If we (or one) commit any sin now then we reap what we sow now in this present time.
If one does "lie, cheat, blaspheme God, murder", etc., then they will pay any penalty ourself now as we live in this present world and not after death.
If one steals then they live as a thief, or perhaps goes to jail, same with murder or any sin then the person lives here as a murderer and maybe life in jail or executed by the law but not torture for all eternity after they die.
The ten commandments and all of Jesus teachings ALL tell us how to live now because now is what matters and not after death because after death is all taken care of by Jesus sacrifice.
Consider Adolf Hitler as he must be in Hell now some 62 years in torment and torture with the loving Christ looking on if the Orthodox "Hell" were true, and claiming we do not know who is in Hell is a big cop-out because if Hitler is not burning then the rest of us certainly do not compare to him so that if Hitler is not burning then we sure have nothing to worry about.
I say the "Hell" is not a correct interpretation and that Jesus would never do that to anyone, and Jesus said to love our enemies
link HERE because our Father in Heaven does that.
If Adolf Hitler (or anyone else) is burning in Hell then that God would be a tyrant and a monster and a hypocrite.
But fortunately Jesus did pay the penalty in full (not partial) and all of mankind does get saved.
Hitler was punished here on earth. His thousand year empire fell before his eyes and he had to kill himself in total defeat and on Judgement Day he will probably be the most repentant of us all because his greater sins are forgiven as are our lesser sins are by the blood of Christ.
On Judgement Day then everyone will be a true believer.