me.
Why do you keep bringing Floyd up? Is that the only scrap you folks have? Or does reading comprehension escape you?

This isn't All about Floyd, this is about a cop with full police powers and the department backing him up killing a citizen while While RESTRAINED and incapable of causing harm to either the public or the officers.

If you and people that think like you do cannot understand that simple fact, our justice system is doomed.

Chauvin was found guilty by twelve jurors not one not eleven but twelve, if there was a reasonable doubt there would have been a hung jury, ( news flash there wasn't) it only takes one person with your attitude to accomplish this.

Floyd's priors have absolutely nothing to do with what happened that day.
Justice has EVERYTHING to do with what happed to Chauvin, he is where he BELONGS!

If you don't understand this, I truly feel sorry for you and your backers.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Why do you keep bringing Floyd up? Is that the only scrap you folks have? Or does reading comprehension escape you?

This isn't All about Floyd, this is about a cop with full police powers and the department backing him up killing a Habitual $#!Tbag Criminal while While RESTRAINED and capable of causing harm to either the public or the officers.
Fixed it for you.

When a cop kills a decent citizen, let me know and I'll raise hell about that too.

Until then... Good Riddance to Subhuman Criminal $#!t.


Well-Known Member
Fixed it for you.

When a cop kills a decent citizen, let me know and I'll raise hell about that too.

Until then... Good Riddance to Subhuman Criminal $#!t.
Wow, I guess you don't have access to any news articles! Grandmas' basement must be cozy. Call of duty doesn't post current events.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Wow, I guess you don't have access to any news articles! Grandmas' basement must be cozy. Call of duty doesn't post current events.

Had to kick Gramma out of the basement so I could setup my reloading bench, photography and video stuff and the astronomy gear.