Just a few questions for you since you prize the normal.
Are the Catholics normal?
Are the Protestants normal? since they are not Papist.
Are the Jehovah Witnesses normal?
The Mormons? the Athiest? the Buddhist? Hindu? Taoist?
Is it just those that disagree with "PsyOps" version are the abnormal?
or do you consider me as special?
JPC… This has nothing to do with being Catholic, protestant, or any other denomination or faith. It has to do with Christ and the Bible. You started this thread talking about Christ; the Christ of the Bible. My belief in Christ is quite normal. I don’t raise points that only comply with MY thinking. I have given you verse after verse that disputes your claim that EVERYONE, no matter what, goes to heaven. You have rejected this. You have chosen your own version of the Bible; a version that picks and chooses what supports your twisted thinking, and dismisses everything else. And you have chosen to describe everyone, other than you, as abnormal. You are the only one in this forum that believes this nonsense – THE ONLY ONE! This SHOULD tell you something, but it doesn’t. I’m not sure what makes a person believe the sky is purple when everyone is telling them its blue. You see things the way you see them regardless of the truth. You seem little interested in the truth but rather you own version of the truth based on your contrarian mentality.