JPC sr
James P. Cusick Sr.
Ferrous Canus, and Stupidus Giganticus.
So long as you keep trying to have others to serve your own intentions then you will always be on the wrong side.
No matter have right one is, then it is still wrong to force their intentions onto others.
Families and parents must live and proceed under their own given circumstances and the laws that take custody away from one parent and the unjust laws of child support that denegrade the separated parents and cheapen the children will forever by wrong as they are now.
I want the USA to start protecting parents and defending families which is not happening now.
I need people to be good fathers who support their family financially and emotionally reguardless of if they live with them or not so the children of the father do not end up in jail and my tax dollars are then paying to house, clothe and feed them!

No matter have right one is, then it is still wrong to force their intentions onto others.
Families and parents must live and proceed under their own given circumstances and the laws that take custody away from one parent and the unjust laws of child support that denegrade the separated parents and cheapen the children will forever by wrong as they are now.
I want the USA to start protecting parents and defending families which is not happening now.